Do we must ban Mac / PC trolls ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lord Gaga, Sep 18, 2011.


Must we add a rule which forbid Mac / PC trolling and ban those who don't follow it ?

  1. YES

    12 vote(s)
  2. NO

    13 vote(s)
  3. We must add this rule, give a first warning, then a ban

    15 vote(s)
  1. Antilles

    Antilles Member

    Jun 8, 2011
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    There is a fact that we all should not ignore. There are always people who are new to warez. we all startet knowing nothing and then we figured it out. I totally understand that those questions are annoying, but if they dont know better, then we should answer them how it is, namely "this hasnt been cracked yet" or "read the comments before asking" etc.
    I think with a little more support those questions could be minimized.

    If I were a Newbe, I wouldnt understand why some guys are angry with me about a mac/PC release question. We should be happy that there is one more guy who wants to download our Uploads.

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Crystal ... and let me say that there is nothing wrong with a) my sense of humor, nor b) my point of view (similar to assholes, we all have one)

    This simply is not true. Those (in the scene) that break registration schemes and nop resources know the exact moment they intend to release. Moreover (so there is no confusion), the delays are often result from lack of target (software) -- in that, you can not crack an application that is not in your possession to crack. But enough of this ...

    In regard to requests and questions; a) it never hurts to ask, and b) there are no stupid questions

    I do enjoy my Mac, quite well actually ... thanks

    I did not intend to cause a ruckus here, nor attack your masculinity -- I was simply compelled to respond and share my view. If you did not wish to be challenged on this, then perhaps you should have omitted the option to vote 'NO'
    I apologize for any distress I may have caused, and wish you a pleasant day, really ... *yes*
  3. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    I voted a clear "NO".
    It's stupid to ban someone for such reasons.
    Everyone is free to decide what system to use.

    BTW: People should go back to the roots and make more "real" music...
    ...not cold and overproduced by technological machines! :guitarhero:
  4. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    Hi Kookaboo, I respect what you say about the real music thing...
    but personally I understand the computer as an instrument which allows to work and process sound in a very interesting way.
    And I feel computer music sometimes is highly experimental and thrilling
  5. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Maybe... but since "those (in the scene)" don't give a shit about what a dumbass is asking for in a forum, they will NEVER reply to him.

    Did I have the right to respond to your argumentation without seeming as a dictator who didn't wish to be challenged ? If it was the case, I would never started a poll you know... I would have sent a PM to the admin.

    BTW, my masculinity is in good shape, thank you, even if I don't drive any car and hate soccer.

    Are you serious ? Do you really think I started a poll to ban people who are using a specific system ?
    Please, read again my comments...
  6. txabidrkss

    txabidrkss Newbie

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I said yes althought banning people dislike me. But what I dislike most is the stupid battle between Mac and PC users, it bores me to death.
  7. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Me too.
  8. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    and against women who dislike soccer as well !!!
    It's starting to be difficult not leave the room immediately ;)

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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  10. Rolma

    Rolma Guest

    :rofl: BIG UPS!!!!!!!!
  11. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    It has nothing to do with serious professional producer.
    They simply use Mac beacuse they are compatibel with Pro-Tools HD wich b.t.w pc also is.
    But i doubt that anyone knows it they simply believe Pro-Tools HD is Mac only i read that in many forums.
    Another reason is that some years ago you couldn´t buy a PC that was as powerful as a Power Mac and Windows was very buggy and crashed all the time and you needed to configure it for audio with many many tweaks.
    With Mac it was much simpler almost plug and play.
    Nowadays when you can get a pc that are equal as powerful as the biggest mac and a Win OS that is as good as Mac OS but it cost half the price we are going to see changes in the producer world that´s for sure.
  12. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Same old netiquette problems here as everywhere else You might visit.

    Without visual clues from someones facial expression it is EASY to take things the WRONG way! No one was being racist or inciting any kind of hatred. I think You will find it was just an attempt at levity!

    MOST people have a sense of humour, HOWEVER, always some will not SEE the funny side and go off on one, guns a blazing!!

    Maybe no one likes a `smart arse`! I DO, especially if said `smarty pants` happens to raise a smile or chuckle from Me.

    Perspective Guys. Back to the music, shall We..............?
  13. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    love the hand clapping .gif :rofl:

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    I don't use the Mac for ProTools - I left ProTools when the Software required the Digidesign hardware interface to work -- has this changed since ?

