Bragging rights

Discussion in 'Music' started by Haliax, Mar 27, 2021.

  1. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    Who from the music industry have you met personally during your lifetime? I'm happy to hear stories, even tenuous links to famous artists.

    My first real encounter was with someone who always holds a special place in my heart, Syd Barrett. I first met him in Hospital while visiting a friend who had driven herself to excess. Then, a few more brief encounters throughout the 80's, having lived very close to his mother's house. This is almost tenuous, as we only spoke once for about five minutes and that conversation didn't make much sense at all.

    My next two were pretty close together, I worked in a studio doing remastering in the early 90s and we had a contract with Trojan records. While working on their back catalogue, Eddy Grant came in wanting to hear a preview of a few artists. He was really fun to work with, and back then he even had a very good understanding of DSP technology and how it was transforming music.

    Clapton also came in a couple of times to hear how we were progressing with his early work too, I only managed to sit with him once for half an hour. Rather than talk about how we were removing hiss from tape, he wanted to talk about why my Strat had a blocked trem.
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  3. scrappy

    scrappy Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2016
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    bowels of the skullery at the court of king boris
    I've worked with many including The Wombles. The real ones, not the later tribute Wombles.
  4. Haliax

    Haliax Guest

    The really young naive me thought they were common for years. "The Wombles from Wimbledon, common are we" rather than " The Wombles from Wimbledon Common are we"
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  5. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    I played in a band, and we opened for Confederate Railroad, super nice guys
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  6. Joe Crisp

    Joe Crisp Platinum Record

    Nov 26, 2019
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    State of being
    Oh, and Doc Watson is my cousin
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  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    During my lifetime? Okay, that narrows it down a bit.

    I have too many stories, so it's easier if you choose who you want a story on. Better if they are dead though.

    Wishbone Ash
    Martin Barre
    Labi Siffre
    Roy Ayers
    Ronny Jordan
    Ronnie Scott
    Roland Orzabel
    Guru Josh
    Alison Limerick
    Amy Winehouse
    Stephan Grappelli
    Andy Shepherd
    Courtney Pine
    Sly & Robbie
    Yellow Man
    Jah Shakka
    Mavis Staples
    Morris Hayes
    John Blackwell
    Carmen Elektra
    Billy Cobham
    Billy Bragg
    The Jordanaires
    Lenny Kravitz
    Edwin Starr
    Maddy Prior
    Humphrey Littleton
    David Knights
    Desmond Dekker
    Gino Washington
    Mark Moore
    Andy Gangadeen
    Simon Richmond
    Jamie Odell
    Joel Edwards
    Tony Dowding
    Tony Bramwell
    Tony Hall
    Mike Berry
    Ray Hendriksen
    Andy Hendriksen
    David Soul
    Helen Shapiro
    Simon Green
    Phil Chill
    Paul Oxley
    Mike Edwards/Pramada
    Steve Winwood
    Hank Marvin
    Julian Marshall
    Malcolm Toft
    Hugh Cornwell
    Clem Curtis
    Kate Bush

    That just took ages so I'm stopping for a bit.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2021
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  8. aymat

    aymat Audiosexual

    Dec 21, 2015
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    I've met plenty of famous musicians but the most memorable run ins I've had were LTJ Bukem, King Britt and Dick Dale.

    I met Bukem at a bar called Soma in Boulder some time in the early 2ks. Some friends and I went to see him play a show in Boulder Theater and got there early so we walked across the street to have some drinks before the show. He happened to be at the bar and had a chance to chat with him before the show. Super humble guy.

    King Britt was a bit different. In the late 90's there was a white label remix by Jay Denes of Maxwell's "Fortunate" which at the time I was desperate to find. By chance, I heard it on a mix by King Britt who was a regular on the Ovum Recordings forum. So I reached out to him to see if he knew where I could score a copy, not expecting a response, but he replied back almost immediately and he asked me for my contact info. A week later I received a phone call from one of the heads at Columbia Records who was kind enough to not only send me a copy, but also several unreleased promos. King even followed up just to make sure I got everything. I was floored by the gesture and it was the first time I became acutely aware of how accessible seemingly inaccessible people were through the power of the internet.

    Dick Dale was probably the most famous of all the musicians I've met. In the early 90's I used to work at gym in Orlando that was right next to a bar called The Junkyard. Every now and then I'd pop in after work to grab a beer or and listen to some local bands play live music. So one night I walk in and Dick Dale is setting up, and I couldn't believe it because the bar was half empty but he put on an amazing show for like 30 people. After the show, I got the chance to talk with him quite a bit about music and he told me if I was ever in California to stop by his ranch and then gave me his number. A few months after that, on a whim, I called the number just to see if it was actually his and sure as fuck he picked up the phone. We talked about music, philosophy and life for about an hour and that was it. Definitely surreal.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2021
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  9. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Before I got caught up in cocaine & X - straight for 20 years now - I worked at Electric Lady Studios. Lee Foster just turned manager.. I babysat Rick Ocaseks kids. He was there for 2 months straight producing an O.A.R. album that was never released... I about swallowed my tongue when I met Eddie Kramer. He was there a few times, always remastering some newly found Jimi recording. Jimi’s relatives always needed more money. Robert Randolph was a sweetheart, not well known yet but his chops were beautiful. I copied some of De’Angelo’s Zip disks full of samples exported from an ASR10. He was there on and off for a few months. Nas, saw him but didn’t bother. Rappers were always dicks... Regina Spector. Didn’t bother helping that session.... The thing that was cooler than hanging with Eddie Kramer in my mind was just living in NYC in the east village. You could bump into anyone from a FoodNetwork star chef or even Woody Allan... This was all shortly after 9/11. The world hasn’t changed completely yet. But you could sense something was going to be different after those towers fell... All in all I’m glad I got into trouble with drugs, because had I stayed there and worked my way up I’d probably be a bigge asshole than what I am already. I’m thankful for being healthy. Living back home in the Midwest & thankful my keyboard skills got me on a handful of national act tours.... there I bragged & it felt good.
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  10. I spilled a drink on Kylie Minogue. Like the whole thing. She was soaked. I got her so wet. I'm not the slightest bit sorry.
  11. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    She shouldn't have been standing under your glass, but it's probably impossible for her not to.
  12. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Lol was pre or post “Can’t get you outta my head”
  13. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Maybe halfway through the track.
  14. She is tiny.
    It was around 1992. We were at a club and I was chatting to her then boyfriend Michael Hutchence, who I'd known since the early 80's when we played the same venues.
  15. andrescooper445

    andrescooper445 Member

    May 13, 2020
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    I'm always walking around this east village area and still no stories. Why did you avoid Regina?