Hezbollah rattled as EU unanimously agrees to put group on terrorism blacklist

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by fritoz, Jul 23, 2013.

  1. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    dark side of the moon


    The 28 members of the European Union on Monday unanimously agreed to label Hezbollah’s “militant wing” a terrorist organisation, making it illegal to send money to the organization and enabling its assets in Europe to be frozen.

    Britain lobbied hard for the move, citing the group’s alleged involvement in last year’s suicide attack on a bus carrying Israeli citizens in Burgas, Bulgaria, that left six people dead and more than 30 injured, while Hezbollah’s military support for Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria also played a significant role.

    Israel, the UK, the United States and the Netherlands had already put the group on their terrorist blacklists.

    Concerns that isolating the Shia movement would fuel instability in Lebanon and across the region were rejected by Foreign Secretary William Hague, who said that the ruling would not have “serious adverse consequences”. “It is important for us to show that we are united and strong in facing terrorism,” he added.

    Hezbollah has 12 MPs in the Lebanese parliament – two of whom are members of the caretaker cabinet – and the administration in Beirut said it regretted the decision. Caretaker Foreign minister Adnan Mansour called it “hasty”, while earlier in the day President Michel Suleiman had stressed that Hezbollah was an “essential component of Lebanese society”.

    Despite doubts about how the designation would work in practice, the EU said it planned to preserve its avenue of dialogue with the group’s political arm. “By labelling the military wing [the EU] sought to take a symbolic stand while pushing back the need to do anything substantial,” said Julien Barnes-Dacey, a Lebanon analyst at the European Council for Foreign Relations.

    “It provides them with a way out – they can keep on engaging certain elements of Hezbollah, they can keep engaging with the Lebanese government, yet they don’t have to withdraw support for the Lebanese armed forces.” He added that Hezbollah had few assets in Europe, and as a result would not be adversely affected by financial sanctions.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he hoped the move would lead to “tangible steps against the organisation”, but added that Israel did not distinguish between Hezbollah’s military and political wings.

    Relations between the EU and Israel have been under strain after Brussels last week announced a ban on member states dealing with Israeli settlements. It has been suggested by several analysts that both this and Monday’s announcement are part of a wider strategy to punish the Jewish state for its illegal settlements while at the same time encouraging it to reach a lasting peace deal with the Palestinians.

    To many in the West, Hezbollah is primarily a military organisation. The group was officially founded in 1985 during the Israeli occupation of Lebanon, when it resorted to suicide bombings and kidnappings in its quest to drive foreign forces from the country.

    Throughout the 1980s and 1990s it was blamed for a number of terrorist attacks against civilians outside Lebanon’s borders, primarily against Israeli and Jewish targets. After the war ended Hezbollah was the only faction not to disarm, claiming it needed weapons to repel any attempts by Israel to invade again. It put its vast arsenal to use in 2006 when Israel attacked in response to a cross-border raid that killed a number of its soldiers. The conflict saw Israeli jets pummel Lebanese infrastructure and civilian areas, while Hezbollah in turn fired thousands of rockets back into Israel. More than 1,000 Lebanese and more than 100 Israelis were killed, but the fact that Israel was unable to occupy Lebanon led to Hezbollah claiming a victory. That perceived triumph bolstered support for the group across the Arab world, as many viewed it as the only viable resistance to Israel’s hegemony in the region.

    Despite its primary function as a “resistance” group, Hezbollah’s supporters see it as much more than that. As well as its role in Lebanese politics it is also a mainstay of civil society, especially in the south and across the Bekaa valley where its organisations fund schools, hospitals and orphanages alongside reconstruction programmes.

    Hezbollah members enjoy free healthcare, housing benefits and scholarships for their children. Those that die in battle know that their relatives will be taken care of by the group’s “martyr’s organisation”. In addition to social support it funds at least 12 clinics and 12 schools. Jihad al-Bina, Hezbollah’s reconstruction arm, is a partner of the United Nations Development Programme and has been involved in the reconstruction efforts that followed the civil war. Despite paying for repairs to damaged properties and planting 10,000 trees across the south of the country, it, too, is labelled as a terrorist group by the US because of its links to Hezbollah.

    Yesterday’s announcement is unlikely to have a significant effect on Hezbollah’s funding, which flows from a number of NGOs across the Islamic world. Iran is also a significant contributor, while additional funding is provided by collection boxes placed on every street corner in areas under Hezbollah control.

    Yet the EU move has rattled the group, which has been hesitant to reach out to reporters in the run up to Monday’s announcement. Social projects were declared off limits because of fears that they would be manipulated to portray the organisation as promoting terrorism, its media office explained.
  3. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    I just see the future so clearly!

    One Day you will have implanted a RFID Chip with your Money (virtual money) in your Hand. If you don't play like the Masters want they do exactly this.

    "making it illegal to send money to the organization and enabling its assets in Europe to be frozen."

    They block your chip anytime they want and freeze you out! Be prepared for the New World Order!


  4. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    By Having this war on Terror, you can never win it.....
    ......so you can always keep taking People's liberties away
    ......The Media can convince Everybody that it's real.

    N. Rockefeller
  5. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Wild West
    Anybody who makes a stand against Zionist Capitalism is going to be labelled as terrorists by pro Zionist Capitalists. Lets not forget how the state of Israel came into being: by terrorist action against the British Protectorate and thieving Palestinian land. Israel has more United Nation resolutions passed against it than any other country on the face of the planet. How long must the Palestinian people remain prisoners and refugees in their own land while Brooklyn jews squat in their homes??!!
  6. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
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    Don't forget the most important thing, All your knowledge you have is because it's programmed into your brain, wherever the school, TV, Radio. Everything is just a input.. This gives you a point of view of the world etc.., but only a point of view.
    What you do with those input's it's on you.
    This goes for Obama, his evil administration and all other puppets & prostitutes out there.
    Imagine what kind of input's Obama etc.. must have as child if he is running war's, taking liberties away from us etc...
  7. Mental Exchange Department

    Mental Exchange Department Newbie

    Jul 2, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Lets get it right,Soon as the Muslims put there differences apart and unite as one instead of sunny s fighting shites *yes* Israel is finished.From the pagan perspective.The biggest fear America Israel and allies have.
  8. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Right because it's all the Jews fault, I forgot. Oh the irony of people complaining that their people are being blamed for everything but yet they have no problem turning around and blaming another group of people. This planet is fucked up because of everyone playing their part in the unfolding of events not just Jews or Muslims or whomever. Sorry we can't go back to killing Jews in gas chambers and make you all happy. Geez. :snuffy:

    Ever heard of the Peel Commission? You should read up on it.
    And news flash the United Nations is the most useless organization that ever came into existence so who cares about their resolutions?

    Furthermore there are PLENTY of Jewish people that fight for Palestinian rights. In fact not that long ago I saw an article where there were massive Israeli protests on this exact subject. Jews that support things like this: Jews For Justice For Palestinians and a female elderly Holocaust survivor who is doing things like this: Jewish Woman & Holocaust Survivor Fights for Palestinian Rights I'm sure you will shrug it off though since it has the word Jew in the title but yet isn't followed with a hate speech. Oh yeah did I mention that they're close to a cancer vaccine? A vaccine that could have saved my father who I watched wither and die because of the disease. Or how about a pill that is able to diagnose not only current medical problems but also future ones. Did I also mention that they've been involved in microprocessor innovations for Intel? There isn't a country around that doesn't have skeletons in it's closet and there are different kinds of people in every land. Lumping them all together makes it easy to preserve an us and them mentality when it's really just us. This reminds me of the partisan conflict between Democrats and Republicans where they each think the other one is wrong never fully aware that behind both is a slaughterhouse.

