Help with a system schematic

Discussion in 'Studio' started by EL TEL, Mar 20, 2020.

  1. EL TEL

    EL TEL Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Hi guys

    Could you please help me with the attached system schematic and explain how to connect this system in regards to cabling and pro's and cons.

    Interface: M-Audio Profire Lightbridge
    Loudspeakers: 2 x Genelec 8340A
    Hard Disk: 1TB USB 3.0
    Control Surface: Behringer BCF2000
    Converters: Behringer ADA8000
    PC: Rackmount Gigabyte GA-G41MT-D3 v1.3, Core 2 Quad, 8GB DDR2 RAM. 500GB Internal hard
    DAW Software: Reaper

    Thank you
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
  3. Poynty

    Poynty Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Rack the PC and converters, depending on heat generated by convertors may want to rack them above the PC to prevent additional heat being sucked in by the pc's cooling setup.

    If you have room at the top of the rack sit your interface flush with the convertors, and wire accordingly. If not plonk on top of the rack (unless you can get a mounting kit for it).

    Hard drive and surface USB to back of PC.

    Not entirely sure about connecting the interface to the monitors digitally but the interface supports 1/4inch balanced outs which would go to the xlr inputs on the monitors. (This will require a 1/4inch stereo jack male wired correctly to hot, cold and ground on the xlr for each monitor it appears. You can get these at most online places like Thomann). Not familiar with those monitors (headphone hero here) but the manual should provide much illumination).

    Sure others can improve on my basic setup.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
  4. ptpatty

    ptpatty Platinum Record

    Dec 20, 2011
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    USA (East Coast)
    Wow..what a difference in price points. Genelecs and Behringer stuff! I don't always bash Behringer like some of my colleagues do but that's like putting a Rogue Acoustics car stereo system in a used Yugo. Not saying that you can't make great music though. If you are going to spend money, good monitors are important.
  5. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    that interface is firewire but the computer does not seem to support this. you can buy firewire PCI cards but honestly i would go for another interface that is USB. firewire is not worth the trouble.

    the speakers can be connected to the interface either using analogue balanced connections or digital AES/EBU. if you choose another interface keep that in mind. if you keep the current one you will need to use the analogue outputs. for this connection you will need 2x balanced 1/4 inch jack to balanced XLR cables.

    you can connect each converter directly to the interface using 8x optical cables, 4x for ins and 4x for outs. you might be able to daisy chain the converters via BNC, but i cant confirm that.

    the BCF2000 can be connected via USB directly to the computer. or you can use MIDI, but this interface does not have a MIDI in or out and you will be better off connecting via USB anyway for MIDI in both directions.

    the drive will obviously connect via USB too. but i dont think you can use the full extent of USB 3 on that computer (could be wrong), but it will work okay still.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
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  6. Poynty

    Poynty Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Good catch.
  7. EL TEL

    EL TEL Member

    Jan 8, 2017
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    Excellent, I was given the challenge of finding flaws within the system and I think you've got the big one with the computer being unable to support FireWire.

    I was also asked to include detail of protocols, conversion techniques, data transfer rates, maximum channel counts and errors / correction in the conversions, physical limitations and clocking. In addition, sample rates, bit depths and oversampling.

    Thank you
  8. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    thats a big task. some of it impossible if you are tied to this setup.
    i hope you are not doing all that for free? or the person better deserve it! :wink: