Do you use a Apple M1 ?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Moonlight, Feb 28, 2021.


Do you use a Apple M1 ?

  1. Yes I have the MBA

    7 vote(s)
  2. Yes I have the MBP

    8 vote(s)
  3. Yes I have the mac mini

    12 vote(s)
  4. nope

    46 vote(s)
  5. not yet

    25 vote(s)
  6. maybe, I still wait

    20 vote(s)
  1. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Energy efficiency is the responsibility of everybody, especially fortune 500 companies and developed nations.
  2. krakdhaus

    krakdhaus Producer

    Aug 16, 2015
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  3. nism

    nism Ultrasonic

    Apr 5, 2020
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    AMD 5600X vs M1
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  4. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    I'm not sure what you are saying with this video, it seems to prove my point exactly.
  5. Valnar

    Valnar Rock Star

    Feb 21, 2020
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    I wouldn't connect the PC to the internet at all, offline audio PC
  6. nism

    nism Ultrasonic

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Exactly! I don't get it: why all this M1 hype?
    Me and many of us don't care about battery life, because we have a plug, and for everyday use, i7/i9 don't use a lot of power (if we count in dollars)
    Yes, it's a truly promising CPU, but today i7/i9/AMD outperforms it.
  7. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    if somebody gifted me an M1, i would consider using it ...

    but seriously the price is very high, what i could build for a Linux/windows pc for that money.

    and i still dont get it, these are so tight build, over time do they not run into heat issues?
  8. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    Yes, it works great. I'm a Studio One power user, and aside from a few glitches with wares, it's working really well. Looking forward to the Native M1 version but Rosetta works surprisingly well ( You'd hardly notice in fact). Make Sure you have it set for Rosetta compatibility and the Processing set to double (64 bit) in Audio.

    I've got none of that, Studio one is working fine for me. Make sure its set to 64 bit and Rosetta mode

    That's so ridiculously untrue, it's completely laughable. :rofl:
    Competence? what does that even mean? I can attest it's way more "competent" than my Xeon.
    I use an M1and I sold my big clunky E5 / 5700xt Xeon speced out desktop for an M1 that basically not only does the same thing, but it also does it way more efficiently and effectively. Qualcomm's over M1? WATF? Yeah Trying and badly failing:guru::rofl:

    Compromising CPU? That's actually pretty funny.:rofl: Have you used on?
    Battery Life? what about your power bill, heat and the environment? Don't give a rats? I do

    Hype?.. no it's actually a gamechanger. MS failed Apple delivered in spades and has moved the development focus from the outdated and inefficient x86 architecture. This is a quantum leap in manufacturing focus toward better computers with better architecture. Apple leads everyone else follows with cheaper versions or hot-rodded cheaper versions. Intel and Microsoft have no option to follow or die, it's that simple. Any serious content maker who has invested will totally agree. The anti-Apple Microsoft-only Cultists are just butthurt. We have two now and they are way better than intel macs and 99% of MS PC's.

    Apple offers 2 years interest-free here in Australia. Price is high? Nah..They are quite cheap for what you actually get. Heat? Nah, The CPU runs super fast, cool, and efficiently. No, you can't build anything even remotely comparable to a mac M1 mini with a small footprint that is that power and energy-efficient.

    Bottom line. I make content. I do audio and video. I don't care about Spec quoter's and experts bullshitting about their ideological attachment to a brand, I make shit. I don't even care if you like it, it's irrelevant to me and is only the concern of my clients (bill payers) and fans (appreciative followers and supporters).

    My Experience with the M1 Mac mini 16/512.

    My 2016 i7 27' iMac Died and my PC was giving me the shits with reliability and efficeincy issues. I decided on an upgrade with a new design of my workflow at the forefront. After many years, hundreds of thousands of dollars, and tons of hardware with a myriad of Software being constantly upgraded, flipped, sold etc... I knew what I wanted and what I didn't.

