VPS Avenger CPU Processing

Discussion in 'Software' started by FadedShadows, Oct 1, 2018.

  1. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    System Requirements Windows:
    Intel Core 2.8Ghz,
    OpenGL 3.2 capable GPU
    8GB RAM
    Win7/Win8/Win10 64Bit
    VST 2.4 compliant host

    Min. FULL HD recommended
  2. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Thanks, but i doubt that you have read all i have said?
    I am familiar with all the requirements, and that is not helping neither me or others, and this problem is very common with Avenger users!

    On my previous system (Windows 7) everything was just fine, so to repeat, same hardware, same software, same drivers, but this time when it loads, have a lot of glitches, and while is opening GUI it max out power usage, and takes a lot of RAM and CPU.
    This glitch happened once more when it was initially released on sister site, and i resolved it by reinstalling Windows.
    So please, if you can help, help and write something that will actuall help, copy-paste System requirements from Vengeance site is not helpful at all.
    Thanks :)
  3. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Hello Hennesy, sorry, it was late yesterday and I am probably already tired!

    What version of Avenger are you using? You should actually update that to version 1.6.2!
    Will the Avenger then be displayed in your DAW and can you use it?

    I have Windows 10, 64 bit, 16 GB, 4GHz, SSD and PreSonus Studio One. Avenger v1.6.2, the loading time is 36 seconds, the library is 6.74 GB. I've attached a picture for you where you can see where the problem is.

    The GPU (graphics card) goes to 98.1%. !!! Studio One (DAW) No response !!!

    CPU 5% - no problem and memory (RAM) 32% no problem
    The task manager shows "no response" that is the problem. The Avenger is then displayed and is then fully functional.


    With a high probability an Open GL problem. Here is an example from Softube:
    1.) The problem is reoccurring OpenGL renderer issues which Softube haphazardly patch and Windows updates repeatedly break.
    2.) Update your Graphic Drive / OpenGL driver

    Open GL issues (Please click on the link and follow the instructions!)
    Windows 10 is an excellent operating system and despite all the major improvements it received, it still comes with some issues and bugs. Users have reported OpenGL issues, FPS lag, and graphic card issues as one of them. However, there are a few things that you can do in order to fix these issues. Pretty much any OpenGL error is caused by a lack of optimization of drivers for Windows 10. This means that if you run your favorite games smoothly in previous versions of Windows, you might experience some graphic card issues in Windows 10. So, how can you fix this?

    Vengeance Producer Suite - Avenger / Changelog
    1.7.0 changelog * BETA

    - added new OSC module: "Event Trigger" - can trigger certain sounds and samples on events like release/note off or midi CCs
    - fixed: OpenGL issue where closing Avenger GUI caused display problems in other plugins or may have crashed the DAW
    - fixed: midi note was not displayed correctly when clicking the midi keybord inside the Avenger GUI
    - fixed: invalid argument exception/crash when entering an empty string to const wavetable length
    - fixed ARP note display: notes with 11 and -1 do allign correctly now
    - fixed: issue in OSC soundbrowser freeform and the search function. The search found results from other categories than freeform
    - added: drag n drop for custom-wavetable files from a path that is not inside expansions

    1.6.2 hotfix

    - fixed: arp first note is not played correct in some DAWs
    1.6.1 changelog

    - improved: less CPU usage of Multiloops (especially the CPU-spike at the voice start). These are nearly completely gone now!
    - added: new feature for OSC sample stacker: each sample slot can have its own key/velocity range where it is played. This is also displayed in realtime. Go to a sample OSC / Edit / chose slot 1-4 of sample stack
    - added: Multiloop module: in the context "chord type" you may now chose what should be the priority when playing just single notes / no chords The user can choose that single notes are detected as minor or major chords
    - added: modmatrix "duplicate" feature: You can now duplicate entire mod sources with all its targets into other existing sources. You can find this in the mod matrix context menu /duplicate.
    - added: massive speed improvements when converting/importing multisamples, shapes, wavetables etc to an expansion. Should now work nearly instantly!
    - added: shape batch convert for folders that conains a lot of shape-samples. Just chose the main folder and select "batch convert OSC shapes" to convert everything whats inside into shapes
    - added: TAB key switches the OSC tabs / shift TAB key moves backwards through the OSC tabs
    - improved: sample loading time. If you now load large multisamples ( 100MB and more) from the OSC browser, this now goes a lot faster
    - improved: loader will notify the user if the license needs a refreshing. It can be done directly on the Avenger loader or -if you want- like before in the V-Man
    - fixed: small timing issues in the ARP
    - fixed: Drum-Routing was disabled and showed "OSC used as FM Source" when OSC1 was used as FM source
    - fixed: annoying click-sound on chord change/sample change in Multiloop mode under specific circumstances
    - fixed: fixed a memory leak/crash when loading data from an expansion
    - fixed: volume of the autoplay previews are now taking the master volume into account
    - fixed: chords were not always detected correctly when latch mode was on and OSC chord root note filter was set
    - fixed: ARP moving notes stepwise to left or right may have caused grafical bugs in the arp under specific circumstances
    - fixed: issue with saving/restoring solo mute state in presets after the implementation of the the solo/mute handling
    - fixed: issue when modulating the sample-start-delay with a random source
    - fixed: issue with UNDO of deleting a stacker sampler that had a modulation in the Mod-Matrix. Now the Mod-Matrix is restored properly on UNDO
    - fixed: Modulation ring of the granular desity/grain size works now smooth - without framerate drop
    - MAC: fixed a crash that was related to a not released openGL context after closing the GUI
    1.6.0 changelog

