Best Free Software for Making Music

Discussion in 'Software' started by Oysters, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. droplet

    droplet Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2020
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    up up and away
    4 bits for a bite of bugs.
  2. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Witech - BassMatrix v10 VSTi VST3 - 64 Bit - Windows - Free

    BassMatrix is a synth that trying to sound like the classic TB-303 bassline synth and provide a simple interface to program the patterns. You can use MIDI PLAY to play any note and you can use KEY SYNC to get an arpeggio like syntesizer. Normaly you want to use HOST SYNC to sync with your DAW and change the patterns with MIDI notes. There is also INT. SYNC that is useful when you play the synth standalone (there is a loop size knob for this purpose so you can automatically change patterns in live mode).

    The instrument is created with the DSP code from the open source project open303 ( The implementation uses IPlug2 open source project ( to interface with computers and DAW's. This BassMatrix instrument is also open source, so if you have a bugfix or feature please commit it to the open source project so we can improve it. As stand alone you can program 24 patterns and loop through them.
    Test it on the web first ( before you download.
    Mac version will be provided when we get a Mac...

    Free Download
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  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Sound Particles releases Explorer, a free standalone audio file manager for macOS and Windows. - JUNE 7, 2022

    Explorer is a new standalone audio file manager that aims to help you spend less time searching for sounds and more time making music.

    Sound Particles Explorer isn’t the first sound library management tool we’ve seen, and they all have a similar goal. But, Sound Particles has taken a more inclusive approach by supporting surround formats rather than focusing solely on mono/stereo files. The extended file support should be good news for composers who work with 5.1 systems.

    The first thing that Explorer does is organizes your imported files/folders in an intuitive way that allows you to find what you need quickly. You can browse the Universal Category System viewing waveforms, formats, sample rates, useful descriptions, and more.

    There are lots of search parameters that will make the process quick and easy. Explorer lets you search by tags, most-used, category, star ratings, etc.

    You can preview sounds in Explorer; sounds are automatically decoded to your speaker layout.

    Once you find a sound that might be suitable, you can add effects right inside Explorer, with the choice to export the original or edited version. It even has a Convert button that changes the file format as needed.

    When you look at what it does, none of it sounds bad at all. I’m one of those people who are generally well organized, but when things get busy, I take shortcuts, and after a while, files are scattered between so many folders and drives I forget I even have them. Typically, I have a massive reset, and everything runs smoother until it doesn’t again.

    So, maybe it’s time for me to try something like Explorer to make things easier.

    There are plenty of options if you need help keeping things organized – which ultimately lets us work faster.

    Explorer is free for macOS (10.12 upwards) and Windows (10 upwards).

    Download: Sound Particles Explorer
  4. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    The Wave Warden - Odin 2 v2.3.3 VSTi - 15.06.2022 - Free

    The sound of this 24-voice polyphonic beast will take you from your studio right to Valhalla. Earth shattering basses, exquisite leads or mad FX, Odin's got them all! Use the classic sound of analog waveforms - or draw your own. High quality emulations of legendary analog filters like the Moog-ladder or the Korg-35 further shape your signal. Round your sound off with five onboard FX, or get crazy with modulation. There's much to discover in Odin 2.

    Change Log // Version 2.3.3a
    - fixed problems when running on MacOS 10.14 or earlier

    Change Log // Version 2.3.3
    - added CLAP plugin type
    - added native M1 Mac support
    - much improved UI appearance when using OS display scaling
    - made WinInstaller suitable for systems not mounted on C:
    - fixed symbol name clashes for "Knob" and "Filter"
    - switched build system to CMake

    The Sonic Sirius Soundbank for TheWaveWarden - Odin II VSTi
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2022

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  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    ThewaveWardin - Odin v1.1 VSTi - 64 Bit -32 Bit - Free

    Odin 1: Where the Journey Began

    First released in 2016, Odin 1 represents the humble beginnings of the Odin synthesizer line. While being restricted to Windows only, this community approved synthesizer still stands proudly besides it's succesor with it's flexible and unique sound.Odin 1 is driven by a 12-voice synthesis engine with three oscillators, three filters, a delay and a chorus. The modular design, flexible routing and further modulation capabilities make this synthesizer a capable and trusty companion for your journeys into the sonic realm.
  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    SocaLabs - Organ v1.0.0 - Windows - Mac - Linux - Free
    • Electric organ emulation.
    • Based on setBfree.
    • Upper MIDI ch 1, Lower MIDI ch 2, Pedals MIDI ch 3 or split keyboard.
    • Open Source.

    Free Download visit:

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  7. Oneeyedstan

    Oneeyedstan Platinum Record

    Nov 11, 2021
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    Finally really useful!

    has updated the free minimalist host application NanoHost to v1.2.2. It is suitable for live-performance, testing, jam-sessions and sound-design. Furthermore, it can act as a wrapper which converts VST-synthesizers into standalone applications.

