VirtualBox Vs Vmware or better way

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by Damonarmani, Mar 14, 2020.

  1. Damonarmani

    Damonarmani Ultrasonic

    May 4, 2018
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    Hi Guys
    I have a Question
    I want to install mac on my Pc because I Need Mac for test My Vst Software in Daw on Mac.
    I Install mac 10.13 High Sierra with VirtualBox but its useless because I dont have any Sound .
    What Do you Prefer for me ?
    How Can I Have Hackintosh with Full access to Daw ability ?
    if you know any Step By Step Tutorial for install Hackintosh with less pain Please Help me.

    Best Regards
  3. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    virtual environment is NOT really suitable for audio tasks,
    you might want to try hackintosh instead - for "safety" purposes I highly suggest having separate drive (preferably sata ssd) as MacOS hackintosh system drive to boot from

    I've been testing various specced hackintoshes past years, I can honestly tell once you figure out the basics, it's more pleasure to work with than Windows 10 actually...

    hackintoshing is relatively painless nowadays, just make sure to search for someone who succeeded building hackintosh of similars hardware specs PC you have
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  4. vanhaze

    vanhaze Platinum Record

    Apr 13, 2012
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    You are right mate, wellsaid.
    But, still like to see a performance comparison chart between Parallels / Virtual Box / VMWare Fusion.
    I am guessing OP is aiming at that too.
  5. Damonarmani

    Damonarmani Ultrasonic

    May 4, 2018
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    Can you explain more ?
    My Cpu is Intel 4770k motherboard Asus Z87 pro 16 Gig Ram Regular 1 gig Graphic card Nvidia Geforce
    Windows 7 Ultimate.
    is There Any Video Tutorial or Step by Step Guide?
  6. minozheros

    minozheros Kapellmeister

    Aug 8, 2012
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    I dont agree/think setting up a hackintosh is an easy task.. it is a near to impossible task 95 % of the time unless you are lucky to only use supported hardware. If you happen to have a supported processor, graphics card and soundcard it will most likely work though. If you dont I guess you might want to have a look into pci passthrough or try finding a supported external audio interface that uses usb which could work with virtualbox.. if it doesnt you can simply return it.
    I think i would try to get a used mac somewhere.. as you only want to test your plugins it doesnt have to be too recent, so it wont set you back too much
  7. able10

    able10 Newbie

    Mar 14, 2020
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    I also attempted the VM route and encountered the same audio issue. There is no workaround for macOS audio. Hackintosh is easier to get working than it used to be, check out the Hackintosh guide:

    You are best off building or buying a PC with components known to work with a vanilla install, but you can get it working on pretty much any Intel CPU PC if you have 8-12 hours to work on it. You may need to buy a USB wifi, and any NVidia graphics drive will not work.

    Unfortunately dual booting with multiple hard drives as tzzsmk mentioned is not recommended. Apparently the macOS can cause severe damage to the Windows drive even if it's not booting from that drive. It acts upon any internal drive on the system without warning (since macOS expects all drives to be intended for macOS. The fact that the Windows drives have a file system type that isn't macOS compatible might be the source of macOS wanting to do this). The only way to safely run macOS and Windows on the same machine is to manually unplug the Windows drive each time you run macOS. Windows does not damage the macOS drive though. I found this information from Youtube tutorials, so you may want to verify accuracy.

    If you plan to stick with the same hardware you have check the hackintosh site to see if all the components are mostly compatible with the vanilla install. If they are not, hate to say it but your best option is probably to stick with Windows and use it instead. If your concern is security you can run all the keygens in sandbox mode (Windows 10 pro or pro version of antivirus software), and run thorough Kaspersky antivirus in thorough mode after the install. You can also run a Windows 10 VM with quite high performance in hypervisor if you have Windows 10 pro - your audio interface latency might be kind of slow for recording live instruments but for midi and vst instruments it should be no problem especially since you can quantize stuff - to avoid latency for live instruments maybe record that audio in audacity or something on the host machine then import them to the VM. You can get Windows 10 pro key on ebay for $4.50

