is the low end of my mixes too loud or am I a mixing god?

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by reverbmuddiesmix, Sep 9, 2020.

  1. reverbmuddiesmix

    reverbmuddiesmix Member

    Feb 17, 2020
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    thx for ur input! i didnt quite understand this sentence: On principle, even if to different amount and direction . could u pls define what u ment. as i understood u ment that the overall frequency balance of the mixes is unbalanced. or did u mean that there was a stereo image issue and i should M/S EQ differently?
  2. reverbmuddiesmix

    reverbmuddiesmix Member

    Feb 17, 2020
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    hehe it defo was a joke, that s why i put the ;) . i'm not megalomaniac :)
  3. Arabian_jesus

    Arabian_jesus Audiosexual

    Jul 2, 2019
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    I'm not sure if this guy is a troll or not because his username is "reverbmuddiesmix" and on all the tracks it's literally a shit ton of reverb :hahaha:

    Pretty much everything is wrong and if you cant hear that you might want to focus on other genres of music! I don't want to sound like a total d*ck but from listening to the track it's obvious that you don't listen to or know much about metal, neither about the music itself or the mixing.

    Don't get discouraged tho, everyone sucks in the beginning! Go back to the basics and try to learn how to really use a EQ, compressor, limiter, reverb and so on. You can download multitracks for all kinds of music at for practicing on which might help!
  4. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Best Answer
    No prob, I'll rephrase. The low, mid and high frequencies are unbalanced and there's no pattern in it.

    In one song the lows are not loud enough, in another only some of the low freqs are too loud while at the same time some others are too low in level, in the next song it's the other way around. Same with mid and high freqs. And this goes for all songs, all frequencies and levels (directions).

    There's nothing in general too loud or too low, neither specific freqs, nor ranges, it's just messed up.

    With the M/S thing I referred only the the analyzer, so you don't miss that.
  5. reverbmuddiesmix

    reverbmuddiesmix Member

    Feb 17, 2020
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    thx for pointing that out. but this is something mastering could fix, right? so the mixes could stay as they are and the mastering engineer would just have to apply the appropriate EQ curve to balance the mix. would that work in ur opinion?
  6. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    No offense but :rofl:

    With good mastering it would sound better, no doubt, but mastering is for optimization, not repairing (among other things). At least not as long as you have access to the mix and could fix those obvious problems.

    It's a bit like you'd say, no matter the recording, we fix it in the mix. This doesn't work either.
  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yet bass is omni-directional of its self...
    So keeping bass freqs in the MID, rather than mono, seems more the focus of what you are saying? Although almost the same!
    So it's just personal choice if you'd like to be hitting lower on channels prior to your 2buss, have more headroom when it comes to compression, and have more room with your final limiter, if you high-pass the tracks better in the first place.
    Which is what you were saying to the op, and I agree.
    Although, no offense to the op, but that alone won't help these mixes.

    But I enjoyed listening to 2.3 of them for their vibe!, and I think if the op worked on being slightly more genre-specific, and genre aware (or not! Hybrid stuff breeds new things!), and more detailed instrumentally, then good things will come.
    Perhaps focus on the musical production and general mix, get someone else on the mix and final master, and learn that stuff on the way.
  8. Friggy

    Friggy Guest

    A lot of it sounds like listening to music through a PA at a venue, and you're at the back of the venue.

    It's loud, but not very clear and defined. Roomy and disorienting. I think Trip Hop in your playlist was the best sounding one.

    I did a quick listen to some Zac Brown Band, Lauv, both mixed by Serban, and some other random stuff like Connect.Ohm. I feel like those groups have decent low end and yours isn't matching to their quality yet.

    A good metal reference would be Periphery - Hail Stan.

    HERMES Newbie

    Sep 9, 2020
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    Try to use a reference track of your preference for each genre and you will immediately understand where the problem exists. Also if you are having problem with the environment you are producing, try some alternatives like sonarworks reference etc.

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    @spencer26 & @No Avenger have pretty much said everything there is to be said on your mixes.

    In the future though if you want mix advice it will be more useful to hear the track before you smash it into a limiter, that final post-process does introduce it's own idiosyncrasies into the final product. The squish and balance will reduce the accuracy of advice you get and if you are being genuine in seeking that advice it will increase your frustration in trying to apply it.
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  11. Take all of the effects off. Pull the faders back to zero. isolate each instrument and clean it up. eliminate frequencies in low end drums that overlap bass. Work your way up from the bottom. Use the pan knob! place instruments in a panoramic setting. and think about your arrangement. I suspect this may be difficult because it appears you are using loops. and if so, try and mix up loops with midi. Even if it's just 16 bars of midi kick drum and bass. Give the listener a break.
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