root of my symptoms

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Donut Nyamer, Aug 9, 2021.

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  1. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    So I opened up this thread a while back ago asking if anyone knew about my strange symptoms, which everyone jumped to help and it did for a while until I fell back into the same habits.

    Then I couldn't sleep last night and earlier felt the same symptom while in the shower after brushing my teeth. I had to sit down while the shower was going to regain memory of who I was again. So this caused me to not sleep and burnout like I had been for a while now. Except this time it was unusually lethargic so I stayed up and found these 2 vids back to back which was no mistake.

    I figured out why I have this. I burnout and I suffer then I repeat it all over again. If not for these 2 vids being so brilliantly articulated then I probably would have just kept working and making it worse.

    The Sunday starts today. If you're working hard then the response isn't to work harder, it's to work smarter. No wonder I kept pushing towards working harder and calling myself a lazy fuck and then feeling so shitty that I fucked off from everything and everyone and had no idea why.
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Burnout syndrome
    Long-term exposure and the associated chronic stress can lead to the well-known burnout syndrome. Physical exhaustion, mental emptiness, listlessness, psychological and physical disorders characterize this picture.

    Occupational stressful situations that can lead to burnout syndrome include the following: bad working conditions, bad working atmosphere, bullying, time pressure, increasing demands, dissatisfaction with the choice of job, position or activity, increasing responsibility, night and shift work, poor communication , incompetent superiors, management errors, hierarchical problems, insufficient equipment in the workplace, increasing complexity and unmanageability, lack of influence on work processes, responsibility for processes that cannot be controlled, bureaucratic constraints, fear of losing a job.

    The development process can proceed as follows: Strong motivation, ambition, idealism, great commitment - experiencing a discrepancy between expectations and everyday work, lack of the expected recognition and hoped for success - increasing uncertainty and frustration, increasing experience of conflict - restlessness, impatience, emotional instability, irritability , Aggressiveness, sickness - communication problems, reduced resilience, impaired performance - meaning crisis, helplessness, resignation - fears, dejection, depression, tiredness, exhaustion, regeneration problems, vegetative and psychosomatic disorders such as headaches, tension, sleep disorders, cardiovascular problems, gastrointestinal tract -Disorders, sexual disorders, susceptibility to infection.

    Often there are attempts at self-treatment with alcohol, nicotine, coffee, medication or even drugs, which often only make the condition worse.

    The consequences are, for example, a decrease in commitment, motivation, creativity, mental abilities and productivity, self-pity, feelings of guilt, feelings of inferiority and failure, bitterness, internal and external resistance, despair, hopelessness, escape fantasies and daydreams, sick leave, fear of Termination, suicidal thoughts.

    In addition, disappointments, personal mistakes and failures are suppressed, exaggerated self-reproaches and self-devaluation or blame on others, neglect of one's own needs, neglect of hobbies and interpersonal contacts, relationship problems, family difficulties, isolation , Loneliness and cynicism.

    Stress reduction
    The prevention of such stress reactions consists in doing things, both privately and professionally, that correspond to your personal inclinations and strengths (at least not contradicting them), use your own strength in a dosed manner, do not constantly exhaust yourself and allow yourself periods of regeneration. In the end, a little less is often more.

    In order to cope with an already existing crisis, it is important to analyze the situation as objectively as possible, to assess it, to draw the conclusions from it, to develop coping strategies and to take the necessary steps. In most cases this will not be possible without professional help.

    The regular implementation of relaxation training helps to dampen stress reactions and to be able to cope better with difficult circumstances.
    With the help of constructive thinking, the stress reaction can not only be dampened, but often even prevented. Rational analysis of the situation, control and neutralization of negative cognitions and appropriate evaluation of oneself, of fellow human beings and situations as well as sensible planning of measures ensure that negative emotions and the resulting stress consequences either do not arise in the first place or are quickly reduced.

