R2R Amplitube Activation help

Discussion in 'Software' started by clippeh, Nov 15, 2021.

  1. clippeh

    clippeh Newbie

    Nov 15, 2021
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    I don't have a my documents folder that's linked to google drive but I do have a google drive folder

    I'm hesitant to remove it because I remember the install process takes a while. If anyone else thinks this could be the problem I may try it but I wonder what would happen if I reinstalled g drive afterwards
  2. Ziplob1

    Ziplob1 Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2021
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    Well what happens is Your documents folder path becomes
    C:\Users\AmpRoomPC\OneDrive\Documents\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 5\Presets\AmpliTube 5 MAX
    Instead of-
    C:\Users\AmpRoomPC\Documents\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 5\Presets\AmpliTube 5 MAX

    Maybe that is the cause?
    BTW I ment OneDrive not Google drive, soz:)
  3. Ziplob1

    Ziplob1 Ultrasonic

    Jan 10, 2021
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    It may even interfere with the dreaded Appdata folder too.
  4. Zythax

    Zythax Noisemaker

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hello !
    I have exactly the same problem.
    It works fine on my laptop (Amplitube 5.3.0B and T-racks 5.8 ) but on my desktop it's impossible to have authorization.
    Try everything explain in this post, even try to connect to internet with my phone instead of fiber modem.
    Keygens say that's succesfull but plugins AAX in protools 12 HD AudioUtopia are not authorized.
    Only Modo Bass works.
    I'm on Windows 11 and almost same configuration on both computers.

    Very weird.

    Any new suggestions ?

    Thank you
  5. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
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    Near Nyquist
    1. have you tried uninstalling the Activation Manager after the (one-click) activation ?

    2. what is your full path of the Amplitube 5 folder in the Documents ? Where all the presets are installed.
    - Is it C:\Users\XXXXX\Documents\IK Multimedia\Amplitube 5 ? or something else, it should contains all the presets.
  6. Zythax

    Zythax Noisemaker

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Hello Stevie,

    Thanks for your answer.
    1. Are talking about the Ik Multimedia Authorization Manager ? It only installs when I install Modo Bass. Not with Amplitube or t-racks.
    On my laptop it is installed and everything is working fine
    2.The path on my laptop and my desktop is C:\Users\MyName\OneDrive\Documents\IK Multimedia
    3.On both computers there is Authorization Key, Serial number and User serial and about 100 others keys under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 5 in register.

    I don't know what to do....
  7. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I would uninstall it, clean the PC - restart it and then install it again, switch off the antivirus software and install the R2R version and activate it with the keygen. I would leave out the One Drive. I have installed it as VST3.

    IK Multimedia - AmpliTube 5 Complete v5.3.0B - 15.01.2022 - KG - 2,3 GB - R2R

    C:\Program Files\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 5
    C:\Users\YourName\Documents\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 5

    Even you activated the AmpliTube5, you will get following message on startup.

    "if you want use any gear in trial mode please start the IK Multimedia Product Manager and restart AmpliTube 5" This does not mean that AmpliTube is in trial mode.

    Because all of your gears are already activated by the latest keygen, there are nothing to try in trial mode. Just click "OK".

    To avoid this popup, you need to install unrequired software (ProductManager, CustomShop) which is not included in this release.

    Note that ProductManager waste another hundreds of RAM while running.
    * Of course we can easily bypass that popup but it breaks legit DigitalSignature of binaries. Since this is a true keygen release, we don't modify it.

    TEAM R2R 2022
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    How to install the " IK Multimedia - AmpliTube 5 Complete v5.2.0B " for Windows

    STEP 1
    1.) Un-install Amplitube 5 -> C:\Program Files\IK Multimedia\AmpliTube 5 -> Use "unins000"
    Delete: C:\Users\YourName\Documents\IK Multimedia
    2.) Download the CCleaner and clean your PC and Registry -> (Take a look at the pictures below) www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner
    (You don't need to go into the registry.)
    3.) Restart the Computer
    4.) Stop you Antivir Software and download the latest Amplitube: IK Multimedia - AmpliTube 5 Complete v5.2.0B - 12.10.2021

    STEP 2
    If you use an antivirus program with an antispyware module, you no longer need Windows Defender.
    How to turn off Windows Defender.

    Turn off Defender antivirus protection in Windows Security (Security Windows 10)

    Follow these steps to temporarily turn off real-time Microsoft Defender antivirus protection in Windows Security.
    However, keep in mind that if you do, your device may be vulnerable to threats.
    1. Select Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security > Virus & threat protection > Manage settings (or Virus & threat protection settings in previous versions of Windows 10).

    2. Switch Real-time protection to Off. Note that scheduled scans will continue to run. However, files that are downloaded or installed will not be scanned until the next scheduled scan.
    STEP 3
    01. Stop you Antivir Software / Stay online
    02. Close all other programs. Look in the system tray.
    03. Install the software.
    04. Run our keygen.
    05. Select a product: IK Multimedia Amplitube 5 v5.1
    06. Push "Automatic Registration (Windows)".