    Catalyst is a native of the world and I will not tolerate this kind of behavior against ANY group of people whether It be Christians, Jews, Muslims, women, etc. This is a public forum with people from all over the globe and believe it or not some of them might be offended. Crazy I know. :wow:

    I should give you warnings with descriptive titles that you can proudly display but as a symbol of peace and understanding I won't. However I'm letting you know now that if I ever see stuff like this again I'm banning you outright. People come here to forget their differences and connect to music which transcends all boundaries not to listen to conversations about how Israel will be destroyed. People are people and you can think what you want but all human experience is the same. We all eat, shit, fuck, love, hate, hope, suffer, dream and die.

    Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.
    -Albert Einstein

    Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.
    -Charles de Gaulle

    There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people.
    -Howard Zinn
  9. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
    Likes Received:
    This thread was the cherry on top of my shit sundae so thanks guys. We all know that what the world really needs now is more hate. *no*
  10. oisinn

    oisinn Ultrasonic

    Jul 6, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Wild West
    Of course there are plenty of right thinking jews opposing the annexation of Palestinian land but the fact is that they are not making any difference whatever. The world stands by while the Zionists inflict there own version of the Final Solution on the Palestinians
  11. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    One thing is sure, this ain't the place to discuss this... not because some might be offended (poor babies), but more because nobody knows shit around here !
    So get back to your plugins and sound libraries (which is part of your domination, you fools) and stop trying to understand the world around you.

    The Zionist Police.
  12. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    I'm a mod and it is my job to make sure people respect each other. Check the first rule and if you don't like it there's the door. And how do you know what I know, you don't even know me? And what's with this "your domination"? You don't know anything about me but you yet you've come to all these asinine conclusions just because I'm not jumping on the let's kill all the Jews bandwagon.
  13. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    Well nobody should be held accountable for what other people are doing if they're doing what they can. I do what I do without considering what other people are doing because that's just who I am. Can I ask you a question: do you hate the people in those articles? What's more important to you the fact that they're Jews or the fact that they stand with you? I once saw a picture of Jewish and Pakestinian kids playing together, it made me happy because it gave me hope for the rest of us. Democrats/Republicans, Black/White, Israeli/Palestinian...it never ends.
  14. euxyh103

    euxyh103 Newbie

    Mar 10, 2012
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    Well, I didn't think it will come to this.
    I never commented on that subject, because - what's the use?
    But here in AudioZ I feel like a family so..

    As an Israeli, happy to find a place to chat about music production, I never thought I will cross an anti-semetic/hate topic on AudioZ.
    For the first time, I have read all of the topic above, and I can only relate to Lord Gaga's comment on "go read".

    Go read. The facts. Go read. About Jordan's 1970 black september, where Jordan fought and expaled Palestinians to Israel.
    Go read. About 1948. About the usage of the "Palestinian Problem" as a cover for anti-semetic activity.
    I'm not taking sides here, and I'm sure that we're stuck with them here, and beyond the argument of who came here first (we did btw), I know that we need to get a "fair divorce" here. But I think it's time to stop blaming the "zionists" on all your problems. Egypt got that first...("Hey I'm poor, that's the government's fault. not Israel...")
    Then Iranian people ("Hey...until the 80's Israel and Iran were BFF. and I'm poor now.")then Syria etc.
    So go read. please. Not fairy tales but the facts.

    Frito - you mentioned Hezbolla's establishment after Israel was in Lebanon but you have failed to mention why Israel got there in the first place (Terror and killing of an israeli ambassador).
    Go read. Please. Read about the difference between the west and the radical islam ("we shoot at targets. they shoot everywhere. exploding buses in the center of Tel Aviv/New York/London killing civilians kind of thing").

