David Byrne says

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by davea, Oct 23, 2013.

  1. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    David Byrne: 'The internet will suck all creative content out of the world'
    The boom in digital streaming may generate profits for record labels and free content for consumers, but it spells disaster for today's artists across the creative industries


    to read carefully

  3. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Why David Byrne is wrong about Spotify
    Dave Allen: Musicians such as Byrne and Thom Yorke can't blame the internet for their problems. We need to work with new markets, not reject them


  4. evesixtynine

    evesixtynine Newbie

    Jul 22, 2012
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    another one who says pedal faster backwards
  5. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Recall his "Like humans do" song was featured as a sample song in Windows XP.
  6. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    And also the the internet provides a chance for the poor artists to promote themself and show their work to people with no cost. That article sound selfish to me, they just can't deal with their wage numbers, the income... They alwys want more money and just start blaming the internet. Internet affects only the rich and famous artists, also the old selfish assholes who think that only the rich artists should rise. All of the TV stuff these days is only brainwashing, while on the internet you can hear/see/find things that the TV hides from ya', even the Radio.(I talk about these options, because if there wasn't the internet, these options was only available for reaching the audience). But Internet it saves and rise the poor & talented artists.. I'm pro with the internet. And also the poor artist, if there wasn't no internet, if they were wishing to get on tv or radio,they should first have alot of money, for the records labels profiteers. These days is no more that important a record label itself, all of them these days search for talented artists and not the vice-versa. The artists are even able to record their performance with a usb-interface, a pair of entry-level monitors and mic and working straight in the box, internet helping them to get known and post their work to the worldwide audience with no cost, gettin' super-rich and famous after (eg. avicii, Bieber, The Cataracs, Dev, RWJ, Macy Kate, Kurt Hugo Schneider, etc.)
  7. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    @Evorax. I've got nothing to say because you've said it all. *yes* :mates:
  8. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    All of a sudden I have to think in terms of markets...fuck it all...not everyone makes music to appeal to a market or demographic. If people wanna turn what they do into a business, sure go ahead...no one gives a fuck, so they'll eat ur intrusive shit up like no tommorow...the rest of us, we don't give two shits...
  9. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Byrne and Yorke are millionaires, they do not need to work with any market whatsoever. :rofl:

    You cannot turn back the clock, and I hope that the times for the "music industry" are over soon. :wink:
  10. davea

    davea Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2012
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    Even if Byrne, Yorke or else are wrong ( or not), or could take as no respect for 'poor', beginner people. This put on table a real statement of what's going one since a while in the "creative industry".
    With an Usb box or a top class studio you can do magic . As I say often: " when the song is good, Thats it. You don't need much, all is already here ".

    But this is not just about technical stuff. It's about how the artist create, produce their work and how people ( consumers/ "fans") react today in listening, buying track(s) more than album(s). More into playlist than
    albums collections. Obviously the 70's generation is still, for most of us, continuing as parents, to have/buy Albums in any sort of packages ( Vinyl, cds, digital, even tape for someones ;-). But kids, in majority, doesn't really.
    It's just like this. This is far from a bad thing. Things are changing radically and more quickly than expected.

    The way of people are consuming arts gives a lot info of how things change since a decade in our society or the foreigners society.

    If all the creativity "money back" is diluted in the new digital market, what the deal for who wants being a pro or stays pro ? Or simply live with his art(s) ?
    Since a long times, some of prestigious artists was broke and have to live with a rich Bourgeoise or Bourgeois to expect help from them to pay their tons of hours of works, to create.

    Always Art was in battle between two things:
    - be reachable for anyones
    - but in same time, elitist. Consequence from the simple fact of having time and money to be educated, to research and then to create. Sounds like education statement too …

    Before TV was for rich people.Today, almost everybody got a TV at home. Almost everybody got a smart phone. So everybody can have access to billion of infos, contents.
    That's an enormous progress . But there is always pervert effects.
    Loads of what we are listening today on big channels, radio, are for most of them, a caricature. I'm obviously not talking about independent radio, channel which still have top class content, for most of them...

    Where is the creativity so ? In the kids, in the next generations as usual, in the other culture, still everywhere . Even if artist like Byrne are desperates artists, they are scared of loosing, scared of seeing powerless, things changing, things escaping from the usual habits. They are still big creators and have a vision that we need to respect, at least to listen. And trying to read inside the lines to catch some important points.

