
Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by kingjamm, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. kingjamm

    kingjamm Newbie

    Sep 3, 2012
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    It's been a while,
    I've been working for so long
    with my 15" monitor.

    The screen resolution is really tight
    and small...
    And when I'm using a synthesizer
    inside my DAW
    I can't see the bottom knobs
    I can't fully tweak it...

    So my question is...
    What would be the minimum resolution
    so that I would have an awesome view
    for my whole DAW....
    A TV is not really suggestible for my system.

    I would love to hear out suggestions with
    the Monitor size...

    I don't know if I'm on the right thread
    so please do bear with me. :)

  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
    Likes Received:
    I was nice enough to give you a pass on the caps you consistently use in your threads by not taking action last time. I showed you an example of how posts should be composed and straight up told you that if you do it again you're getting a warning, so that's what's happening now.
  4. LV-426

    LV-426 Newbie

    Aug 29, 2013
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    Monaco Europe
    Like mine. A Apple Thunderbolt Display :wink:
  5. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Plan 9
    I use a 2x BenQ GL2750HM 27" at 1920x1080 and haven't found any vsti or daw that needs more.​
  6. kingjamm

    kingjamm Newbie

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Oh crap my apologies, I forgot. It's just that it's my universal kind of typing. Anywhere I go. Terribly sorry for it. I would try to change. My deepest apologies.
  7. kingjamm

    kingjamm Newbie

    Sep 3, 2012
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    Sorry for the way it is presented, I'll try to make adjustments. :)

    I actually have to scroll right(edited) :D to see the whole picture. :(

    1920x1080 sounds cool. what monitor size is it? But I think it's a bit huge since 21.5" is already 1680x1050
  8. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Daytona Beach, FL
    I have dual monitors, but crappy resolution. Two 17 inch monitors that support 4:3 1600x1200. I still have more than enough room to open vsti and have the mixer on the other screen. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I highly recommend using two monitors. So much space to drag stuff out of the way and have everything open at once. Even if they are two shitty monitors, I prefer that over one nice one.
  9. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    I use a 22 inch monitor, or 24, I dont even know... But I know what its like to work with a small monitor, had an old 4:3 monitor...
    I would suggest you just go with a average sized monitor (average size of these days, of course). So between 20 and 25 inch should do the job. I dont think you will feel like needing more for some time.
  10. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
    Likes Received:
    I use a 22 inch monitor, or 24, I dont even know... But I know what its like to work with a small monitor, had an old 4:3 monitor...
    I would suggest you just go with a average sized monitor (average size of these days, of course). So between 20 and 25 inch should do the job. I dont think you will feel like needing more for some time.
  11. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I use 1680x1050 on 22" Samsung and it's been serving me incredibly well for the past 5 years. The screen still looks awesome/same. People often make a mistake of buying a too small monitor with too big resolution. Like 22" that natively supports 1920x1080 resolution. I'd say that for 1680x1050 resolution 22" is perfect, then for 1920x1080 you need *at least* 24", but 27" looks really good and you can see everything easily. I find 1680x1050 more than enough for all the synths and plugins, but it's also a good resolution for games and films. Gaming at 1920x1080 demands a really good VGA. Of course any VGA is fast enough for desktop and plugins, so if you don't play games just ignore what I said about gaming. ;)

    Speaking of VGA and 2D, 2D speed does depend on one factor and that's memory speed ["memory bandwidth" in GB/s], so I wouldn't buy a really crappy card for my PC, but something average and of course - passive so that it doesn't make any noise. VGA cards can be extremely noisy and annoying. I have NVidia GT240/512MB with a Zalman passive VGA cooler that I bought separately. Excellent VGA cooler, highly recommended if you like silence. This VGA have memory bandwidth of 54.4GB/s which is pretty average and it consumes 69W. Always look for a card with GDDR5 RAM as that memory is faster and look for a card with lower wattage. Around 50W is great. Still, 69W is also good and this Zalman cooler barely gets warm.

    Blah. I can go on and on forever... :rofl:

  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Please next time you compose a post it should look like this: Resolution. It makes it easier to find things when you do a search, makes all posts equal in importance and it looks nicer. I really appreciate your apology mate. Thanks for handling your warning with dignity and respect. :mates:
  13. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    A series of tubes
    I used to use a 22" 1600x900 westinghouse monitor. Then I switched for my 1920x1080 32" tv. But now, I am rocking 2 24" 1920x1080 monitors on a dual arm mount. Personally, I would say the higher the resolution the better--but I hate scrolling in my DAW. I like the two monitors as you can just shovel your console over to the second monitor and have your sequencer view uninhibited. :)
  14. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    24 inch at 1920 x 1080 is pretty comfortable. If you can afford 2 of these, its perfect.
  15. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    You have a point here, right.
  16. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I would run 2 or 3 screens if I thought it would be helpful for my workflow and wouldn't impact the sound. For starters, I find two monitors rather distracting. Secondly, the problem with two 22" or more screens is that they just don't fit between my speakers and I would be too far away from the speakers. What Xsze said - trying to keep the equilateral triangle is priority and as less stuff between the speakers as possible, too. Especially since I have two pairs of speakers and considering third pair [but that's another thread]. ;) So my philosophy is 1 monitor but a good one and the sound is always a priority, in, with, out of everything.

