Finding Clients for a Intern

Discussion in 'Studio' started by NeverenoghFun, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    Whats up guys!?
    Been a few since I posted.

    So, I secured my self a position at the Studio Im interning at.
    I mastered the Amek Enstien Super E's insane patching system, Soaked up incredible knowledge of Mic Placements, Learned about ribbon mics, How to properly use rack gear, Completely work in Pro Tools w/ Ableton, Got my File organization on point.

    Now... I need clients...

    I feel like I cannot Give studio time away lol.
    My Mentor Jack Vondrachek has a incredible portfolio that speaks for it self.
    He has established him self now and has the ball rolling very well.
    Of course I assume he will toss me a client, In fact he did alrelady... and I bombed that session terrible So i do know he's a bit apprehensive.

    But figuring if I can book a couple clients my self and get my ball rolling I could show him I've corrected my mistake from last time and am ready to help take his studio to new levels.

    So how in the HELL DO WE FIND CLIENTS!>!>!>!
    I Wanted to be a rapper while growing up, I moved a lot so never really put down roots in the Engineering community.
    I'm trying to Mix/Master for free online with no luck.
    I have a Beautiful studio filled with High End gear trying to give session away.. No luck.

    My mixes are not bad by any means. They are not on the Level of my mentor yet (Who I Think should be mixing for Mainstream artists, Yeah he's crazy good check the link)
    But they are definitely at a level where I can start a career.

    When I started my internship you all came out and gave me incredible advice. (Thank you so much btw. i cannot tell you how much it helped)
    But im asking you all to reach down deep in them big ass brains of yours and throw me some idea's on how to find a client or two so I can ... well start my career lol.
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  3. NeverenoghFun

    NeverenoghFun Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2019
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    Suburbs of Minnesot
    BTW... Ableton is fuggin awesome lol
    I regret waiting so long to use it... If any producers are looking at ableton.. Stop looking get cooking lol
  4. Mark Styles

    Mark Styles Newbie

    Nov 2, 2020
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    I was given an opportunity like that many decades ago in Boston.. The deal with the owner, I could use the studio for my own purposes, when it was empty.. See if your boss will let you have a couple of time slots. Do some homework, find some decent bands, acts, and record they for nothing (cost of supplies).. This way you get to practice everything you need to (not just the tech - but personal interactions with unknown musicians). Often an artist, band will form a relationship with the producer. And when something good happens for one, they bring in the other.

    With the equipment, software we have today.. almost anyone can become successful.. It is like winning the lotto though. As you go thru it, there will be gigs, you don't like the client, the music, the budget, the deadline, the artist. In the long run, you're goal is to be able to fathom thru all that. As your skills develop, artists will refer others to you.. Networking..

    JMOUTTON Audiosexual

    Jan 10, 2016
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    As with any business it has always been hustle >>>> talent. If we weren't all lock in right now I would tell you to get into a music scene, and you are lucky to be near the twin cities where there is a music scene to get into.

    Just give it some time when things open up again get out there and make connections with like minded people. If you are into social media and have a network throw it out there and see if someone bites. If you are a church/synagogue person make an arrangement with your boss to cover lowest fee possible to usage, see if the choir/band/cantor want to record some seasonal songs that they can offer as a fund raiser. You can get your cut on the back end if they get some money, but don't be greedy.

    Look around, there is a million and one ways to cook tiger soup. Find one that works for you.
  6. joem

    joem Producer

    Dec 17, 2011
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    best way to start in this day and age is streaming because whos to say come to youwhere some of the biggest names in music production are now giveing away advice for free on twitch. tough times to start looking for interns when a pandemics around and all the top names are now twitch streaming advice because there board.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
  7. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Don't worry. Making mistakes is extremely important!
    If you had not made any, your boss would now be afraid, because at some point they come in any case and then it is better at the beginning with a selected friendly customer. At least I would do it that way. :yes:

    I myself - in a completely different field - have been a boss for many years and am responsible for training new employees. If your boss is the type you describe, he has no problem with you making a mistake. The main thing is that you don't try to talk your way out of it and you tackle the matter again and have learned from your mistake.

    Even on the second try, your boss won't expect you to do everything in this complex field right. Just be sure to avoid making the exact same mistakes you made the first time. Then everything will be fine.
    And if you manage to bring Jack a new good customer, he'll be really really happy. :wink:

    Finding customers is not that difficult.
    However, Corona is now a problem because face-to-face meetings are difficult.
    To quickly find one or two customers, the Internet is rather unsuitable in this situation.

    I would sit down and make a list of the people I know who are remotely involved in the business in any form. Call each one and describe the situation to them and ask for help.

    Another approach would be to ask your boss. Tell him you would like to iron out the mistake and ask him for permission to contact existing customers.
    Call them as well and ask them to help you get new (other) customers. There you can talk quite openly and ask a little (!) for their pity. Everyone started at some point in time an have had quite similar problems, so I would guess they'll try to help you. And because they are in the business that would be the best help you can get.
    I'm sure you'll find at least one if not more customers in one or the other way.
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2021
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