    With good mastery and regular use of the exercises, the balance between the sympathetic nervous system (predominates in the phase of tension, work and willingness to perform) and the parasympathetic nervous system (predominates in the phase of relaxation and rest) is restored. During the relaxation exercise, there is usually a switch from the sympathetic phase to the parasympathetic, regenerative phase. In addition to mental and physical stability, the stress reduction also strengthens the immune system.
    In addition to relaxation training and constructive thinking, physical activity (regular and moderate exercise), adequate sleep and a healthy diet have a positive effect on preventing and coping with stress.

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  4. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Thanks BEAT16, that's exactly what it is and applies to me on just about almost every post!

    I've fallen right back into the same old habits so quick. But this time I'm glad I caught where it was coming from which was burnout. Stress from tinnitus is always adding on that extra reason for lethargy to swell up.

    Started to turn to this again.
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  5. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    I had my hearing pretty much Intact until this year..

    I only had the Slightest tinnitus on the right ear,
    only noticeable at Absolute silence, and if I looked for it..

    However I passed Covid in march 2020,
    and around May 2021 I started to have an inexplicable Tinnitus surge/attack..

    Long story short, I was very worried at first,
    and doing some research is clear/true a high percentage of covid patients got tinnitus or hear-loss to a degree,
    although many of them seem to Improve/recover over time..

    Personally I had it quite intensely (and progressively) for about 2 months, first only the right ear,
    then also the left ear started and so on..

    However I noticed one thing: When lying down on bed, sideways,
    the ear that was pointing Down Reduced its tinnitus, and also made some "internal movements",
    as if the internal pressure or disposition of things changed, which I could hear as Clicking sometimes..

    However this was Positive, the more it happened, the less tinnitus that ear would have.

    Otoh, the ear that was pointing Up, got More tinnitus.

    And this happened consistently, night after night..

    So from this I deduced it could be more of a Physical/mechanical thing, (rather than I donno, neurological or cilia related)
    as if the inner ear had some inflammation, that was affecting whatever other parts,
    and that created or exacerbated the tinnitus.

    (maybe Ototubaritis, or inflammation of the Eustachian tube?)

    Now a few months later the situation has been Improving steadily,
    I definitely have more tinnitus than before, which sucks, but it's not worryingly loud,
    and only noticeable at night when everything is silent.

    Or if I'm wearing headphones, as even if they're Open,
    they isolate your ears and filter a little bit the outside noise..

    But luckily it doesn't affect me/my work for now.

    So yeah, don't get covid as it could fuck up your ears.
    But if it happens, know that many ppl Improve, or recover to a large degree.

    -On another topic, maybe call it ear Wear/burn-out topic,
    there's a strange anomaly that I noticed..

    After 10 years of composing Orchestral music, mainly with headphones although at very low/moderate levels,
    my Ears/Brain are so used to hear things a certain way.. namely, Cellos on the Right, Violins on the Left.

    So much so that now, when I press the Mono button,
    I hear almost a Reversed panning of things..

    I will hear Cellos more present on the left, and Violins on the right,
    and that can last for a few moments/minutes, until my brain readjusts, and takes it as the Mono signal it is..

    So yeah, I don't know how much mental, or physical this is,
    but ears seem to wear/get accustomed over time, if you use them Constantly in the same way.

    And even if you're listening at very Low levels as I always did..
    (in fact I've always been quite sensible to loud/bright noises, so I just cannot/will not listen at loud volumes.)
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2021
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  6. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I have some clear and slightly sticky liquid come out one of my ears if I irritate it too much with my q tip. Sometimes when I wake up it's crustier than crust punk. Only problem is I don't have mics that can capture these samples only I can hear. Seriously though it's annoying when it occasionally happens, especially if I'm lying on my side.
  7. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Probably not what you are looking for, but it's solid and works for burnout. - Get outdoors a LOT. Go to the beach, get in the ocean a bit, go out in the forest to chill and just do NOTHING. Just walk, swim, chill out. Get grounded, get your bare feet on the earth, on the sand, walking on the beach, in the water. Clear your mind, absorb nature, it will clean your out and help you recharge.

    There's a pretty good documentary and endless videos about grounding on youtube. Check them out. That's not why I'm posting this, but it is related. That's partly why you feel so good when you go to the beach, you're grounded, you're getting that sea air, you're getting all those ocean minerals on your skin etc.

    As musicians/producers, we can get trapped into being cooped up too much and not realize what it's negatively doing to us mentally and physically.
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  8. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Well that's certainly Different..

    I'm not an expert, so check it out yourself,
    but I'm not sure if using Qtips is good/recommendable to he average person.

    I personally clean my ears every 6 months or so, with salty Water (not too cold/hot) and a flexible plastic bottle..
    (a Big/fat syringe could work too, but it's more difficult to control..)

    Ofc this must be done with Care, but well done it cleans your ears completely..

    It can be relieving, and it can often make you recover some top Highs that got shaded by the gunk..
    The only down side is the change can be so drastic, it can give you vertigo/dizziness until your ears readjust.

    Ofc I'm not an expert, and some could think otherwise,
    so anyone should do it at their own risk..
    (like don't go all Pogo with it, and drill the Niagara canal in your timpani etc..)

    But that's what works for me :yes:
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  9. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    It's when I have an itch otherwise I don't use it to clean too deep.

    I forgot what I used to clean my ears but it was some store bough liquid droppers and those definitely irritated my ears even more.
  10. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    D, do you live alone?
  11. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    It wouldn't really matter because once you burnout you sort of withdraw from everyone. I don't usually smoke or drink so when I do that's usually a sign I'm not noticing that I'm burning out. It's a strange feeling, you can be in a room full of a people just not feeling anyone or your own interests.

    I'm glad I was able to find the vids that helped me find the source of it and put it into words. It's my own mindset about "pushing through and not being a pussy" but after burning out multiple times. It's just getting old now.

    The burnout vid and BEAT16 post really nails it.
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  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Which usually leads to you feeling off balance, as per labyrinthitis, which I've had. And it would be the most useful thing in war to give troops ear infections, is what I decided! The room doesn't stop moving when you move your head slightly.
    Sitting up in bed was like a carnival ride, full of weird inertia.
    So maybe not inflammation of the eustachian tube.
    Not recommended. At all. And I don't need to know one of the UKs top audiologists/Otalaryngoligists to know that! Sorry, but it should be obvious.
    Because the fibres collect up, and when people have their ears syringed it is the most common stuff that comes out. Like a carpet.
    So do not put q-tips in your ear, even wetted.

    I use a hair clip to clean around the canal, and hold it so it can't go too deep.
    Due to it's shape, it scoops out and collects rather than pushes anything back in. Obvs, you go in down the sides of the canal, not straight into the hole.
    If you can go in like the game Operation, and not touch the sides, and then go into the sides, that is the best technique I've found.
    It's similar to a tool they use, too.
    Don't do it too often, as the ear will retaliate and make more wax. I probably do it maybe 3 times a year.
    And lumps of dark dry stuff like hash comes out! And all my highs come back! lol
    Hang on. It probably is hash.

    Hey brother @Donut Nyamer, I didn't realise you were going through this, sorry.
    We should chat again! Seems like you have your head on straight though, anyway.
    Like, you know what the problem is.
    But maybe we have to find the root of the cause...
    Much love to you, man.
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  13. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    well, it matters in the sense that its much harder when you are single, with some average "luck" when having a partner that partner can help during hard times, if you have ups and downs of depression, which it sounds like you are having, when you live alone its much harder. friends is no the same.

    didnt get if you answered yes to my question but in case you are alone, you need structure, but positive structure, not imposed ones with added stress.

    for instance getting a dog or cat can make wonders if used actively as a sort of therapy forcing to move the burden and focus from you over to taking care of a pet, going out with it etc. those are tricks that can give result

    i may be me reading to much into it but it sounds like you take this a bit to lightly, dont expect a youtube video to "fix" things, it can simply lay further of a burden on yourself with resulting guilt for not feeling better "just like that".

