Do you believe in aliens? I am an alien ! We all are ...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PersonneAudioZ, Sep 19, 2021.

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  1. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Thanks for being neutral and stating some facts without putting feelings in your panties.

    Everything you stated and noticed, I noticed too. Which is also why I found it to be interesting. I don't give a shit about the flat earth movement and I personally don't give a shit what shape it is. Even if it's some hollow earth or another alternative theory.

    But the shady shit surrounding it raised some eyebrows and got me to look into it. I thought why would they censor nonsense bullshit if it's just stupid nonsense bullshit.

    But then I've never seen more people who believe it's round be so unsure of themselves. I came to the conclusion that nobody actually knows. I thought I was sure until I started to compare with what I was taught and I was shocked at some things. I can see buildings clearly out of the view of curvature with my naked eye.

    So why would they say that curvature happens at x amount of miles when I can see the bottom of a building as far as 40 miles on a clear day.
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  2. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    I have also seen contradictory arguements surrounding NASA over the years. NASA certainly is/was representative of the USA's post-war II technological supremacy and nowadays provides a terrific distraction from the toxicity that multiplies unhindered here on earth.

    The trick of all ages is to deflect the populace from asking the right questions. All of the above (to a greater or lesser degree) fall into this category. Notably, none of it is censoed on youtube... To proceed further alas would promote political debate, so alas i must therefore reserve further comment.
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  3. Lieglein

    Lieglein Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2018
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  4. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Agreed, on all levels there is this weird agenda against this very idea. If they can't ban a conversation then they want to limit the scope of what's being said inside of it. Every movement has a counter movement.

    That's why I'm so against censorship on any subject, even if it's nonsense to anyone. Free speech should stay itself forever, not have a ceiling to it.
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  5. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Well what's your Height, what's your Elevation and also the Building's Elevation?
    Naked Eye? Binoculars, Telescope, Camera?

    Knowing the conditions, there's some clear answers traditional science will give us,
    if those didn't match reality then we could be talking about something :wink:
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  6. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Not sure about elevation tbh but i should look into it. Going with curvature math they gave us I shouldn't even be able to see the tip of that building with my own eyes, without binoculars, a telescope or a camera. But I know some cameras are able to see beyond that math too.

    Also how can water be level and still not fall off if gravity is strong enough to keep water, people and everything else down on earth but not feathers. Water is always flat, pour some in your cup. It can't stay level it's not round and doesn't follow these rule sets. The only way it stays in if it's enclosed and that's true for all bodies of water.

    Density is what can explain this which is why helium is lighter than oxygen so it floats up instead of falling down. Seems density explains everything that gravity can do. Planes also have level sensors, not curvature sensors telling them to tilt nose down every x amount of miles or they become spontaneous astronauts.

    Shit goes weird and deep. First step for me was accepting what they told me like the egg that I was and that I didn't know shit and then I started to check for myself and realized I know nothing about anything at all. I just gobbled up anything they said without checking facts. When school ended is when I truly started to learn.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2021
  7. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Actually, air resistance is what keeps the plane up in the first place, which is why currently we need to provide rocket propulsion to escape the earth's atmosphere.
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  8. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I've already seen those vids, I was taught those things in school. It's when I looked at something else I realized I didn't actually know. Air resistance isn't at a constant going one way all the time.

    There are hurricanes, tornadoes and all sorts of other swirly and non religiously direct ways the wind blows which would not make sense, its not like that plane is up in the free sky with the wind blowing at it like a fan up my ass at the rave.

    Cmon man you never been on a soccer field and felt the wind blow at you from different directions when you're sweatin ass?

    You've never seen water behave that way with your own eyes though, have you ?
    Water doesn't behave by wrapping around anything, its only inside of an enclosed space like a cup, a bowl a tub, a river a lake or an ocean. It has to be inside of something not wrapping around something.

    When a ship stops being level with the water like when a wave wraps it in a storm then it flips upside down. Stop forgetting which way is up. You have to be level to be upright on a boat.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
  9. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Well feathers do fall down, and will stay inert unless something perturbs them, like wind or whatever..

