How many and which plug-ins do you currently ....

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Deceptive, Feb 5, 2022.

  1. Helvetica

    Helvetica Producer

    Jul 21, 2017
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    Somebody is trying to get hacked
  2. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    255 virtual Synthesizer
    2nd Sense Audio - Wiggle VSTi - 64 Bit
    Accent Audio - PLUCKz - 64 Bit
    Adam Szabo - JP6K VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Adam Szabo - Viper VSTi - 64 Bit
    Admiral Quality - Poly-Ana VSTi - 64 Bit
    Air Music Tech - Hybrid 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Air Music Tech - The Riser VSTi - 64 Bit
    AIR Music Tech - Xpand!2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    AlgoMusic - Enceladus VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    AlgoMusic - M42 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Ample Sound - ABP 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ample Sound - AGM 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ample Sound - Ample Bass Upright VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ample Sound - Ample Guitar LP VSTi - 64 Bit
    Analog To Digital - Supersaw Plus VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Arturia - ARP 2600 V3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Arturia - Buchla Easel V VSTi - 64 Bit
    Arturia - CZ V VSTi - 64 Bit
    Arturia - DX7 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Arturia - Mini V VSTi - 64 Bit
    Arturia - OB-XA V VSTi - 64 Bit
    Arturia - Pigments - 64 Bit
    Arturia - Prophet V VSTi - 64 Bit
    Arturia - Synclavier V VSTi - 64 Bit
    Arturia - Synthi V VSTi - 64 Bit
    Arturia - Vocoder V VSTi - 64 Bit
    AudioRealism - Bass Line 3 VSTi - 64 BIt
    BeepStreet - Sunrizer VSTi - 64 Bit
    BigTick - Rhino 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Buzzroom - Lallapallooza lite VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Cakewalk & rgc audio - z3ta+ VSTi - 64 Bit
    Cakewalk - Dimension Pro VSTi - 64 Bit
    Cakewalk - Rapture VSTi - 64 Bit
    Cakewalk - Session Drummer 3 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Cakewalk - Triangle II VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Cakewalk - z3ta+ 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Camel Audio - Alchemy VSTi - 64 Bit
    CeloX - MegaCeloX VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    ConcreteFX - Kubik VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Contralogic - Pterosaur VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    D16 Group - LuSH-101 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Dead Duck Software - Reducktion VSTi - 64 Bit
    Devine Machine - Krishna Synth VST - 64 Bit
    discoDSP - Discovery Pro VSTi - 64 Bit
    discoDSP - Vertigo VSTi - 64 Bit
    Dmitry Sches - Diversion VSTi - 64 Bit
    DS Audio - Thorn VSTi - 64 Bit
    E-MU - Emulator X3 v3.0.0 VSTi
    E-Phonic - Invader 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Electrostudio - Six Moon June VST 32 Bit) jBridge
    FabFilter - Twin 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Full Bucket - Tricent MK II VSTi - 64 Bit
    FXpansion - Cypher 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    FXpansion - Fusor VSTi - 64 Bit
    FXpansion - Geist 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    FXpansion - Strobe 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    GForce - impOSCar 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    GForce - M-Tron Pro VSTi - 64 Bit
    GForce - Oddity 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    GForce - Virtual String Machine VSTi - 64 Bit
    Groovecube - Exciton v2.0.1 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - Lazy Percumat VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - ProtoPlasm 21 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - STS-17 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - STS-21 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - STS-33 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - Swamp XT VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    H.G. Fortune - X-WoF 4 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Hamburg-Audio - Nuklear VSTi - 64 Bit
    HY-Plugins - HY-Poly Free - 64 Bit
    HY-Plugins - HY-Poly VSTi - 64 Bit
    IK Multimedia - Hammond VSTi - 64 Bit
    IK Multimedia - Modo Bass VSTi - 64 Bit
    IK Multimedia - Modo Drum - 64 Bit
    IK Multimedia - Syntronik VSTi - 64 Bit
    iloyd - iloSynth VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Image line - Harmless VSTi - 64 Bit
    Image Line - Harmor VSTi - 64 Bit
    Image Line - Sawer VSTi - 64 Bit
    Image Line - SimSynth Live VSTi - 64 Bit
    Image Line - Toxic IIII VSTi - 64 Bit
