The most useless piece of gear you own

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Lenny Belardo, Aug 27, 2020.

  1. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    hardly disagree ...i could agree on new stuff from the downcycle economy but on the other hand look to RME

    and a good computer build while maintained well was made for eternity not so long ago and still is if u choose wisely and get no monday device

    the mouse i use is 12 years old
  2. recycle

    recycle Guest

    As always, you have to disagree on anything, no matter what.
    Do not be naive: Your RME continues to work certainly not because it cost you a lot of money, but only because the manufacturer still considers the business profitable for him, this has allowed you to have drivers / firmware updated over time. Sooner or later the day will come that for RME coding new drivers will be economically inconvenient, Than, you will continue to use your audio interface for a limited time, after which you can use it as a doorstopper, or as a paperweight

    we are tied with strings like puppets

  3. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Well, i have to agree at least on some peripherals.
    Totally ironic example : Client of mine has a Microsoft webcam. Upgrades to Win10 (without doing a bit of research) and the webcam is not supported lol.
    For mice and comp keyboards i have to agree with @Gyro Gearloose though. Even the mediocre ones tend to last many years. I have an original IBM keyboard with DIN connection more than 25 yrs lol. Its clickety-clack stroke could be described as more satisfying than the best mechanical ones like Cherry MX etc.
    No question of course about RMEs, buddy of mine has the original 9652 still running after 20 yrs. Even my Motu 414 pci-e with three mk3 external interfaces is in my studio for almost 15 yrs. For what it's worth pci/pci-e Motus were top class, i prefer their sound (this is personal of course) to RME's. But Motu have fkd up many times with their USB cards. Especially those Ultralites had caused headaches to many of my friends and clients.
    Cheers again :)
    Ps: @Blue yes bro i'm wearing my mask, here:
  4. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    as apple user yes....:yes:
    you confused and mix up devs we not talkin bout presonus or focusrite
    RME is for enernity...why should i need new drivers on function rig...just to test 1.000.000 reverb plugin only working with win 10 slave OS:::you mix up things ...i totally agree on where you comming from but you spoiled by youre attitude and confused ...sry

    yeah look at youre totalitaire comment...just because i often diagree on you i disagree on all no matter wrong again...

    what do you expect after such a comment...claiming everybody bla bla...
    and from who comes that from a apple user ...
    again a good puter build is made for eternity (most ppl need new puters cause they never clean the fans )...
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2020
  5. recycle

    recycle Guest

    I dont think so, this is the windows driver history of your RME (firewire only):
    (Source: RME website)

    If you do not update the os you will no longer be able to update all your software (daw & plugins), if you update the os instead you will need the new audio drivers: Gyro, there is no way out of the system: we are hostage, mac/win doesnt matter.
    Don't pretend to be smart, they are smarter than you
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  6. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    This thing:


    It's broke down and been sent in to be repaired twice, eventually replaced by warranty (manufacturers PCB error), just to break down a third time and be replaced by the NI MK2 88. It's currently sitting in my closet, and needs either e new Mod Wheel, or an electronic fix to make sending CC1 work again. The keys are too heavy and clunky. Blah. Worst piece of gear I've owned. And I've owned a lot. Hope someone else had a better experience with this beast ...I did not.

    Next question: What piece of gear do you need more than one of, and would never sell? LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2020
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  7. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    for some reason RME still provides drivers for 16 years old Fireface 800,
    so talking about day RME stops providing drivers and RME audio interface being usable for limited time, is kind of laughable,
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  8. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I agree companies try to impose a "hostage situation" on the users. This is more evident when you take a peek at each major hardware/software company and how they have built an entire ecosystem with a ton of supplementing products to entice the users to stay with their brand and not look elsewhere. This though, is not something recent. It has been this way since long before the advent of software as the centerpiece of our studio lives. Brands that were capable of "churning" out many different products, offered the studio engineers/musicians a whole array of peripherals and consoles and many times in a discounted fashion if they bought all gear from them.
    Where i have to hold my own, and this is not to defend Gyro, he can do that well himself :), is we are not necessarily hostages. There is always a choice. Most serious on what they do, live by "if it works don't fix it" and this is the golden rule.
    A friend of mine has a couple of 8 i/o Hoontech ST8 audio interfaces. The Chinese card while perfectly capable of 24bit with decent latency and kinda nice sounding is not compatible with any OS after WinXP. Yet the cards found their place in his rehearsal room, recording quick 16track demos for the various bands playing there. Nobody ever complained why he uses XP to record rehearsals. Instead, bands -especially the more serious ones- are happy that they can take something home to listen to after rehearsal and take notice of their mistakes and how to perfect their playing. It's a win/win.
    Therefore, my point is some peeps choose to be slaves in a race that has no meaning. Latest version does not make you a better musician or engineer. I (like to believe) made as good as now albums and singles 25 years ago with 1/1000 of the software i own now. I can always do it again. Nothing holds me from ditching all the effin soft and going strictly hardware of my own choice and in some cases it could be all custom hardware as well. In other words slaves or hostages or whatever, its just in people's minds, you have a choice.
    Thanks for listening.
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  9. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow


    ...and that's a fucking long time.

