Can't get presets in cubase elements 11 with Behringer FCB1010

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Peter Bomhof, Aug 14, 2021.

  1. Peter Bomhof

    Peter Bomhof Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2019
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    North Sea
    Hey Guys

    i have a problem, can anyone help me out with this one?
    Can't get presets (Or in Stompbox Mode) in cubase elements 11 with Behringer FCB1010
    If someone of you can this thing work gets 1 month uploaded premium membership
    Greetz Peter
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2021
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Behringer FCB 1010 in stompbox mode?
    The FCB Uno Control Center software is here:

    Behringer FCB1010 Full Tutorial / Video Manual

    How To Use Behringer Midi Foot Pedal Controller FCB1010 Review

    Behringer FCB1010 Simple Setup

    Cubase 10, Behringer FCB 1010 and Guitar Rig 5 - Quick Tips

    Behringer FCB 1010 - RESET Tutorial
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2021
  4. Peter Bomhof

    Peter Bomhof Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2019
    Likes Received:
    North Sea
    Nope The tutorials doesnt help , what i gonna try to do this week is buying the FCB Editor what you send to me
    perhaps it works out
    Greetz Peter
  5. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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  6. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Do you still have a guarantee? Have you ever done a "factory reset"?
  7. Peter Bomhof

    Peter Bomhof Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2019
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    North Sea
    Yes theres signal, stand alone as in cubase (right bottom cyan colored indicator)
  8. Peter Bomhof

    Peter Bomhof Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2019
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    North Sea
    Yes Beat 16, thats why i gonna buy the FCB software you send me to config the channels they starting now with CC 000
  9. Peter Bomhof

    Peter Bomhof Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2019
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    North Sea
    Does anyone use the FCB1010 in Cubase elements 11??
    if yes, please send me for programming the CC values
    Cheers Peter
  10. phumb-reh

    phumb-reh Guest

    I've used Mountain Utilities free "FCB1010 Manager" (Win/Mac) for great effect, works with the stock firmware so only midi cables needed.

    It should be pretty self explanatory to figure out how to send CC's from the pedals. Have a look at the manual, and if you've any questions, just shoot.
  11. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    MIDI-Filter active 'This page allows you to prevent certain MIDI messages from being recorded and/or echoed by the MIDI thru function (thruput)'?
  12. Peter Bomhof

    Peter Bomhof Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2019
    Likes Received:
    North Sea
    Ive downloaded the Mountain Utilities free "FCB1010 Manager" (Win/Mac) too
    but the problem is i dont know the CC values from Amplitube 5 into Cubase elements 11
  13. Peter Bomhof

    Peter Bomhof Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2019
    Likes Received:
    North Sea
    This is not the issue , i only need to contol Aplitube 5 in cubase elements 11
    With the Behringer FCB 1010 for Midi i use the Midi interface: IRig Midi 2
  14. hackerz4life

    hackerz4life Audiosexual

    Jan 6, 2020
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    I recently did some work on a cubase elements, legit. Originally i work with pro version. Its a joke, should be free for how limited it is.
  15. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    MIDI learn? 1:40 (2:35)
  16. Peter Bomhof

    Peter Bomhof Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2019
    Likes Received:
    North Sea
    Yes this video i looked also, it only modified my pedals,but not the other presets buttons also next and previous preset buttons (pedal up and down)
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  17. Peter Bomhof

    Peter Bomhof Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2019
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    North Sea
    you are right it must be a free version
  18. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Amplitube - FCB1010 MIDI Ctl Presets & Stomps - Pt 1 of 2

    External control of Amplitube in standalone mode using the FCB1010 as the
    MIDI control device to select presets and turn stompboxes on and off.

    Amplitube 3 and the Behringer FCB1010
    Posted on 09/11/2011
    I’d been having a bit of a mess on with these two – whereas Guitar Rig seemed to instantly understand my new Behringer foot pedal’s MIDI commands as program changes, Amplitube appears to be using CC’s. Hence I’m currently up at nearly 5am, popping my results thus far onto my blog;

    Firstly, there wasn’t a huge wealth of information immediately available on Amplitube and the Behringer in conjunction. Probably the most helpful chap was on the following video showing the way he’s set it up with X-Gear – Thankfully Amplitube 3.7 no longer requires X-Gear, so I could simply control it from within the main program. However, one desire with this was to run it as a VST/RTAS within a DAW. This presented some other problems as I was having trouble getting MIDI into the program at all in plugin mode.

    The answer was deceptively simple, and maybe obvious to some – in Cubase at least, you need to set up a MIDI track with the correct input from the pedal and MIDI channel assigned. Providing you already have Amplitube assigned to either an audio track or aux insert, it should appear as a MIDI control option in your MIDI track output setttings.

    The other side of things is making sure the FCB1010 is actually sending out CCs at all – by default each pedal only sends out a program change command. This, if you own one, you will soon realise is where the FCB1010 excels and confuses all at once – it takes a good read (or in my case about 5) to fully digest the manual, but basically in short form the FCB1010 can send out 10 MIDI messages at once. That’s 5 program changes, 2 CCs, 2 sets of Expression Data (via the two pedals), and a note on event, if one so wished. Phew!