    - multiloop: fixed noise burst when changing special modes (add 12, crazy, add -12 etc) while voice is currently playing
    - multiloop: fixed a key-naming problem in the multiloop-map file when creating a multi-loop sample for 5th and save it from the multiloop editor in Avenger
    - multiloop: fixed a issue when loading a multiloop -> then init preset -> change the osc to multiloop again = previous key assignements where still visible even if there was no sample loaded
    - multiloop module: added a 5th-lock function so that 5ths can be also played when only 1 note (no chords) are played. Or you can chose the chord mode which makes sense when 5ths are combined with other multiloop modules playing min/maj (3 note play required)
    - File-Browser: added open/closed indicator to drive/folders to improve readability
    - File-Browser: fixed colors which were barely visible due to an error in the factory skin
    - OSC: fixed issue with displaying missing content in sample-stacker mode. If a sample stacker now contains unlocated files its now possible to see which one
    - OSC: fixed issues with subosc when osc is in sample-playback mode
    - ARP: fixed another note-hang problem in the ARP when using humanize and/or strumming
    - VST3 plugin format: fixed a crash when loading a preset in Avenger DAW Ableton Live
    - added new "solo" button in the sample-stacker module
    - Resampler vocoder button: adapt now sits after the vocoder, making it possible to round the saw-ish edges with the adapt
    - very long files in the Multiloop module are now being displayed correctly
    - Arpeggiator export / live record in DAW now can correctly output and record chord mode, strums and humanize
    - under certain circumstances the sub osc could sound lofi. This is now fixed
    - global Mute Solo logic improved: Solo now is always a "real" solo, muting all others. This is much more convenient for A/B comparison. You can add solos by unmuting others
    - Drums page: rightclick on solo button now has the option to solo a trum track dont mute the oscs. So you can hear a bass drum solo playing together with all your OSCs
    - fixed minor bugs and stability
    https://www.vengeance-sound.com/plugins/plChangelog.php?sub=Vengeance Producer Suite Avenger
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2021
  4. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Eastern Europe
    Behavior of my Avenger was exactly the same , but once it opens UI (after good amount of loading times about 30sec. also)
    you cant close it.
    When i minimized the UI, Cubase gets unresponsive, and only thing i could do is to kill the process to close the program.
    In project where Avenger was loaded, and if i don't open UI, all sound were working, some had a glitches in sound, but it was working until i opened the UI, then same story.
    In task manager while loading Avenger every thing was going RED even the power usage, but once is loaded all get calmed.
    But luckily i found problem by accident, and solved it and now everything is fine.

    So here was the thing :

    For all users that are meting system requirements, but have same issue, most likely problem is with their Antivirus or some other anti-malware protection software.
    In my case it was Acronis True Image 2021 (on earlier system i had version 2020), and their anti-ransomware and malware protection was found and reported to me that "some Windows files are not more supported and outdated so they are vulnerable" and i am in the HIGH RISK.

    Basically that means, Acronis have blocked that files without any explanation and without any given solution what to do, to ignore files or to delete them.
    There was not direct explanation about files themselves , just some basic description that system is on high because of those vulnerabilities named "CVE -xxxxxx" and that software is outdated and no more supported.

    I was thought that is because Windows 7, but i have all updates regularly done by yesterday, so i didn't have a clue what to do.
    The main problem were GPU drivers, since my GPU is not more supported for 2yrs now.

    I have found that by accident, when i opened latest GPU drivers change-log, where they were referring they fixed same and some similar files named exactly the same like Acronis have reported.
    Then only logical thing to do was to remove Acronis from my system.
    And that was all i needed to do!

    Since i have dual boot system, and on both of them i have Acronis, just for backup purpose, not for malware protection,
    on both systems Acronis blocked those files and buried them in some in some " \\\#@!#$%%" system folder.
    Which caused more conflict than i ever saw in my life.
    It changed booting Windows MENU, from modern to DOS like, it was slow in booting time, and I am guessing but apparently Acronis is booting before the system to maintain protection...

    When i removed program, files that have been "burried" they were restored and i saw then at next boot up, and everything worked just like it is.

    So my problem was not Avenger itself or other hardware incompatibility issue but Acronis and outdated OLD system.

