I have a Faderport Classic which is older than 10 years and its motorfader still works. Before that, decades ago I bought a Mackie Control where one Fader was broken, I just replaced it with a new ... So imo this argument can be neglected and the advantages is bigger that a possible fail. Motor Faders are always have a valid state hence no jumps or latch needed. AND 1024 Steps ! You will love the studio one integration. It is the main reason why I am using StudioOne at all ! With a faderport you can quickly learn anything to the fader(s) With a FP8/16 there is even a special Plugin Layer which can either be automapped or learchend manually. That means 16 parameters under your fingertips without paging. The mapping is saved so, once mapped any instance have the same mapping. (Bitwigs implemetation is better in that respect) Last but not least, the pan knob can be used to control any parameter which is beneith teh mouse. Perfect for precise adjustemenst since it is a rastered knob.
Either motorized on non-motorized faders is a personal choice that is becoming more of an option with position indication cues (L.E.D.s) being offered more & more. An ideal modern controller would have the following as standard (built in a metal case): quality switchable continuous controllers with position cue quality touch-sensitive faders with position cue & assignable L.E.D. strip for level or dynamics full transport control with jog/scrub A quieter & more reliable solution with a lower fader replacement cost.
Indeed, some are pleased with 127 steps others prefer 1024 less good integration to studio one compared to a FaderPort 16
Hi guys If anyone’s interested I’m selling behringer xtouch one £70 + pp Send me a private message if interested and I can send photos , have a chat about it . cheers