U-he problem

Discussion in 'Software' started by itisntreal, Aug 13, 2020.

  1. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    I do it only occasionally, but I have used programs that find what they think is bad.
    Some of it I just don't have a clue and it is too much trouble to research, but sometimes they will find simple things I know about.
    I have heard [read] the horror stories about registry cleaners...
    I recall my first attempt to use one -
    It was a Norton product & the gui was tiny and would not go full screen.
    One had to use scroll bars left and right to read what it was that you were about to delete ... and there were hundreds of lines - LOL
    I was a noob but knew enough to say,"**** that!".
  2. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I can't remember which product it was, and it was a while back, I think it was spybot or some tool of the sort. I removed what it adviced to remove from the registry, and man indeed it was a terrible idea. I think on this one I did have ton reinstall my OS...Never again...
    But manually for a few items it's no big deal, just have to know what to look for. I'm pretty stable with my vsts, even with other programs on my computer, so it's actually very rare that I go there. It's often after I "test" a product and end up buying it....Gotta remove the old so that the new can fly without issue.
  3. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    for win 7 eusing free reg cleaner ...no need to check anything..just run it
    glary you must sort things out with.
    ashampoo and bleach bit i use too.
    forgive me guys a cleaner for me is always multiple task package softwae not only reg cleaner...whenever eusing is a pure reg cleaner..
    bad idea ...to aggressive for normal cleaning task...and must be double checked on what its indexing
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  4. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Many will call me idiot, but
    Don't forget tbproaudio, tone2, uhe, native instruments, bigwig, STEINBERG, are all fellow GERMAN developers and German companies, and they all have great relationships, share resources, share assets, knowledge, etc

    Like the Uhe bundles sold by Native instruments, last year.

    The last Uhe 'cracks' and releases were possible because, if i understand well, several usernames (2028, I think) can match one serial number... like 333-444-555-666-77 could generate 2048 valid licenses. R2R just used that username, with a registered s/n, and voilĂ . The idea is Uhe would never blacklist the new r2r license, because it could affect up to 2048 valid users. But hey, Uhe could still do it, and send one new license, to each of the 1-2048 impacted legit users.

    2020, and I still don't understatement why big daw makers don't silently 'toggle time bombs", on selected plugins.

    I mean, an app like Cubase have full access to a computer, all files, registry, etc, and have full access to all plugins info, licenses used, etc.

    It would just take a little email from their German buds at Uhe, like

    "Hey Steinberg guys, Urs here.
    Could you please "take care" of this data:
    Plugin id= 21533
    Plugin name= 'Diva'
    Plugin versions= ' to"
    Username used= "Clara Morgane'
    Serial used= 3542-7213-4837-8936-4735

    Thank you ;)
    Urs "if you don't have enough money to buy our Plugins and need to buy food, maybe you should give up and choose another hobby

    And the next time the user updates his cubase, or performs a elicenser manager maintenance, or simply receives a tiny bit of code from their servers, if internet isn't blocked at all, "ohh, strange, my plugin no longer works ! "

    Strangely.. but I mean Strangely, that Uhe Plugin, that has been working perfectly fine for the last 8 months, out of nowhere, enters a demo version, and starts asking for a different registration info.
    It could be a Uhe plugin.. or any other Plugin or vst instrument, from any random company.

    And now some will argue 'well, if steinberg did that, users could simply start using a different daw..."... but what IF ALL DAWS did the same thing ?

    Such thing could difficultly work, on standalone products, like a 3dmax app..
    ...but all the plugins that need a host to function, the sky is the limit. If they wanted, the daw makers could bring piracy down to a little %...
    And even if a new Plugin or vsti would work 2 or 3 days, the 4th day, all daws would update their database.. and that Plugin would be disabled in no time.

    Probably this isn't the cause of the Plugin no longer working... but I wouldn't be surprised if one day the daws started doing such things.