    iZotope - BreakTewaker VSTi - 64 Bit
    KarmaFX - KarmaFX Synth Modular VSTi - 64 Bit
    Keilwerth Audio - Avenger VSTi - 64 Bit
    Kiesel Software - Helga VSTi - 32 Bit
    Korg - M1 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Korg - Prophecy VSTi - 64
    Korg - Triton VSTi - 64 Bit
    Korg - Wavestation VSTi - 64 Bit
    Korg . MonoPoly VSTi - 64 Bit
    KV331 - Synthmaster One VSTi - 64 Bit
    Lethal Audio - Lethal VSTi - 64 Bit
    LinPlug - CronoX 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    LinPlug - CRX4 VSTi - jBridge - 32 Bit
    LinPlug - Octopus VSTi - 64 Bit
    LinPlug - Rob Papen - Albino 2 VSTi - jBridge - 32 Bit
    LinPlug - Rob Papen - Albino 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    LinPlug - Spectral VSTi - 64 Bit
    Luxonix - Purity VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Madrona Labs - Aalto VSTi - 64 Bit
    Mastrcode - T-Force Zenith Experimental Beta 3 - 64
    Mastrcode Music - Alpha Plus VSTi - 64 Bit
    Maxx Claster - Toxic III VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    MeldaProduction - MPowerSynth VSTi - 64 Bit
    MemoryMoon - Messiah VSTi - 64 Bit
    Mesa+ - Add v1.21 VSTi (32 Bits) jBridge
    MHC - Extreme VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    MHC Synthesizers and Effects - Industrial Tones VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    MiniSoftmusik - UniRetroPro v 2.5 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    MusicLab - RealGuitar 5 VSTi - 64 Bit
    MusicLab - RealStrat 5.VSTi - 64 Bit
    MuTools - MUX Modular VSTi - 64 Bit
    Native Instruments - Absynth 5 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Native Instruments - Carbon VSTi - jBridge - 32 Bit
    Native Instruments - FM 8 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Native Instruments - FM7 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Native Instruments - Kontakt 5 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Native Instruments - Massive VSTi - 64 Bit
    Native Instruments - Massive X VSTi - 64 Bit
    nB Audio - Daedalus VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Nektar - Bolt VSTi - 64 Bit
    NI - Reaktor - Flesh VSTi - 64 Bit
    NI - Reaktor - Kontour VSTi - 64 Bit
    NI - Reaktor - Polyplex VSTi - 64 Bit
    NI - Reaktor - Rounds VSTi - 64 Bit
    Nils Schneider - Nils K1v VSTi - 64 Bit
    Novation - V-Station VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ocean Swift Synthesis - Aeolian Dream Box VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ocean Swift Synthesis - Aeolian Meditation VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ocean Swift Synthesis - Defiant WT VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ocean Swift Synthesis - Enterprise VST - 64 Bit
    Ocean Swift Synthesis - Polyphenom 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Parawave - Rapid VSTi - 64 Bit
    Phuturetone - GR-8 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Plogue - Chipsynth MD VSTi - 54 Bit
    Plogue - Chipsynth PortaFM VST - 64 Bit
    Plogue - Chipsynth SFC VSTi - 64 Bit
    Plugin Boutique - Carbon Electra VSTi - 64 Bit
    Presonus - Studio One - Impact VSTi - 64 Bit
    PreSonus - Studio One - MaiTai VSTi - 64 Bit
    ProSounds - PS-1 Performance Synthesizer v1.2 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Psychic Modulation - Phonec 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Reason - Europa VSTi - 64 Bit
    reFX - Nexus 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    reFX - Vanguard VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Reveal Sound - Spire VSTi - 64 Bit
    RGC Audio - Pentagon VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    RgcAudio - 9 zeta+ VSTi GUI - 1
    RgcAudio - z3ta+Access Virus B Rack
    RgcAudio - z3ta+Access Virus Indigo
    RgcAudio - z3ta+Access Virus Snow
    RgcAudio - z3ta+Access Virus TI Rack
    RgcAudio - z3ta+First Contact
    RgcAudio - z3ta+Nord lead
    RgcAudio - z3ta+Polar
    RgcAudio - z3ta+TB303
    RgcAudio - z3ta+VirusAccesTI
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - B.I.T VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - Blade VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - Blue II VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - Predator 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - Predator VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - Punch-BD VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen & John Ayres - RAW VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen - B.I.T VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen - Blade 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen - Quad VSTi - 64 Bit
    Rob Papen - Vecto VSTi - 64 Bit
