Problem with installing plugin

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Seysey Production, Aug 24, 2013.

  1. Seysey Production

    Seysey Production Newbie

    Aug 24, 2013
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    Hi Guys,

    I have a problem with installing a Mac Os X plugin.

    1) I completed the download,

    2) When i unrar it, i found a long list of :


    3) I unrar the first one "do" ----> I get a "doa-Ipo.rar"

    4) I unrar this "doa-Ipo.rar" ----> finally get the plugin_Installer.pkg... :dancing:

    ... but when I want to run it ...

    Error message : Cannot open "plugin_Installer.pkg" ( erreur -1)

    In fact I notice that the pkg file is zero mB !

    So where is my fault and why I can't install that plugin ?
  3. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
    Likes Received:
    You don't get it because apparently you're new to this whole process. You should select all the zip files right-click and extract to the same folder, if it asks you to overwrite press okay. After that you should have a set of files, run the installation file and off you go.
  4. delgadilloalex

    delgadilloalex Newbie

    Dec 21, 2012
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    when you un zip the zip files and rars appear, (means its double packed to make it idunno smaller). make sure you take all the rars the came from the zips to a new folder (they should be numbered), or just move them so the all the rars are in one folder. then unrar then you will extract whats in the combination of the rars.

    basically what catalyst said but different.
  5. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Sorry just trying to make it a little clearer for yous guys.

    What they're saying is you can't just extract one of the zip files. You must extract all of the zip files. Then if there is more rar files inside those, you have to extract all of them also. But a rar file it is only needed to right click and extract one of them. Not like the zip files where you have to extract all of them.

    So in retrospect, if you only extracted one zip file, you didn't get all the files necessary to make this work. You only extracted one piece of the whole package, so hence the installer won't work until you get all the files extracted.

    For my workflow, once all the zip files are downloaded into one directory. Then I push ctrl+A (on PC) to select all the files. Right-click on one after they are "all" selected. Then click extract here, under the winrar submenu that pops up when you right-click. Then right-click one of the rar files, and click extract here on the winrar submenu that pops up when you right-click. Then all the files should be extracted properly and your installer should work.

    That's what I do on PC. On Mac I guess just replace ctrl with the Command button?
  6. SillySausage

    SillySausage Producer

    Jul 7, 2012
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    unrar (extract) all the files first, this will give you another set of rar files (with a different name) you should then be able to extract from the first new rar file

  7. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    As other's have said you must unzip all the zip files ... but then what you'll get will be most probably as much folders as you have zip files with a *.rar/*.rxx file + file.diz + *.nfo inside of each one of those folders. So next step is to take out each one of this *.rar/*.rxx files and put them all in just one folder and after that unrar the main *.rar file (the one with *.rar extension not the *.r00, *.r01, and so on). After that you'll get the *.pkg to install your plug-in.


    ... there's an unarchiver tool that comes in our help to simplify all this process. First of all search for it in the Net, it's called "sArchiver". With it you just (1) select all the zips, (2) click with the right mouse button over that selection and in the drop down menu select "ouvrir avec..." (open with) After it finishes you'll get all the *.rar files in the same folder as of the *.zip files. Then you just have to unrar the main *.rar and you'll get the *.pkg with which you could install the plug-in.

    J'espère que je vous ai aidé :mates:

    Note for the Moderator: i've explained this "hundred" times for many Mac users now (here and in our sister site) ... which means that a FAQ section wouldn't be bad here and "there" *yes*.
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    We have a FAQ's called the search function. This is a site for adults so we expect people to search before asking questions that have been answered a million times, it's actually one of our rules. I would make a FAQ section but in order to find it people would have to look and most don't so it wouldn't stop this anymore than it stops people requesting or posting links to software though it's one of our rules. Finally this isn't a warez site so why would this even be in a FAQ?
  9. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Sorry to say that Catalyst but i think you are "barking up the wrong tree". You perfectly know that a forum's search function never will be a FAQ. And of course this has nothing to do with adult or children sites. Now, could you show me please how you'll use the "search function" to find something related to the problem SeySey had and its results. But don't worry, you don't want to make a FAQ ? ... I have no problem at all in answering million times more the same question *no* ... in fact it's a pleasure to be of any halp to somebody and the means you use for that doesn't matter so much, isn't it ?. The second thing i want to say is that your argument justifying the non creation of a FAQ arguing something about warez has no sense. Could you tell me please where do you see someone talking about warez except your own mind :dunno: ?.

    P.S.: i agree with you though, in the sense that most of the people don't read them ... but then you can say the well known: "Read the FAQs!" :rofl:
    So calm down Catalyst and take care! :mates:
  10. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I think you took my comment the wrong way, I wasn't mad I was just saying. Sometimes I'm a little tired and/or hungry and maybe I'm a little grouchy because of this but that wasn't my intention. I don't know how the search function relates to this particular problem but if you say that you've answered this question before then it stands to reason that it should be able to be located. I have the same problem with people coming in with their Kontakt issues every week and saying they can't find information but I seem to have no problem. As to your warez question: the packing hierarchy that he is referring to exists only for warez and that is why I said that. Honestly I would make a FAQ especially if it would save me from answering for the millionth time because unlike you I do get annoyed when people don't search and we all have to waste time and energy again. It says to me that their time is more valuable than mine and I think that's unfair. However I really doubt anyone would read it so I don't know if it will be worth it in the end. Anyway all the best. :mates:
  11. fraggle83

    fraggle83 Member

    Jan 22, 2012
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    Oh, sorry. I thought that when you talked about warez you were referring to my post. Now i see i was mistaken.

    Well, i think it would be rather difficult to try to find something related to that specific problem using the search function. I myself have tried after your comment and didn't find anything because it's not easy try to find the right words for the search.

    Kontak related problems are maybe more easy to search because it's something more concrete. With regards to those who say they can't find information i think they don't search enough (if they search at all). Last week i said to someone in "the other page" and who requested to re-upload something that he said was already down and because "I've been waiting for it!", that i was doubting that he would be really waiting for it when there was only one server down (the one he wanted) while the rest (mirrors included) were still alive. And i added "if you've been really waiting for it and need that specific server you'll not be asking for a re-upload but looking for it all along the net now that you know it has been released" ... I'm still waiting for some answer to my post *yes* .

    Can't you imagine someone asking you in the street "where is that place?" and you answering "Go and buy the fucking city guide!" ? :rofl: . No, i'm just kidding. I understand perfectly what you mean, i had to say to some friends of mine that phone me constantly in the past when they had the less problem with their computers "RTFM Please!" ("Read the Fucking Manual"). Otherwise, eventually it happens what you've said: it seems as if their time was more valuable than ours. Now, it's also truth that i could not have stop this in me, becasue eventually i end up helping them again. The only thing different now, is that in the same way i say "yes" i can say "no" also ... i mean, they think that they have the power but the power is in my hands. Anyway, all this to say that i know what you mean because i live this kind of situation almost everyday. And not only in the virtual life, but in the real life too ... the last one, just today where a tourist asked me "Could you tell me where is that place, please ?" :rofl:

    Don't worry, we're still friends! Aren't we ? :bleh: :mates:
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