    I have used both Logic and Digital Performer (both Mac specific) -- and both Highgrade DAWs -- but I must admit, I've really taken a shine to the ease of Ableton Live -- so I use that primarily. (I do use Logic for most Mastering though) I have also tried Presonus Studio One (during beta) and could definitely see potential there -- It was very resource friendly as I recall, the sound quality and ease of use was spot on as well. I am also interested in checking out the new Cubase -- they seem to have improved a great deal, and feature much of the same easy-to-use features as many todays fine DAWs -- Cubase had a steep learning curve back in the day, and was a real vibe killer (halting creative production) stopping to re-read the manual just to figure something out -- pffft ! Interested in hearing user experiences with either the new Cubase or Studio One -- looking good on this end -- thoughts ?
  15. aerokiller

    aerokiller Newbie

    Jul 19, 2011
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    A few things ...

    First of all, people need to be doing due diligence ... I go and look for my releases if I can't find them ... for instance, Harmony Improvisator ... someone had cracked it for MAC and posted it on a small forum, and I took the time to repack, add PC stuffs, and help a certain someone on another site release it ... so if I don't find something, I see if I can help the scene move forward ... too many people are takers, saying "me, me, me", or "when, when, when" ... you DO realize that these guys, from SAINT running the forum to ASSIGN doing the cracking, often have their own jobs and stuff ... they are not your personal request minions!

    So, yeah, get rid of this pointless chatter about, "MAC Please?" or "PC Please?" ... do you really want it badly? ... then do some legwork and contact ASSIGN, or another cracker, and give point them towards the demo version ... educate yourself to the priorities of the Crackers, so that you are not unrealistic in your expectations ...

    Yes, there are newbies ... but only a few months ago I came new to this forum and you don't see me running around asking for releases ... I am just super happy when something new gets delivered and thankful to all involved in delivering it (you know who you are!)

    In summary, unacceptable behaviour on this site ... stop being a whiny baby and grow a pair ... do some work for the scene instead of sucking on its teat!

    Cheers all ... I really do love you all ... let's just make this a better place to be!
  16. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    You are not being serious are you? :rofl:
  17. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Well, my dear Steve, is this the only thing you can face to my arguments ? I didn't think that a world class opponent would disappoint me like you've done with this kind of reaction (which says a lot about the way you consider someone who don't agree with you). In fact, you are precisely the kind of person you had pretended I was : someone who doesn't wish to be challenged. But what can we expect from members of a sect ? They're just like the system/enterprise they venerate : completely closed.

    The funny thing is (as I've said tree times before) that I didn't have anything against Mac users... but you started to change my mind : finally, I think it can be a good idea to ban all Mac users. Thank you very much for your precious help in this project :rofl: .

    Yes, it has changed since... one year or two. There is a ProTools HD for Mac that works without Digidesign hardware :

    Don't thank me, it's always a pleasure to help Mac users :rofl: .
  18. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    You're right about the newbies, unfortunately 90% aren't. It's always the same people who're asking for a Mac or a PC release. They continue, again and again and again... even if someone say "NO" or "Stop crying" or "Ask Steve Jobs" or "It's Pace/iLok protected and we're waiting for AiR"... Nothing works with them, believe me.

    BTW, thank you for your kind words, Rolma. My feminine side was charmed... :hug:

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Steve - Ha, how clever of you ! I responded with the barrage of rolling heads not because I was short of witty quips or comebacks, but rather -- I found your response amusing, and further contest quite pointless. Fuksakes man, squash it -- life is too short.

    Wow, (speechless) ...

    Smart move on their part in my opinion -- a proprietary DAW setup sucks, plain and simple. I was just getting into ProTools just before the switch (requiring the Hardware to authenticate), was a deal breaker for me -- 'cause I had just bought a MOTU Firewire Interface, and couldn't see making the change just to run ProTools -- Seems like the DAW has improved greatly over the years though.
  20. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Yes i am have you tried win 7?? and the upcoming win 8 is gonna be the best os there is period.
    Mac user don´t seem to understand that win developes all the time it´s not like it was several years ago,
    I have tried both and i can say that i´m not so impressed of MacOs i think it´s for people who don´t understand computers at all
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