Budget monitors

Discussion in 'Studio' started by shivek, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. shivek

    shivek Newbie

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Hello everyone
    I m looking to buy a pair of near field active monitors for around $300-$250 .

    I know i m asking a question which other had already asked on this forum but i couldnt able to decide which one i shud buy so i thought of getting some more help ☺️

    I hv not any acoustic friendly studio ... I hv simple computer in my bedroom with zero acoustic treatment.

    I know i cant hv good pair in such a low budget but this is all i hv to spend .

    So Please suggest me a flat monitors pair with good low end and good frequency range in this budget .
    Also i dnt have any stand so im going to put them on my pc table adjacent to my led screen.

    I produce edm .. Progressive house ... And from composition arrange to mixing mastering i do myself .

    All suggestions and advices will be appreciated
  3. shivek

    shivek Newbie

    Apr 19, 2013
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    something wrong happened n my post got uploaded multiple time .
    this is the full post

    Hello everyone
    I m looking to buy a pair of near field active monitors for around $300-$250 .

    I know i m asking a question which other had already asked on this forum but i couldnt able to decide which one i shud buy so i thought of getting some more help

    I hv not any acoustic friendly studio ... I hv simple computer in my bedroom with zero acoustic treatment.

    I know i cant hv good pair in such a low budget but this is all i hv to spend .

    So Please suggest me a flat monitors pair with good low end and good frequency range in this budget .
    Also i dnt have any stand so im going to put them on my pc table adjacent to my led screen.

    I produce edm .. Progressive house ... And from composition arrange to mixing mastering i do myself .

    All suggestions and advices will be appreciated

    Till now i hv searched for

    M audio bx5 d2
    Icon sx 6a
    Samson resolv se5
    Presonus eris e5
    Alesis active m1 520
    Samson rubicon r6a

    If anyone have used them or have any good or bad experience with them plz share with me. I want review about them n about any other pair within this range .

    Thanx for reading this long post ... I m really thankfull to u all
  4. shivek

    shivek Newbie

    Apr 19, 2013
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    can u suggest me from these

    M audio bx5 d2
    Icon sx 6a
    Samson resolv se5
    Presonus eris e5
    Alesis active m1 520
    Samson rubicon r6a
  5. shivek

    shivek Newbie

    Apr 19, 2013
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    i wl not get any second hamd monitors in india :(
  6. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I cleaned up the extra threads for you but I don't want to see that again. It's not a bug because people post all the time yet this is the first time I've ever seen 4 topics on the same thing. Please familiarize yourself with our rules and interface for next time otherwise you will get a warning.
  7. chris030

    chris030 Noisemaker

    Oct 24, 2013
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    Hi Shivek, you may consider these: Prodipe Pro Ribbon 8...at least from what i've read they should be very good monitors (flat & low end), despite low price.
    (i've never heard or worked with them, but in SOSmag and on Gearslutz they were pretty excited)
  8. tek909

    tek909 Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    Don't get the Samson's.

    M-audio's, K-rock's, may be fine for your needs.
    But however, they are just entry level monitors in that price range.
    If you can save your money and wait, then I'd say try to shoot for some Adam's. :)

    You could do what "Xsze" said and "get a good pair of headphones".
    Try to get AudioTechnica ATH-M50's or a good pair of Beyer Dynamics
    to hold you over, while you continue to save up.
    Good Luck!
  9. shivek

    shivek Newbie

    Apr 19, 2013
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    sorry for multiple posting .. i dont know how it happened ...i wl take care next time
    thanx :)
  10. shivek

    shivek Newbie

    Apr 19, 2013
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    this model is not available in india :(
  11. shivek

    shivek Newbie

    Apr 19, 2013
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    i think you all are right
    i shud buy i good headphones instead of buying cheap pair of monitors without doing acoustic treatment ..?

    which should i buy ... audio technica ath m50 or senheiser 380 pro ?
    any other headphones u can suggest ?
  12. shivek

    shivek Newbie

    Apr 19, 2013
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    Can anyone suggest me headphones which i can use for long hours ... Generally long hours use of headphones is not a comfortable experience ... And after continuously using them for several days ... Its like im going to b deaf
  13. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    AKG K240 MKII are very comfy even after 4 hours of listening and are considered to be the best alternative to active monitors. :grooves:
    Price for new pair $149

    K701 are great too, but not for long listening periods (max. 1 hour for me). Great for mixing and EQing, not so much for listening, they're very analytical. I got used ones for $189

    Of course a decent headphone amp might be needed too. I highly recommend PA2V2, portable headphone amp from Gary. It's very powerful (up to 200mW), runs on battery power for 200 hours and it's well-priced - $60 for single unit.

