Steinberg softwares on mac with fake Soft-eLicenser bundle on Parallel Windows?

Discussion in 'Software' started by smoakyyy, May 25, 2020.

  1. smoakyyy

    smoakyyy Newbie

    May 25, 2020
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    Hey guys, really new to this so i would appreciate some help/point me in the right direction and i'll read it up myself.

    I have a mac that has parallel windows booted, and has Dorico 3 working with the fake Soft-eLicenser.
    I am looking to have Cubase on my mac system itself (not on the parallel windows) and since there's no mac version of the fake soft-eLicenser I can only run it on my parallel. However when I downloaded cubase from the download assistant and installed it I realised they installed another copy of the eLicenser control center.

    Is there anyway I can point it to the fake soft-eLicenser and get it activated?
  3. wadmixfm

    wadmixfm Member

    Apr 1, 2018
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    just 1 question , is dorico 3 working inside parallels or native on the mac and dorico 3 is picking up the fake elicenser ??

    i think when you installed cubase 10 it would have installed the elc for the mac natively which should be installed in your applications folder

    i dont think you can migrate from one machine to the other so to speak because i think that cubase itself will be coded to look in the applications folder for the elc

    if its possible then it would be a doddle to hack all the other plug ins and programs that steinberg have created that have not been able to crack as of yet

  4. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I doubt that this is working, i even tried tgransfering the sel lic to my hardware dongle but that do not work :)
    Th latest antitril seams to hack the dll itself
  5. somethin

    somethin Member

    May 8, 2016
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    Why tho? Running a DAW on a virtual machine is a terrible idea, they are supposed to run real-time, which is not possible when you are running them through guest OS.
  6. smoakyyy

    smoakyyy Newbie

    May 25, 2020
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    I am trying not to run it on a virtual machine.
    I own a mac, and would like to run the DAW and even dorico on OSX, but the fake elc only works on windows.

    I'm curious if there is a way to run the DAW on my OSX while reading the fake elc from my parallels, so far when I tried it, they installed a seperate OSX elc.

    I have dorico 3 pro on parallels windows right now. It works fine, but ultimately still want it in my OSX as the there is so much midi latency when i try to use keyboard record.
  7. Klaviernatum

    Klaviernatum Ultrasonic

    Sep 18, 2013
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    We are still waiting Dorico for Mac.
    As a matter of fact, a better software than Dorico for music notation, if you ask me...:guru:
    Let's pray my brothers :bow:
  8. smoakyyy

    smoakyyy Newbie

    May 25, 2020
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    what do you think is better than dorico? i've actually used sibelius my whole life, decided to try dorico 3 out when i saw it released. Tried on my parallels and to be honest I got used to it within an hour and had a faster workflow than using Sib.

    Just thinking if there's a fake e-soft for mac/ if there is anyway to use fake e-soft on windows for my mac steinberg apps
  9. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Not possible. Parallels actually creates a virtual Windoze hard drive inside of your Mac's drive. You can transfer files between the two systems (if memory serves) and even have Parallels use your Mac's hardware, but it's more or less two completely different systems using one machine simultaneously. On the other hand, there's Wine, which runs Windoze apps inside a shell. In theory, you could run the Windoze version of eLicenser that way. The problem with either approach is, a Mac Steinberg app (or any app) is programmed to look for the license validation in one specific location on your Mac's system. There's no way to point it elsewhere, especially on what amounts to a different "computer" with a completely different OS.

    What has always puzzled me about Parallels users (of which I was one) is, why not just use Boot Camp Assistant and boot from Windoze, instead of running it and your Mac stuff at half-speed on an emulator? You have it right now on your Mac (in Utilities) and you can set it up in a few minutes. Not as ideal as getting to run your software in macOS, but you won't have to go through all the hassles of running things through Parallels -- you'd have a full-fledged copy of whatever version of Windoze you wanted running on your machine just like a regular PC.
    Last edited: May 26, 2020
  10. smoakyyy

    smoakyyy Newbie

    May 25, 2020
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    If I run bootcamp, do I need to reinstall all of my vsts and plugins that I currently have on my mac? I would really like to have a working Cubase on my system as it's a faster workflow for me. Doubt there will be an fake e-Soft for OSX. The patched cubase artist i have on my OSX is way to buggy and i'll lose my progress anytime.
  11. Klaviernatum

    Klaviernatum Ultrasonic

    Sep 18, 2013
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    Well, unfortunately, I think that software stills doesn't exists... I've used virtually all of them, since Encore to Dorico. Used to work fluently on Finale, until I discovered Sibelius. Way better than finale. Then AVID screwed up Sibelius, and Dorico emerged. So far so good... But, why all of them are so unnatural? I mean, slow, weird UI, just eurocentrical notations, and when you need to create ancient music, or even symphonic music, its just a mess. All the time the user has to find workarounds, tricks, and time wasting magic for creating music graphically. For example I have to use PDF editors, or vector graphic software to fix many flaws on every notation software. I bet you understand this words...

    Notation software must evolve at a different pace of DAW. And furthermore, independent from a DAW schedule. Why? I think they need to focus on the notation itself, not the audio engine (thats evolving well). Don't get me wrong: these apps are sounding fine, but graphical developments are still PITA.

    Now Steinberg as the house of Dorico uses that stupid USB key protection scheme, making the code dense, and of course, not investing enough on notational issues. The same mistake Protools did years ago... BTW, Protools with Sibelius, should be way beyond every other soft duo. But no, still with that shitty interface, and weird manners :yes:

    BTW 2: Logic Pro... Thats some piece of Software. The music editor, not bad at all. But so undeveloped. This one for real should be just way ahead of every other major music software.
    I mean, its perhaps one of the best DAW, should have one of the best notation features. Apple as a matter of fact, should work on an independent music notation software. Should be called iNote or something like that. Got the money, the brains, but, for some reason, this is not real.

    BTW 3: There is a guy, Tantacrul on Youtube, man, 100% agree with his point of view about UI crimes :wink:
    Last edited: May 26, 2020
  12. AgentData

    AgentData Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2020
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    Is it possible to transfer this (fake) Soft-eLicenser Licenses to a real USB-eLicenser ?
  13. smoakyyy

    smoakyyy Newbie

    May 25, 2020
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    I am looking for something like this as well.
    Or is there any sister sites that can get me Cubase Artist on OSX please PM/let me know
  14. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Bootcamp creates a partition on your hard drive (not a virtual HDD like Parallels) and installs WIndoze on it. Then, it allows you to boot from either your OSX partition or your Windoze partition. In Windoze, it just bypasses the Rosetta chip that lets OSX run on an Intel processor and turns your Mac into a full-fledged Windoze computer.

    Unfortunately, it would require you to reinstall all the WIndoze software you installed on Parallels, but the good news is, it will run all that software a lot better than it runs on Parallels. On the Mac side, nothing will really change, except that part of your hard drive will now be partitioned (again, not a virtual drive like with Parallels, but an actual partition).
  15. smoakyyy

    smoakyyy Newbie

    May 25, 2020
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    is short, there is no other way to use Cubase artist/pro on OSX without actually purchasing it?
    i think there's an artist release but it's buggy as hell and i wouldn't even work on it for fun everything'a not working at all >:
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