    CCleaner - 1
    CCleaner 2

    Install - Step 1
    Install - Step 2
    Install - Step 3
    Install - Step 4
    Install - Step 5
    Install - Step 6
    Install - Step 7

    Install - Step 8
  9. Zythax

    Zythax Noisemaker

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Thank you BEAT16,

    But I don't know how to not use OneDrive folder to install it. It's my default folder for Document and all my plugin presets (Izotop, Native, etc and even Protools) are in it.
  10. Stevie Dude

    Stevie Dude Audiosexual

    Dec 29, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Near Nyquist
    I think that is the culprit, the Documents location, actually you can have your default Documents location changed to where ever you want. Just google it. "how to change default documents folder win 10"

    The installer of (most) software will actually ask the system where the default location of the "Documents" folder while the more underground k'd stuff (especially keygen) perhaps just assume it will be not with the OneDrive like most of us here have which is the usual C:\Users\XXXXX\Documents

    The thing about changing your default location of the Documents folder on your system will almost always f-up all other installed apps that been using the previous location.

    I'm sure you will find a way to work around that now that you know that.

    My suggestion though...
    1.uninstall, clear everything registry etc.
    2. install.
    3. create a folder outside the Onedrive as a dummy at the usual C:\Users\XXXXX\Documents and copy all the Amplitube content to that folder as well, just for Amplitube without changing your system default Documents folder. It's mostly presets, and database file (the important file that gonna un-demo everything). Not that big.
    4. reauthorize. (or authorize before moving, not sure, try both)

    Hopefully it works. If it doesn't then gonna need to change that default location.
  11. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    OneDrive: Folders no longer synchronised

    Time and again, we have users who are no longer able to find their content in OneDrive. The background is that the content has not been correctly removed from the synchronisation, but rather deleted. I will briefly explain the difference and how to do it correctly here.
    The "Synchronise" function offers a convenient way to edit content from other sharepoints or OneDrive in your Windows Explorer. In addition to your personal OneDrive, you will find another menu item in Explorer that symbolises further content with small skyscrapers. I will explain how to do this in another article.

    However, if I no longer want to edit this content in my Windows Explorer, I intuitively right-click on the folders and, in a bad case, select "delete". Unfortunately, this actually means deleting the contents. Where they are and where others may still want to edit them.
    If you just don't want them to be synchronised with you, right-click on the OneDrive icon and select "Settings". In the "Account" tab you will then see all the folder paths that are synchronised into your Windows Explorer. Here you can either click on "Select folder" to deselect individual folders of the synchronised target or on "Stop synchronisation" to remove the entire folder from your Windows Explorer (without deleting it ).

  12. Zythax

    Zythax Noisemaker

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Thanks to all for the quick answers.
    I've been able to change My Documents location on my laptop and copy all files from OneDrive/My documents in it. Every still works fine on the laptop. So tonight I will do the same on the desktop and try a IK multimedia reinstall. Hope this is what cause the problem.
    Keep you in touch !

    Thanks again
  13. Zythax

    Zythax Noisemaker

    Apr 8, 2022
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    So ...after doing the same things on my desktop.
    I'm really sad to say that the problem still remains.

    All IK presets files are in users/documents instead of onedrive. In register all key are presents but still have no authorization with amps locked and intermittent noise on Amplitude and T-racks.
    I'm going crazy...
    Gonna have to mix on my laptop I think :(
  14. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    One Drive ?!
  15. Zythax

    Zythax Noisemaker

    Apr 8, 2022
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    Yes I disabled OneDrive on both computers and repath My Documents under C://Users/mymane/documents.
    It stills works on the laptop but still no authorization on the desktop
  16. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    So the last thing that comes to mind is: You have only one internet line to the outside, but you have 2 x Ampitube and that are 2 licenses maybe he can activate only one license per user/internet connection.
  17. Zythax

    Zythax Noisemaker

    Apr 8, 2022
    Likes Received:
    I don't think so because I had activated on my laptop while using my mobile as modem and I activated it with my home connection on desktop.
  18. Zythax

    Zythax Noisemaker

    Apr 8, 2022
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    I even try to delete all keys in register and run the key gen again. The keys come back with differents authorization, serial and user serial pass but still no activation :(
  19. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Please check your mailbox !
  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    OneDrive and cloud technology

    Cloud technology can be a great thing for backing up files and being able to access them from multiple locations. Unfortunately, when recording audio, these same applications can interfere with recording and being able to access certain files. They can also use up valuable resources while they are uploading data to the cloud. If you are using iCloud Drive, DropBox, Splice, etc. you will want to disable these services while you are recording or running audio software. If you are using OneDrive, it is recommended that you turn it off, disable it, or in some situations uninstall it. Here is an article from Microsoft explaining how to manage One Drive.


    ***If you have OneDrive set to back up your Documents>Studio One folder, it is possible that it will prevent you from being able to arm a track to record. If you go into Studio One>Options>Locations>User Data and you see the word "OneDrive" in the path to your documents folder, you are more than likely actively using OneDrive. After de-activating OneDrive, reboot your system, and try re-mapping to Documents>Studio One in the User Data window.

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