Categories on sister site?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Keyboadist, Jun 8, 2022.

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  1. Keyboadist

    Keyboadist Newbie

    Apr 6, 2017
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  3. BigM

    BigM Guest

    No dude, again.:facepalm:
  4. garfinkle

    garfinkle Platinum Record

    Feb 25, 2014
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    Seems to be a lot of satisfied customers on the linked site.
  5. northwinds

    northwinds Kapellmeister

    Jan 11, 2014
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    Not sure this is the correct forum for this so please move if necessary.

    I'm not trying to make extra work for anyone but is there a way to make sub categories for uploads?

    Personally, I don't have a lot of use for sample packs and generally go to the sister site to check out software and tutorials.
    It seem to me the number of sample packs being offered is on the increase recently - which I don't object to as they are greatfully received by many.


    The recent deluge of New Beard wav packs (as an example) had me having to scroll through over 10 pages of today's uploads until I found something that interested me.

    My suggestion is that maybe we could have a Sample Packs sub heading for uploading that you can click on if that is your interest but which means if your interests are elsewhere, you don't have to wade through all of this?
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  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    you can use the tags. I am also not to much interested in sample packs so i ignore them. I am also using RSS feeder, so i saw already that lots of sample packs are released, which i am not interested in. Also i can easily search and scroll in the RSS feed, bcs its an endless list.
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  7. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    There are sub-categories, but if tagged certain ways they may not get well-filtered by the category.
    I wish there were exact filters to filter OUT content.
    Using google filtering and the "site: " method works ok, but it is a PITA.
  8. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Not interested in sample packs at all, I check the posts by
    1. clicking on left menu > software > Win
    2. If I need something else, I use another menu
    3. Or the advanced search with keywords
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  9. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    Oh god what nonsense! It turns out that now there are some capricious children who, because vst or software are not published as they want, start to vote negatively on these releases as if the releases were bad, and on the contrary, these packs have a very good sound, what is the problem of displacing 10 pages? I do it every day and my fingers don't fall off, how many things are published that I don't use. What is the problem?. It really bothers me that some carpicosos children vote negative just because what is published is not useful to them. They should be thankful that they have everything for free.
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  10. madbuzzin

    madbuzzin Platinum Record

    Dec 1, 2021
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    You mean you had to click thru multiple pages on the home page in order to see stuff that only YOOOU wanna see instead of using the menu on the side that clearly organizes each post to be in its own category?? Oh man, sad to hear you had this experience today....
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  11. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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    I made a direct access in my browser (google) to Windows software and later I check Samples>Kontakt libraries/presets patches... and last Education root. All with the morning first cup of coffee.
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  12. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Yes, I agree: lately all the low standard sample pack releases are exasperating us, the AZ site is now flooded with senseless junk. I have nothing against sample packs and gladly download the interesting ones, but now the good stuff is buried under mountains of spam. This phenomenon causes a user to lose interest and, in the long run, head for alternative audio warez websites.
    I believe that the "Board of Directors" should realize the inconvenience and take countermeasures
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  13. madbuzzin

    madbuzzin Platinum Record

    Dec 1, 2021
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    ....then dont fucking look thru the sample packs and be inconvenienced... Literally how hard is it... If I wanna look for plugins I go to the menu and hit mac.. then plugins, and HOLY SHIT THERES NO SAMPLE PACKS.. If I wanna look at sample packs, I hit the smaples root section... and that only shows the sample packs.. not the kontakt stuff, not the midi packs, not the acapella packs, just the sample packs. interesting huh
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  14. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Hey, tone down little buzzin and re-read what I wrote:
    This means that I'm interested in sample packs, if I filter them out with advanced search they will all disappear. Would be nice to have only quality pack releases, but it's easier said than done.
    I have no solution to propose, I'm brainstorming (trying to)
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  15. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    you say:
    "but now the good stuff is buried under mountains of spam".
    And this is very subjective, because what is good for you can be bad for me, and what is spam for you can be a wave of "good times" for others. As has happened many times on the sister site, for example with "UVI FALCON". or EastWest.

    Here I think that what we leave aside is the tastes of others. I have already seen several times on the sister site criticizing because a plugin is published and another one that they are waiting for is not published. There is knowing how to respect the tastes or needs of others.

    I think that if a person really likes the sister site, they will go through everything, at least I do it every day, and I assure you that sometimes I spend up to ten pages every day looking at things that are already there. But many forget the great job these people do in publishing all that content for FREE. So I ask myself, why instead of valuing it we are criticizing, and I don't say it specifically for you, I say it in general, I see negative votes, or negative comments, when we should be objective and say "wow we have all this and we don't pay a single penny" Plus the sister site works for free.

