9/11 controlled demolition or something else?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by kearnsy, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Howdo all, hope all is good

    What's everyone's thoughts on 9/11?

    Official story or controlled demolition?

    To me, the evidence is overwhelming for controlled demolition

    Building 7, classic implosion, wtc towers classic explosion, nanothermite is where the evidence now points

    Anyway just curious to hear everyone's thoughts

  3. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Hi kearnsy,
    it is very interesting topic, but I don't think it'll do any good to drag this up.
    Conversations on 9/11 divided a lot of people and sprang a lot of hatred everywhere. I do have my own version what happened that day. However, few years ago I've decided that I'll let other people have their own truth. It would be of no use to fight for your own truth on this topic. There are people who believe the original story, then there are those who do not. I'd keep it at that. *yes*
  4. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Classic set up, I guess line of decisions and actions clearly talk in that favor, putting aside even some evidence of it, but again, what is done it's done, most of the truth is out there, actions speak for themselves, didn't mean to offend anyone or to act like a victim, but some things are clearly unpleasant truth *yes*

    Cool photo (I'm in '99 hehe) :blues:

  5. i1studios

    i1studios Member

    Mar 5, 2013
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    Sh*t we could debate this until the balls drop. This was a hoax and the buildings were brought down via controlled demolition. The evidence is way past overwhelming. There isn't any way that that the twin towers imploded. Not realistic. Even the buildings that weren't hit by debris or had any fires burning in them, were ordered to be 'brought down.' You cannot just 'bring down' any building on the spot without prior preparation and controlled demolition.

    I from NY and was there when it all went down and I do not believe a word of the gov't until they decide to finally tell the truth. There was no airplane that hit the pentagon. No black box, not plane debris, wheels, cargo, etc. Not possible. The full footage was edited, chopped and screwed several times before being released to the public.

    9/11 was about greed, oil, and money. It had absolutely nothing to do with international terrorism. The real terrorist were and still are the US gov't. They have no regard for human life.

    I must concede now, because I'm so disgusted with my country. Greedy capatalist bastards. I'm so sorry for my ranting but I've studied this for years, and it disgusting.
  6. freakymofo

    freakymofo Ultrasonic

    Mar 13, 2013
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    London, UK
    It was an inside job for sure, to give George Bush' father profit for all his guns and to give murica an excuse to go to war in Iraq and take more oil and shit. Both towers 'collapsed' IDENTICALLY. BS. Demolition.

    I genuinely feel for those who actually think it was a 'muslim terrorist attack'.
  7. duskwings

    duskwings Platinum Record

    Jul 26, 2011
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    controled demolition,definitely,just consider that the twin towers and the other building that broke down belonged to the same owner,and they had to be broken down since they were full of azbest and the costs to remove it were too high,breaking them down with a terroristic attack was an economically more proficient move.Besides a buch of highjackers who weres upposed to have learned to fly on a small plane would have never ben able to pilot those two big planes,and even if they had been,the onborad system would have never allowed to change the route,and surely not after 3 minutes after the take off.btw,i wonder where the plane that crashed against the pentagon went,nobody ever saw it coming out of it
  8. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    What ^ said.
    It was all inside jobs. CIA people who knew people working in the towers even called a few days prior to warn them "don't go to work on tuesday. I can't explain why, but I know things will happen.".
    Watch the documentary Loose Change, etc.

    Hail Halliburton!
  9. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Hi kearnsy

    Yes Building 7 and what plane. Must have been cloaked or something. :dunno:
  10. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Couldn't agree more

    I'm from the UK and we're just as bad
  11. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Ok folks, my question is this.....How the hell are they getting away with it?

    Is society really that dumb and/or ignorant?

    It seems obvious to most of us that it was controlled demolition, but it confuses me as to why the science community, the mainstream media and hardly anyone except the minority want to talk about it

    I've called radio stations and been palmed off amd ridiculed by the host as being a nutjob

    I've joined science forums, again, called a crackpot then banned off the forum, and you know, I've not accused anyone or been abusive, I've been banned for just asking basic questions like...Explain freefall collapse without the use of explosives

    Something stinks in society if you ask me, and for once, it ain't my feet '0)
  12. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Ps, I forgot to say

    Has everyone seen the documentary about the 2500 architects, engineers, scientists, explosives experts, demolition experts, mathematicians, physicians who are all coming out and basically calling the official story a joke and saying the official story is impossible?

    If you've not seen it, go to youtube and search for 'AE911 truth full documentary' it's on for 2 and a bit hours so stock up on coffee

    It's an awesome documentary, featuring some of the top scientists in the world speaking and covering the scientific side of things as opposed to the who or the what, mainly focusing on the science behind the collapse, or sorry, demolition of the buildings

    Compelling stuff
  13. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    Thanks man, I haven't seen this one yet. Definitely an inside job. What about the MANY firefighters who reported "machinegun-like" explosion noises (controlled demolitions on each of the floors going off in rapid succession)?! Good post.
  14. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Even media reported on explosions (in realtime) , but we all know who controls the media and brainwashing machine.

    Revenge on whoever ("men in caves") is stronger than critical thinking.
  15. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Or, what about William Rodriguez, the janitor who worked in the WTC for 20 odd years saying he was in the basement and heard an explosion moments before the first plane hit?