    I can tell you a more perplexing one maybe: Rocks weight less underwater.
    Same Mass, but since water is so Dense, it creates an upwards lift force that takes some weight from them.

    (And this happens even if you put them inside a perfectly sealed bag/balloon,
    and there's no real Contact between the water and the rocks..! :)

    But shit like that is always gonna happen because we're always Inside of one Medium or another: Air/Water,
    and not in the Vacuum of space where things will fall freely..

    Gravity is not an energetic Field, it's not made of particles, so it cannot be Directly detected.

    Gravity is a Deformation of Space (and even time), it's like being on a 3D Funnel..
    The problem is the surface of the funnel, or Space itself is also undetectable.. we haven't managed to find the Ether,
    or whatever is the Fabric/matrix of Space..

    So yeah, no Luck detecting that!

    However, planes do Not need to Correct themselves because:
    Not only the Surface of the earth is Curved, but also the Space around it is Equally as Curved.

    So the plane goes on a Straight line, on a Curved space,
    and it doesn't need to correct its route because both the Earth's Curvature and Space Curve/Gravitational pull are perfectly equal, invariable and uniform all through.. :yes:

    I was gonna say something else but I forgot.. lol
    If it comes back I might chime it in :wink:

    PS: Maybe I remember now..
    In terms of the Ether, of what's Space made of..
    I was told by an expert ages ago that, IIRC when you try to isolate the Smallest Volume of Space possible, and then observe it,
    it will invariably generate certain sub atomic particles out of nothing.

    The shit is so sensible we're not able to make a Neutral enough method of detection/observation, our best tech is still too Intrusive..
    And besides there's also the Quantum effects, which seem to be shy of us,
    and change their behavior when we Observe them, and for seemingly no other reason than that. :wink:
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
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  10. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Well fuck me silly. I don't think I've thought about this with this perspective before. The sun gives off heat but the moon has a cooling effect. Try being in the shade under the moon, its warmer there somehow. Or just leave a thermometer out in both places if you dont walk around barefoot smoking J's like me lmao I know that last bit had nothing to do with anything I just found it super cool they are dualisticaly opposite from each other.

    That's the thing, density was detectable and provable and it also could explain away everything that gravity can which isn't detectable. Which is what shocked me. Wasn't science about definite proof, not being decimals off?

    But yet nobody has proven that and you have never been able to travel forwards and also be turning at the same time. Take sliding down a slide that's curved, you'd have to be hitting the edges and be directed by the curves and swirls you're sliding down against. There is no real undetectable forces you can't see or feel working. I've felt pressure I can't see, I've felt the forces of wind I can't see but I've never set myself to travel forwards and sideways at the same time without turning myself. The force on the plane is the engine which gives fuck all about the wind forces from any direction. It's a heavy piece of machinery being fueled by strong jet fuels.

    Just seems weird that gravity isn't strong enough to push helium down when it's so light but elephants are some phat motherfuckers that stay put and gravity has it's sleeves rolled up for that. Why is it so selective? Seems density could answer that again.

    I don't actually know, like I said. I'm not pretending I can't be wrong, just saying what I can see I can prove and what I can't. Definite proof and not an assumption is the first thing that science taught and now it's just a magazine.

    It's laughable to think those tinfoiled coat hangers could take them to the moon then but our xbox level tech can't take them there again. and oh the horror nasa said, "we can't scavenge those old rusty tin foil coat hangers to go again" NASA gone wild, watch it. It's funny.
  11. coolbeanz

    coolbeanz Platinum Record

    Jan 13, 2012
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  12. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    ...dude, this is precisely why plane pilots have to be trained for years to know how to safely adjust engine thrust etc to keep the plane safe when dealing with crosswinds, tailwinds, headwinds, entering or exiting air pockets or turbulence etc.
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  13. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    So if everything is about Density..
    ¿Will a Rock be weightless and Float inside a Vacuum chamber? :winker:
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  14. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    See you admitted it yourself, they are trained to combat winds. Not "the wind keeps them level" because it doesn't since it's omni-directional. The wind isn't their guide keeping them in orbit and not in nasa territory.

