VR, R2R, RETsu

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by jhagen, May 23, 2020.

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  1. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Like many others i was in the beta testing for Cubase 10.5 under Mono projects.
    I guess and now i believe that VR is floating around and have a good connection to the sister site and he can grab a bunch of beta testers...
    But no.
    He is in the hurry to showoff and he is the only one who is not saying that he was making mistake with his cracks but rather makes patches under REVISIONS. That is the diference in REAL TEAMS and VR....
    BTW, there is a army of ppl who simply love VR, you can see under new EZbass.... WoW.... They can be beta testers.....
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  2. statik

    statik Audiosexual

    Jul 3, 2014
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    under your bed
    do you know how hard that is nowadays? they don't just let any clown join anymore, AHS and IT really screwed things up.
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  3. 2poor2

    2poor2 Producer

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Man, a few years ago, I used to feel kind of sad, when I'd see R2R releasing in one month the 4th..or 6th minor update for some $39 basic compressor plugin...
    ... and then one day, I started thinking, 'dude, just stop thinking for 2 minutes, and try to imagine a world without warez... without R2R...'
    Or simply, try to imagine you are a mac user, and you only get a few mac releases per month, and probably 1 or 2 big releases once every 4 or 5 months... because that's the sad reality, for the mac users: they go to audioz, watch those lists of never ending R2R releases for Pc, and for mac, nada.

    Yes, the are quite a few apps where r2r release both mac and pc... but that happens maybe 10% of the time...

    Just try to imagine if we could go to some website, watch 2 or 3000 great plugins, behind some huge copy protection system, like a hardware card... and the ONLY way to get those plugins or daws, would be buying them.
    Yeah, imagine a world where ALL audio plugins would require a Uad- like card, to work, or even install.

    Nightmare, huh ?
    By the way, that's exactly what happens with UAD... they can sell their plugins for 300,400,500 bucks, claim they sound better than the hardware unit itself, without the possibility for someone to test it outside their proprietary stuff...
    Fuking nightmare, right...

    And what would happen in that world, free of warez ?
    Well, we would be paying 500 bucks, for a valhalla reverb, or 1200 bucks, for an arturia Prophet V5, and arturia would even tell us 'hey, the hardware on Ebay costs 12'000, you only pay 1200 for this, so, you should feel lucky... and shut up '

    Look at the music and movie market, free of warez....without the mp3 decompressors, or the divx format...
    Today, we would be paying 39 bucks for an entire album, or 59 bucks, for a DVD. And we shouldn't expect the industry to lower their prices... (ok, ok, would majors pay the artists MORE, if they were making more money? No.)

    That's why, again, I try to imagine a world without R2r...
    A little challenge, try to search in ALL your files, using 'r2r' '.rar' '.zip'....
    How many files do you find ? 100 ? 500 ? 1500 ? ....

    Now, let's imagine we didn't have ANY of those R2r files.

    No cool, right...

    Of course, the human race is what it is... we always want more.
    For example, I wish r2r could release a soundtoys update, and a proper Omnisphere 3, whenever it comes out.
    Others dream of going to audioz, and seeing 'Soothe v2.1 Cracked and Keygen- r2r.rar'...
    Others would like to see a proper cubase elements 10.5.r2r

    We are never satisfied.. and fully happy. Because we quickly get used to getting the good things in life... and we always want more and more..

    We just got a Arturia Fx release, and r2r say they will release the V collection when they add an upcoming synth.
    Of course, many will say 'come on, r2r, give me some slate plugins... give me some softtube plugins... we don't give a fuk about this arturia shit"....

    ...but... really ?
    What would happen if no arturia release existed ? No Fx collection, no 21 synths/pianos $500 V collection.

    It would be like a Soothe... or Cubase... Or Reason... everybody would be praying for r2r to release the V collection !

    That's why we should be ultra grateful and happy that R2r (still) exists, and are still killing it, with more and more fantastic releases, almost every single day.

    Because, again... try to close your eyes, open your empty daw, with only the stock plugins.. and imagine if there was no warez, or no R2r releases...at ALL.

    anyone still willing to criticize the audio teams, and all the stuff they release, full versions or updates ?
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  4. Cube Sixty-Three

    Cube Sixty-Three Kapellmeister

    Mar 30, 2020
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    I buy all my plugins that's why I've all licenses and installers but I enjoy reading these sorta topics cos sometimes these releases let's you test plugs before purchase without messing up your computer with trial versions.

    I can't work with all these cracks cos of the never ending fixes and bugs can't afford that but you're right people need to be contented.

    When they get soothe they hardly use it and want the next one. There's no growth in constantly accumulating plugs you may never use but a world of music without warez I can imagine will be a nightmare for 90% of producers.

  5. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    And that is why R2R is more convenient than VR. I have installed over legit KORG M1 K'ED KORG Triton and that was released also by R2R.

    R2R Installers never mess up your PC with files etc where you have not control. And usually you have instructions what to do in case you are messing with legit and K'ED installers.
    In the beginning I used to trust VR and used some programs but eventually I got time bomb or overbloated installer but I have disappointed
    With VR when I found that for SWAM engine programs he used R2R keygen from 2014 to generate licences and he didn't gave a proper credits... For me that was sad day with VR... even simplest ADOBE PREMIERE plugin were unstable as hell... So there is no a single reliable VR release...

    Sorry VR...
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  6. DoubleTake

    DoubleTake Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2017
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    You are a person with a healthy ego, who does not fear to have other viewpoints challenge what you "know".
    Of course what we "know" is mostly what we decide to give attention...because of emotions. Yes our emotions are from facts, too, but only the facts we like.. for emotional reasons.
    And it is clear how many of us fear to have our viewpoint challenged...by how strong we defend.. As if someone was threatening our lives...
    Well for many people it IS a big threat.
    Because they feel threat to emotions...
    If it was only an intellectual viewpoint maybe they would not fear to modify it, or to let it die altogether.
    But no, they react as if it is a threat to their very existence. And that is how it feels, when the view depends so much on emotions.