    Again - I'm not against Palestinians. As I said - we're stuck with each other for good and for worse. It's just seems like the world is using that excuse over and over again (mostly arab countries and europe, for some reason...) to blame Israel for their problems. What will they do in times of peace? find another country to blame?
    Excuse me, but ignoring Syria which kills it's OWN PEOPLE (100,000+) and focusing on Israel (ok, we fight now and then, but still) is just too much.
    The world (and I mean the anti-semetic groups) needs to get it: We are here, they are here. Underneath all the headlines of hate we have common projects between us, until few years ago Palestinians were coming and going and working here in Israel, and people here just want to live. I believe it will happen. Official peace is not that different from what we have now. We live on our territory, they live on theirs. We just need to make things official....

    Peace for all :)
  15. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
    Likes Received:
    "One thing is sure, this ain't the place to discuss this... not because some might be offended (poor babies), but more because nobody knows shit around here !
    So get back to your plugins and sound libraries (which is part of your domination, you fools) and stop trying to understand the world around you."

    The Zionist Police.

    I'm sorry but i don't agree with your comment. your comment is very ignorant.
    What you said in other words is shut up and go back to make music. So in your eyes a musician can only make music and has no other value.
    I'm hear on Earth and want learn as much as possible and as more sources then better. I'm glad to be a little part of AudioZ and have the ability to share some thought.

    don't take it personal, only my view of point.
  16. lisapower

    lisapower Member

    Mar 2, 2012
    Likes Received:
    If i have Questions but not the answer for it, why i can't use as much sources as possible to "maybe" find the right answer for me?. what's wrong with that?
    I just want to say that i need more than just one source to make a decision.
    in my opinion this has nothing to do with protagonists or any other kind of definition you are looking for.
  17. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    dark side of the moon
    sorry to get everybody riled up, it was not my intention to cause any problems..

    for one thing, NEVER assume you know any thing about me or my motivations, because 99% of the time you will be wrong.
    Timothy, you mentioned I wrote something about the establishment of Isreal- THIS IS A NEWS ARTICLE I REPOSTED- i didnt write any of this...yeeesh. check the link to "the independant" online news source.


    im a US citizen, and the point of my posting this article was the irony of how how fickle the line is between a Govt sanctioned and funded Militant organization and a Terrorist group.

    The US/EU govts supplies arms all around the world to multiple cabals, syndicates, and militant organizations, and how the political wind blows in the State Dept determines the classification of these groups,- while the US Govt and its intelligence community is by far the world's biggest terrorist organization.

    I just find it sickening how US Foreign Policy dictates some groups which were heavily funded by US taxpayer money to support a certain political cause that was in line with what served the current US geopolitical sphere of influence at the time, could then be classified later as a rouge terrorist organization. Its like they just want people to forget we just gave the same group a bunch of high tech helicopters and tanks and weapons. Along with outright puppet regimes, the tentacles of "US Foreign Policy" are everywhere... (the US has never directly supplied Hezzbollah, but if you think US aid to Lebanon isnt being funneled to Hezzbollah you are sadly mistaken...if you wonder who i am talking about then remember nicaraguan contras, syrian rebels, south american cartels, cold war anti soviet groups like a little US funded group called Al Qaeda)

    and all the US taxpayer money we waste everyday in supplying arms and weapons of death to other countries, Congress is wiping out social services nationwide at an alarming rate!!!!

    with the $$$ they spend on military spending for one month could fix social security until 2097

    so that is why i posted this thread, not to take sides on the stolen land deal. the US stole ALL our land from the Native Americans, remember that fact.

