WTF is going on with HK?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Someone, Dec 14, 2013.

  1. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    You can't give HK coupons after dark or he'll start sprouting gremlins. :rofl:
  2. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Yeah, but he also had the ability to acknowledge that he went a bit too far every now and then and be cool about it.
    That's sth you don't see every day on these godforsaken internets.
    This is why I was so surprised to learn about all this, cause I also missed the whole thing when it happened.

    Posting while drunk could be an explanation I guess :dunno:
  3. Gramofon

    Gramofon Producer

    Jun 22, 2012
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    You guys, you all miss the point...
    ...which is that he got stuck on the 666th post and got possessed.

    I'm pretty sure - due to years of experience - that he was very fragile at that point and could never get out of that phase. :(

    Also, as demons twist meanings, you're safe to assume that they also put a secret meaning in his name. Now, I think the culprit here must be hiding in the details, namely the "H". If you look it up, that must be Haures.

    Grand-general of hell and commanding 20 legions, Flavros appeared as a leopard. In human form, he had a frightful face with burning eyes. He knows of the past/present/future, can turn demons and spirits against the exorcists.

    You tried to help him get out, thus turning him against you!
  4. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Lucky for me I missed that one myself, otherwise it could have been me :wow:
  5. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    OMG that explains everything!!! :wow:
    we need an exorcist!

    brilliant artwork WNz :rofl: :mates:
  6. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Yeah better watch out! Those monkey eyes can kill you *yes*

    You properly wont understand this but FUCK THE GEMA (and fuck ProxTube for fucking up!)

    ...oh my god please font give a me a warning :rofl: Nah, everybody who knows what the GEMA is will understand me.

    Kinda isnt too surprising... Mainly just a bit stupid (HK if you read this, Im sorry but I was used to read better stuff from you)


    Just an impression, but it seems like nearly everybody missed that "whole thing"... Most of you were surprised too and stated they missed it in the first place.

    How can a member like HK get a warning and leave the forum without us idiots realizing it?
  7. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    It's weird that you and I are th eonly ones who caught that. I was actually thinking about it just earlier today. I thought it was a really strange coincidence and almost too unlikely to simply be coincidence.

    I honestly don't even remember the last time I gave out a warning. You can tell because you would see it but when you look around all you see are clean slates. I think I haven't given one out since October. Most warnings are usually for warez linking when they are given. PS I actually do understand about the GEMA. *yes*

    Yeah it happened so suddenly that a lot of people got caught off guard. Like I said a bunch of us messaged him but he never even responded. I'm probably the first to notice these things but that's because i interact more with members than any other person. That's why when members disappear I am always the first to send a message asking them if everything is okay, caught quite a few people slipping through the cracks that way. :(
  8. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte?

    Don't underestimate the power of the google :)
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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  10. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    i suppose that is what defines good moderation on a forum.... shit should be taking care of before it harms anyone.
  11. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    You dont know what it is unless you are german... Believe me, the GEMA just sucks. As a music producer I would NEVER interact with them. Once you're in, you cant get out or release music for free! When you work under a pseudonym (like nearly all musicians and producers) you have to give THEM prove that you made that track, otehrwise it will be banned from german youtube and DJs have to pay "taxes" for playing your song.

    Some people made a techno music compiliation completly out of free downloadable tunes, with the permission of the artists. But because one of these artists didnt stated his real name anywhere, the people who made the compilation got successfully sued because the GEMA couldnt know if the producer might not be registered in tehir database.
    I mean What Da Fuck? Why the hell do producers, labels and normal people have to prove that? If these fuckers want money they should prove that, and unless they do it they shouldnt have the fucking right to do shit like that!
    Its not even like musicians and producers have something from a GEMA membership, unless they are very successfull maybe. Normal producers would just pay... And you think the GEMA try to ban "real warez links"? No, because their servers are somewhere in east europe and banning stuff would be to time-consuming, its easier to force legal services like YouTube to pay millions.

    Sorry, that topic just make me mad
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    SAiNT posted one on a recent thread, I forgot which one, It's around here somewhere.
  13. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Yeah, this is the stupid backwards "justice" we will get more and more if we let big money and the government spying paranoia take over everything.
  14. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    Its just about money for people who cant seem to find a way of making money without harming others... the GEMA acts under the flag of protection, but its like the mafia: You dont need their protection, they make you have it. Otherwise they will use their power and "take certain measures".

    RIght know we have a lot of Abmahnungen (when you offend any copyright law like downloading an illegal copy of a movie, lawyers can send you something like a warning together with a prompt payment). The thing with Abmahungen is that whoever send them to you, get money. So the money doesnt go to the studio which produced the movie, it goes to some lawyers. The principle behind that is, well... questionable. People living from the mistakes and illegal activities of others. ANd I say mistakes because some people dont even know they do something illegal, or for exaple they didnt formulate their imprint on their website correctly (in germany we have a imprint-duty as soon as you have any financial income with a website).
    So recently some lawyer sent out thousands of Abmahnungen against RedTube users (perhabs you heard of that site :rofl: ). The court abroved to the whole thing, because the lawyers said the users of RedTube making/downloading illegal copies of copyright protected material. In fact its a streaming site, you dont make copies (okay you make small temorarily copies, but these dont count because most arent even aware of the fact their computer do that, and you cant really use these copies), and porn is mostly not copyright protected in germany because of the primitive content.
    So the people who got one of these Abmahnungen, can write the court that the Abmahnung isnt legally and dont have to pay. But still, the lawyers dont have to fear any legal consequences, even thought they did something wrong and fooled the court. And they dont have to send second letters to the poeple they send Abmahnungen to, stating they dont have to pay. ANd they dont have to pay the money back they already got because of that incident, and will get in future. They are actually making money with that whole thing.
    Also, what I hated the most about it, the lawyers send the Abmahnungen BEFORE christmas, because people have money left. After christmas they spend it on presents and stuff, so the lawyers dont get their money. Thats the reason why noone took the time to really look into the whole thing, so thats the reason nobody realized ot wasnt legally. Just because of the avarice of these lawyers.
    Also its still not clear from where they got the IP adresses... I mean RedTube didnt gave them for sure...

    Man I hope you guys get the whole thing, I had to use some words I didnt knwo before, which I had to look up. Also some formulations might not be perfect... But I hope you get what I just talked about :rofl: