Cubase: Is this it then...No more dongle?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Vincent Price, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    I have replied with the exact same theory before on here (and I have a fire going in the garden, couple of beers, so if this seems a drunken rant, it isn’t, well, not really).

    The game changed a long time ago, PT was king for absolute certainty you record x number of tracks based on the hardware, Cubase was king for sequencing. Now, all DAWs can pretty much do the same thing. PT’s barrier to entry was extortionately high prices for hardware, Cubase had the same thing with the dongle. I used the legendary release until I was fortunate enough to be able to indudge my hobby by buying a dedicated DAW PC, building a room in my garage, and then what’s the point when you only have 32-but available (even AiR stated they didn’t have the resources for a 64but emu, and don’t forget, when they released Cubase 5.1, the computer thought you had a piece of hardware connected, it was THAT fucking good), so I bought CB 7.5. I have updated most versions and am on 11. There are still loads from the Sister Site on my new beastly machine, and I am trying to go as legit as poss, because it’s still a hobby (make a bit playing live from backing I make), but the desire for Cubase to be cracked, I don’t get when there are so many other DAWs available. Each release, it’s just minor improvements or their own take on what plug-in devs have done. So why covert?? The tools are there, so make it with what is available.

    The other part of this, it’s the protection itself as Paul Pi said. Autodesk and Adobe, 2 of the biggest “Pro” dev houses get O-Day every release, and it’s because they know, students need to learn, then the big companies, be it consultants (AutoDesk) or creative houses (Adobe), they need to be legit, so they basically give the software away knowing a 10 seat engineering / architectural practice will be paying best part of £20k a year. Recording studios are a little more Wild West, but think of it from the solo producer, they want the tools, and if they can get them from Presonus, from Ableton, without a dongle, or at a lower cost by subscription because they don’t want the hassle of trying to get the latest working crack or risk updating and their projects be locked, they will pay. Gone are the days of very expensive single purchases for software, certainly for DAWs, you want them into your eco-system forever. You want them to think paying a few quid / dollar a month is better than relearning a new DAW, and at the moment, the dongle restricts that because it hasn’t been defeated.

    Btw, for a technical POV, I would LOVE R2R to defeat the hardware dongle, simply to prove it’s possible!
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
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  2. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    Totally agree. In this day and age, it’s a relic and whilst it has been impenetrable, it’s more a hinderance to the user than it benefits them.
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  3. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    There is no much to know about. You can see Team VR has released Cubase Elements 12 and Absolute 5 licenses in last release, to be on soft eLicenser. So soft eLicenser remains 99%, at least one more year.

    That being said Cubase pro will be probably on elicenser too, just they will change how to authorize and download license...

    Team VR knows that because he is probably in some beta tester team or have somebody who is, and shared info with him, or have that developer kit from steinberg, because he also had in the past Halion developer licenses on fake elicenser and some licenses that needed to be periodically verified, in other words to reauthorize in some period of time.
    And again, all that on softelicenser. Not cloud or something, but soft elicenser.

    So yes, basically elicenser itself can act like cloud licensing app, because every time you startup any program or elicenser, no mater what, he is calling home and sending the data stored on elicensers, and that can be used for something like cloud model with perpetual license, just to be verified once in a while or to download new license. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Install third party firewall and check by yourself, you will see how often elicenser is calling home. *GlassWire is excellent with and with graphs"

    About licenses itself, all licenses are embedded in eLD, Team VR have done and decrypted them in a unconventional way, on the other side R2R probably never tried to do that, because they needed to supply them with legit activation codes, so they could make a proper keygen, like Team AiR have already done 10yrs. ago and that will fit in R2R cracking standards.

    About eLD, Team H2O dongle crack in syncrosoft folder have the same eLD files like you have nowdays, but after that when Steinberg got cracked, they changed file extension , from .eld to .ELD or vice versa, so you could never update those old apps because of that change. Otherwise licenses from H2O could be used for all updates and for long time .

    And now Team R2R have a good amount of knowledge, so they can do the very same thing, but to step up in the game, to make all apps acting like legit ones, updatable etc., and that will raise the bar in cracking history!
    Team VR already have done that and is still working.... easy-peasy :D
    And that is my theory or just dreams ...Time will show....
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2021
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  4. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    You can use Cubase 11 PRO on windows 7, just install Cubase on some Virtual machine with Windows 10, copy Cubase folder to Windows 7 and go nuts with Cubase 11. I can make installer for that, but i dont have enough time to do.... Maybe for weekend....
  5. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    That's very interesting, i didn't know that was possible. For sure when i get round to activating the upgrade, i'll definitely give it a go! :bow: :like:
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
  6. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Absolutely spot on, although personally i don't like software subscription unless it's rent-until-bought. Specifically with Cubase, it's already so sophisticated, it's difficult to see precisely what (if anything) can be added - apart from AI assist tools to enable any punter to play producer until the whole world is drowned in an ocean of cultural white noise, er...

    If i were in charge of Steinberg, i'd have just one 'parent' DAW at a reasonable price ($100?), e.g. cubase 'core', and offer a range of extra features/tools sold seperately as modular plugins, totally dependant on individual user requirements.
  7. Valhellyeah

    Valhellyeah Member

    Apr 10, 2021
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    which site are you refering to??
  8. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    There is two obviousnesses here:

    - One cannot link to illegal sites. Starting with the sister site.