    New in v1.2.2:

    • You can display a keyboard with Config->'Show keyboard'.
    • With Config->'Zoom interface' you can zoom the interface of all(.) VST plugins to the largest possible size - even those who do not come with a re-sizeable GUI.
    • The executables are code-signed with a Microsoft-approved certificate.
    • MSVC100.dll is not longer necessary to run the software.
    • Many small enhancements.

    • It is free, requires no registration and you are allowed to share it with your friends.
    • It requires no installation. You can run it directly from a USB-stick or CD.
    • There is no plugin-scanning required since a plugin can be loaded directly - no matter where it is located on the hard-disc.
    • Because of low-level code-optimization it offers highest performance and can operate with lower latency than conventional hosts.
    • The GUI refreshes with a very high frame-rate (120 Hz). That's why you will experience smoother animations and graphics than with other hosts.
    • NanoHost itself requires nearly no space on the screen. As a result there is more space available for the interface of the VST-plugins.
    • The software is tiny. It requires no hard-disc space and is loading extremely fast.
    • Unlike conventional hosts the soundcard settings can be configured individually for every single plugin. This allows you to achieve the best possible performance for your VSTs.
    • NanoHost is very easy to use and offers context-sensitive help.
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  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Free Synth For Mac, Windows And iOS

    BLEASS Monolit Monophonic Analog Synthesizer is available for download - 23/06/22

    BLEASS Monolit is a Monophonic Analog Synthesizer for Desktop & iOS.
    The company tells us that it is the 21st BLEASS plugin and was released on Music Day, June 21st, 2022.

    A spokesperson told us, "BLEASS Monolit combines the rich analogue sound and intuitive ease-of-use of BLEASS Alpha with the creative expressiveness of BLEASS Omega. The result is a compact, efficient, mono-synth tailor-made for creating thunderous basses, searing leads, sparkling arpeggios and other-worldly SFX. It is free to download, forever! It's our way to thank all of the community that has been supporting BLEASS for so many years. You rock! We want to thank especially all of the great sound designers who carefully designed amazing sounding presets which are available in the factory presets: they've made BLEASS Monolit sound even better!"

    Pricing and Availability: Free download
    More information: BLEASS Monolit

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  9. Genoveva Bernhard

    Genoveva Bernhard Producer

    Jan 31, 2022
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    I sure wish NanoHost worked as a VSTi. It can resize plugins which will be helpful for all those tiny 32bit ones.
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    NanoHost by Tone2 Audiosoftware is an Audio Plugin Host and a Standalone Application for Windows and Linux. It functions as a Standalone Application. It can host VST Plugins.
    NanoHost is not a synthesizer. It is a free, minimalist DAW for Windows that can load VST-synths. Furthermore, it can act as a wrapper which converts VST-synthesizers into standalone-apps.
    Nanohost allows you to enlarge the interface of all(!) vst plugins - also those who do not come with a re-sizeable GUI.
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Neutrino Sky - Synth1 Librarian VST Plugin v2020.901 (bug fix release)

    Synth1 Librarian is a free VST plugin designed to accompany Ichiro Toda’s Synth1 Analog Synth VST instrument.

    It allows you to quickly find patches within your patch library – useful when you have over 17,000 patches!
    Here’s a video explaining what it is, and how it works:

    • Organises your patches into over 50 Categories
    • Uses heuristics to find similar sounding patches
    • Lets you reorganise your Patches, however you want
    • Random patch selection, to help find undiscovered sounds
    • Intelligently scans your entire zipbank folder for patches
    • Automatically excludes duplicate libraries
    • Create your own Categories and Banks
    • Save custom patches from Synth1 directly into your own banks
    • Apply colouring to any patch
    • Patch parameters can be adjusted/automated from the host DAW
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Nils‘ K1v – Kawai K1 Emulation Plugin VSTi/AU

    v1.25 (2022.06.19)

    • [Fix] VST3 x64 version did not store/restore plugin state
    • [Fix] If global receive channel was omni and a Multi was selected, all multi channels received notes on channel 1 instead of the ones selected in the multi parts

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  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Fabric 70 - Explorer v0.9.0 VSTi - 64 Bit - Windows/MacOS - Free

    - Explorer is a polyphonic synthesizer with wave shaper and oscillator modulation.
    - Modulation source = velocity, aftertouch, 3 controllers, 3 envelopes, 3 LFOs give you access to all parameters.
    - It can be used with Mac and Windows host applications that support Audio Units and VST3.
  15. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Fabric 70 - Explorer v0.9.0 VSTi - 64 Bit - Windows/MacOS - Free

    The " Manual" is here: https://fabric70-com-md-yahoowebhos...l=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp

    1. Welcome to Explorer!
    Software Synthesizer-Download Explorer,
    Thank you .

    Explorer doesn't have a wavetable engine or effects,

    It has the same functions as popular synthesizers, such as wave shaper, phase ring modulation, powerful unison function that can be set for each oscillator, and a group of modulators that can access almost all parameters.