    Anyway, it's just a matter of 2-5 years before all the authentication methods totally change...
    ...iris or fingerprint scan could become the ONLY authentication method for, say, windows or Mac...with a forced/ mandatory internet connection once every 24 hours.. where windows/Microsoft would impose a daily mandatory update check (all mobile apps already regularly check for new updates and new policies/eula updates),
    big $300-$20'000 apps, such as a cubase pro 15, would then be forced to check for updates (even if a cubase app only gets 3 or 4 updates in one year), and every single day, the cubase daw would receive a new update with all the new blacklisted plugins..

    ... And even if most plugins could always be cracked (at least, until there is some kind of special , signed, encrypted, inviolable windows\mac super licenses manager, that handles and controls all apps licenses and sub licenses managers, all linked to a unique global licenses store, where each serial is checked against a master licenses manager, if the s/n 4354337655644435446633443333 used by Diva 3 doesn't exist--> apps is disabled), the daw would then take care of disabling the app.

    That's why I thank God and all the scene, each time r2r/ others release a new working Plugin or update.
    Because there will be a time, when it will be impossible to even run a simple $10 cracked Plugin/ app.

    Like the studion one 5 released yesterday.
    Many will take it for granted, and will think it is absolutely normal, to see it being cracked or released. "Ohh, another full daw ! Already have 4 or 5, not sure I will use it"

    Now, imagine 2 or 3 years from now, and imagine Studio one 6 will be like ...soothe... people wait, wait, wait... but still nothing !

    So yeah, let's enjoy all these free apps, while we can...

    It will be interesting, to know what really happened to the Uhe Plugin !
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  5. tnc

    tnc Producer

    Jun 16, 2011
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    New Zealand
    Of all the software I have, U-he has the best license deal and does not require any ilok etc.
    U-he lets you install your VSTs on ALL your computers. This is incredibly useful. No worries to get your licenses lost (like with iLok) if your computer crashes or you buy a new motherboard or SSD.
    You never have to worry about any U-he plugins stops working.

    If you really need Diva or any other U-he product, just save some money and buy it. You can buy it second hand and save money that way. This is also is important, since you can sell your product again if you don't use it anymore or if you need the money.

    I actually used Diva for a year before I bought it, since I don't buy software that isn't getting any part of my workflow (which takes several months to realize for me). For sure everyone that can buy a good daw computer, can also afford to buy the software they really need.
    I love that I can extend my demoing of things with R2R/RET releases. I also do like that R2R/RET thinks everyone should buy the software if they actually use it.

    I also bought other U-he plugins, but second hand, because its cheaper and you can still sell them when you need money.

    Also, it feels fucking good to support developers that has both integrity and awesome products.

    I never buy software that I can't sell second hand or that becomes NFR...
  6. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    That's inherently false. It may not "speed up" your PC, but anything unnecessary that you can remove is beneficial to your PC.

    Haha, yup--that doesn't surprise me. I'm on Win7Ult. and it treats me well. I've never been shy or subtle about my hatred for Win10. Basically, anything audio related is a hassle on that OS, short of basic, stock media players--and yes, I know it can be "customized" for audio, but even then it's still merely adequate, plus, I shouldn't have to sweat blood to get it to do what I want it to. Besides that, the million little quirks, ticks, and annoyances that plague every version of Win10 are enough to make you want to track the people down who slopped it together and do unspeakable things to them.
    Too subtle? I hope not. :rofl:

    Solid advice, yet I know people who still do this and then are baffled when something goes wrong. :rofl:

    Agreed. The 15 day trials are rarely enough time to assess whether or not something is actually worth purchasing. Some companies, like DMG Audio, for instance, are cool enough to re-up your trial of a plugin if you contact them. And, since, even my broke-ass can afford to get stuff legit every once in a while (I have a "To-Buy" list, which Diva is on,) I think that most people who "can't afford" software are people who think they need everything under the sun; that's been my experience, anyways.
    And, on only a slight tangent, the lack of iLOKs is a prerequisite for me to purchase anything, which is a shame since since there are a lot of companies whose plugins I use quite a bit but they are bogged down with that ridiculous iLOK crap. Some of the plugins that I've bought over the years are ones that have little to no protection, e.g.: Mathieu Demange's RX950, Klanghelm, etc.--these are not hard to find pyrated copies of, but if something is constantly in my recording or mixing sessions, I am happy to buy it...so long as there's no dongle/iLOK/extraneous -garbage attached (I'm lookin' at you McDSP. :sad: )
    Just my 2 cents on that issue... :cool:
  7. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    If is an old key then just delete that registry. There is no need to mess around with anything else. You said that you cleaning registry on regular basis. I was referring to that. There's no need to do that it's snake oil. Nothing gonna be fixed but most likely something could be broken.
  8. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    Nope. Ask Microsoft if you don't believe me.
  9. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    hive just works i reinstalled diva and ubik both still asking for the serial
  10. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    no i was wrong it was fo sho a timebomb...urs is the uncrowned timebomb king