    - Sometimes one cannot even tell the name of the site, because the site maintainers don't allow / like that, and because generally those sites / forums don't wanna be in the light, so they will not be constrained to close definitely or to move all the time. So they stay in the shades, and those who know keep their knowledge for themselves, and those who don't know are invited to shut their nice mouth about it.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
  9. noise.maker

    noise.maker Platinum Record

    Feb 10, 2015
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    You must subscribe and be full vaxxed to use Cubase. :mad:
  10. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Hmm thats what people say since like 2007 (as Cubase 4 AiR internal leaked, but was half baked). Ofc i look for whats available easy, which i can test long enough, where i can save projects in my trail period. Think Ableton has this solved pretty good with 90days of Suite as trial, even Reason with 30 days of trial. S1 i am not sure. FL offers a demo, but editions are very cheap. And Reaper wow, seems to win by miles here, its the most open trial version i know and buy a license is a steal for what you get. So why bother with Steinberg?

    But on the plus side, steinberg maybe does do better than Avid? I mean who still uses PT? Or i am wrong with that?

    Plus even with the new features the workflow for me - feels not fast, but im using maybe way to long FL and then Live, which have a complete different concept.

    And what i read is that Cubase on bigger displays is a pain ... with very small GUI things, barely being visible?
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  11. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Yep. I was trialing Cubase 11 in that way. It has some limitations, like no video support but it is legit 1\1. Everything was working fine, super quick, and responsive. Only one thing will make me to go with Windows 10, and that would be Cubase 11+, but by the time Windows 11 will be out, and is way better in performance, snapier and more stable than Windows 10 even if is still in beta stage.
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  12. Amore_de_la_Vida

    Amore_de_la_Vida Rock Star

    Jul 23, 2021
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    In some categories of studios, it is a de facto standard. In the cinema, a vast majority of soundtracks are mixed with it. In the broadcast and videoclip world, no big projects without PT. Many, many classical / orchestral recordings are made with it.

    I've red one day an interview with a big producer saying that for many functions, he found Nuendo far more easy and logical than PT. But he says also he had no choice but using PT, because it's a professional standard, and all his collaborators around the world are using it.

    It's this way that (Digidesign first, and now) Avid is making a lot of money: they have literally invaded the pro audio world, and now it appears very difficult to get rid of it. They have done all that far before Nuendo (and other interesting solutions, like Sequoia and Live) becomes a mature solution, so the time is at their advantage.

    At first, they was the only ones that proposed a complete solution: software plus hardware (the both, together in the same package), as other vendors was still struggling to have a coherent proposition on the market.

    N.B. I'm not a PT user and I really don't care about it, I'm just an observer of this strange world.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2021
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  13. AgentData

    AgentData Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2020
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    A dongle-free version doesnt mean that Ste...erg will remove the underlying MCFACT technology !

    MCFACT stands for (M)ulti (C)hannel (F)inite (A)utomata (C)ode (T)ransformation. It was developed by Syncrosoft and is basicly the real heart of Ste...ergs copy protection. It's state of the art white box cryptography.
    Think about it like a script engine which transforms real programcode into scripts - once its translated you will never see the real code again. This system is very, very, very secure - the downside of such a system is that the programcode suffers from an incredible loss of speed.
    However - as long as Ste...erg goes with its MCFACT technology I wouldnt put my money on a craxk...

  14. Edna_Uebel

    Edna_Uebel Ultrasonic

    Feb 15, 2020
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    I would kill for a cracked version of the current Nuendo. Also because I "grew up" with the legendary Nuendo 4 from AiR. And for a long time there were no alternatives worth mentioning if you wanted to work in surround and with video.
    But in the meantime I have made friends with Sequoia.

    But still, every time I visit the sister site, there is this faint hope that maybe someone has finally broken Nuendo's "neck".
    You never forget your first love ... :cool:
  15. AgentData

    AgentData Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2020
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    I'm pretty sure Nuendo4 was the latest implementation crackable by software analysation... sorry.
    Afaik in this early Versions internaly it was only one "method" you had to solve to emulate this little bastard. So it was like a domino effect - once you cracked one you cracked all. This changed with later versions... now you have to emulate different methods which increases the effort to an incredible level.

    And dont put your money on VR and its so called soft-elicenser crack. I think she or he doesnt really know much about the inner workings of the protection. There has always been a method to add a license via a LocalSoftLicenseDownload command to the soft-elicenser... of course normaly limited to a few demo version licenses only. All that was done is a wild patchorama within the dongle driver to make the LocalSoftLicenseDownload command add all kind of licenses. You could now even add a license for the latest Cubase Pro with this method !
    Of course it wouldnt work if you run the program than but hey it would look pretty cool within your License Control Center :wink:

    However - patching a dongle driver is always a bad idea as you destroy the signature of this files. You have to disable antivirus and/or firewall to make it working anyway. This is lame in general and no real cracker would to this imho. Not to mentions that it destroys your legit soft-licenses and doesnt work on mac. Or does it ?
  16. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Dude, do you mind? There could be children reading this! :woot:

    As a long-term cubase user, i can confirm that it's certainly not unusual to feel a bit tender after a long session...
  17. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    We don't neeeeeeeed... No more Dongle!
    No more Dongle, no more War, no more War..
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  18. AgentData

    AgentData Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2020
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    Analysis is the correct english term right ?
  19. Paul Pi

    Paul Pi Audiosexual

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Indeed it is, though your application in this instance was a bit of a tight squeeze... :drummer:
  20. RitchieM

    RitchieM Rock Star

    Nov 6, 2020
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    Near Liverpool
    truly truly first class use of the emoji!