Is anyone using cracked Kontakt with M1?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by secrettunnel1234, Mar 8, 2021.

  1. InTheChips

    InTheChips Ultrasonic

    Nov 23, 2020
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    However, Kontakt via Rosetta runs dramatically better on my M1 Mini with only 8GB of RAM compared with my 8-Core Intel Core i9 MacBook Pro with 32GB of RAM. Faster loading, more responsive, zero audio glitching. Yes, it would be even better if it was running Native, but that doesn't' mean it's not running well as is.
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  2. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    It's been fixed long ago bro on other threads, get up to speed.

    And btw I'm truly sorry for your loss man.
  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Like I don't know! I'm a Resident at the sister site, man.
    It was your incomplete knowledge I was trying to help get up to speed. So that you understood how Kontakt really works.
    I'm sorry for your loss too.
  4. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    I did already, no need.

    'Resident' lmao
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  5. jack76

    jack76 Newbie

    May 12, 2021
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    Hi, My intel macook pro 2018 had some motherboard issues so its under replacement, in the mean time I got an apple M1 MacBook . The issue is that the Kontakt libraries are getting added in Kontakt version 5.6.6..Once I add the libraries and restart Kontakt 5.6.6 the libraries are missing in kontak 5.6.6 and Kontakt 6.5.1...Please some one help me out has I had to give an output of an ongoing project..
  6. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    The libs will only show up in 6, unless they are for 5.6.6 too.
    5.6.0 or 5.6.6 are only for adding libraries.
    Go into Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/Service Centre.
    Find the .xml file of the library. Replace the 000 SNPID # with the one mentioned in the .nicnt file, with TextEditor. Done.
    Always only use standalone to add libs, don't have both versions 5 and 6 open at the same time when adding.
    Don't have plugin version open when adding in standalone.
    Don't create homemade .nicnt files for official libs that need the real one.

    There is some code out there from Kitty recently that is supposed to handle the 000 thing for you now.
  7. jack76

    jack76 Newbie

    May 12, 2021
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    Hi, I got an workaround...changed the permissions for Kontakt 6 Application.XML & NativeAccess.xml to read & write for Kontakt 5.6.6 is adding all the libraries but have an new issue...when I try to open Kontakt 6.2.0. I get an error "
    You do not have permission to open the application “Kontakt”. Someone please help with this....using apple M1
  8. jack76

    jack76 Newbie

    May 12, 2021
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    “Kontakt.vst” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software. Apple m1 issues....Please help
  9. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    The "someone" who helped you is still here addressing you. You're welcome.
    Oh God. No that's not a workaround, that's Apple being jerks to you with whatever new OS you are on.
    Of course a user needs read/write access on their computer. It's standard. I hate Apple for that.

    1. Turn off your Mac (Apple > Shut Down).
    2. Hold down Command-R and press the Power button. ...
    3. Wait for OS X to boot into the OS X Utilities window.
    4. Choose Utilities > Terminal. If you have a trackpad you will need to click rather than tap.
    5. Enter csrutil disable.
    6. Enter reboot.
    7. Do all the stuff you can't do with it enabled.
    8. For system protection, re-enable SIP by doing all the same again but typing csrutil enable.
    Oh, and turn on your Firewall in System Preferences, Security.
    It's usually off by default! Because Apple.
  10. jack76

    jack76 Newbie

    May 12, 2021
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    Thanks a ton Bro ....It worked for me....You are an saviour.....
  11. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I also just came back to say that it may actually be as simple as when the system says "can't open due to possible malicious content etc" that you just go into System Prefs/Security and Privacy, and at least on older macOS at the bottom of the pane it wil say "NameOfPlugin was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer" and there is an Open Anyway button.
    But maybe Apple did away with that on the newest OS. They probably did.
    But do check, just in case. Coz it's easier!
    Erm. have you discovered the ratings to the left of the comments boxes?
    Particularly the thumbs up Like rating? :yes:
  12. jack76

    jack76 Newbie

    May 12, 2021
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    Hi, My review after using Apple M1 for some days...Its super fast and snappy, most of the DAW and vst's work, I am an cubase user since last 25 years, now after using it for more than a week I will recommend new users not to buy until the next version of processor is out that too which supports at least 32 GB ram, For basic stuff M1 is fast and snappy BUT the problem starts when one load VST's like spitfire audio and Kontakt Libraries. Cpu rarely spikes but Ram Is an major issue.....Due to ram limitations the project stutters a lot....For example : using 4 instances of Alica piano in Kontakt and 4 instanced any string library - The ram does create an issue...So please guys wait for the next version of hardware which supports minimum 16 gb ram, but I recommend 32 gb ram minimum for heavy usage. I have Intel MacBook Pro i9 6 core with32 gb ram - which has major heat issues and lags a I am eagerly waiting for the major hardware update from apple...
  13. spncart

    spncart Producer

    Dec 13, 2020
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    Yep 16-inch M1X with 12/16 core will be even better but to be honest with my regular M1 I haven't even faced any issue, to the contrary - I can load 20 instances of Diva easily lol, when before with Intel it would spike and heat after 3/4 instances of it. But yes generally speaking with DAWs Kontakt vst and music production in general the more RAM the better, I think for my M1X I will get 32 or 64 of RAM to push it to the limits! xD
  14. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Oh. If you're saying you've only got 8GB?
    No way man. :no: You can't run an OS, and a daw running multiple newer Kontakt libraries, with only 8GB of RAM.
    16GB is the minimum, and believe me when I say that that isn't enough for a smooth work experience either.
    And the more cores, the better.
    16GB across 4 cores is better than 16GB across 2 cores, as a starting example.