    Anyway, Amplitube uses CCs, and it’s not too hard to activate them on the pedal. You can send 2 seperate CCs with a single hit, although the strange thing about this is that you NEED to use both of these at once in order to activate/deactivate Amplitube’s stomp boxes and effects. This is basically two CCs at the exact same value and channel, but one at 0 velocity, the other at 127. The same appears to apply to setting these CCs as preset up/down buttons (I use presets 9/10 as up/down).

    Unfortunately, although this worked relatively well, the Behringer doesn’t appear to work quite properly in a true ‘stompbox’ mode – preset changes, and some effect on/off commands, take 2 hits of the pedal to be effective. Apparently the UNO chip, a custom EEPROM available as a modification for the FCB1010, can fix these issues, so I intend on ordering one of these as soon as possible. Once I have this up and running exactly as I want, I intend on writing an in-depth tutorial for using this pedal with Amplitube, since not a great deal of data exists on the subject.


    Re: Using Amplitube, can I connect a Behringer FCB1010
    Just bought a Behringer FCB1010 for use with Amplitube 5
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  19. Peter Bomhof

    Peter Bomhof Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2019
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    North Sea
    Thnx for your fast reply, i know those 2 clips from jasman they were clear but not compactable with amplitube 5
    i send you what i have now:
  20. Peter Bomhof

    Peter Bomhof Noisemaker

    Oct 31, 2019
    Likes Received:
    North Sea
    i know those clips but are not compatable with amplitube 5
    this is what i have for so far

    I only need the function how to switch from preset to preset (banks)
    (stompbox mode not important)
    Greetz Peter
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2021
  21. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Idiot's Guide To The FCB1010


    The FCB1010 is a MIDI controller pedal. It is used to control other MIDI gear like guitar modelers, MIDI capable guitar amps, rack mounted effects units and synthesizers. The most common use is to change sound presets in another piece of MIDI music gear.

    The FCB1010 has 10 number buttons, two expressions pedals and some other controls and options. A common use is to press a numbered button the FCB1010 and have your guitar modeler change to another sound preset (sometimes referred to as a patch). Button 1 might be a clean guitar sound and button 2 overdrive/distortion. Common examples of guitar modelers used with the FCB1010 are Line 6 POD gear and Behringer V-Amp units. If your gear is MIDI capable, the FCB1010 can probably control it.

    When you press a button the FCB1010, it sends one or more MIDI commands to your connected MIDI gear. The most common and useful command is a Program Change command, generally referred to as a PC command. PC commands are used in MIDI gear to change the current preset/patch. When the FCB1010 sends a PC command, your MIDI gear will receive it and change to the preset selected by the command. The process is very fast, so you will not lose any measurable time in the change.

    To make the FCB1010 work with your gear, you will need to do a few things.

    • Connect a MIDI cable from FCB1010 output to the MIDI input on your gear
    • Set your MIDI gear to a specific MIDI channel (there are 16)
    • Set the FCB1010 for the same MIDI channel (if they are not on the same channel, they will NOT work together)
    • Program each of the buttons on the FCB1010 to select the desired option on your MIDI gear
    • See if it works. If not, first check the above. If that does not help, read further
    You can program your FCB1010 in one of two ways. The most basic is to use the FCB1010 buttons to program it's MIDI features. This is sometimes referred to as the "Riverdance", as it takes a number of button presses to program a single function.

    The other programming option is to use a software editor. There are editors for both Windows based PCs, as well as Mac based versions. To use a software editor, you will generally need the following:

    • Computer (Mac or PC)
    • Two MIDI cables
    • Computer MIDI Interface
    It will also take some patience, as some trial and error is to be expected before you get your gear working like you want. The software editor is the quickest way to get all going and allows a simple approach for backup and restore should other things fail.

    First Steps

    The brain inside your FCB1010 is a small firmware chip. Many versions of firmware chips have been made by Behringer. Chip version much earlier than the 2.3 series have enough bugs and problems that you should consider getting a firmware upgrade. See here to find out what version you have, whether you might need to upgrade. and how this is done.

    Assuming your firmware is OK, you will need to calibrate your two expression pedals. Many FCB1010 units ship with expression pedals that do not work correctly. The calibration process will fix this, and only takes a few minutes. See here for a step-by-step outline of this process.

    The steps below outline the process for programming a preset for the FCB1010 to control a preset/patch on a single piece of MIDI gear. The process for dealing with more MIDI gear is similar and will be covered later.

    Set the MIDI Channels

    The MIDI channel on your FCB1010 must match the MIDI channel used on your other MIDI gear. If they are not the same, MIDI commands sent buy the FCB1010 will just be ignored by your MIDI gear. Try MIDI channel 1 on both for a start.

