Choose a DAW?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Pablo Cordal, Jul 6, 2022.

  1. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Audition is a daw. Adobe's own page says so.
    I remember Cool edit pro. I think I use version 2.0 and it was already multitrack.
    If you get to see the before and after of each program, they will probably evolve. As was the Cakewalk, which if I remember correctly, was just a midi editor. I passed my songs from the keyboard to the cakewalk.
    So I don't understand your point.
  2. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    "Digital audio workstation or DAW software is an organization tool. Producers must deal with multiple tracks and many different types of audio. Organizing all the parts of a song, podcast, or track can be overwhelming. The tracks may be recorded differently, have different effects applied, come from different recording studios, or be in different file formats. Dealing with all those variables can be an instant headache, and all popular DAWs have good organization tools to help producers turn a mess into a great mix. A drag-and-drop user interface (such as those found in Adobe Audition and Pro Tools) can simplify organizing audio editing. Plugins and samples are fine, but a tidy virtual desktop is essential"
  3. dt68

    dt68 Ultrasonic

    Oct 31, 2015
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    Sorry? What fix? Cannot see...
  4. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Ok Adobe call it a daw so it must be a daw :like:

    Adobe Audition is a superb audio editor with an intuitive interface, powerful editing and repair tools as well as cloud based systems. But it's not cheap.

    Adobe Audition is a powerful and widely useful audio editing tool. It's a great option for vloggers and podcasters, featuring some of the best audio restoration smarts on any audio editing software out there right now.

    An Adobe Audition review wouldn't be fair without a look at the software from the perspective of musicians. While this does offer a lot of functionality, this isn't a stand alone tool for professional musicians, but rather, works well as a part of a wider toolkit.
  5. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    you are very funny. You are seeing that on the creator's page it says that it is a DAW and makes you look for opinions from other pages.
    I can do it too and we will spend days debating what each one thinks.
    That you and some other people are not convinced that he is a Daw, is just an opinion. It's the same as saying that one Daw is better than another.

    It is the same that I quote this page and so could be all day. is certainly a,editing MP3s or WAV files.

    "Adobe Audition is definitely a good DAW. It is very popular with professional audio engineers and hobbyists for doing post-production effects, editing MP3 or WAV files."
  6. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Just try all you can to get an overview, then continue using the one you like most
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  7. Pablo Cordal

    Pablo Cordal Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Tarragona (Spain)
    A very clever phrase, which will not waste our time at all with useless discussions
  8. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    To be completely frank Im not trying to be funny.

    I dont agree that Adobe Audition is a daw but first of all an editor, thats all - you´ll find a lot of different opinions on this issue if you surfe the net.

    Just because you can add several tracks in Audition doesnt make a daw. Let's take Wavelab as an example:
    You can run multiple tracks in Wavelab but that does not turn it into a daw, its still an editor.

    Just the fact that Audition can't run VSTis should make you suspicious when Adobe calls it a daw.

    There are probably some who use Audition as a daw and peace be with it but I certainly would not use it that way.

    Inspired by the discussion, I have actually for the first time in many years installed Audition and tested in approx. 1 - 2 hours. It's really good as an editor but not very attractive as a daw is my verdict.
  9. Pablo Cordal

    Pablo Cordal Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Tarragona (Spain)
    In my modest opinion this is a major problem to call Audition a DAW (sorry Ryck, this time I'm on the other side : ). Anyhow guys, this discussion it's at its dead end, don't you think? finally, it seems to be a personal perception
  10. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I havent read all your messages here, but as a Nuendo/Cubase/Studio One user - this might seems odd - I´ll recommend Studio One as a start and prolly over time your favorite daw.....
    It´s easy to work with as it is very intuitive and I guess most ppl will be able to make music with it after a few days learning.
    Btw: Studio One´s creators are the folks who actually made Nuendo.

    Good luck
  11. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    It is your opinion that Audition is not a Daw for you, because it does not meet all your expectations, but for other people it is, and if you search the internet you will even find tutorials where Audition is mentioned as Daw. Audition has both editing and multitrack recording. I used it for a long time back in 2005 with cool edit pro. And towards my songs.