    at uhe vr and r2r equal....you must find out which not bomb and mark them and archive em right
  11. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    Could be a Windows update that messes with the signature of the OS.
    I have no problems with U-He (legal and pirated)
    That's why i almost never update windows 10 anymore. Only videocard drivers, chipset etc.
    Try to update your bios, and unplug your network cable.
    Install, and try to run.

    Maby this helps

    Allow software to run or install even if the signature is invalid

    Also check if your windows is activated


    Release by VR timebombs. VR tried to force-validate serial by old routine by
    patching but it doesn't really help. We checked their Hive2 release and we
    found zero timebombs are patched. Now you know that users who posts "100
    percent working" for their releases are zero percent trustful.

    At least we checked many places they haven't noticed.
    Let's hope we made 100 percent again this time :)


    Here is how U-he main protection works:

    1. Generate value (0 - 2047) from the licensee name.
    We call this value "UserValue".
    2. Get the hash of serial number by UrsHash.
    UrsHash is combination of WHIRLPOOL512 and SHA512)
    3. Get hardcodedHash[UserValue] and compare with calculated hash.
    If it matches, license = OK.

    This means, serial number is not generated for users dynamically. The hash
    of all serial numbers are hardcoded to the app since the first release. User
    name is just used to determine which correct serial number to assign. This
    is good if dev has many customers, otherwise serial check will be dull and
    slow (check all hardcoded serials one by one, this is done by RobPapen).

    However, there is the weak point in this "wise" protection. Once legit serial
    numbers are leaked, that serial number can be used to other name. You can
    make another licensee for that serial by colliding "UserValue". This is not
    easy to avoid. Blacklisting the leaked serial number can affect to the legit
    users too, because that user may have same UserValue with leaked licensee.

    In short:
    - Uhe app contains 2048 correct hashed serial numbers.
    - Calculate valid serial from hashed serial is nearly impossible.
    - User A and User B may have same legit serial number.
    -> Generate another valid name for leaked serial can be possible.

    Enjoy checking many security aspects for the uhe type protection.
    These UserValue+Hash protection is used by Arturia, Audiority, SonicAcademy,
    LVC-Audio, Youlean etc. Valid user+serial pair can be made from legit serial.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 18, 2020
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  12. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    indeed...when a system is good why should i update...big misstake and update brainwash...especially on 10
  13. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    Lol update your bios is that a joke or what? it has nothing to do with plugins
    Im on win 7 and not connected to the net
  14. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    its timebombs...its an old story with u-he

    no bombs bundle 2018

    i bet there are newer no bombs rls but i do not kno them at this point
  15. Rorer

    Rorer Guest

    No, i always try any posibility.
  16. lorenzolamasse

    lorenzolamasse Member

    May 29, 2019
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    If I remember well, Tone2 is known to do cracked plugin scans and screw them up (even non tone2 ones)...
  17. itisntreal

    itisntreal Guest

    I downloaded the symlink which is i guess a v.r release and it works without any problems it only has no effects in the package like de ubik or twangstorm and satan but the r2r relases of twangstorm and satan works so thats nice
  18. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    Not a very wise suggestion, asking Microsoft, as they're the same ones who claim that Win10 is perfectly stable and fluid OS. :cool:
  19. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    The best way to avoid problems is to use a computer not connected to the web or disable your WiFI (or unplug your cable) before starting your DAW/standalone cracked software.
  20. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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