None of Kontakt 5 vers. works on my OS X

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Deeny112, Apr 19, 2020.

  1. Deeny112

    Deeny112 Newbie

    Apr 19, 2020
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    Hello everyone,

    So my problem is this. I came back after aprox. 1 year of using VLC, Konktakt etc. again. Meanwhile this all a one year is a long time I remember last time using Konktakt 5.4 I think well Currently I run OS X 10.15.4 Catalina and I was able to install back my Logic Pro X with Sibelius and all other programes but I am having real issues installing Konktakt 5, no matter what I do I end up with "FAILURE" at the end of installation.

    However I am able to install Kontakt 6 with any problems it works it is full version everything good, but there is no way for me to add libraries in K6 so as I the conclusion I got after searching over the forum and internet I need best Kontakt 5.6.6 where I will be able to add the library and then use Kontakt 6 because the library will be visible there since I add it in 5.6.6 - if I understood this right?

    So now I am thinking why I cannot install any Kontakt 5 version on my Mac, I tried many versions of it like 5.6.6, 5.6.0, 5.5 etc .. none of those worked I always ended with failure at the end of the instalation process. And yes I always deleted all the files left after trying to install another version, So my only thought is that I need to downgrade my OS X in order make the Kontakt 5 work on my computer. Will this work? Or is there any other solution for me?

    I will be very very glad for any help from anyone.
    Wish you a good day for now, thanks !
  3. wadmixfm

    wadmixfm Member

    Apr 1, 2018
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    what OS was it before was it High Sierra ??? possibly that kontakt 5.4 is 32 bit and catalina is 64 bit and thats why the install is failing Kontakt 6 is 64 bit for sure i use it and i have no problems

    Just a thought
  4. wadmixfm

    wadmixfm Member

    Apr 1, 2018
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    Jeremy @ NI November 04, 2019 14:46

    Hey ,

    I'm afraid the problem is not with Kontakt. Were your logic 9 projects in 32 bits ? Catalina won't accept anything that isn't in 64 bits. There is an update coming for Kontakt 5 but it's mostly affecting the installer part, I don't think it would change anything to your issue. Are your projects saved on an external hard drive or location ? Please try to save on another location, on your system's drive, then re-open the project.

    Please also try deleting this file :

    Macintosh HD > Users > *Your User Name* > Library > Preferences > com.native-instruments.Kontakt 5.plist

    (Note: Since Mac OS 10.7 (Lion), the User Library folder is hidden. To access it, click on Go in the menu bar and press down the Alt key. You'll now find the Library entry in the menu.)
  5. Deeny112

    Deeny112 Newbie

    Apr 19, 2020
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    Hello thanks for reply! I am running my mac the whole time on 64bit I think even 2 years ago I think last time I successfully ran the Kontakt I was using OS High Sierra and then remember upgrading to Mojave and my kontakt stopped working and then I had this long gap not using any of those music programmes.
    I just read now here in forum that smbd is using properly installed K6 and not properly installed K5 which he is adding the libraries over and then they just simply apears in Kontakt 6 and that´s how he works I am go try this now and if it doesn´t work I will just try to downgrade my OS X probably to High Siera and see if I can successfully instal K6 and K5.6.6
  6. wadmixfm

    wadmixfm Member

    Apr 1, 2018
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    i do know that high sierra is definitely 32 bit trust me i have installed and de installed it so many times this week trying to dual boot my mac with sierra / Catalina / under sierra using boot camp for win 7 to no joy Catalina forces the efi to muck around with the partitions etc.....

    its a shame that Catalina is not backward compatible to run old software like these

    i used to be a windows user and if they can do it surely apple can do this

  7. Deeny112

    Deeny112 Newbie

    Apr 19, 2020
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    Thank you once more for answers! Currently what happened is
    Still my OS X Catalina - I installed Kontakt 6 without error and Kontakt 5.6.0 with an error. I successfully added library over K5 and it appeared in K6 also it works well now while using K6 with no problem BUT! in the Native access the library is shown as DEMO so I am bit confused Do you know why could that happen?
    Plus I want to ask, do you know if this "setup" would work in High Sierra? if 5.6.6 and also K 6.2.1 is compatibile with High Sierra?
    Thank you
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2020
  8. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    becuse native access is not cracked app, it showing real data. kontakt working and loading libraries without any "help" from native access.
    if you haven't purchased copy of library native access ALWAYS marking it as demo.
  9. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yes, it would.
    I'm on macOS Sierra, before High Sierra, and I run 5.6.0 (not 5.6.6) and 6.2.1
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