you his do boy better send me 265 in paysafe code so i mark you ip so you can see internal rls on moji's site Spoiler this is called sarcasm and irony --- you want into stuff and share....get into protection sheme's...up some work... over and out
If you want to be part of a Team the best way it's to show your skills. Release some unreleased plugins and if they like what you can do, maybe, and I really mean maybe, they contact you. Don't waste your time and start with something different... Try the new plugins getting released now.
Can anyone here PM links to tutorials or something similar how to learn to reverse/crack? Like what is even the start? Do you have to learn how to read in code fluently???? Ive got more time on my hands than I know what to do with... i know Ill laughs for even askin, but hey wutev..
Start here: Come back when you fully understand registers, memory addresses, and opcode
learn the language in which the protection is written... learn programming in that language....reverse youre target