How To : Add Kontakt Library

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by artska, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. artska

    artska Newbie

    Jul 24, 2011
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    France - Lyon

    I how try to make visible library in K5 or K4 because when I make "add library" he says to me "no found" for example with the library
    -Desert voice
    - blow up drum
    I thus look for the method to make apparaitre library in the administrator of K5 or K4 to navigate in instruments simply.
    Two possibilities I think, or my file is complete and I have to reappoint / move/to sort out or my file is incomplete and I have to create / get back the missing files, also it t-il there a kind soul which would take time to make a tutoriel and which shall share his(her,its) file main things administers library ?
    For my part if I know what to share, there have no concerns(marigolds).
    Hoping that it will free the numerous users who post on this subject!

    I can share my .NKC , .NKX , and Picture if a section is create or in this topic if admin is ok!
    For mac user i can share the PLIST file (is it just for mac?)
    If it s OK, i can post list of my kontakt library and the file without sample for complete your folder if you need, we can all make this and build a data base for K5 library...

    THANK -.-

    FRENCH :
    Je cherche comment faire apparaitre les librairies dans K5 ou K4 car lorsque je fais "add library" il me dit "no found" par exemple avec la librairie
    -Desert voice
    -Plastique drum
    Je cherche donc la méthode pour faire apparaitre les librairies dans le gestionnaire de K5 ou K4 afin de naviguer dans les instruments simplement.
    deux possibilités je pense, soit mon dossier est complet et je dois renommer/déplacer/trier soit mon dossier est incomplet et je dois créer/récupérer les fichiers manquants, aussi il y a t-il une bonne âme qui prendrait le temps de faire un tutoriel et qui partagerai ses fichier essentiels a la gestion des librairies?
    Pour ma part si je sais quoi partager, il n'y a pas de soucis.
    Espérant que cela débloquera les nombreux utilisateurs qui postent à ce sujet!

    Merci -.-
  3. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    read this one and after that you can add those lib:s
  4. artska

    artska Newbie

    Jul 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    France - Lyon

    Ok, yes i have allready read and thank you for your link, but i search a SIMPLE method for share with AudioZ
    -reg file, if you have a model i can make a reg file...
    -sharing file ready to use : nkc and nkx with picture folder if needed
    -exe or patch for make all operation in one click.

    I'm painter and i make music for feel the vibration, not the bites but with the time i have to make my hand in the motor because the computer word is so logique and....chaotique! i just want play music and all the time i lost 1-2 hour for configure soft or hardware, and this is alway a bug somewhere :( (since 10year with all pc or mac, with and without sound card, graphic car, etc etc, so for the people just want create, reg file or patch is the best way for me(i think)

    So if anybody have a sample for reg file or the capacity for script a patch with all data(just without picture) it's very very very very cool!!!
  5. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    well i dont think its possible because those library you mention dont have nkc and nkx files.
    And that goes for many many other third party lib:s as well only a few lib:s have thos "add library" files.

    I never heard of anyone who managed to create those files for those lib:s.

    Maybe its possible to do that but i doubt it.
    Beacuse if it was we most likely would have a bunch of those files floating aorund the web.

    And if you dl a lib here you most certain get wats in the original package.

    So for now you just have to live with the regtrick option i´m afraid
  6. vstdaw

    vstdaw Newbie

    Oct 9, 2011
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    i have this

    1. go to Macintosh HD/Library/Preferences
    2. locate one .plist file for example com.native-instruments.Symphobia.plist and copy and paste it
    3. rename it to your desired library name e.g com.native-instruments.Tonehammer Waterphone.plist
    4. open it with Plist Pro and edit it by deleting all its entries except : a. ContentDir and b. Visibility (which needs to be set to 3)
    5. now open com.native-instruments.Content.plist
    6. create a new sibling and name is something like k2libxxxx (where xxxx use any 4 digit numbers, NOT the same as any other existing entries in the file.. So for example k2lib0001 and name it Tonehammer Waterphone
    7. Point your library's location under ContentDir in the com.native-instruments.Tonehammer Waterphone.plist
    8. Open Kontakt

    but need a nkx , nkc tutorial for add library
  7. txabidrkss

    txabidrkss Newbie

    Aug 26, 2011
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  8. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    :dont: 404 - Page not found

    Anyways. No you can not make NKC,NKX files. That is reserved for developers also they changed up to a new format with kontakt 5. It is now "NICNT". @ artska .Anyone can make their own Regfile to be edited later but what your talking about will never happen. You still will have to manually set the ContentDir. path and change the value of the dword and rename it.
  9. artska

    artska Newbie

    Jul 24, 2011
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    France - Lyon
    oki, i look all that, thank you very much
    "the value of DWORD" is the 4 number below 1000?

    and i post when i make a .reg file template, after if you want add library in register, just modifie with your info(path and name) and clic...ihope -.-

    Thank U Big THX
  10. artska

    artska Newbie

    Jul 24, 2011
    Likes Received:
    France - Lyon
    File reg n tuto

    Hello and very thank!!!
    It's exactly what i search...

    So i post the file ;)
    :( no work so the free link:

    "Error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file"

    for the reg file sample :


    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Content]
    "k2lib3258"="Accordeon Giulietta"

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Accordeon Giulietta]

    "ContentDir"="E:\\STUDIO - CNI\\KONTAKT-Lib by CNI\\A C C O R D E O N\\Accordeon Giulietta\\"


    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just copy this in a text file and rename the extension to *.reg

    the help file say:



    ALLWAYS make Copies of this 3 Files!
    Ans then USE allways a fresh Copy of it!

    NEVER use a Copy of "In USE-FILES"
    (For Example: You have renamed the nkx and nkc...and they was successfully added, and that Folder/Library IS in the Browser! THEN the nkx and nkc are NO MORE EMPTY!!!!)

    thats the Reason why you never ever have to use nkx and nkc that are allready recognized by KONTAKT!

    I hope you understand what i mean!

    Just use a fresh untouched Copy of them.... everytime!
    Otherwise it will not work!

    Greetz, Cosi

