Why is Windows 10 always doing something?

Discussion in 'PC' started by Zenarcist, Jan 21, 2021.

  1. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    MacOS is very snappy by clean install,
    it's the third-party stuff which slows it down - my favourite debloat app for MacOS is Lingon X which can take care of startup daemons and processes in a user-friendly GUI way: https://www.peterborgapps.com/lingon/
  2. blackbox63

    blackbox63 Noisemaker

    Jan 28, 2021
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    It depends (on what you call snappy... hardware etc.).

    However: it COULD be way better.

    All I want to say is: the amount of work to get a "good" windows is the same to get a "good" macOS.

    And in the end there is the question: what is "good" for you?
  3. blackbox63

    blackbox63 Noisemaker

    Jan 28, 2021
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    Why defend Apple so hard?

    You're on HS, yep, you can't upgrade to a higher OS since your GTX1080Ti isn't compatible... They're not your friends.
  4. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    as a matter of fact, I have another hackintosh running just fine Big Sur 11.1 as my budget reliable HTPC "TV rig":

    there is no point having latest&fanciest system on a workstation, too many question marks on compatibility with various software, plugins and hardware - btw same applies to Windows as well - speaking of my GTX1080Ti rig, I have dualboot with Windows 10 there and running older 1909 PRO build there,

    I wouldn't say I defend Apple, I'm fully aware of pros and cons of both MacOS and Windows, in the end I use both depending on tasks I need, but for my needs it's MacOS used about 80% time
  5. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    a .plist file is not a deamon, and a deamon is not a launchdeamon.

    these preferences files just tell the launchdeamons what to launch.

    the good thing in MacOS is that these system deamons are in another folder than (most) deamons you install later.

    and like 11 of them are actually running and none of them is doing something which would interrupt your work, like it should be.

    you can see in the activity monitor what is loaded, what runs, and what resources it needs.

    and, as always, you can see that with 3 clicks less than in windows 10. :)

    optimising a system usually means that you remove or turn off what disturbs you (in practice).

    none of the MacOS system deamons disturb you while you work - except spotlight indexing, which can be turned off using a controlpanel.

    there is nothing "running" here. none of the hardware or network releated things need CPU cycles.

    in my (old) OSX 10.4 there are exactly 42 processes launched, of which 6 require a total average of 1,3% CPU - on a 900MHz single core machine, which can hardly run 7 waves trueverb.

    1,2% of these 1,3% CPU are alone for finder, dock, window server, and kerneltask.

    okay, you might want to deinstall the dock core service, but without finder and window server you can not run MacOS.

    both MacOS and windows fragmented physical disks.

    the difference between manual defragmentation (or updating, or indexing) and automatic shit is that manual jobs do not interrupt you while you work.

    yes of course. the problem is only that it is ON by default and a bit difficult to find out how to turn it off. :)
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
  6. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    that list is pure nonsese.

    the truth looks more like that:


    this guy is running mojave with 2 and 4 gb of RAM and then wonders why he feels the need to "optimize" his system? haha. :P

    the only things which are "bloated" in a unix OS are these 500 mb long audio compressor plug-ins people download and install. (where it would have been just as possible to produce the same plug-in with a length of 5 mb.)

    guys, if you want to save 10 mb of RAM then dont use a background image.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
  7. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    And both can be easily and completely disabled on any Pro installation using a group policy
  8. FrankWhite23

    FrankWhite23 Producer

    May 1, 2019
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    I wish I knew what task was what.. like it a had a description of what each task was doing
  9. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    You probably don't want to. Do you need to disable Bluetooth support in your system? Printer support? DHCP Client (basically, network settings autoconfiguration)? You shouldn't need to touch this stuff, it's only doing anything with your hardware when you trigger it by eg. printing something. If you've done everything else and think you now need to disable system services because your system is unusable, I'm sorry, but you're probably using a potato and this won't help you either.
  10. Obineg

    Obineg Platinum Record

    Dec 7, 2020
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    i think we can safely assume that the OP was asking for things which have actual effects; and that is indeed only indexing, defragmentation, and windows update - but eventually also auto updates for antivirus programs or some adobe crap (which is not exactly the fault of microsoft or apple)
  11. blackbox63

    blackbox63 Noisemaker

    Jan 28, 2021
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    What version of macOS was that? HS an earlier had way less daemons running than Catalina. Even Mojave had something ~100, in Catalina it exploded.