    Roland - Zenology Pro v1.52 VSTi - Adventus VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Softube - Heartbeat VSTi - 64 Bit
    Softube - Model 72 Synthesizer System v2.5.9 VSTi
    Softube - Parallels v2.5.9 VSTi
    Solcito Musica - SuperTron VST
    Sonic Academy - Ana VSTi - 64 Bit
    Sonic Academy - Kick 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Sonic Charge - Microtonic VSTi - 64 Bit
    Spectrasonics - Omnisphere VSTi - 64 Bit
    Spectrasonics - Trilian VSTi - 64 Bit
    Steinberg - Backbone VSTi - 64 Bit
    Steinberg - Dcota v1.0.1 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Steinberg - Retrologue 2- 64 Bit
    Steinberg - Wizoo - Xphraze v1.2 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    SugarBytes - DrumComputer VSTi - 64 Bit
    SugarBytes - Factory VSTi - 64 Bit
    SugarBytes - Thesys VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - P80 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Performer VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Professional VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Sirius VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Tarkus VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Trance Pro VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Ultimate VSTi - 64 Bit
    Superwave - Wavelight V.M.I. VSTi - 64 Bit
    Synapse Audio - Dune 2 - 64 Bit
    Synapse Audio - Dune 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Synapse Audio - Obsession VSTi - 64 Bit
    Synthepolis - nrg-A VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    TerraTec - Komplexer VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    The Wave Warden - Odin II VSTi - 64 Bit
    Togu Audio Line - TAL Noise Maker VSTi - 64 Bit
    Togu Audio Line - Tal-J-8 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Togu Audio Line - Tal-Mod VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Electra2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Gladiator 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Icarus VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Nemesis VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Rayblaster 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tone2 - Saurus 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    ToneBoosters - Flowtones VSTi - 64 Bit
    Toontrack - EZ Bass VSTi - 64 Bit
    Toontrack - Superior Drummer 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tracktion - F EM VSTi - 64 Bit
    Tracktion Software - BioTek VSTi - 64 Bit
    TubeOhm - Pure-D16-24 Rack VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    U-HE - Any Cable Everywhere VSTi - 64 Bit
    U-HE - Diva VSTi - 64 Bit
    U-HE - Hive 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    U-HE - Podolski VSTi - 64 Bit
    U-HE - The Dark Zebra - Hans Zimmer VSTi - 64 Bit
    U-HE - Zebra CM VSTi - 64 Bit
    U-HE - Zebra Computer Music VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    U-HE - Zebra VSTi - 64 Bit
    U-HE - Zebralette VSTi - 64 Bit
    Ummet Ozcan - Genesis Computer Music VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Ummet Ozcan - Genesis Pro v1.0.3 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Unfiltered Audio - Lion VSTi - 64 Bit
    UVI - Falcon VSTi - 64 Bit
    Vast Dynamics - Vaporizer 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Vember Audio - Surge VSTi - 64 Bit
    Vengeance - Avenger VSTi - 64 Bit
    VirSyn - Tera 3 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Vital Audio - Vital Spectral VSTi - 64 Bit
    Waldorf - Largo VSTi - 64 Bit
    Waldorf - Nave VSTi - 64 Bit
    Waves - Bass Fingers VSTi - 64 Bit
    Waves - Codex VSTi - 64 Bit
    Waves - Element VSTi - 64 Bit
    WayOutWare - TimeWarp2600 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    White Noise Audio Software - Zero Vector VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Wizoo - Darbuka VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Wusik - EVE 3 v3.0.4 VSTi (32 Bit) jBridge
    Wusik - Wusikstation 8 - VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xfer Records - Serum VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xhun Audio - Little One VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-lab - PolyM VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Stix VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Syn X 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Synthix VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Xils 3 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Xils 4 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Xils 505 VSTi - 64 Bit
    Xils-Lab - Xils V + VSTi - 64 Bit
    XLN Audio - Addictive Drums 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
    XLN Audio - Addictive Keys 2 VSTi - 64 Bit
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  3. seph