    To set the MIDI channel on your FCB1010, do the following:

    1. If FCB1010 is turned on, turn it off
    2. Press and hold the Down button while you turn on the FCB1010. Keep holding it down for about 5 seconds. When you see the small green light come on, release the button
    3. Press the UP button once. The green light will have changed to the MIDI Function selection.
    4. Press the 1 button. The 1 button LED and green light will begin to blink. The display will change to show you the current MIDI channel for PC command.
    5. Press the UP button once. The green light will move to MIDI Chann and the display digit will begin to blink.
    6. Press the 0 button and then the 1 button. This will change it to MIDI channel 1. The display should now show 01.
    7. Press the UP button once. The green light will move to the MIDI Config selection.
    8. Now press and hold the Down button for about 5 seconds. The display will change to 00.
    You have now programmed the FCB for the first PC command to MIDI channel 1. To set a different channel, the steps are basically the same except you enter a different number in the sixth step above.

    Program a Preset

    Now lets program the 1 button to select preset 23 on your MIDI gear.

    1. Press the 1 button.
    2. Press and hold the Down button on the FCB1010 for about 5 seconds. This puts the FCB1010 in programming mode for preset 1.
    3. Press the UP button once.
    4. Usually one or more buttons will now have their LEDs on. The green light will be at select.
    5. If the 1 LED is not on, press and hold the 1 button until the LED comes on.
    6. Press the 1 button again, and it should begin to blink.
    7. Press the UP button once. The display should begin to brink showing the current PC command.
    8. Press the 2 button. Press the 3 button.
    9. Press the UP button once.
    10. Now press and hold the Down button for about 5 seconds.
    You have now programmed the 1 button to send a PC command of 23 on MIDI channel 1 to your MIDI gear.

    You can program the other buttons in a similar fashion. Select the desired button in step 1 above. You can change to a different preset for your MIDI gear in step 8.

    Set Expression Pedal A for Volume

    Volume control is the most common use for Expression pedals. MIDI volume is handled via MIDI Change Controller (CC) commands. When you press the expression pedal, a CC command is sent based on how far down the pedal is pressed. Each CC MIDI command includes two parts. The first is the CC that is being changed and the second the value it is being changed to.

    MIDI volume is standardized as CC#7. This is what most MIDI gear supports, but check your documentation to be sure.

    1. Press the 1 button.
    2. Press and hold the Down button on the FCB1010 for about 5 seconds. This puts the FCB1010 in programming mode for preset 1.
    3. Press the UP button once.
    4. Usually one or more buttons will now have their LEDs on. The green light will be at select.
    5. If the 8 LED is not on, press and hold the 8 button until the LED comes on.
    6. Press the 8 button again, and it should begin to blink.
    7. Press the UP button once. The display should begin to brink showing the current CC command for expression pedal A.
    8. Press the 0 button. Press the 7 button.
    9. Press the UP button once.
    10. Press the 0 button twice (which sets the minimum volume to zero)
    11. Press the UP button once.
    12. Press the 1 button. press the 2 button. Press the 7 button. This sets the max volume to 127, which is generally what you want.
    13. Press the UP button once.
    14. Now press and hold the Down button for about 5 seconds.
    You will also need to set the MIDI channel for Expression A to the same channel you selected above.

    1. If FCB1010 is turned on, turn it off
    2. Press and hold the Down button while you turn on the FCB1010. Keep holding it down for about 5 seconds. When you see the small green light come on, release the button
    3. Press the UP button once. The green light will have changed to the MIDI Function selection.
    4. Press the 8 button. The 8 button LED and green light will begin to blink. The display will change to show you the current MIDI channel for expression pedal A
    5. Press the UP button once. The green light will move to MIDI Chann and the display digit will begin to blink.
    6. Press the 0 button and then the 1 button. This will change it to MIDI channel 1. The display should now show 01.
    7. Press the UP button once. The green light will move to the MIDI Config selection.
    8. Now press and hold the Down button for about 5 seconds. The display will change to 00.
    You have now programmed the FCB1010 to use Expression Pedal A for volume control. The process for expression pedal B is similar expect you will be using the 9 button in steps 5 and 8 and step 4.

    Common Problems

    Do did all the above and it still does not work. The most common problems are:

    • MIDI cables not connected correctly. See above for details
    • MIDI channels do not match. They must be the same.

    More Advanced Steps

    The FCB1010 is a fairly capable device. It has 10 banks of 10 presets each, for a total of 100 presets. Each preset can send up to five separate PC commands on five separate MIDI channels. This means you could control 5 separate MIDI devices with each preset.

    It also includes switch functions that allow your FCB1010 presets to also control non MIDI gear (like the channels on your guitar amp) that can be controlled by 1/4" sorting jacks. This would allow you to have one FCB1010 preset set your amp for the clean channel and another preset the distorting/overdrive channel.

    The FCB1010 can also send up to two CC commands for each preset (these are separate from the expression pedal commands). This can be very useful to turn specific effects on/off within your MIDI gear. For example, Behringer V-Amp users might want button 6 to turn the distortion on/off for each preset.
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