    Yeah, most of em show 0,00 CPU, right. But this is not static status. And every process uses RAM as it is to be seen in your screenshot.

    I don't like to read something "you shouldn't"; "you don't need", "it doesn't affect you"...

    What I should, what I need, what I want is up to my personal taste. And what I feel, what does "affect" me, too.

    So I will always prefer a system allowing me the most and easy customisation to my personal needs.
  12. blackbox63

    blackbox63 Noisemaker

    Jan 28, 2021
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    You could give that answer to 100% to the initial question
    Why is Windows 10 always doing something?

    *Thread closed?*
  13. flush with your foot

    flush with your foot Platinum Record

    Apr 12, 2017
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  14. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    Well, indexing settings can be customized to only include what you want in your search. And even if you allow indexing on all disks (like I do) for instant searching of any file on any disk you have, it only indexes periodically, usually when the computer is not in use.

    Defragmentation is only of issue if you're using a hard drive, and frankly you shouldn't be using these for anything but archival/backup in 2021. IIRC you could also customize the frequency of defragmentation.

    Windows Update - just make sure you're not on Home, and set the group policy to notify you when there are updates but only download & install after you click telling it to do so. Simple enough. Windows Defender can also be fully disabled from a group policy.
    Well the answer is quite easy, to have anything you might want from it ready to go. They didn't bother making 20 different versions for different people, because the impact of "always doing something" is 0% CPU usage and 2 MB of RAM. If you're running Windows 10 on your Core 2 Duo PC that shipped with Windows XP and 2 GB of RAM, you probably have your expectations wrong. The listing for Calculator you see in Task Manager as using 0% CPU and 0.1 MB RAM is doing just that - it's not "doing something". It's literally just sitting in RAM so Calculator loads faster when you want it. Same for pretty much every single thing running in the background.

    The only things that really do some work are:
    - search indexing (which only scans periodically and is of no harm on any SSD-equipped computer)
    - Windows Defender (and its part, Antimalware Service) - which is a known heavyweight and can be easily disabled with a group policy, and tbh I don't want to wait 30s until I can open my ZIP download anyway
    - Windows Update, during installing updates - which you can easily set to only download updates once you tell it to do.

    As far as everything else in Windows 10 goes, one tab of Facebook open, or having Steam or Discord in the background, is going to be 100x more resource intensive than any of these background services.
  15. blackbox63

    blackbox63 Noisemaker

    Jan 28, 2021
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    I don't want to have something [I never ever use] sitting in the background, perhaps doing nothing 90% of the time (but who stares all the time on this screen if some 0,00 value's changing or not).

    "Faster loading" is cool. :) In times of SSD's no issue at all. And "faster loading" is misleading. [When I got no Bluetooth device I will never have any reason to load anything BT-related. //yes, if you change your system you might well have a look at your services/daemons.]

    The thing for me is: even if a process (as service/daemon) is running and showing (!) 0,00 CPU, it IS eventually DOING SOMETHING.

    Many of these background tasks have been the source of vulnerabilities. Most issues could have been avoided if not everything would be a permanently running service and users would have been a bit more sensitive to configure them.

    The next step (sadly) is the trend to restrict the user rights to access the configuration. So many unnessesary processes are not configurable anymore by default.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2021
  16. InHiding

    InHiding Member

    Jan 21, 2017
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    Windows 10 is the last Windows I'll ever have. It's spyware just like someone mentioned. It can be killed but that's a lot of work. I spent a lot of time fixing it but the end result of pretty nice considering this is a laptop. I hope this machine lasts for 10 years at least.

    Last edited: Feb 6, 2021
  17. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    since i havnt replied here yet.
    As i updated my win10 last Feb, it reset a lot of setting i set, like installing Edge again, turning defender on again, Cortana, etc
    (broke windows store that way :/ but atleast my comp is quiet now)

    I deinstalled a lot of stuff, the Malware scanning service was super annoying it kept scanning stuff as downloaded via utorrent and even sowed download down by 60%, means from having 10MB/s down to 3MB/s (Megabytes).
    I got this turned off now and my cpu is super quiet now.

    Actual i wuld check the services and maybe turn off some.

    There is also Blackbird, which u can use to turn off services automatically, but be careful, i once turned off the sign/log in service, so i could get passed the login screen. If u want to give it a try: https://www.getblackbird.net
  18. J Frank Badass

    J Frank Badass Kapellmeister

    Jan 8, 2018
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    i find Process Lasso quite useful for prioritizing my important apps
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