Interface Conundrum: Crimson versus id22

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by superliquidsunshine, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Wow. I have been scrimping and saving to upgrade from my Sapphire 6 usb. It is my first interface and I still have not had any issues with the drivers, not once having it drop out while recording or any other problems. I need to step up the quality of my sound as my ears and mind are looking for more focus in the sound-field. The pres of the Sapphire are dead quiet until pushed to the limit, though the converters are kind of smearing the sound to my sensitivities as well as what I perceive as a lack of depth, hence the upgrade. I have started this thread because I have not been able to find enough (any, really) sound examples of the SPL Crimson to judge any differences between it and the Audient offering. As I am a Windows person I would have to pucker until Audient releases a proper driver for my system, so the question remains as to pop for the Crimson now or save a few more quid and opt for the id22. Thanks in advance for your thoughts, and links to any body's work using the Crimson would be greatly appreciated.
  3. It has been days now without any response from the choir, so I guess that there really are no examples or experiences or thoughts to contribute to this thread. I guess I will end my rant in the way I began it...Wow.
  4. Addendum: Fate has it's way. Someone was selling an RME Babyface for 300 bucks in my area so I grabbed it. Although it has but one (large) fiddley knob and one must employ the software to tweek (not to mentionioned not much loved breakout cable), I popped for it as it is a wonderful piece of kit. For this price I feel it is well, well the jump to it. Thanks for the 172 avid readers who witnessed my conundrum and final resolution. Namaste and blessings.
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