    Also, each module is designed according to an exemplary algorithm. With a textbook in your hand, you should be able to meet the needs of learning synthesizers from now on.

    A small number, but presets are also available.
    Please enjoy yourself.

    Fabric 70 --Ken Ito

    3. Setup
    Download Explorer from this website.

    When using as Audio Units

    Move or copy Explorer.component to the following path.
    ~ / Library / Audio / Plug-Ins / Components /

    When using as VST3, move or copy Explorer.vst3 to the following path.
    ~ / Library / Audio / Plug-Ins / VST3 /

    Move or copy Explorer.vst3 to the following path.
    C: \ Program Files \ Common Files \ VST3.

    Presets are available. To use it, move Presets --Explorer to any directory and copy it.
    Now you are ready. Then launch your DAW and insert the Explorer into your instrument track.
  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Doom Plugs - Bratwurst Fuzz v1.0 VST - Windows / Mac - 64 Bit - Free


    * 16x internal oversampling and mono / stereo compatibility.
    * corner resizer.
    * handy arrow button for mini mode.
    * paint splat for good measure.

    For Apple Mac users:
    If any problems loading the plugin appear, try double clicking the included script to de-quarantine and also
    try rebooting your Apple Mac if still persists. Or try using this:

    Free Download / Info:
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  17. DaFungusAmongus

    DaFungusAmongus Ultrasonic

    Mar 12, 2021
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  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Flandersh Tech - Stepocea.jpg

    Flandersh Tech - Stepocea v1.0 VSTi - Windows - 64 Bit - VST3 - 7,9 MB - Free

    Stepocea is a polyphonic stereo synthesizer tuned for spatial, massive leads and pads that evolves in counterpoint.

    - Four fat sounding oscillators with pan.
    - Individual convolution reverb per oscillator.
    - Dual amp envelope and mod envelope.
    - Dual multitype filters with envelope and LFO.
    - Individual arpeggiators for each oscillator.
    - Oscilloscope and spectrum meter.
    - Made with SynthEdit
    - A beautifully designed manual in PDF format
    - 4K Monitor ready
    - 11 Presets incl. init Preset

    Presets: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\VST3 Presets\Flandersh Tech\Stepocea)

    System Requirements
    - Microsoft Windows 8.1 or later
    - Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package (2015 Version)
    - A legally acquired host supporting 64-bit VST3

    Free Download or

    More from Flandersh Tech:
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2022
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Free Filterjam Plugin Updated (14/07/22)

    v1.3 of AudioThing's multi-band resonant filter

    AudioThing have updated their free Filterjam plugin to version 1.3, available as a VST2, VST3, AU, AAX, CLAP, and Universal 2 Binary. It's a multi-band resonant filter which allows for 16x oversampling, randomisation and is very light on the CPU. Download it for free by signing up on the webpage linked below. Here's what AudioThing have to say:

    Filterjam is a multi-band resonant filter delivering weird ringmod-like filtered sounds. The input signal is divided into 4 bands that are then summed or multiplied together according to the selected mode. Filterjam can be very harsh or gentle, it can add brightness or depth to synth sounds, but it can also completely mangle acoustic sources.

    Download it here:

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  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Mastrcode Music - Substrate - Subharmonic Bass Booster v1.0 VST - Windows - 64 Bit - Free

    Mastrcode Music releases "Substrate - Subharmonic Bass Booster" VST effect for Windows / 11th July 2022

    Substrate is an effect device to give your bass sounds the right "boost". It will generate additional harmonics to the sound in the low end frequency range (sub-harmonics) based on a pre-set fundamental frequency from which it will generate the harmonics. These harmonics can be added and amplified by a "boost level" which results in a bass sound with more power in the low end range.

    The second advantage is, if the frequency is set exactly to the fundamental frequency of a sound, the generated harmonics will produce a "psycho-acoustic effect" that gives your brain the feelings to perceive the sub frequency range of a bass sound on weak systems that can't reproduce such low frequencies (like weak laptop speakers or mobile devices), even if these low frequencies are not really audible.


    - Frequency control to set the fundamental frequency in Hz from which the harmonics will be generated. This is a special designed filter to only leave the set fundamental frequency of the processed sound. All other frequencies above and below the set frequency will be cut out.

    - Boost control to generate addidional harmonics based on the set fundamental frequency. The higher the amount of this control, the more harmonics will be generated and amplified.

    - Invert Phase control. In some cases the processed signal can cause phasing issues or phase cancellations when it will be mixed back to the original signal. Inverting the phase of the processed signal can prevent such phasing issues. And in some other cases inverting the phase also can result in an even fatter low end.

    - Boost Mix control to set the level of the processed signal to mix it to the unprocessed dry signal.
    - Dry Mix control to set the level of the unprocessed dry signal.
    - Mute Boost control to mute the processed signal.
    - Mute Dry control to mute the dry signal.
    - Main Volume control for setting the main output volume level.
    - Compatible to Windows 7/8/10/11.

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