    It already seems to be very common that people are asking for things when we should be thankful for having them. Maybe we have too much, and the day we have less we will realize it and say "ohh to think that there was so much before"
  16. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    Define quality. And please don't say that there is a consensus on what is good quality and what isn't amongst producers/musicians, that's bs. You can make masterpieces with literal human farts. And not necessarily as a challenge, there is a lot of musicians and producers that see a value in what you consider senseless junk. There's an use for practically everything and someone will do magic with things that you consider junk. You are quite literally saying that sister site should lean towards your personal standards of quality and design the website that way. No sir, that's not happening. That's not to say there's nothing to do about the lack of filtering though, of course there is work to do. I have proposed a filtering system in the past, which I don't think would be too complex to code and implement on the site. But saying "hey, just remove the shit that I don't like and I'll use your site" is so stupid and selfish.

    Edit: typos
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2022
  17. holdup13

    holdup13 Kapellmeister

    Aug 1, 2020
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    No, the ideal would be to let releasers release what the f*ck they want, and keep the site with abundancy.
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  18. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Ok, that's your idea, I disagree but I will love you anyway
  19. Ryck

    Ryck Guest

    you return to the same point "what should and should not" or "what would be good or would be spam" however you want to see it, you propose a kind of judge who says what is published and what is not. As I told you before and as @holdup13 said, what is not good for you is good for someone else. Maybe 10 pages of samples don't make sense to you or maybe some of them, but for another it's 10 pages without waste, but you know what's most important. It is that there are those 10 pages, because for you it is spam, but now cross the sidewalk in front, and what would happen if I find 10 pages of (what you like) suppose that your preference is VST. OK 10 pages of vst, you would be amazed dancing with joy, and what is supposed, that the one who comes looking for samples must bother. It doesn't make sense, at least not to me. I think the sister site handles a wide variety of tastes between tutorials, software, vst, free software, etc. That is the most important. have the content.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2022
  20. Ak3mi91

    Ak3mi91 Platinum Record

    Mar 31, 2017
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    The problem is that this is just a band-aid solution. It doesn't address the real issue.

    From the perspective of end-user, checking separately 6-10 subcategories to avoid just 1 that is flooding the website is not a real solution, so people just scroll through the main page and complain. Also, I would say that sub-categories under "Samples" group are not very helpful and, in my personal opinion, not distinctive enough.

    For example, what if I'm interested in something like Jens Bogren Signature Drum Sample Pack?

    Let's think about it:
    1. The pack includes drum samples, so I will probably find it under sub-category called "instruments".
    2. But wait, it also includes Kontakt instrument, so it will probably end up in "Kontakt instruments" or "multi-libraries" sub-category, right?
    3. However, at the same time, the product has "Sample Pack" in its name, so how sure I can be that someone won't just put that into the same category as New Beard samples, Ghosthack packs, and all that crap? After all, there are dozens of releases every day and someone can just make a mistake, right?
    Sooo... I guess, I need to check all categories anyway, not to miss that one specific gem? I would assume that for the reasons like this one, a fear of missing out kicks in for a lot of people and they don't even think about using sub-categories.

    I understand that this might be a conscious business decision, as maybe sample packs generate a lot of traffic (I don't know), but I feel that the problem is more complex than you describe it and a lot comes down to bad UX design.

    And whenever I see these types of threads (and they will continue to pop-up from time to time, I'm sure of it), the problem is always being swept under the rug.
  21. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I'm a releaser, I release sample packs that are provided to me by users.
    I don't use sample packs, never, so under my personal criteria, should I decide not to publish them?
    What makes you think that a releaser will have the "right" criteria?

    I use synthesisers, and have extremely strict criterias about the ones I would spend time on.
    As an example, I don't mind how many presets they bring on, but I really care about their flexibility.
    Which is not what most people look for. So what do we do? We share under my criteria and suppress preset collector synth?
    I don't use Ableton live, should I stop posting Max 4 Live devices because I can't try them?
    I could go on with examples where obviously each one's criteria is different to others.

    So, no, releasers can't use their own criteria to decide what to share and what not.
    And members have to accept that AudioZ is visited by many different people with different needs and therefore it will never correspond to YOUR criteria only.

    So, if scrolling some pages is not worthy for a few ones, I'm sorry for them.

    Edit: I just saw this comment in one of the lately hated posts
    See? not so easy.

    Side note: This thread is about categories at sister site, please keep it in topic.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
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