    seph Ultrasonic

    Oct 21, 2017
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    Reaper shows 50 plugins per column x79 columns so it's ~4k plugins (or their variations, vst2, vst3, mono, stereo, etc.). I used to be a maniac who installed everything released lol but I hardly use more than 1% of those
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  4. Benno de Bruin

    Benno de Bruin Kapellmeister

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Only 400 plugins, you minimalist!
  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    There would be no survivors. Like, at all LOL
    I bet even @SAiNT would have to auto-ban himself :rofl:
  6. Deceptive

    Deceptive Audiosexual

    Feb 17, 2016
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    oh my god !!:hillbilly::wink:
    Is anything missing ?:rofl:
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2022
  7. Deceptive

    Deceptive Audiosexual

    Feb 17, 2016
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    you shouldn't get bored in life anymore
  8. seph

    seph Ultrasonic

    Oct 21, 2017
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    4000 not 400... I also have like 10+TB of Kontakt libraries that I never use haha
    my life is like a never-ending groundhog day, every day is the same, but who cares anyway =)
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  9. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    It's the same for others - you are not alone with the groundhog syndrome.
    If you have free time you should change your daily routine. Sometimes it helps to change the order of things you do.

    Six Tips for Those Feeling Stuck in ‘Groundhog Day’

    How to Break Up Time When Every Day Feels Like ‘Groundhog Day’
    When you’re stuck at home, escaping monotony means getting creative
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2022
  10. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    Working with 15-20 + 3 standalone apps, depending on what I do.
    Installed 48 VST2 + 7 VST3.
    Sounds - pretty reasonable.
  11. Deceptive

    Deceptive Audiosexual

    Feb 17, 2016
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  12. Benno de Bruin

    Benno de Bruin Kapellmeister

    Nov 11, 2020
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    Yes typo, but i have like 200,000 fonts i never use.
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    n the supermarket one is and buys also not everything what is offered. But it's nice to have a little too much rather than
    too little. I prefer to have too many plugins and I love to have the choice and to have the right plugin for all situations.
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  14. kh_minusone

    kh_minusone Guest

    Relatable. My work computer has thousands upon thousands of fonts that I've only ever used once, and every day I download a new font. Much like warez, I get them from shady places.

    First it was warez but now it's fonts...
  15. Benno de Bruin

    Benno de Bruin Kapellmeister

    Nov 11, 2020
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    I thought i recognized your username from the forum and the FZ sistersite!
  16. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    I bought a 4TB drive especially for the gong.
    Installed Falcon, Omnisphere new patches, got bored waiting for EastWest so installed lots of large Kontakt libraries I previously ignored, had a go at installing the Output Arcade and Nexus 3 cracks, then most of the East West stuff.

    Now I have too much sound choice and have become musically impotent. :woot:
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