    RME stuck around St. Petersburg
    When it saw it was a time for a change
    Killed the czar and his ministers
    Recycle screamed in vain
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  10. pratyahara

    pratyahara Guest

    5.25-inch floppy disk drive.
  11. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I think all weighted keys seem clunky.
    But I'm really surprised at such poor show from Akai.
    I so nearly bought one of these back in the day, but I chose a cheaper alternative, which is loads heavier to carry because the "cheapness" involved using wood as a base! It has a tonne more controllers though, and it has never failed me.
    So, I bought more than one of the original M-Audio Keystation Pro 88 for live use. Never failed me.
    They are flightcased, but I don't worry about people chucking them about, because they were so cheap!
    The software is great, too.
    And I even replaced my (1st Gen!) Studiologic, with Fatar board, for one of these as my studio controller.
    Because: controllers.
    Other than Doepfer, ain't no point in worrying. I think all the rest are far from perfect.
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  12. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    I agree this would have been an even more interesting topic I think.:wink:
  13. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    thats why its important to only buy good shit and push and spread info...i kno fake rating comments and so on but if you your research well enough bla bla

    the global puter user in common has more force on marked as musicians and audio dudes they want be slaves..
    just look into the production rooms they make in common pictures , no art no character no soul just steril rooms wih nothing then gear and cold intrusive light
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  14. That WAS supposed to be the topic, but I made a typo.
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  15. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    it's not quite useless, I use it as a midi keyboard but it a pity it was abbandoned right after release...
    Avid had other plans, typical M-Audio, in the end no one ever made an editor vst for it and it needs one because of its layout
  16. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I been producing since 2006 (when I was a teenager). My most useless (in my opinion):

    1. My very first keyboard (the one I actually learned how to play keys on when I was 13) - CASIO CTK-411
    2. Digidesign MBox Mini. Bought this so I could upgrade Pro Tools LE to Pro Tools 12 for a cheap price. But needless to say, this thing is still sitting here
    3. EastWest Quantum Leap libraries that I spent hundreds of dollars on way back in the day when they were actually considered top of line
    4. Native Instruments Kompakt and other old software of theirs
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 13, 2020
  17. Kluster

    Kluster Audiosexual

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Toss up between the Korg Monotron I bought on sale years ago and the Stylophone the secretary at work bought me last Xmas.
    I tried, but junk toys just don't cut it in my studio.
  18. ....and in the last days as the Sun expanded into a red dwarf burning everything on Earth to ash, only one thing remained. The Eternal Good Puter of the famed Gyro Gearloose. Other Good Puters had been devoured by the Sun due to unclean fans and at the sight of this the Puter Gods wept.
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  19. recycle

    recycle Guest

    1996: Session8 Digidesign for Cubase.
    If I remember correctly, I paid $ 2500 for it. I was very upset when, after 3 years it was discontinued (I still burn inside thinking about it)
    At that time I still believed that audio interfaces should last as long as outboard gear.
    I think it's sitting somewhere in the garage now, with mold and cockroaches
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 1, 2020
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  20. krakdhaus

    krakdhaus Producer

    Aug 16, 2015
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    uh... that would be a PowerPC 7100 with Digidesign TDM NuBus card... connected to an 888 i/o with ADAT interface (synced with 2 blackfaced units... and BRC). Also a Digidesign Expansion Chassis with three farm and two SampleCell II cards... an 'altered' version of Protools 5 (that runs on NuBus). Also with Emagic Logic and Opcode Studio Vision 4 (w/ Opcode Midi breakout box). And all going thru a Mackie 32x8x2... with Ultra-34 Midi Automation. Still have it, still runs... and can't give it away. (please... no one respond with 'I'll take it!"). I shoulda stuck with my Ross 4x4 Cassette recorder. Oh yeah... throw in a degree from the Institute of Audio Research... which I finished a year before the introduction of digital systems aimed at the prosumer.
    It's... all been downhill from there folks...

    Last edited: Sep 1, 2020
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