Why Does It Null?

Discussion in 'Software' started by vayabahia, Sep 13, 2021.

  1. PHASE360

    PHASE360 Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    No it isn't an insult. You can either learn from mistakes, or not and keep on spouting like you are with a load of unneccessary things. I don't suffer fools, that much is true. People who make assumptions of others without knowing anything about them, are being rather foolish. However, being a fool is only as permanent as them continuing to be one. It isn't an insult of your character as a whole buddy. Chill out. It is just that you are wrong regarding this, and being very foolish by arguing about it. There are no other ways around what I have said.

    If a signal cancels out, it cancels out because it is 100% identical. It doesn't matter if you really REALLY believe that it is a beautiful signal that has characteristics otherwise unobtainable. It also doesn't matter if it gives you the feelz besides your better judgement. All I am bothered about is the science of it - the physics. What is measurable, what is mathematically true or false. Arguing against it is futile. This isn't a scientific theory, it is much MUCH stronger than that. It isn't opinion. It doesn't require verification, or peer reviewed studies. It is mathematically pure. It is as sure as sure can be. As sure as 2 + 2 = 4. Or... better yet, 2 + -2 = 0, in this context.

    Now relax, do the research, you will see. I hold nothing against you. Stop trying to flip it around on me. I didn't make the rules. Magic... is NOT real. Take it easy.
  2. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    Sure. That is precisely the purpose of a Nulltest. To confirm or invalidate H0.
    Determining whether something sounds good or bad is generally not the purpose of analytical measurements. The purpose is to determine why something sounds good or bad. Or to leave subjective terms aside, to determine why something sounds the way it does. And in the case of H0, the question is whether two things are equal. In this case, analysis has shown that Harrison's marketing promise is an outright lie:
    So you can save the 93€ if you were looking for the "True Analog sound" from Harrison.
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  3. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    You are a facts person - this is an assumption you do not know me not close to fact and an insult to anyone with a brain- what are my children's middle names? See you do not know me, anything I have done and would not. What is it you said?
    Then do not make assumptions, you said you are a facts guy. Ambiguity has no place in fact.
    Because I choose to show how I saw it? The entire video was not about only null. He even started to say I like that with the compressor until he realised how limited it is which has no place in fact. If null is the big thing, then what you, me or anyone else what anyone likes is irrelevant and has no place in fact.

    You do insult people and I hope your science is better than your personal awareness of insults when you spout them, because as far as fact goes with your insults which you refuse to acknowledge, in any theorem based on fact, you failed. Speak with someone else who does not find you so ignorant of your own actions.
  4. PHASE360

    PHASE360 Member

    Sep 15, 2021
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    You are never still going on are you? Crikey. No I didn't make any assumptions about you mate. I just based it around what you displayed to me in here, in the content that you sent to me. Full of assumptions, needless information, and argumentative without reason. Look you are obviously offended by what I have said. If I was to take a guess then I would say it is because it isn't nice being wrong. It isn't supposed to be, the point is to learn from it and become more knowledgable. Not get on the defense and deny. You will only do yourself an injustice with such an attitude.

    Dan liking or disliking the compressor isn't what we are talking about here. A compressor must create saturation and colour for it to work. If you like that sound, you like that sound. I personally didn't like their compressor. But it is just the nature of compression as a process - it adds saturation as it distorts the waveform in order to function, and as such, there is simply no way to make a truely transparent compressor. So of course, with that being said, it will have colour. It HAS to have colour.

    Did I specifically say that I was calling you a fool? No, I was referencing what I wrote to you in my original post about your reply to that other geezer, where you agreed with him about "his/her/their truths" etc. Are you a "My Truth"er? If not, then you were obviously suffering the fool. But since then, you have displayed little contrary to it.

    We were talking about the EQ, which are simply linear, digital EQ bands, with absolutely nothing in the way of saturation or colour. Nothing in the way of analogue modelling. Many of us have been examining this plugin in a multitude of ways. Paul Third for example, has been discussing this and testing it before Dan Worrall even made his video. Speaking of which, Dan didn't even analyse the compression either from what I remember. Why are we discussing compression? It is irrelevant.

