Liquidsonics illusion no reflections bug?

Discussion in 'Software' started by ajdinromeo, Jan 15, 2021.

  1. ajdinromeo

    ajdinromeo Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Does anyone else have a problem where they can't change reflections in Liquidsonics Illusion? If i load up a preset everything works but when i go into the early reflections tab and try to change the reflections they just unload and never load the new reflection. There's only one reflections that works high density modulated scatter all the others cant be loaded unless you load a preset with them.

    Anyone else have this problem?
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  3. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    It always amazes me with bugs on this site when someone asks "Does anyone else have this problem?', that instead of interesting or no I have not had this problem, someone disagrees when if you think about there is nothing to disagree about. I have not had this issue so therefore I can only assist by suggesting Google, DuckDuckGo using inverted commas something like: "Liquidsonics Illusion unloading reflection" . It may take a while but there is more often than not one forum that comes close - You just have to search quite a bit. With any luck, you might have someone here eventually who has had the same problem who will assist you. :)

    P.S. You could always try a reinstall too that sometimes helps - someone is bound to suggest that anyway....
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  4. ajdinromeo

    ajdinromeo Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Ye I just wanted to see if it's something with my system or if it's a common problem. I tried searching here on audiosex but found nothing and google didn't help. I much appreciate the reply @The Freq.

    I dunno bout the dislikes and disagree. Does that mean they haven't had the same problem or that they don't like the question? Easier to just drop a quick reply and tell me.

    Its the version from the sister site and it's not like I'm tryinn' to throw shade. We are very blessed and I'm grateful to the great R2R that they give us the chance to try these great tools and to even improve upon them from the originals.
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  5. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    This is not the right way to use rating anyway, and it will certainly soon be cleared.
  6. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    @ajdinromeo - How powerful is your computer and how many tracks did you have open with audio files when you used this? After careful reading of their developing information, it is a high-performance hybrid reverb that functions as a convolution reverb. The latter means that it can be taxing on your CPU and RAM.
    Do you have a lot of RAM and a powerful CPU? You probably do but that would make sense if you have a lot of files open and not a grunty machine.
    Try only one audio file in a clean session and load the plugin and let me know if you have the same issue please.

    I looked at their reflections and how they work with hardware because their knowledge base so far has no notes on dropping presets. However, I did find an interesting note by one of either the developers or owners: "Splitting the reverb and reflections apart for individual sampling in the Ambience algorithm was a particular challenge due to the way the hardware works..."

    Let us know. It will be useful to anyone who has a machine that could use an upgrade if computer performance is a criterion for this plugin when multiple tracks are open.
  7. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Yep, confirmed. Took me one second to reproduce it! One click on Reflections another one on either of the small arrows in the center and this is what's happening:


    Interestingly, if you switch back to the 'original' ER, it's working again.

    Win7, Reaper, vst2
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2021
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  8. ajdinromeo

    ajdinromeo Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    @No Avenger, thanks man. I thought it wouldn't be too hard to reproduce if it wasn't just my setup.

    I've tried in FL Studio and Reaper Win10 and vst3.

    @The Freq don't need to out me like that. For real, its a pretty old computer tho i was almost certain that wasn't the problem. It works fine using the presets it just doesn't load the early reflections if you try and change them. No Avenger had the exact same bug. At least now I don't have to worry that it's my system.
  9. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Mh, I'm not sure if my post is worth Best Answer. A solution for this problem would be a better choice.
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  10. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    @No Avenger if anyone could sort this I am not surprised it is you :)

    @ajdinromeo All good - I was troubleshooting as their knowledge base is not particularly comprehensive. It's not uncommon for convolution verbs to really tax a computer so I thought along those lines and I am glad it's not your computer. :)

    P.S - Does this application have any GUI options? That can sometimes be an issue - That is if it uses OpenGL. does it have any options?
  11. ajdinromeo

    ajdinromeo Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    Tru, I'll remove it. Tho now we know it's not only my rig and that's all I wanted to know.

    Would be good if there's a real solution but I've tried everything and haven't been able to find a fix. Except for loading the different preset and finding the reflection I want and then changing the other settings. Its not the smoothest but it works.
  12. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    Don't remove it.

    I just installed it.
    I say this because I have Cubase and Reaper. It's only crashing in Reaper. This means one of two things it's not your rig. It's not the application directly either or your computer.
    It means it's either an undetected bug by the developer or the copy from the sister site is flawed. If you have another DAW, try it in that first. :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2021
  13. ajdinromeo

    ajdinromeo Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    @The Freq haha nah my dude I'll keep the plug. :mates: I mean I'll remove the best answer tag from no avengers post. The plugin still works great for me and R2R gave me enough to at least test it before deciding if I want to buy it or not. And I really like it that's why I wanted to see if there's a way to fix the reflections so I can test those as well.
  14. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    and FL

    But you're saying this is not happening in Cubase?
  15. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    I'd leave it on No Avengers for now in my opinion. He verified the bug. He gets the star from my perspective. I only followed his findings in line with yours. Change it when there's a person who finds a real fix in my humble opinion.

    @No Avenger - Screenshot above. No, it's not happening in Cubase. That's why I think it's either developer's code or some weird memory access thing. No two DAW's access every facet of memory identically. If they did, developers could ensure nothing ever crashed.
  16. ajdinromeo

    ajdinromeo Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    @No Avenger I don't know, haven't tested. Don't have it at my studio anymore. The Freq said he tested in Cubase and Reaper and that it's only crashing Reaper. For me it works fine in FL and Reaper without any crashing. The only problem I have is the reflections not loading properly.
  17. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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    I have the same issue in Reaper, Win 7, no crashes just the reflections bug. But with all the reverb options I have this is really a minor issue. For me is fine to just use it as it is.
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  18. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    I agree that if you can live the GUI going askew until you change it and it functions perfectly, that it's not a huge issue.
    Sorry @rudolph I should have said GUI crashing, not the app.
  19. ajdinromeo

    ajdinromeo Member

    Jan 15, 2021
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    @rudolph thanks man. Seems to be more widespread than only my rig and win10. Good to know. Not sure if there's much to do bout it but if anyone finds a solution I hope it finds its way here.
  20. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Sadly, in your screenshot, the ER/Reflections section is not shown, but of course I believe you when you say it stays even after you switched to another ER.

    Nope, it's not the GUI crashing, or a GUI bug. It just doesn't load any other ER. If you bypass/switch off Late Reverb you hear the unchanged source.
  21. The Freq

    The Freq Guest

    Thanks :)
    I do not have any super lightweight screen video capture or I would have used that. If you know of one please PM me. I have avoided them as the DAW has always been the priority with resources
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