Cubase, Studio One or Reaper?

Discussion in 'DAW' started by Donut Nyamer, Jun 18, 2021.

  1. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Summary in plain English - You want to collaborate with different Producers not necessarily using the same software or platform. These enable project names, layout, files and edits to be available to share (and more) -and import those settings.
  2. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    This is possible?! So which daws are in bed with each other then? When you say it transfers files, to what extent does it let you go in and make edits? How does this all work?

    Sorry if my questions are a tall order. I've just got my mind blown for the second night in a row learning about possibilities like these.
  3. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    One thing that has not been mentioned with Cubase for all of its features some have said are complex.
    The moment you create a new project, you right click in the left-hand track area and can create an audio file and with no manual or prior knowledge and then press record and you are away. Same for creating MIDI tracks and recording, adding FX tracks/buses/groups and more.

    Yes it has a lot in it, but it is like anything new. The time you invest in it gives back. Their manual is very comprehensive too if you do want to go in deep.

    I know ProTools, Logic, Cubase, Nuendo Samplitude, Sequoia, Studio One and Ableton support most of these features. Reaper has some as well. You will have to ask A Fruity Loops user as I do not know it well enough. With XML being the standard for almost any application in metadata, I would be surprised if most DAW's did not have a facility to import iXML metadata for DAW's.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2021
  4. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    Man that's really neat, I never knew that and neither has anyone else I've collaborated with or hung with in the studio. We just bounced wav stems back and forth to each other the old fashioned way. I knew transcriptions are possible so I could print notation to musicians as I have before and in the back of my mind wondered if cross features like this exist.

    Have you used these features yourself? Does it just help you map out the project with time markers and just allings your samples to where they should be in the project so it translates to both DAWs flawlessly? What about plugins?
  5. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I can only speak with what I have had 100% success with. I have done a lot of transfers to and fro with ProTools and Cubase using Open Media Format export (OMF) this way. Theoretically, if it is RF-64 compliant you can export stems in wav format to ANY DAW and it will work successfully as long as beforehand, you agree on two things - The start marker and the wave export project format e.g. 24bit 48Khz or whatever you both agree on. :) I have had minimal issues with Logic and Reaper sending stems too. The communication clarity with each other is everything these days.
  6. sinematrix

    sinematrix Member

    Jun 4, 2013
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    Worked in Cubase when I first came in music area(cr version), then changed to StudioOne(V2~V5, legal), until this month, I bought Nuendo 11.
    I think for music production, S1 is very efficient, especially in Mixing, no matter insert/send/cue/bus, you just click/drag then you get what you want, very fast and intuitive, and the faders are very safe, you can not easily mess them around.
    Nuendo, has some performence issues, and the MixConsole is way more complicate, you can get around but have to be careful, too much collapse/expand, and it causes you have to click in certain area to avoid wrong selection, that truly slow down your work.
    I think the difference in between, is that S1 let you use what you want first, then tweak, and Nuendo(Cubase) has to confirm first then use. Like when you drag and drop a plugin to one track in S1, you can drop to everywhere in this track no matter in event or in track panel, it's fast, but in Nuendo, you have to hold and move your cursor to track panel and have to be the very center in panel until that green arrow shows up, then you drop, that is...stupid.
    Of course, with more cooperative with video, I think Nuendo is really powerful otherwise I won't buy it, the video track/detection(with markers), ADR panel, mediabay(sort your own materials), control room(customize your listening), up/downmix, tons of functions make sure you get everything done with video in post.
    But for music production only, I may stick with S1, it's true it has a better workflow.
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  7. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Some DAWS accept plugin information and some do not. For example, the way VST's install and work on a MAC are different to a PC. The way around that is to send an instruction file on how and why you used something and in some plugins they have cross-platform settings saves that can be imported regardless of platform. Those you just have to do to find out whether they work or not, unfortunately. In Steinberg or ProTools, whether they're using it on MAC or PC, they seem to translate to either platform - which is probably a manufacturer compatibility thing.

