USB Mixer as an audio interface??

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Bump, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I don't know if this has been discussed in detail before...but I can't find anything on it here. I originally wanted to get an AD converter + lightpipe to track all my outboard IN...but have reevaluated since and decided I wanted to keep costs down.

    Title says it needs are pretty simple. So I was looking at the Behringer Q1202USB this way I can use the 2TRK/USB function which when toggled gives the option of routing all the INS to the PC or routing the main outs to my output multiplier which will distribute the stereo signal to all my outboard. I can deal with the stereo I/O of the mixer, I only need to track in one part from any unit at a time. The main concern is that I don't have to swap cables at all when tracking in.

    I have a couple questions/concerns, however...

    1 - I am pretty sure the biggest issue I will have is tracking in vocals. I need to set the mixer to route audio to the headphone out to monitor while I lay vocals...So I highly doubt I can route audio out and track in at the same time on the mixer...

    So, I also have a Behringer UCA202 which I can use to strictly "monitor" while recording vox. And obviously, I'd have to use ASIO4ALL.

    Does anybody have any experience with the Behringer USB mixers to confirm this?

    2 - I use mostly VSTi's to compose and render to audio religiously... What are the performance issues I'd be sacrificing with a cheap alternative like a USB mixer as opposed to the dedicated interface?

    Hope I was clear...sometimes I have issues conveying my concerns clearly..and go all over the place. lol
  3. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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    The phones out carry the summed effects and main mix signals. I guess that's exactly what you want.

    Practically none as discussed here.

  4. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Lol yes...well I guess I just wanted to know if I can monitor the DAWs audio and track.vocals simultaneously...but in a really long winded way lol