    But really we must always bounce takes to audio asap once we know we can commit to them, anyway.
    Obviously keep the MIDI just in case!
    This has always been the way to work since the start of all this, and even now, regardless of how powerful a computer is, it's still the best way to work. And the more headroom you can give your daw and hardware the better they can function.
    Technology needn't change the proper aspects of the recording process as it's always been.

    Glad you're grooving now and able to bypass Apple's stupid ways! :wink:
    Last edited: May 14, 2021
  15. jazzzz

    jazzzz Platinum Record

    Mar 13, 2018
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    I'm curious if you change DFD settings in Kontakt, lowering the buffer size, e.g. to minimum (6kB), how does the M1 mac handles it.
    It has a fast SSD and if you use a similarly fast Thunderbolt external SSD for the sample libraries, especially if you are lucky and have multiple external SSD and can distribute the sample libraries between those, I guess this mac may load the samples realtime.
    With 8GB ram version is a bit more limited but 16GB mac must more likely do it.

    If anyone needs instructions about how to change DFD:

    If it's too expensive (purchasing external Thunderbolt drives), you can always use an average windows pc as a slave pc to load the libraries in it and connect it to the M1 mac.
    I wouldn't sell a freshly purchased M1 mac after panicking of the initial bad experience with DAWs.
  16. jack76

    jack76 Newbie

    May 12, 2021
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    Hi, I am using an external thunderbolt SSD.... ssd directly to the MBA thunderbolt port, I have tried loading samples from both internal and external, still its an issue....

    BUT for a change I tired using the spitfire samples in STUDIO one, and it worked flawlessly, where as the same instance in cubase was an issue.. ANYWAY I will have to wait for Native M1 version of all the DAW and VST....

    But for general use the M1 just rocks.....Super fast, throw anything to it and it just works...Battery life is another plus point in these...
  17. blueline2612

    blueline2612 Newbie

    Apr 30, 2020
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    Ok so after searching for days trying to find the right answer, I'm just here to see if we can just get a "how to install Kontakt crack on M1 for dummys"

    I've been using cracked versions for years, I'm familiar with doing it on older macs and I understand mostly what I'm doing when it comes to the old ways, which was simple.

    On my Mac Mini M1 running OS11.3 I am CLUELESS when it comes to how to even get started, everything seems so cryptic when talking about it online, for obvious reasons... Is there a step-by-step with links / specific names of the downloads needed to get a cracked version of Kontakt installed on an M1 mac? I spent 7 hours trying with all different kinds of options, scripts, different versions of 5.6.... I got nowhere.

    Starting from scratch would be a lovely thing just a simple for example a list of instructions like: Download these files, and install them in this order, with these options or these scripts to run, done.

    Can anyone PM me or post on here? If links are not allowed I get it, but then PMing is the way to go I guess...

    I've seen a few people in this thread said its running no problem, and some even saying they don't need the old 5.6 yet I can't even get that far. I tried installing a few different versions of 5.6 and the mac wouldn't let me finish installing and it would say installation failed, contact software manufacture, etc etc...
  18. blueline2612

    blueline2612 Newbie

    Apr 30, 2020
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    Could you be more specific in that version of kontakt, is it a legit one or cracked?

    Could you share how you did it on here or if it's against the rules can you PM me please? :)
  19. InTheChips

    InTheChips Ultrasonic

    Nov 23, 2020
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    None of the difficulties you and others are having are really M1 specific. They have to do with the security protocols in Big Sur and the fact that NI has changed a few things with how libraries are recognized by newer versions of Kontakt. It's become confusing for newcomers, because there are many threads from people using different versions of the OS and outdated info from time periods that predate the latest tools.

    As of this writing (June 2021), I'm using only Kontakt 6.5.3 and KiTTY's scripts. No Kontakt 5.x is necessary anymore. The process is simple and should work on both Intel and M1 Macs running macOS 10.13, 10.14, 10.15 or 11.

    1) Install a cracked version of Kontakt 6.5.x
    2) Go to the sister site and search for "Kontakt Library Scripts". Run Add Library script in Terminal and add your library.
    2a) An alternative to the KiTTY Library Scripts is NICNT Creator V2.x by Fred Bloggs (search this forum), which integrates the scripts with his nicnt tool for a neat all-in-one solution.
  20. blueline2612

    blueline2612 Newbie

    Apr 30, 2020
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    Where is the best place to find a cracked Kontakt 6.5 ? I tried multiple avenues and hit a rock, I did get the Kitty script though, so I think this is getting the process closer now. Also I accidentally installed a legit version of Kontakt with natives online thing too.... Is that going to affect me installing the crack? Should I remove that version of legit kontakt first? will that make issues down the line, will I need to do a clean install of OS11 to help with registry issues if any?

    Sorry for all the questions, but its the first time I'm getting clear answers and its amazing, thank you! I also sent you a PM about this