    I was in the exact same situation you are in and after research personally decided to dual boot Windows 10 pro with separate drives, with one dedicated to the potentially malicious software. It might be overly cautious, but I unplugged the drive from the main boot drive etc when installing software on the second drive to prevent malicious installers from messing with it, running keygens in sandbox mode, then ran Kaspersky in the thorough mode and checked for rootkits before reconnecting the other drives. Installing hackintosh as the only OS on the machine probably wouldn't have been a bad choice either but I didn't want to lose my nvidia graphics card
  8. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    tutorial? all vm software have assistant for installing os and setting up hardware emulation.
    did you configured your virtual machine? are sure you turned on/off all you need? just use your brain, man. if you can create your own software for 2 os I think you are not a lamer...
    what is your audio device? if it is integrated with mother board maybe it is not compatible with macOS. just try any usb audio interface (ask your friends and take it for 2-3 hours) and configure vm hardware with this device. macOS don't require additional installations (as windows that require drivers), reboot and other things.
    install and configure hackintosh harder then install and configure macOS using any vm software.
  9. able10

    able10 Newbie

    Mar 14, 2020
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    This would normally be a good recommendation, but at this time it is actually a matter of VirtualBox being unable to emulate Apple/ macOS compatible subsystems at all. They did support some old versions of macOS several versions back, but now it is illegal to visualize macOS this way so Oracle/Virtualbox have stopped supporting macOS and do not virtualize the modern hardware. People have tried many different ways, but in every case any attempt to get audio working fails. Computer audio port, USB to headphones interface, audio interfaces like Focusrite the device is recognized but proper audio does not get routed back to them. Also, because of the new drive format, the process of creating a VM for the new version of macOS is quite difficult and probably takes about as much time as getting hackintosh working...
  10. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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  11. Talula

    Talula Rock Star

    Apr 22, 2018
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    do you need catalina? if not, so I can't understand what do you mean talking "new drive format". high sierra is not enough for you?
    VirtualBox is not the one software for virtualization. two years ago I used vm high sierra on windows laptop and everything worked fine. I don't remember which software I used, sorry. but if you really need it you can test all of them on weekend.
    in 2011 or 2012 I bought focusrite vrm box audio interface. it is not supported by macOS many years (mavericks was last supported os) and vrm function is not available, but it is working as audio interface. I used this device with many hackintosh builds, with every version of macOS from 10.8 to catalina with my mbp, with other apple computers and with vm os's without problems.
    if you need latest catalina... hum... hackintosh? not sure that it's possible without deep reversing, because apple made too many security checks. in this case... can you try other options instead of virtualization? buy used laptop that still sopport catalina. or find people for testing your software on macs.

    p.s. found with google:
    in the end of page you can find questions from users and answers.
  12. Damonarmani

    Damonarmani Ultrasonic

    May 4, 2018
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    thank you Guys for your answers .
    I Dont care about Mac version I Just Want to Audio work . in High Sierra I tested tow sound cards One RME BABEFACE and Tascam US 144 both of theme Showing on Reaper But when I Press Play Cursor not moving . in Desktop i Choose My Sound Card For main Sound System But music is not play nothing Happend. i tried multibeast but it Fucked my Setup on VBOX.
  13. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    it's quite tricky to passthrough USB bus device into virtual machine,
    long time ago I was trying to chain MIDI using one MIDI device connected to VM and another MIDI device connected to host machine - in the end the MIDI timings was so fcked up it was completely unusable - on the other hand when routing MIDI over network (virtual bridge for ex.) it worked just fine
  14. Graf

    Graf Platinum Record

    Jul 6, 2015
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    tzzsmk, are you talking about dual boot? i've only done win/lin and win/win, but i have to believe win/mac is possible. especially if like folks are suggesting using separate drive, and checking hardware compatability. im pretty happy with win/lin myself
  15. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    yes exactly,
    Win/Mac, and I highly recommend separate drives (and unplug any other drive during install of either Win or Mac) because Microsoft hasn't been able to fix a bug in Windows installation where Windows UEFI bootloader is being pushed onto whatever drive with EFI folder it sees (MacOS bootloader obviously) and fucks things up
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