    hope you come out the other side soon
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  14. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Hey @BEAT16
    I like that you thought to do your copy/paste thing about Chi Gong. I guess you know something about it to think to put that up? Either way, good stuff mate.
    In the late '90s and early part of the 00s, I was an accredited Chi Gong practioner thanks to the Wu-Shu Academy in Beijing.
    They came from China to meet me in London with a master (1997 International T'ai Chi Champion) because I was helping a lot of people in my community in various ways. My herbalist was aware of where I was at and what I was doing, so she fixed it up.
    I've always wanted to say this here, my only online community, so I will say it once:
    They called me a chi gong master. They also knew stuff about me that only I know.
    But all it is is mastering the breath really.
    And when one is clear, one can see blockages in others.
    So someone like me works alongside an actual doctor, and together we get to sort things effectively.
    But the pyramid structure of this industry, and the money involved, and the way they control it, was not for me.
    But to be acknowledged, well, that was pretty cool, I have to say.

    I am always open to Pms regarding practice or whatever.

    I really do think that this sort of thing should be discussed privately, but hey.
    Sometimes it's nice to reach out. And it's great to know that there is a lot of love here and we all want to help each other.
    It's so profound, but I have deeper connections with people here than I do most of the time in physical/offline life now!
    Especially since lockdowns.

    After this has been read, I may actually delete it. Just saying.
    Just wanted to say it 'publically'. It may help fill out the character of my anonymity a bit, and explain a bit about how I am.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2021
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  15. Tele_Vision

    Tele_Vision Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2021
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    Q-tips are the devil. don't use them. Get a dedicated ear wax removal device if you need to go in the ear. Tinnitus sucks it's one of the reasons I hate mixing aggressive snares with headphones now. I'll watch those videos you posted.
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  16. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Dedicated ear wax removal devices are the devil! Don't buy them.
    What do you think we did before industrialisation, and before hair pins? lol.
    Myabe a bent piece of a plant or something.
    And what did we do before doctors? etc...
    Know thyself.
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  17. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    What should I use? Link me something. I hear q tips are the devil.
  18. Tele_Vision

    Tele_Vision Platinum Record

    Jan 27, 2021
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    I used these if I have something in my ear or allergy issues: Clinere® Ear Cleaners Club Value Pack, 36 Count Earwax Remover Tool

    I actually sleep with earplugs and the first time I used these I pulled a big chunk of earplug out of my right ear...:deep_facepalm:

    As for my hearing loss/tinnitus issue seeing Dinosaur Jr live didn't help...

    I'm gonna have to try that NAD Plus product Kush was talking about in the video
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  19. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    = put 2 and 2 together...
    = So what I am saying is alright, too.
    Just saying.
  20. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Go to the ear doctor once a year, he has an electric vacuum cleaner and sucks everything out of your ears.
    The ears have their own self-cleaning function, but if the ears are clogged, you should see an ear doctor.
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  21. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    But man must try and control and make devices and and...
    I must say, syringing is not good.
    I didn't know about the vacuum cleaner though.
    Ears can get clogged, and as in Donut's case, it is usually related to other health situations.
    All aspects of the body try and compensate for or retaliate against our particular environment.
    When the body is finely balanced, things like this don't occur. And actually, as such, the body speaks the mind.
    A perfectly healthy person can go and get their ears syringed once, for the first time, and then encounter a worse retaliation in regards wax build up.
    But man must try and...oh I already said that.
    Seriously, just use a fvcking hair pin! lol.
    Try it once, at least! And you can thank me later.
    Worked for me for 40+ years; ears are fine; got tracks in the top 20; know other pro musos who use hair pin too...
    You know your body better than a doctor. Period.
    Hmmm. I wonder if my top rank audiologist does his own ears or gets another 'pro' to do it...
    Gosh. Some of us would be so lost without this system we are in.
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