    Anyways, thanks for your efforts and giving me a thorough explanation for all, I appreciate that a lot :)
  5. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Thank you for your detailed description, including the negative experiences with Acronis. I had Acronis myself and when the worst came to the worst, Acronis did not restore my system, I am now with "O&O DiskImage Professional" that works perfectly and can be started with an emergency disk. But I always only do a "complete one-time backup" of hard drive C: /!
  6. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    not haveing to many issues with avenger can run multiple instances with no issues.
    5.2ghz ryzan 5960x 16 cores 32 threads
    128 gigs ram
  7. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe

    I will install Acronis only when i need to make a backup and\or when i need to do recovery.
    Acronis saves me time and when i need to reinstall system with all plugins , which takes me 3-4 days, sometimes even more, with Acronis that lasts maybe an hour or so.

    I have read yesterday on Acronis forums that users are demanding to remove anti-ransomware protection and anti-malvare protection as well because of similar issues that cause in operating systems, as they have said, they just need a backuper, and for a complete solution user can install by wish, here are forced...
    Even when is disabled, protection have some processes going and doing its thing in the background...

    Just little disclaimer here on the Acronis subject.
    Acronis itself maybe it is not a problem, but in correlation with my vulnerable outdated drivers, he found them as a weak point and blocked them to operate on my system ..
    I can not blame them, because for other users that can not the issue (because of drivers update,etc.).
    I have experienced similar problem with Waves v11 from R2R on Windows 10.
    In first case with Acronis 2020 everything was working and fine,
    but next time i installed fresh Windows with Acronis v2021 in one case plugin UI was black, and the on other try plugins would't even open.
    At the time i didn't know what was the problem, so i have reinstalled compete system 3 times in 7 days then i give up from Waves...

    At least now i know that Acronis demands to have all drivers up to date otherwise it will detect them as a weak point in system and disable most of them.

    Best regards
  8. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Acronis? No thanks !
  9. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I have used to it.... :/ Unfortunately i am that person, i don't adapt to changes to easy...
    I will try that you have said, and AOMEI backuper i like their easy interface for all.
  10. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    Stick with Acronis if you can handle it! I meant "" O&O DiskImage Professional "not AMOI, one should improve not worsen.
  11. Madagasca

    Madagasca Member

    Jan 7, 2021
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    I'm running 32gb ram and i7 too. I've found the CPU spikes occur when using other VSTs alongside Avenger. When I'm using a number of channels with Avenger and then add Dune 3, I tend to get major dropouts. Remove Dune 3 - it's all good. I guess it's also down to which other VSTs you're using alongside it
  12. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Yes i understood wahat you have said, for that one you are using, but along with that i will try AOMEI Backuper, actually already did, it is super quick and backup compression is very satisfying.
  13. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I understand, the only important thing is that the backup program backs up the hard drive in an emergency. For you it is 4-5 days for me it is 3-4 weeks. My screen was frozen and I was supposed to transfer a few bitcoins, because other times I had a polyphonic virus that was eating the files. It's good if the backup works and doesn't stop halfway like with Acronis and you sit in front of the screen and know you have to reinstall everything.
  14. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Well, you can read above what my problem was.
    If your PC have updated drivers and software and if everything is okay with that and up to date,
    first place you want to check is your DAW preferences and your audio interface latency setting.
    If latency is set to low, try to raise it and then check again.
    That would be common scenario, since variety of plugins have different needs and when you combine them in one project, you have to compensate that latency to easy on on CPU.

    If that not help then,
    Second thing, you need to go in computer power manager settings and pick "HIGH PERFORMANCE" as option to use all your hardware resources at max and where is needed, otherwise you will have a lag with all projects no matter what you do, and no matter what hardware you have.
    And all that is correlated with audio interface, CPU , GPU and RAM because of distribution of power for all those components.

    If spikes still occurs, maybe you have similar problem as i had.
    Then you must look if you have some Antivirus installed on system and try to change it or disable it at all.
  15. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    That is hard....
    Now i have no strength to install all VST all over again...
    Maybe it is not much, but for me, sitting 3+ days in front of my PC just installing music software, is a kill and overwhelming ...
    For now i have no worries with viruses, since i use Kaspersky all the time, and i believe in it, and with that i am looking for myself,
    i mean, i don't go to shady sites, i am downloading stuff just from the sister site and from tracker with verified TEAM's and releasers.
    I can not take chances any more, because in my PC is 10-15 yrs of my music life and private stuff too, and not backup-ed a single bit....
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  16. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    CPU consumption is not the issue with Avenger, it's the CPU spikes.
  17. BEAT16

    BEAT16 Audiosexual

    May 24, 2012
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    I once sat at the PC and imagined that my PC had been encrypted with ransomware.
    No longer works! No more mouse click, the meltdown!

    I then bought a BluRay drive and 100 BluRay's and burned everything to BluRay. All BluRays are labeled and are light-tight in the cupboard! I've created so many folders and collected data over the years - I just had to back it up.