    I actually do have a second monitor and second computer that sits at my side to control my TC Konnekt 48 and its mixer, but the monitor is a nice small 16" HD Philips [cheap as chips :)] and the computer is a small 1HE box I assembled myself. I use this setup to record stuff outside of the studio. It helps immensely to have a nice transportable rack like that and it doubles as controller for Konnekt 48 because you can't really run stably two audio cards on one computer [blue screens anybody?]. This second computer can also double as some more "DSP resources" for Reaper over Reamote... ;)

    Blah, I can go on forever, especially if you feed me red wine and a spliff. :rofl:

    p.s. Reaper works great with one monitor since you can "bring out" the mixer view so easily and then turn it off as easily. I use Presonus Faderport for that and it works wonderfully - on/off at the press of a button, but you can do it with the keyboard as easily, too.
  17. thisis theend

    thisis theend Member

    Jul 28, 2013
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    Same as Xsze, 21,5 inch 1680 x 1050.
    It's the screen on my iMac which is getting to be kinda old but it still works cause I basically only use it for the music stuff.
    Had it connected to a TV for a while to try out using 2 screens, but it didn't feel necessary for me so I don't do that anymore.

    Edit: Lol, just checked my specs, haven't done that in ages, and I actually have 1920x1080... don't know why they did that, cause like SineWave said I think you need a bigger screen to take advantage of that.
  18. Army of Ninjas

    Army of Ninjas Rock Star

    Sep 24, 2013
    Likes Received:
    A series of tubes
    Yeah, this is definitely a problem for some peoples' setups. I use an elevated dual arm mount for just this purpose (and to make the monitors more adjustable for a more pleasing viewing angle, etc). These days, about $250 will get you a couple 22" 1080p monitors and a dual arm mount--which allows you to have your pc monitors placed higher than your monitor speakers.

    I have a pc desk with a 6 space rack on the main desk surface, an arturia keylab 49 in front of the rack, my monitor speakers on either side of the rack, and a dual arm pc monitor mount that is mounted to the back of the rack. With this type of a setup I have been able to squeeze a very large amount of hardware onto a single desk. I have the pc and some drawers (for cable storage, mics, etc.) under the desk, backlit keyboard and mouse on the pullout keyboard tray, etc. The rest of my equipment, I squeeze onto a mic stand with a cad as32 and headphone amp (for seperate headphone mixes for vocalists) permanently attached. I also have one of those guitar hanger mic stand attachment things on the stand--so I don't even have to store my guitar elsewhere lol.

    It is an EXTREMELY small setup that serves me well. Space has traditionally been kind of an issue for me, so I decided to setup my studio in this way. The dual 24" 1080p monitors were an amazing addition to the studio. Yeah, of course they don't do a thing for your sound (so some people will not think of them as highly essential to a studio) but they have enhanced my workflow greatly. I used to use cubase 5, and I personally hated f3'ing constantly to pop up the mixer--as I am one of those people who tweaks the mix constantly during tracking. It's just a personal thing, some poeple like it that way (as the gentleman said in regards to reaper). But I have found that by leaving things like my mixer, the vsti I am currently doing sound design for, etcetera it is better for me to just leave them open on the second monitor. I use sonar, so the UI is modular (to some degree anyways). This allows me to pop things over to the second monitor--giving my main monitor a very "clean" and "easy to understand what's going on at a glance" look.

    Also, during mixing/mastering leaving izotope insight up on the second monitor is wonderful. It is a very fluid and fast way of working. Again, everyone has their style--but this is how I can track quickly. And I have found that when I track quickly, I do more tracking lol. Since modifying my setup, I have found that I make about twice as many tracks per year as I used to. Sorry for the HUGE post guys, lol. But I get excited about studio ergonomics, workflow, etc. I think it is the great underdiscussed aspect of owning a home studio! :thumbsup:
  19. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    First off, there are tons of things you can do with two monitors. How about mixing in the console while watching peaks? So, here is a pic of my two monitor setup, very small. Not loosing any sound quality. The speakers are very close to me and in a nice triangle pattern, just have to scoot my chair over a little cause my floor is uneven and I always roll towards the left wall. But still, not loosing any sound quality as long as I don't roll into the wall.

    Fuck, never tried inserting a pic before. Guess u have to upload it on a site like photobucket or dropbox, then you can link the pic in the message?
    Anyway, I attached it if anyone wants to look. photo2.jpg

    Guess it worked as attachemnt, but crooked! Fucky!
    Tried to straighten pic, but I am a noob at it!
    I need to go to Frito's school of how to make a good post!
  20. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Daytona Beach, FL
    Peaks from metering vst, or just watching track view and observing problem areas. Trust me, with two monitors and TouchOSC on my tablet, I almost never go for the mouse and keyboard ever.
  21. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    You said the keyword, shortcuts!
    I don't need to type anything on keyboard, or click shortcuts. Ya, I can manipulate my DAW and get to everything in one screen too. Especially since most DAW have docking station now. But, if you didn't have to click a shortcut, button, or open a menu? Why would you? That would be less time you were working. Less clicking = Less work. Less button presses = Less work!
    And I am all about the lazy, my friends!

    And of course I'm not trying to argue with anyone. As xsze, and many others said, its all about what you have to work with and your personal preferences. But if what I have to work with is two shitty screens or one nice one, I would definitely go for the two shitty screens. You really can reduce your work time dramatically.
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