Kontakt 6.2.1 "This instruments belongs to a library that is not installed"

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Bobcat, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. Bobcat

    Bobcat Newbie

    Jan 13, 2020
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    I just switched from Mac to Windows. I know on Mac you just have to match the Snpid number in both the xml file and the Ninct file. I loaded my libraries into kontakt 6.2.1 using the manage libraries button. Then i browse for my library and save it. They then show up in kontakt under library (without any pretty picture) But when I click on the instrument i get the old "This instrument belongs to a library that is not installed" Didnt i just install it with library manager?

    I'm trying to install 3 libraries, one of them works, this one has NO Ninct file (I paid for this library) The other two Libraries that wont install both have a Ninct files ( i paid for one downloaded the other on audioz)

    There are no XML files for any of my kontakt libraries that show up in ( C program files- common files- native instruments- service center) So i can't just match their SNPID numbers like i use to on Mac. Any help from the wizards around here, would be greatly appreciated and hopefully help others. Thanks

  3. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Hello and welcome to Audiosex.
    Please take some time to search into older threads, as this problem have been already treated here several times
  4. Jambuw

    Jambuw Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Check the Native Access file. I believe it is in the Service Center Folder. Match the SNPID with the number in that file
  5. Bobcat

    Bobcat Newbie

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Best Answer
    Well i'll just give myself the answer instead, if its posted elsewhere my apologies, as this was really easy, too easy, and i figured it out! For anyone getting this message and is new to PC Kontakt 6.2.1 all i had to do was use Kontakt OPTIONS tab and load my library into the data base and scan it! The pretty picture even shows up in the library. Nothing to do with NIcnt files or Spnid numbers or Xml files. There are NO Xml files in my c-program files-common files-native instruments-service center for these kontakt libraries at all. I guess they aren't needed. Is the old kontakt 5.6 even needed ? or has the step of adding them into the library first on that older kontakt now pointless? If this is all posted somewhere else great! If not here it is for future travellers down this road. Wish i knew it was this easy and didn't spend 9 hours yesterday looking for xml files that dont exist and apparently are no longer needed. Hallelujua I was disappointed with myself for having to ask anyway. Just add em to the data bass and scan! Kontakt 6.2.1 fooled me by being deceptively easy. This is great!
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2020
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  6. Bobcat

    Bobcat Newbie

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Thanks for the response, but interestingly there are no xml files for these libraries in the Service Center folder, that's what i was stuck on, but yet i got them to work perfectly without any xml files. The answer was to push on the gear button (options) on kontakt and load the libraries into the data base and to the scan, AND also add them into the Library manger, the left hand column of kontakt add encoded libraries scan! So two scans. Probably the same as a legit kontakt and nothing to do with xml, nicnt or spnid, which i was stuck on thinking because that's the way it was on mac. This version 6.2.1 is great! if these simple instructions are already easy to find on here, i couldnt find them, or maybe im just suppose to know this, but here they are for anyone else. Options data base scan AND library manager add them scan, thats it, easy as pie!
  7. Bobcat

    Bobcat Newbie

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Not sure why there's no xml files in the service manager though, if anyone knows why that is. Feel free to tell me. But for now im just glad they are working.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2020
  8. Bobcat

    Bobcat Newbie

    Jan 13, 2020
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    Ok i got the library that came without a nicnt file to show up under the library heading in kontakt with the other ones, by adding it in library manager as an "unencoded self made library" Now all i have to do is learn how to make a picture. Just putting this here for other people new to this like me. Or if i ever have to start again and forget.
  9. Stupifend

    Stupifend Newbie

    Jun 19, 2020
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    I'm having the same problem and i thought the 'database scan' you mentioned would finally solve my issue but it didnt. i did the scan of the library folder. it even showed up the instruments of the library in the database tab. however upon loading any instrument the same error "This Instrument belongs To a Library that is not currently installed" persists. if any wizard can help me out here , would be much appreciated!
  10. Romz China

    Romz China Newbie

    Nov 19, 2023
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    i'm having this issue did you ever get it solved?
  11. David Brock

    David Brock Producer

    Sep 15, 2020
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    Last edited: Jan 5, 2024
  12. treia

    treia Newbie

    Apr 6, 2013
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    still no luck with this, and i have tried everything.