Ableton Live Different Results Using Effect Rack or Return Track?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by Roject, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    I play with some supersaws.
    I made a supersaw using Sunrizer and add eq. I copy midi melody from existing song to test.
    Then I duplicate a track and little change eq and add wider plugin and change few more things.

    I do some experiment and create second and third project and copy same settings but instead of adding second midi track I add effect rack on first midi track and set like was before, then another project with return track instead of midi track and set everything the same as previous.
    I don't know if I screwed up with levels because they little different but projects sound different from each other.
    I was shure that they should sound the same but they sound much different.
    Someone can explain me why? I thought it is the different way to same result but I was wrong?
    I included these Project Files in Attachement.

    Original Supersaw with 2 Midi Tracks - X13

    Second Supersaw with 1 Midi Track & Effect Rack - X14

    Third Supersaw with 1 Midi Track & Return Track - X15

    First Midi Track FX

    Second Midi Track FX

    Master Track FX

    Attached Files:

  3. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Unfortunately so!
    TL;DR: two different ways, more than two different results!

    When fx are on the channels of an instrument, they all effect each other in series. This is more restrictive, and is more for when you are baking those fx/plugs into the sound. Although we do have a Dry/Wet knob on a lot of plugs nowadays.
    When fx sends are sent via a buss to an aux channel, we have both options of pre or post fade send (not just your one original choice!) and we also have overall control of level of the fx.
    Two very different ways, with different reasons.
    We can also set up mono fx on an aux, as not all plugs can be forced to mono on a stereo channel.
    I'm wondering now how you thought dub reggae was made?
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2020
  4. Roject

    Roject Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2019
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    Setting all tracks aux to return track where is delay with feedback set 0 to hear once time repetion of feedback? :hillbilly:
    Is there a way to achieve same sound but not duplicating a track but as an effect?

    For example I wanna copy these settings to hardware and play melody live. I can't duplicate hardware like a vst, only way is to copy those effects and paste as effect.
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