    The wind isn't a fan above the plane making sure it's okay. The pilot is doing that, by making sure he's level with the ground which the sensor onboard the cockpit tells him so he can keep the plane upright and in line with the level, which is flat.
  15. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    The pilot doesn't need to correct anything,
    because both the Surface and Space are exactly Equally as Curved! :rofl:
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  16. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Well if there is a spontaneous storm then there is a lot to correct.

    But what this this force thats keeping them curved? And if it's curved then how did astronauts take those coat hangers to space by breaking the force of this curvature?

    Space may be the final frontier but the moon landing was filmed in a hollywood basement, Red Hot Chili Peppers told us straight.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
  17. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    It's merely a matter of subjective perspective:

  18. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    But those old ass coat hangers held together with the tinfoild they said we are all wearing, yet our new tech is too intrusive, too strong now but there was no problem before? LOL Don't want to impose on that damn moon second time. Thats the same as killing whales in the ocean. Keep the peace on the moon.

    1969, they did it in this. Moon looks like a stage light don't it? Without any stars to accompany that moon stage light like space usually has lol

    You should watch the shit bits where experts rip apart all the shadows from other light sources lmfao


    Rode through on this disability wheelchair for fat people who want to ride on beach sand. In space, like Star Trek. Sounds fun but not practical. The best shit bit is that upside down umbrella as a hat. Now that's worse than a fedora, isn't it?

    Dildoware was enough to intrude through this toxic space layer of curvature to space in 69 like the sexy position but not right now with tesla level shit? LOL I smoke but I'm not that deep fried.

    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
  19. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Well I actually agree with you here,
    the Apollo missions were Fake, and we never went to the Moon :yes:

    As to how to overcome the Curvature/Gravity, I think it's all a matter of Speed.

    Imagine a Roulette Ball turning around on that inclined surface..

    The Faster you travel around, pointing Outside of the curvature, (but at a certain angle)
    the more Centrifugal Force you will accumulate...


    This Centrifugal force will push you Outwards, so your turns will become ever bigger,
    and you will end up going farther and farther away from Earth..

    As to what's the Speed, or the exact Point at which one is free enough, or essentially Detached from Earth's Gravitational effect,
    as to go and travel to another Planet... I've got no idea, but there's probably a real/theoretical answer somewhere.

    (Consider tho that Gravity Diminishes its effect by the Square of the Distance..)

    If NASA is pulling that one out/not, it's again another matter,
    but that's the basic idea of how it might function.. :yes:
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
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  20. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Yes like motorbikes inside a caged ball at a carnival where we can see the cage enclosing them making sure they keep picking up momentum over the curvature like my summer pool slide with curvature directing your weight and momentum to turn as you move forwards. There is assistance there we can see and prove. I can't prove gravity. But I can prove density, which plays into every factor.

    There are definitely some things I still don't know about anything I talk about. But my mushie binger was so fun dissecting all of this for so long. Either part of the argument still hasn't reached a conclusion though on some parts. We are just people we cant actually go up higher to actually see. Earth is so vast.

    They use artists to make maps and the flat earth movement likes to stupidly mention that they admit it and that it has to be. But the artists are right, it's so vast you will have to put together telementary data in pieces to make sense of such a vast figure in one image.

    Makes sense, but they like to pull a trailer park boys moment on that one. LIKE AHA, they told you themselves that they drew it! LOL but they would have to do the same thing if it was flat too lmfao

    Whatever is the shape would still be evenly as mind blowing and amazing to me though. It's just with space it teaches you that you're some meaningless dot in the vastness of space but the contrary teaches you that you're in the center of the universe.

    One tells you that you're insignificant but the other tells you that you're all there is. This will make you feel however you're going to feel depending on how you look at it. Either point could look like fear in the end.

    Just like the debate on the afterlife or not. Either point could be fear inducing. Is there something out there or is this all that there is? The shit is neither here nor there. Which is what diving into any of this taught me, the deeper you go and every answer you find will pose 5 extra questions in response.

    What I'm saying is I can't prove or disprove a damn thing to be honest with you. All I know is that there are lies and I dont want to find them.
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