Improving my Ableton workflow - a few questions

Discussion in 'Live' started by shinbeth, Nov 2, 2020.

  1. shinbeth

    shinbeth Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Hi guys quick questions regarding Ableton:

    1 - when I browse my samples in the menu, and double click on one specific sample, it goes into the track's clip I selected. But it doesn't arm: meaning if I click with my space bar, that sample won't launch automatically with the rest of the session. Is there a way to set up Ableton such that loading audio files would "arm" automatically while starting session playback?

    2 - as for midi files: when I double click them in the menu, it creates a new channel - instead of staying in the same track (below each other). Which I find very annoying while trying out different .mid files in the same channel with a vst (or synth). How do you guys go about this? Also, it doesn't start automatically with the rest of the session playback like the audio files.

    3 - when I load my big collection of 3rd party samples, some load with the right BPM, some not (it's 50/50). Which is very annoying, I need to go into the clip view, unwarp/rewarp and enter the right sample BPM value to make it sync again. Is there not a way to normalise this process such that ALL samples would load automatically warped with their actual BPM?

    4 - how can you delete multiples folders under "Places"? It's so annoying I tend to add shortcuts every week like 15/20 and when cleaning up there's no way to reset from scratch. You have to go one by one. Another waste of time.

    5 - only 7 folders under "Collections"? I need at least 12. Poor choice by Ableton. They could at least give us 9 if they want to keep them assigned to number keys (1-9).

    6 - generally speaking, how can I optimise my workflow without Push or Novation Launch Pro? I only have a Launch Control XL, without the pads to launch clips. Do I need to keep using my mouse to launch clips individually? There's no assignable key with my keyboard to launch Track 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.?

    Thank you.
  3. recycle

    recycle Guest

    I can give my opinion on 3 of your questions:

    3 - To have a properly warped sample into session it have to match bars and tempo. Also you have to set Preferences/warp-fades accordingly. Note that there is a difference between short samples and long samples: I guess “short” means shorter than 1 bar, “long” means longer than 8 bars

    4 - When you add a folder under “Places”, Ableton create a shortcut and -yes- you have to delete it manually. If you add your samples into the “User library” instead, Ableton makes a copy of them into /Users⁩ ▸ yourname⁩ ▸ ⁨Music⁩ ▸ ⁨Ableton⁩ ▸ User library. When samples are not needed anymore, you can go in that folder and delete everything.

    6 - Yes, maybe you could hack your keyboard to do that (never tried) but you will over-complicate your life. If you choose Ableton as a daw you did it for its live features: I strongly recommend using a Launchpad or even better Push: It won’t completely substitute the keyboard, but it is a great help when performing (my performances using ableton are 80% Novation Launchpad Pro and 20% mouse/keyboard).
  4. shinbeth

    shinbeth Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2019
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    3. Thank god yes I'm such a noob, sorted now in settings :)

    4. Yes I prefer to use the User Library for samples instead, you're right it's more handy. Adding the .alc saves time as well. The problem is I have a big 4TB hard drive but okay I'm gonna only add one folder (the hard drive itself) to avoid having to delete shortcuts every time. A simple cross to fast delete would be appreciated though, come on Ableton!

    6. Agreed okay perfect then I'll try to find some space on my desk to add a Launchpad Pro or Push to make it 80%/20% mouse. How do you go about using Push to move/drag/record/reorder/delete audio/midi clips without using the mouse? and APC 40 also does that job, correct?
  5. recycle

    recycle Guest

    Well, I have a Novation. What I hear from Push user is that there are various operations that still needs keyboard/mouse, even Push wont completely manage 100% the features of Ableton
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  6. VroundS

    VroundS Kapellmeister

    Dec 8, 2015
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    1. The track arming is for recording and/or playing and listening midi inputs on a track. Midi clips won't launch just by pressing the transport play button in the session view. Each clip has the play button on the left side. Once you click on it, it will start playing when you hit the space bar.
    Session view was designed for live performance. Hitting the play button only means that you started a session with designated tempo and quantization. Everything else is up to your choice. You can choose which clip you want to play or play a group of clips (scene play) in session.
    However, Ableton Live recalls your clip selection whenever you hit the transport's play.
    2. The reason why Ableton makes a new midi channel is because it just bluntly reacts to double clicking according to file format. Audio files get audio tracks, midi get midi tracks.
    It's probably necessary to avoid confusion.
    Just drag and drop midi files from the browser to any midi track slot.
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  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Wow. I really thought you would have known all this Shinbeth. This is basic stuff.
    The amazing amount of request posts at AZ from you in the last year made me think you must be really active!
    So after being so nasty to me, I have to say thank you for the laugh this thread gave me!
    And now I know the truth.
  8. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    6. Ctrl+K to assign keys to clips and scenes. On Push you use the Clip button to edit MIDI notes or audio clips. Use the Session button to move your clips around the set.

    Not trying to be mean but this is all in the manual.

    2. Drag the MIDI clip to the channel you want. Hold Ctrl and drag multiple files and they will load into the same track.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2020
  9. shinbeth

    shinbeth Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2019
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    You're still butthurt I can see. Keep crying untermensch, it feels so good xD
  10. shinbeth

    shinbeth Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Perfect thanks, excellent input as usual (sry about the late reply, busy life right now).

    Unlike butthurt Smooth Gaylord who spends his entire life in here lolol I can't stop laughing at him xD
  11. shinbeth

    shinbeth Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2019
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    Yeah I know but before getting into the 50 manuals I have collected I like experienced people to give me the ins and outs already (yeah I know I'm a lazy mofo haha).

    Thanks for that indeed, appreciate.
  12. PartyShit

    PartyShit Producer

    Jul 19, 2016
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    It's time to watch Daddy and The Muscle Academy
  13. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    ...was foremost used as a racist term, @reliefsan Why funny?
  14. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Found it Funny because I like your attitude. You just schrug it* off (*it beeing the namecalling)

    its all good from here brother. I got yah back!
  15. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    :dunno: Butthurt involves I laughs?
    :invision: I'm seeing a pattern here...Slightly too much for my liking.

    Hard to believe seeing as you wrote this before I didn't shrug it off!
    mmyeah! I already knew you don't jive with me. Maybe I'm wrong?
    Nobody needs to have another's back though. lol.
    But nobody needs to be attacking and nasty, and a total daw newb! Not hard to improve that workflow.

    That's what AS is so great for: learning. And the fact it is archived so others, if they could understand the Search function, will always be able to help themselves when a 2 minute wait for a reply is too long.
  16. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    i don't how you came to that conclusion, but yes, you are wrong about that.
  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Well the thought was nice! thankx.
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