    i fight for the rights of oppressed peoples everywhere... draw what conclusions you want

    catalyst said it best when he referred to nationalism as a fool's purpose, as borders on maps mean nothing in the real world. All humans are one people, we need to remember we are all brothers and sisters... oppression and control are the tools of our subjugation, politics, capitalism, and religion are just another way to control us.
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Frito eloquently worded as usual and I didn't take issue with what you posted but I did take issue with some of the ignorant and hateful comments here. People can believe what they want as who am I to judge but to openly spread hate like that on a public forum is ridiculous and I'd be saying that if someone were putting stuff up about Muslims or any other group. People worldwide denounce Jews but have no problem living off of the fruits of their labor and I assure you that there are dozens of inventions that you use every day that were created by Jewish minds. The Jewish people have given a lot to our world and whether all of them have noble intentions or not is not my concern as there isn't a group around that is always noble. They want to survive just like all other peoples especially considering that we were exterminating them by the millions not too long ago. I can tell you one thing: dissenting opinions aren't only tolerated they are encouraged which is a lot more than I can say about a lot of other groups. People get mad at Jews when their own government has done more against them in a year than these people have in their whole existence. And Jews aren't trying to take over the world they have just been psychologically conditioned to do the best they can no matter what they do. It's easy to look at a few people in the banking industry and come to this conclusion when the rest of their people are unbelievably poor and Israel itself has plenty of financial problems. They also make up around one percent of the world population which is hardly a takeover. Ironically nobody seemed to bring up world takeovers when European Christians spilled blood for centuries (no offense intended as this is fact not opinion). The world is just looking for a scapegoat to say you see this is the reason we don't have this or that. Lumping a group of people together under the banner of ignorance is never truth. In each nation you will find people you will take issue with and some you will call friend. Honestly I hate the idea of culture because in my opinion it is nothing but a cookie cutter imprint of beliefs that may or may not have any grounding in fact, usually the latter. For better or worse we are all on this planet and it is in all of our best interests to live in harmony. I may not be able to control that in the real world but you better believe I will here. We at AudioSex can't be a family if some people aren't welcome simply because of the nation they were born into and if you want to help me then you're going to have to choose what is more important to you love or hate as you can't have both. *no*

    Us and Them
    And after all we're only ordinary men
    Me, and you
    God only knows it's not what we would choose to do
    Forward he cried from the rear
    And the front rank died
    And the General sat, as the lines on the map
    Moved from side to side
    Black and Blue
    And who knows which is which and who is who
    Up and Down
    And in the end it's only round and round and round
    Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
    The poster bearer cried
    Listen son, said the man with the gun
    There's room for you inside
    Down and Out
    It can't be helped but there's a lot of it about
    With, without
    And who'll deny that's what the fightings all about
    Get out of the way, it's a busy day
    And I've got things on my mind
    For want of the price of tea and a slice
    The old man died
  19. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    dark side of the moon
    @Catalyst= Us and Them

    ah, i can almost hear the saxophone playing gently in the background...

    here is my contribution

    Bob Marley & The Wailers - The Oppressed Song

    The man oppressed will seem to do the worst,
    But with all he possesses, self preservation comes first.
    His damnation comes, from a burning free,
    As destruction of the poor is their poverty, is their poverty.

    While oppression is the poor man's choice,
    Ah, but in this he does rejoice.
    His burdens though heavy, he somehow bears,
    As for his seed, there's only one who cares,
    There's only one who cares.

    Though his pilgrimage extends, his progresses ascend,
    But as the prudent one exalts, he is gonna find his faults.
    But as the wise man sees, he knows, he knows,
    There's no rest in the west, so to the east he goes, to the east he goes,
    Where he can find peace of mind, oh.
  20. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Lord Gaga I don't think I made a mistake issuing a warning to Rotten Az Hell but if I somehow did he can hit me up with a PM and I'll remove it. I don't think it was a mistake because of his "which is part of your domination, you fools" comment and his closing "The Zionist Police" comment which I assume was directed at me for intervening in this ridiculous conversation. Too bad he's not aware how little I care about what anyone else thinks about me. What do I look like some attention whore? Please. :rofl:
    I'm going to do what I think is right and anyone that takes issue can take it up with my nutsack. :bleh:
  21. fritoz

    fritoz Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2012
    Likes Received:
    dark side of the moon
    Catalyst's Nutsack