    I'm a pro since more than 20 years. I'm almost 40 . Life is not finished at all. Everything still needs to be done .
  11. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    And let's not forget most of the kids listen ot music on crappy mobile speakers, crappy head phones, or 128kbp or even less Youtube streams. Those kids don't care about sophisticated mastering unless it is loud. :rofl:

    If the world changes and artists cannot live from their music any more, there is a simple solution: get another job - sorry for being cynical here, but last time I checked there is no fundamental human right to live off art production.
  12. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Yea', but at least the poor artists have the right to succeed, because being famous and rich as an artist i don't think is a oportunity only for cheating rich artists/wannabees (which alot of them aren't that talented as some of the poor ones.)

    I hate when i see on tv that load of shit that THEY want you to see, you don't have a choice, is about you like what you're seein' or turn off the tv if don't. My philosophy is about "nobody tells you what to do" and the internet it really support you in this kind of mentality. On internet YOU choose what you wanna see/find/hear and not vice-versa like the tv or radio does. The internet not only respects your freedom on the information you seek, but also it helps you to get known for your talent with no fuc*in' cost. Most of the internet haters are only too afraid to be overlapped by the new generation. I don't mean about living virtually, i just mean about what you can do with the internet as an advantage for the real talented artists which are basically "bashed" and rejected by the big lebels due to the lack of money.
  13. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    The definition of success isn't weighed upon the amount of money you have or how many people listen to what you do...it is achieving your goal as a musician artisitically and doing something satisfying. It is sooo easy to make something that is popular...difficult to get your idea perfect...

    Money comes, dw...as long as you are a pro at what you do...it will happen...thinking about that whether you're rich or poor for music is a wrong perception and basis for success...it is only an ignorant way to escape and cheat hardship and skillful difficulty of what it is to actually be a genius musician.

    On that note...man I need to make some sellout sounds...I'm broke as fuck :rofl:
  14. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    I think you're wrong here. I mainly meant about how the internet can help the poor artists, which mostly they would need money to help them to get KNOWN. How you can succeed with even a damn great talent, when nobody reach you/nobody see you/nobody hear you? Well, in this case money is a solution (if you have them, of course) but for the poor people, INTERNET is the solution. You can be even a damn GOD singing vocalist, hard-working and squeezing even the last drops of sweat out of you, but if you just do it in the bathroom because nobody gives a shit about what you can do until you pay some cash to their pre-satisfaction first, then you can't do nothin'. (while on internet, you can). I know alot of talented poor people who makes EXTREME sacrifices (as i did too, like starving, working on sanitation or other shitty jobs to be able to save some money for their needs/equippment), but if they don't reach anybody to get known, they will never be able to go further. One of my quotes is "If you wanna be a king, you need the folks/people first" and that's how the internet helps, not only gives you fans that appreciate what you do, but you also rise your prestige and the big labels or managers contacts you for the deal of your life, that will change your life forever.
    I am a producer, i used to melt snow when i was thirsty while i was working as a guardian on a suburb mayor's house that it wasn't fully builded so it was uninhabitable, i had in my metal-cabin office a computer, a keyboard and some cheap headphones studying engineering ebooks, video tutorials, etc. and experimenting/practicing on my own, night and day, that i starved even 3 days a row and sleeping like 4 hours on a 2-day interval. Now i succeeded somehow, not as a big producer did, but is a big progress which grow bigger and bigger and you know what? all of my clients are from other countries, not from this one where i'm living, so Internet was my connection with the clients and also the fact that they have found me. I had no friends or help from anybody, no teacher, my parents are like they don't even know me and i also never studyied a musical instrument in the past. I started from 18y.o. with FL Studio as a curiosity about how the music is made, but i had a so big determination that in only 3 years of raw wild studying from PURE ZERO KNOWLEDGE i managed to evolve fast. Now i'm working in S1, and i made a livin' from this and i'm no longer supposed to have a shitty job, i'm doin' monthly even 1200-1400 euros and i try to upgrade my equippment as much as i can, so i can start working on my own projects too, not only for the clients needs, and belive me, i'm not earning money just from all the production genres that i do, but also from mixing and mastering tasks too.

    I have 21 y.o. now, i know what hard work is, but i have to be honest and praise the INTERNET, because it was the only "bridge" between me and my clients. Thanks!
  15. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Mr. Byrne is one of the artists I respect a lot. In his book, "How Music Works" , he gives some interesting insights into the evolution of music. Plus you get an interesting history of the early "alternative" music scene as music was changing from all analog to digital technology. I enjoyed the book. If I did this kind of stuff for money, I would have had to give up a long time ago. Now I just create what I want and hope somebody likes it. Food and shelter are over-rated. :rofl:
  16. ( . ) ( . )

    ( . ) ( . ) Audiosexual

    Jul 29, 2013
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    woah essay factory called, they want their article back...

    But I still read it...fair point :wink:
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