    So, K240 and PA2V2 can be obtained for $219. K240 Studio package does not include spare cable and ear pads, but it's about $20 cheaper, so with that it's only $199 :wink:

    And also get the worst and crappiest kitchen radio you can find to check how your tracks will sound for average listener :rofl:
  14. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    I would definitely go for the m-audios if I was on your budget. They have a good, decently flat response, a solid bottom end that's not overhyped and are of good quality. I always turn to m-audio when I need good quality at good prices, I have the m-audio Q-40 headphones for almost 2 years now and they great and I bought them for around $130, excellent stuff.

    I disagree that you should buy headphones instead of monitors, you really need both. So it's a compromise. You either spend that money on a decent pair of monitors and then don't spend so much on headphones, or the the other way around. From my experience, i would suggest you spend the money on monitors, and then get a pair of cheap, but good headphones, they don't even have to be full professional mixing headphones, just a good pair of headphones that you can get from any music store for around $50-$50 just to supplement your monitors. Use the monitors to mix and master, then use the headphones to listen to your mixed/mastered song and compare it to commercially released ones. Audio Technika have some excellent headphones at really good prices, I would suggest you look into those.

    So the final verdict for me, get the m-audio monitors, and a good, cheap pair of headphones.
  15. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    Forget all the above and buy yourself a pair of Equator D5 (349$ including a DSP, for your untreated room).
    You can close the thread and thank me later...
    ^ ^
  16. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Been readin up on those D5's very nice!

    They seem excellent and have alot of good reviews. I personally own the Genelec 6010a's and they're fantastic and in that same price range as well. Never heard of the Equators until now.
  17. shivek

    shivek Newbie

    Apr 19, 2013
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    can u tell me what is headphone amp ? and whats its use ?
  18. shivek

    shivek Newbie

    Apr 19, 2013
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    unfortunately equator d5 is not available in india :(
    what is the use of dsp ?
    i m thanking u now :) beacause i think this thread shud b active for little more time :)
  19. shivek

    shivek Newbie

    Apr 19, 2013
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    thanx fuad for ur excillent advice ... i was thinking of all this too earlier ... i was thinking of buying m audio bx5 d2 along with akg mkII or audio technica ath m50...

    i think its really good idea to use monitors for composition and arrangement ...and combination of monitors and headphones for mix mixing and mastering ...?

    but everyone said it will be better to get good monitors or headphones ... instead of buying both of them cheap but i cant increase my budget .

    remember my room has zero acoustic treatment

    will i be able to mix and master with m audio bx5 d2 and akg mkII or audio technica ath m50 properly ?
  20. fuad

    fuad Producer

    Dec 17, 2012
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    Yes you can definitely mix and master on the bx5's. It's all about knowing what you are listening for and knowing why you are doing things and how to implement them. Whatever monitors or headphones you choose to buy you need to get to know them inside out. Take time everyday to listen to commercially released music on your monitors and heaphones. Listen to the way the music sounds. Listen to bass frequencies and the really high frequencies and make a mental note of them. So that every time you mix and master your own music you have the sound of the commercial songs in your head.

    In the end that's what mixing and mastering are all about. it's about using your ears and your feeling of the music to make it sound better, and using professionally produced music as references to guide you.
  21. xHitoKiri

    xHitoKiri Member

    Sep 8, 2013
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    I would suggest a trip to guitarcenter or a music shop..

    Most speakers sound different to everyone. Your budget would cover 1 decent monitor. i had suggest to save at least 200/300 more for a better quality monitors. You could buy a nice headphone set for 100-200 for now and save for the monitors to a later time.

    A good tip.. if you lack of good speakers. You could use cars speakers. They tend to give you a "decent" represenation of your song. You won't be available to work as comfortable, but at least you can check your final mix. Take some notes and rework on it. (just make sure not to use 1970s stereo :P)
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