Expanding a Major tonality range

Discussion in 'Education' started by Freetobestolen, Feb 1, 2021.

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  1. Ad Heesive

    Ad Heesive Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2019
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    No progress yet from exploring expanded audio-tech - too complicated for me :unsure:
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  2. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    i guess before you open your own forum you should better google what "theory" means.
  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Don't feed the troll.
  4. Providence

    Providence Guest

    I believe our past generations' understanding of music has been much greater than it is now. They've done a lot of great things in music. They designed the music's infrastructure. They were the ones who thought and founded the notes. It was they who created musical structures and a lot of musical things. If restrictions could be removed, certainly they would have done them.

    We haven't added anything special to music in the last century, as well as this century, other than adding a number of new genres and digitizing music. We all know that many of the new structures and genres we've created are very feeble and even easily negligible compared to the structures of our past. It doesn't make sense that we want to question the great achievements of our past with our incomplete knowledge. That's my opinion, of course.
  5. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Nobody would ever suspect it, but this keyboard actually has the elusive E# and B# notes..!

    Thus making it the biggest achievement in centuries in terms of expanding not only the major tonality,
    but also the entire Chromatic and Equal? Temperament range.. :woot: :bow:
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2021
  6. Getting back to the fulcrum..

    - What kind of DOMINANCE a chord can/could exerpt upon other(s)?

    - What does "perfect cadence" even mean?

    - What about plagal cadence then?

    - Not to mention deceptive cadences...

    - What is the importance of relative and substitute minor chords?

    - Which possible correlations could exist between augmented and diminished chords?

    - How could all that be traced back to "mediants chromaticism"?

    - etc...

    Basic examples to be stolen (please do so) :

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  7. Sorry but the pitch and mod wheels are missing... you can't accomplish that without it.
  8. Providence

    Providence Guest

    I'm not much of a thief, but because you insist, OK, I'll do it. Just one teeny little question. Can you explain what I'm stealing and where it'll be useful for me? At least when I'm arrested, I know my charge.
  9. It's a initial fragment of how a Major tonality could be (harmonically) expanded.
    In the example, I've limited such expansion pulling the resolution back towards the initial chord (in various ways), a kind of boomerang-like effect, otherwise one would end up going through the 12 Major keys at once.

    Caug = G# aug = Eaug , think about that ...

    * what if the initial chord is minor ?
  10. Ŧยχøя

    Ŧยχøя Audiosexual

    Dec 15, 2020
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    Missing that Fm/G# made me find a nice one:

    Some sort of watery/aquatic G#6add9?

    Which somehow had to resolve a semitone down ofc..
  11. Providence

    Providence Guest

    I don't know what you want to do but your selected progressions are mostly from C-Major-Bebop Scale (including 8 notes). You can do the same by borrowing from other modes too. I advice you to try to make real music instead of playing around with chords.
  12. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    i do not know why some people think putting the word 'real' in front of something makes the thing any different. a lot of early formalized music, as well as a lot of music to the present day, could be interpreted as "playing around with chords", am i to understand it is not 'real'?

    if you have the magic formula of grand realization please share it with us.

    on second thoughts, having seen many attempts at such an endeavor in the past, please hold your silence -- for sanity's sake. only you and the chosen few may bask in the warm glow of the eternal truth.
  13. Providence

    Providence Guest

    Real music needs a rigorous definition and strict standards. ... but gluing some chords together (largely based upon nothing except some personal choices fed by floating feelings) and strumming them or aimlessly soloing over them is not making real music.

    Do you know how many contemporary genres of music do willy-nilly as I said?
  14. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    aggh... i told you not to do that. now the great secret is out -- cast like offal before the profane; whet with divine light -- we all know the grand mystic truths and the profound nature of the beating heart of artistic expression. you have opened pandoras box and wrought us all asunder. the world will not bear this yoke.

    thanks for ruining the world dude. hope you have a nice day, for tommorow -- 'apres vous, le deluge'.
  15. Providence

    Providence Guest

    Are you a poet or a philosopher? Please keep out of music if you have only a passing acquaintance with it. Unprovoked criticism and groundless supports make the affairs ruined most of the time especially in music.
  16. refix

    refix Platinum Record

    Apr 4, 2018
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    you are the one making these claims; they are your words not mine. i am not the topic, neither are you -- although you keep inserting yourself. the topic is music.

    maybe you are the philosopher. this is advice you should heed.
  17. Quintal and Quartal voicings are the ones to follow when expanding / establishing new correlations. Thanks for bringing that up.

    Not watery/aquatic, but actually the best voicing for a 6/9 chord you may come up with on the guitar - it's just missing the 5th in order to have all the notes from a Major Penta to be played altogether, in a chordal form.

  18. Indeed, you don't.

    Your selected perspective is mostly mistaken - 8 notes scales are a no-no here.

    Share your vision then, up to par in terms of clarity / musicality.

    I advise you to study harder.
  19. This one brought me back some memories...

    Do you feel what I feel, see what I see, hear what I hear
    There is a line you must draw between your dream world and reality
    Do you live my life or share the breath I breathe
    Lies feed your judgement of others
    Behold how the blind lead each other
    The philosopher
    You know so much about nothing at all

    Ideas that fall under shadows of theories that stand tall
    Thoughts that grow narrow upon being verbally released
    Your mind is not your own, what sounds more mentally stimulating is how you make your choice
    So you preach about how I'm supposed to be, yet you don't know your own sexuality
    Lies feed your judgement of others
    Behold how the blind lead each other
    The philosopher
    You know so much about nothing at all
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2021
  20. Providence

    Providence Guest

    This is what you do:
    Moving from one blob of sound to another blob of sound senselessly.

    I don't expect you could provide any reason for your approach. Indeed, I don't.:no:
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