    Keep in mind where the plugins install and how on MAC and PC is different. Overly summarised and inadequately summarised - In a MAC it is in the Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST folder and on PC they're in a program Files/VST/ folder (or DAW name/VST. The layout in this rarely translates unless the same manufacturer.
  8. samp

    samp Member

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Comparing sequoia to studio one would be insane
    Musyn Edit
    Source Destination Cut editing
    32 ch Surround ch
    4 point cut editing
    Clip base Spectral Editing
    3D Surround Panner
    3D Reverb
    friends, there is no surround in studio one, what year has it been, still no surround ? Do you know what you are comparing to what? studio one can't even get a cookie next to sequoia. :like:
  9. shawnguess

    shawnguess Noisemaker

    May 29, 2021
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  10. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I changed the name of the thread to "Cubase, Studio One or Reaper?"

    But some have mentioned Soundforge & Cakewalk so maybe I should consider those too.
  11. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Soundforge Pro is more like Wavelab or Sequoia with Sequoia being more of the industry leader in mastering. Cakewalk has a history. Roland owned it so its history is Cakewalk to Sonar to Cakewalk. It's personal taste but I never thought it kept up with the other leading DAW's. To repeat, that is only my opinion. If lightweight with power is the goal, then Reaper likely fits that category the best.
  12. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Studio One.

    I switched from Cubase to Studio One, and I will never look back.
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  13. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    I read that Soundforge is something many use for mastering & TV production. So it's less of a DAW and more for mastering?
    I do remember Cakewalk changing names a lot. I only knew one person that used it in real life but that was long ago. Last thing I heard was them doing some touch screen mixing environment.
  14. Donut Nyamer

    Donut Nyamer Audiosexual

    Aug 24, 2019
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    What do you think S1 does better than Cubase? The price & update policy? Is it more user friendly or better looking? Or is it the workflow? I hear Cubase can slow a computer down but I heard that with S1 too.
  15. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Studio One gives more features and has a better user interface for songwriters/recorders. The audio editing tools, MIDI, track management, etc are much better.

    About the performance, when I was using Cubase, my computer would freeze crash very often. But in Studio One, it has "never" happened to me.

    If you only mix and master, you might not notice the difference between these three. Even Reaper would work for you in this case.
  16. clone

    clone Audiosexual

    Feb 5, 2021
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    saying "even Reaper" really not the best way to say that. I know of professional recording studios running it as preference, when they could very easily afford the outlay for Protools.
  17. patatern

    patatern Rock Star

    Feb 15, 2021
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    hello everyone, my 2 cents, taking this just like a smal poll

    every daw has his own user, and every user will find his own daw, eheheheh
    if you just need to be creative, working on pre production stage in a comfy and easy way you probably would go for FL studio, Ableton, Reaper

    but if one day you will understand you need:
    -deep midi editing
    -great audio mixing workflow (with tons of stock plugz)
    -integration with hardware outboard/midi controllers
    -video/surround managing/editing
    -deep music score editing
    -control room like in an analog studio

    Logic can almost cover all these things, with Studio One right after
    But if you want all in one, oh well, there is just one DAW that can fit your needs

    And it's called Cubase 11
  18. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Go Studio One, if it didn't work out for you, go Reaper.

    Recent Reaper updates like Razor Editing made it more production friendly DAW.

    This Reaper theme is the one of the best ever.

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  19. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Keep in mind it is personal preference. I have seen more "Plugin 'X' is not working in Studio One / Fruity Loops / Ableton" regularly and not so in Cubase. Threads on this very forum. This is because VST's were designed by Steinberg so they are less likely to have issues unless the developer did not code it correctly. There was an entire thread about Studio One's last update on here. None of the DAW's are flawless. Crashing less or more seems to vary in every DAW with different people and others report no issues.
    Again, it comes down to what works best for you.
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  20. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Here, I meant songwriters. Reaper actually has the best software efficiency among others for mix and mastering and studio recording. But it lacks the tools that are required for a songwriter.
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