    I want my tech to be a small footprint, that's very powerful, not crash (the bain of creative existence and a huge distraction) and be power & heat efficient. I don't want to be spending time under the hood all the time, that shits me as it detracts from me making shit. Anything that gets in my way gets tossed..EOS

    I run the M1 with Studio One 5 and Bitwig with Audio Gridder. All my plugins work (the ones I use and want) It took some tweaking but most of the bugs are ironed out. I have an expansion chassis underneath it that gives me 4 USBs and a card reader. I also have a thunderbolt hub that gives me a Display port and some extra ports for all my external drives. I have found Big Sur very very stable.
    I use Davinci Resolve for Video. It's awesome and very efficient in the 4k space. It works really well as I've grown with it making a transition from FCP/ Media Composer to Adobe then to Resolve (which I used before it was an editor for color correction)

    I use an i7 Nuc (Win 10/ i7 2.8 latest gen, 32 gig ram. 512 gb M.2 + 7.6 TB SSD) as an audiogridder server for all my windows plugs and Kontakt. Ethernet between the Mac Mini and the Nuc. It works really well. The trick with any windows system is never ever connect it to the internet if you want stability. I DL on Mac and transfer to Windows. EOS.

    This is the best, most efficient, and powerful rig I've ever used and owned..EOS.
    I do see lots of comments in here from people without M1's making assumptions and not learning from the experience of those who use them. I liken that to the blind zombie-like political ideology festering and destroying futurism and the planet. I'm a Technology agnostic, whatever works. I've always owned both. I find that my students, clients, and people in general obsessed with Specs and having the latest "one" usually A: are the least talented and B: Use 20% of its capability C: Don't deserve it. Like the guys who are experts on sex but never actually talk to or screw anyone? People who look at tech as a "fashion accessory" to brag about are generally vacuous Oxegen thieves IMHO.

    What's best? Whatever works and gets the job done without thinking about the tech too much.
    When are Specs important? When you ascertain what you want to use the tech for.

    Anyways I digress (as I tend to do)

    We purchased 2 Mac Mini's on the interest-free plan which was great for our business or an individual. Our experience has been great aside from a few hiccups associated with getting any new system.
    I hope this is helpful.

    mac m1.jpg
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2021
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  9. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Ive got a mac Mini M1 meanwhile as well
    It works like shˆt compared to the native Apple silicon Logic. If it works for you great !
    I give S1 a spin again once it runs native.

    The is actually no setting :) It runs always in 64 Bit and under Rosetta 2

    The GUI is laggy compared to windows, lucky you that it donest bother you
  10. Dimentagon

    Dimentagon Rock Star

    Aug 7, 2018
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    The Microshperic Anomaly
    In my experience, it's working very similarly to Logic. I have a copy of Logic on this machine.. but I never use it.

    Make sure your process precision is set to double 64bit

    It doesn't bother me because I'm experiencing No Lag whatsoever :dunno:

    Screen Shot 2021-07-05 at 10.31.29 pm.jpg
  11. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    It means competence. There's no other desktop chip company with CPU-GPU-RAM integrated in the same chip so efficiently.
    You should try to understand before criticize. Ok that "ahead" should be a "behind". But if you didn't even understand the two first lines...
    So I'll keep it simple: I'm praising the M1 man. So all the following critique-mockery is basically directed to your same opinion.
    Mine's fanboy-free though. These trigger-happy youngsters...
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2021
  12. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Until you use Instruments, but that's no wonder, any native apple silicon Instrumenet will perform better natively under logic then under rosetta 2 studio one. No lag whatever? Have a look at the mousepointer and the plugin window its dragging behind :) It is literally lagging behins teh mouse pointer, And then compare that with logic where teh pointer is nailed to teh window it is dragging.
    Same with expanding the mixer. Anyway's if it works for you great. I worked years with Studio One under Windows maybe that's why I am used to a much faster GUI.

    There are even videos showing that 'behavior'

    Thats just the mix engine, and has nothing to do with the GUI
  13. pizzafresser

    pizzafresser Producer

    Jan 7, 2017
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    I wouldn't touch anything by Apple even if I COULD afford it.