    There's a thousand other things we could add to this debate I'm sure, which is why I wanted to let people know about the AE911 documentary as it doesn't focus on the speculation (even though I wouldn't call it speculation) it deals with the hard science, the maths and the physics

    It's not very exciting to watch, as not a lot happens except for a load of scientists and engineers just talking, but the information and the understanding you get from it after watching it makes it an unmissable documentary

    Enjoy it dude, post back with your thoughts as well once you've watched it
  16. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
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    A series of tubes
    More evidence:

  17. panther5

    panther5 Kapellmeister

    Jun 17, 2011
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    C'mon now. What do you all expect from a country based on fear, superstition (religion), greed, imperialism and genocide? Not saying the USA is the only one, by far. Humans have turned the Earth into a global insane asylum, with the worst gravitating to the top and sucking the life out of the rest. Just imagine for a moment what the monsters in power will be able to do in the near future with technological breakthroughs in areas such as genetics and nano-technology. It will make 9/ll look like childs play. Not to say that these technologies won't be used for good purposes too, but what is happening in the dark recesses of govt. labs everywhere? Unfortunately, unless we have a few Snowdens pop up now and again, the general population will never know until it's too late. With this NSA shit we partially dodged a bullet. However, we all know in our hearts it was nothing more than a warning shot, and just the tip of the iceberg.
  18. kearnsy

    kearnsy Banned

    Jun 9, 2011
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    Good points dude

    Anyone have thoughts on the cover up by the mainstream media and the deafening silence from the scientific community?

    I used to love people like James Randi, Richard Dawkins, Noam Chomsky etc. but their stance or silence on 9/11 has turned me against them

    Is it a case of the clever people deep down know the truth, but they're intelligent enough to know if the real truth came out then it could possible destroy society as we know it and we'd end up in a dark dark unknown place?

    What are the implications of the truth coming out?
  19. xsze

    xsze Guest

    People are afraid about their lives, if we are talking about some delicate truth behind governments manipulations and terror, insiders with guilty conscience are first in line to end their misery, next in line are people who are not afraid of some imaginary human power, but that people don't care about politics at all, so they just feel sad about it on global level and help people on much human one and than there are people smart enough to stay alive, that's it basically, we can talk about it, we are just names on one forum and this are just words, we can't change much.

    What we can change is what we take and how we deal with stuff, be smarter than that and find our way and path, society is in dark place because of everything, truth can only set us free, not other way around, we would be smarter about many things, change majority of them and start thinking about our lives on higher level than eat, sleep, make money, be something, sacrifice nothing, repeat, we like to follow what suits us, we run trough life just to stay on feet, we barely question anything and mostly we barely question ourselves, people embraced the darkness, that's the thing, we can always walk away, point a finger in mirror and make final judgment, but we just have bigger ego than that, they have even bigger so they think they own this hell on earth and all of us, fight darkness with darkness, that's our thing *yes*
  20. OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef

    OrganicSpaceRaisedMoonBeef Producer

    Dec 10, 2013
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    World 1, Scene 1
    A new 'religion' needs to be formed in which we all combine our minds and means to create a utopian society. Give a 'government' a run for their work.

    I wont say i have a stance on 9/11 because there are a million and a half bits of 'evidence' that have been construed into whoever wants to portray it a certain way.

    As many famous artists have said, what you view is subjective. Everything is. Including audio/music. We, as I (ourself, own person), see/hear one thing in one way which may differ from someone else.

    I believe in math and science. Those are the real truths of the universe. They can be proven (except theoretical instances of such). But some people can use math and science in a 'false' manner to prove a point they want. Not to say that the AE911 or whatever film was false, but its easier to 'believe' things that you yourself have trouble proving or disproving, being math and science (to an extent).

    In final, the world needs to change. But unless Humans band together to form a 'better society', we are doomed to follow this Iphone 13S IOS-26.3 extreme (retail $1947.95 + data charges and activation and anal torsion fees) lifestyle, the force fed media (newspaper, RADIO [fuck radio], almost any news), and 'take this pill' medical system; we are all fucked. The under 'intelligent' rule this society (depending on your definition of intelligence).

    Orwells 1984 began in 1492 for US, and way before that for other countries.

    But as our views differ, so will our beliefs on almost any topic.

    Perfect example is 'I am an Infinite Loop". Shows a perfect example of the knowledge of 'I' (the self). One degree of variation between each person, no one will ever see two things the same way.

    Again, we need a new religion. Create a society for ourselves, under our own rule and belief. Independent of any country or overseer.

    Let all mighty math and science save us from 'ourselves' (those who claim to be 'amongst' us).

    EDIT: I disagree with Army of Ninjas video. I see mild 'explosions', however it could be bursting gas line (natural gas lines?) or a flame up of some wooden cubicle. I dont find that 'waving man' as some definitive proof. Could be some drapes or table cloth or something else explainable within reason.
  21. xsze

    xsze Guest

    We don't need more cults or religions, we have it plenty already (funny just saw interesting picture of cults, movements and lifestyles in another thread), we already lost our identities and we have societies based on ideologies, what's the point, it's failing trough history and still we are going in same direction about it :dunno:

    I tried in my country to gather people for the same cause and we failed as a group, why, too much different opinions and ideologies, I can't lie to say I would follow someone's and I didn't expect someone will follow mine, in the end of the day I was alone fighting with myself and that is the greatest fight, if everyone make the effort to be what they want to see, than we would have that one big society full of understanding and love, you don't judge me, I love you, they are trying to kill us, we don't care, now you judge me, I'm laughing at you ,they are trying to kill us and we are hating them because of that, our reality. :dunno:
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