    People should let their opinions and views be smashed by everyone. Ask others to smash them and MEAN IT.
    Then stand back and look at whatever remains when they are done.
    Whatever remains is more true that what was there.
    Nietzche was too bold saying whatever does not kill me makes me stronger.
    Like much religious wisdom is good to keep in mind CONSIDERING OUR USUAL STATE OF MIND... But it is not true in the absolute.
    But when it comes to ideas,yes.. it is quite true.
    Whatever arguments criticisms do not destroy, they make stronger.

    And is so very clear here in these forums by those who MUST WIN the arguments in such subjective and complex areas.
    Why so hard the defense?
    Why so mad, bro?
    Why so arrogant, even if you may BE right?
    Why the EGO? Hmmmm.....
  7. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Don't need to imagine. I remember perfectly having my Cubase 5 AIR loaded with H2O and more AIR plugins, then some peace-out, decibelle and so on.
    R2R are the best team now, when they're gone some other group will take over. And unlike R2R they won't try to patent cracks for piracy and other things that lead to this kind of funny but pointless "R2R against the world" threads.
    That's right. You pissed at VR? Not your fault, it's R2R's

    Actually there's one free/old stuff ripper uploading 15+ years H2O releases in AZ these days

    PS. oops, I promised myself I wouldn't enter yet another R2R against the world thread. Sorry bout that, I can't help myself :rofl:
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  8. PluginFin

    PluginFin Newbie

    May 24, 2020
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    Hey. How do you get the files to work??

    They download as .DL but also .r2r

    It seems the majority of the file is r2r. How do you get this to work? Sorry if it's a stupid question
    Thanks for all the help
  9. PluginFin

    PluginFin Newbie

    May 24, 2020
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    Hey. How do you get the files to work??

    They download as .DL but also .r2r

    It seems the majority of the file is r2r. How do you get this to work? Sorry if it's a stupid question
    Thanks for all the help
  10. jhagen

    jhagen Platinum Record

    Apr 9, 2013
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  11. AgentData

    AgentData Ultrasonic

    May 5, 2020
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    Well in older days releasing every little revision of a plugin or whatever was THE way to get the needed download creditz on so called top-sitez. Its an easy way to blow up the number of releases and/or the upload volume. At the end its that easy...
  12. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    peace out is r2r
    yeah sure and will supply like r2r :rofl:
    even audioutopia is just a glimpse against them..i just talkin from point of supply
    but hey : no keygen friggle fraggle n just install...so weak..but ppl whine bout vr they so miss treated
    and for the rec yes i think i would prefer ezbass vr over r2r maybe
  13. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Nevertheless, maybe VR is "more convenient" in that area "click and install" but that doesnt meant necessarily to be better, because at one moment it will stop working.... Because of bad cracks!
    Quality is what i count and most users i guess...
    You have Arturia single plugins and not whole collection to install bcuz i dont need them all, and i like better single app installation but i have tried VR and again doesnt works... So there is no worth for that cracks! Simply bad , total opposite to other Teams from 2008 till now as i remember...
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  14. anon69

    anon69 Producer

    Nov 24, 2019
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    There was a crappy.dorico vr release a few days ago. I don't know why they release buggy stuff. But I mean when their stuff is not buggy, it works great. But still...
  15. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    you right

    only thing where vr and r2r are equal is u-he...you must kno which not bomb from both teams they have bombing rls but also proper versions belong from both..
    but in the end in common r2r is the better choice...i kno from hard way
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  16. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    WTFFFF::::normaly i dont miss out such stuff..thx for heads up...but i wasnt into this ..im on live and reaper

    THIS IS AZ AT ITS BEST AGAIN:::they dunnot deserve to be puplic '''top''' site
    shame on you az mods

    thats why other from that circle left here too at moment ...the fck
    Last edited: May 24, 2020
  17. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    funny how ppl req to vr for dc fix..while they never worked on it...it was mono...but vr did initialize the movement thru antitrial
  18. Ad_Vyse

    Ad_Vyse Member

    Oct 20, 2019
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    I'm just grateful for the chance to try before I buy and that appreciation goes for the all the teams. Without the warez, I wouldn't have bought half the stuff I now own. No FL, No omnisphere, No analog obsessions, No fabfilter, No maschine. I bought EWQL stuff way back in the days before their latest subscription model because of warez. If not for some things being ridiculously prohibitively expensive, I would have bought them as well (staring HARD at nexus circa 2011).
  19. evolasme

    evolasme Platinum Record

    May 11, 2013
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    somewhere different almost every night
    R2R was around for a while before they got there shit together. now they are king of the hill.

    I think VR's appeal at the moment is ease of use, click /install / done for n00bs that is a god send , not pesky keygens or HOST file editing or god forbid you have to uninstall an old version. not to mention installing entire bundles at one go. not plug in by plug in that is why they are still here. is it. a good thing ? i dont know and sometimes they offer stuff R2R aint bothered with. R2R defo has a much better quality releaese that work with a minimal amount of errors and repacks is why id rather use R2R stuff. VR will be round as long as the scene uses them. Back in the day when we had more groups who ever got out a solid working release first owned it and anyone else who dared release the same app got crucified as a doop. it aint like that anymore. only the scene can control bad groups with bad releases. VR have had their ups and downs but they have had a hit or 2 here and there. so the are not complete shit. and in small steps they do seem to be getting better. if you dont like there releases dont download them.
  20. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    It's fine, fellow bad-member of the forum. :winker:
    That explains a lot... just joking :rofl::wink:
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