    Come on now, stop it. Listen to Sinus Well above, who just stated yet more facts to you. Are you going to hound Sinus too with these silly responses? Get a grip. Honestly... smh. *facepalm*.

    They false advertised, they tricked a bunch of people who didn't know better. It is that simple. lol. Be better, know better. Don't get ripped off :D.
  5. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    Okay, Bassdude and Phase360. This is your final warning. Take your egos outside and have a brawl, but stop fighting here like a bunch of kids. This is a serious forum. If you breach the protocol one more time, your account will be suspended. I'm not even remotely kidding, this is super real.
  6. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    First half is correct.

    @BaSsDuDe & @PHASE360 please settle your quarrels in PM or take a room, this is neither Bacefook, nor Shitter.

    To sum it up in two sentences (and not over two pages), fact is, this EQ sounds like Reaper's (and other pure digital EQs) but is less versatile.
    Whether anyone likes this or not is a matter of taste and preferences.
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    2nd part:
    Ok, someone has to ask it. I'll go first:
    Is he an undercover mod?
    Or perhaps he added a tad bit of freestyling at the end...?
  8. vayabahia

    vayabahia Producer

    Feb 9, 2013
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    Ay Mamá, la que se ha montado aquí!

    I have not had time to read in detail all the comments ... I would say that most likely thanks to Dan's video I did not fall into another unnecessary purchase, and even more so considering that Harrison Consoles products cannot be resold. :)
  9. triggerflipper

    triggerflipper Audiosexual

    Jan 4, 2021
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    trump tower
    I guess we'll never know... :bow:
  10. Sinus Well

    Sinus Well Audiosexual

    Jul 24, 2019
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    So this is not a serious forum? oh man... :unsure:
  11. Riot7

    Riot7 Platinum Record

    Aug 29, 2015
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    Using these as jumping points. This should be taken as a reality check and a wake up call.

    I'm sure there are dozens and dozens of other examples of this we don't know about. The same signal processing algorithms, well known and documented, are used on huge number of products. They are used because they work and they are efficient.

    The marketers sell you the idea of special, magical sound. Hardware inspired GUI wrapping. Brand names. Sleek videos, marketing slogans, testimonials and websites. Boutique! Made in Switzerland, 50 dollars just for you just this week!

    Why do people keep falling for it?

    Because we can't really tell the difference. It's not an "outdated digital eq". There's nothing wrong or outdated about it.

    Is everyone's flavor-of-the-month "omg the high sheen on this one!" -EQ pretty much just the same algorithm everyone else uses too? Probably. And if it isn't can essentially the same results be achieved with all the goddamn Fruity Parametric EQ 2's of the world? Yes.

    We should be honest with ourselves. Let's talk about usability and workflow. And presets. Yeah, the preset curves and default frequencies the fancy EQ's ship with. Do they make sense and sound good? Because that's where the actual 'magic' is as far as I'm concerned.

    Still, fuck Harris for misleading marketing.
  12. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Don't nullrate... I mean underestimate me. I've got friends in high places :disco:
    Well, they haven't banned me in all these years. That's suspicious...
  13. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Gimme a sec. :rofl:
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  14. RMorgan

    RMorgan Audiosexual

    May 17, 2014
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    In my opinion, it's outdated because it cramps, and companies like Waves have solved this cramping thing decades ago.
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  15. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    You power-drunk glorified fat cat... :trolls::trashing:

    PS. Just in case, it's been a pleasure to know you all guys.... :shalom:
  16. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Where you failed to quote the first 5 words! lol
    That's why Noa only agreed to the 1st part! hehe
  17. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Come on Smoove. One thing is the truth finally came out.
    Another very different is giving me away including "this a serious forum". I had to selectively "forget" that part.
    I mean, you know me better than that... :rofl: