Midi Manipulation: Generators, Samplers and Songwriting tools.

Discussion in 'Software' started by justsomerandomdude, Nov 15, 2021.

  1. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Share ur thoughts on the these software/plugins that u may own or downloaded or tried or you've just come across on the web, that basically deals with Midi. Which has the capablity of generating midi like Midi Madness or Samplers like reMIDI or songwriting tools like Rapidcomposer, Synfire, orbcomposer/producer etc.

    This might be handy for those looking for creative tools.

    Of course some might say mind is a powerful tool....

    But not every one is a trained musician, and even if u are one, these tools (or most) may be of better use to u than to the non musician, well that my opinion.

    It Does not matter how u make ur Music its divine( by divine i dont mean it like with background angelic voice singing AAAAAAAAAh, God almighty. NO :dont:), its a form of expression. Whether its happy sad or anger, Pop, Rock or Death metal, House, Edm, trap, Bigroom house or Bathroom House, Whether use sample packs or not, some form of energy in you is making u choose the right sound.

    Well that went philosophical, anyway u get the point...:)
  3. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    The Captain Chords suite is excellent for getting something up quick.

    Scaler 2 has become a beast for helping to generate midi parts to accompany your chord progression.

    Audiomodern Riffer can be useful for generating small repeating midi parts.

    Phrasebox and Cthuhlu can be useful for creating arp patterns.

    For me Midi madness seems too random (hit and miss, mostly miss).

    I'm waiting for reMIDI 2 to come on offer again.

    Have also tried ChordJam and ChordPrism but prefer CaptainChords/Scaler.
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  4. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Yeah i thought so too..
    May be reMidi can be useful sampling randomly generated midi from Midi madness and using it Scaler with Kry lock.
  5. Stuck In The 80s

    Stuck In The 80s Rock Star

    Jul 29, 2019
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    As I understand it, the purpose of reMidi is to "sample" structured midi files and use them in a new context (rather than just re-sequence random midi)
  6. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Already mentioned, but my personal gotos are Scaler 2, Riffer and reMIDI 2... especially Riffer. reMIDI 2 pairs very well with Scaler 2 though..
    Video on pairing the two:

    I don't know if this really counts, per se, but as a Reaper user, I also use MIDI Sequencer Megababy. I used Cthulhu for a while, but it never really lasted that long for me.

    I hadn't seen Phrasebox before, but may have to check that one out.
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  7. Direct drive

    Direct drive Producer

    Dec 16, 2020
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  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    HY plugins SeqCollection2: Sequencing for nerds

    The developer Tadashi Suginomori has over a dozen plugins at the start. The more specialized HY-SeqCollection2 plug-in provides an abundant variety of sequencing. Here you actually get six different sequencer types to choose from: Acid (= Roland TB-303), Dark (= Doepfer Dark Time), M5816 (= Ryktnk M185 Mk2), Step16 (= Analog Solution EKG), Hexa (based on probability calculations) and Euclid (= 4-track Euclidian sequencer). There are eight macro controls and nine MIDI effects (Harmonizer, Note Echo, Scale, etc.) for modulating the parameters. You should tweak the virtual controls, because the presets are manageable.
  9. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Yeah, i do not own reMidi 2 or have it, but have tried it.
    What i meant was if ur using midi madness or similar midi generators, u can generate midi files whenever u r bored and save it, and use it / sample it slice it to ur taste using reMidi.:)
  10. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    I didnt know that one, thanks dude. will check it.
  11. naitguy

    naitguy Audiosexual

    Jan 9, 2017
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    It is a JavaScript plugin that comes with Reaper. So if you use Reaper, you'll be able to use that. If not, then I assume you won't be able to.
  12. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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  13. cexcean

    cexcean Producer

    Jan 16, 2020
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    yeah I second Phrasebox

    its by Venomode. its really cool - you have more control over it when necessary.
  14. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

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  15. kooper

    kooper Platinum Record

    Jun 6, 2011
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    re: megababy

    I looked and I didn't see this listed in my plugins on reaper. How do I get this to show so I can use it? Do I need to have an empty MIDI track in before it shows?
  16. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    :like: dude. Does this use more computer resources and can u drag midi inro this?
  17. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Did u look closely its tr in mine click All plugins on the left and search megababy It shows JS: MIDI Sequencer Megababy
  18. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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  19. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    Architect 0,05% (Playing a simple monophonic midi)
    Codex (Waves Default Preset 0,3%)

    so not really high

    Drag and Drop, kind of :sad:
    You can simply drag Midi in it but
    1. Depends on DAW (From Bitwig to Architect I got this working without a problem, on Reaper not
    from Folder to Architect on both DAWs no problem)
    2. Midi File Pool has to be open
    3. The Name in the Data Bench has to be the same as the Midi File (and can only be changed manually further version should be easier with simple drag and drop without renaming it manually )
    (The Picture shows both a working Midi Player Preset and what's important for point 2 in red)
  20. justsomerandomdude

    justsomerandomdude Rock Star

    Aug 24, 2020
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    Thank u for sharing the info Dude :like:
  21. audiofannn

    audiofannn Member

    Jan 11, 2019
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    I love this kind of stuff.

    Scaler 2- great for chord progressions/theory knowledge and the Performances are pretty useful, but the types of things that everyone's going to use in their productions, so I'd avoid the Performances mostly, but this is a great idea tool, and cheap.

    RapidComposer - been a fan of this developer's work for a number of years. I think he started everything, honestly. Long before Captain Plugins did, and I feel that they stole his code and ideas. This software used to crash constantly but it has been greatly stabilized over the years. Includes Melodya. While I see the program on the sister site, I feel that it's worth the asking price, considering everything it does. There's nothing like it, and nothing as powerful.

    Melodya - the Phrase/Melody generator part of RapidComposer, as a separate plugin. This thing can be confusing to use but usually yields pretty nice results.

    Synfire / Harmony Navigator - The first is ridiculously overpriced, and I think only the damn developer knows how to use it, because I couldn't figure out how to use Harmony Navigator at all, over the years, and Synfire is like reading ancient text. I don't get it at all, and he basically priced himself out of the public eye. Plus, I've found him to be a real asshole on his forum, and in emails.

    Band In A Box - 30-year old software. Confusing as fuck, in a lot of areas. Too many things do too many things, and there are like 5 different ways to do something in every menu. I hate that about it. But, the Melodist can yield some decent results after you put your own chord progression in. But, not all of the Melodists even work, I've found. And a lot of the stuff is very, very cheesy. But sometimes you can get decent results. It's just a clunky program, and always has been.

    InstaComposer - new kid on the block. I've gotten some nice results from this. Interface is hard to read, but it's cool.

    reMIDI - not a "generator" so much, as a "midi file chopper". You can play segments of midi files, which is really nice, but it's not "generating". It's just a lot of fun to use.

    Midi Madness 3 - depending on the constraints, you can either come up with cool-sounding stuff or terrible. A lot of experimentation needed.

    Captain Plugins - un k'able, as we know. Needs an internet connection the whole time you're using it (that's annoying). But, usually good results, and in my opinion, worth the asking price (it's only $20 per plugin).

    Orb / Hexachords - have not used at all but it seems like Captain Plugins, the off-line version.

    Sundog Song Studio / Melodic Flow (Feel Your Sound) - this guy's humble software is very powerful and often yields really good results. Worth a look.

    Reaper and MIDI Ex Machina by Rob - humble Reaper script, but insanely powerful. Works similarly to MIDI Madness 3 and others.

    Maschine and its "Variations" mode - not always good results, but a one-button press (from Maschine Jam or Maschine MK3) and you can have some usable melodies.

    Sugar Bytes Thesys - not always good results with the random/dice roll stuff, and it doesn't have a random "step mute" thing, but you can get some cool results from this, too.

    EvaBeat Melody Sauce - know little about it. Some people think it's a joke but I've heard good things.

    AudioModern Riffer - know little about it, too. Some people have said it's terrible... others swear by it.

    PhraseBox by Venomode - doesn't seem like a "melody" generator, but breaks up chords into interesting arpeggios. Might be fun.

    Harvest by Harvest Plugins - I tried Harvest Mini (the free one) a while ago. Plugin was buggy as hell. Maybe the full version is more stable.

    Including the other stuff mentioned above (CodeFN42, etc), there are a ton of options. It's all fun. They don't always yield usable results, but most of the time, they do, if you tweak enough.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2021
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