    Now if you say to every limitation that a program has, it is not a daw, then we could question many daw that have certain limitations.

    I accept that you have your own opinion that it is not a daw for you, but you cannot tell me that it is not a daw when the manufacturer itself (Adobe) says on its page that it is a daw. So they are lying to customers?

    But anyway, this is because I told him that not all Daw had the same functions, that some were more complex than others, and that's when I quoted Audition. You stopped to say you weren't a Daw. If you make your opinion unique, then there is no point in debating.

    I take back what I said at the beginning.

    You won't come to the same thing with all the Daws. Some have more features, some less. Some are more complex, others not so much.
    That's why it seems to me that if someone asks for an opinion about a function of "X" Daw, to say go and test one by one that they are all the same, does not seem objective to me (it is my point of view)
  12. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    It is an opinion, of course.

    But can not say that a car is not a car, just because it does not reach the speed of a formula 1

    AKAIBOY Member

    Jun 7, 2022
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  14. Pablo Cordal

    Pablo Cordal Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Tarragona (Spain)
    Yes, this is my final decision, thanks for your comments
  15. Pablo Cordal

    Pablo Cordal Ultrasonic

    Jun 13, 2022
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    Tarragona (Spain)
    Yes friend, I know what you mean, and you have strong arguments too. But you will agree with me, that if we're considering in this thread DAWS that fullfill the principal operations, the fact that Audition does not support VST's puts it in the background, since this operation (at least for me) is basic in today music production.

    Anyhow, as I said, may be you guys have different perceptions and experiences with Audition and both can be valid. The name (DAW or not) is not the important factor
  16. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    @Pablo Cordal

    On the other hand I give you a humble opinion and I hope you take it well

    Here I also see that you are going to change the initial question. Because first you ask about organizing folders, then midi support, etc.

    I think that's when others get confused and tell you "go and try the daws" because apparently (what I perceive). You don't really know what you want.
    Or you have many doubts about all the functions. If so, then yes you should try various daws. Or rephrase the question better, otherwise you don't know what you are asking or looking for.


    Precisely, not only do you have doubts about organizing folders, you have many more doubts and interests in a Daw, so yes, you should try them, and find the one that meets all your expectations
  17. thebeatsareill

    thebeatsareill Kapellmeister

    Apr 12, 2020
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    @Pablo Cordal Hello. I saw this post and wanted to chime in to help. I see there is some arguments over DAWs and their respective abilities.

    Your original post asked for basic functionality and organization capabilities.

    I am an advocate for FL Studio. I have been using it for about 18 years. I have tried Pro Tools, Studio One, Mix Craft and Ableton as well as other lesser known DAWs. The only reason I did this was to see if there was any functionality I was missing out on. The only DAW I occasionally use other than FL is Ableton at this point.

    FL studio has free lifetime updates. It literally saves you money.

    FL studio can do anything and everything that I can think of for creation, mixing, mastering etc.

    I've heard arguments that it isn't as good as other DAWs for mixing and mastering, but I promise you that it is not hard to do at all!

    I do the same thing with organizing VSTs in folders. I like to organize by brand now a days, but I previously had the folder structure set up by type (EQs, Compressors, Limiters, etc.). It actually does it automatically for you, but you can modify the folder structure by right clicking the folder and opening it with windows, refreshing the browser and your done. Alternatively you can simply do it in Windows outside of the DAW and see the results the next time you open FL.

    I hope you chose the DAW that is right for you.
  18. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    No harm done @Ryck

    Adobe didnt create Audition! They bought/took over Syntrillium Software - then called Cool Edit Pro - and called it Audition.. So it has from the start been a editor, not a daw.
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  19. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    the truth is that we have left the post (offtopic).
    I don't think it's relevant to debate whether Audition is a Daw or not. It would be for another thread.
    I never recommend Audition, I put it in comparison to other more complex Daws, like Cubase.

    I recommend Studio one and Cubase, maybe Cubase would be better, or Reaper.
    But the truth is that it already left me dizzy, I don't really know what he are looking for):
    Well finally. The debate is always good, I learn a lot.
    I didn't know that Studio One created Nuendo. Good things always come out of discussions.
    All the best!
  20. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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