decentralized p2p ecosystem

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Gyro Gearloose, Mar 7, 2020.

  1. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    :woot:i never shared your private room pass...
    and the ones who kno me , kno , i spread news for all , always
    i posted all links from you and pinkman from shoutbox in to threads , why ? cause ''noon'' is regognize it in shoutbox and it disappears there.....but its valuable stuff
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  2. Lock it down

    Lock it down Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Out of curiocity, what is it that you'd like to say which you are currently afraid to say? I mean, we have TOR and end-to-end encryption, VPN, browsers with built-in proxies, what else would you like? If you have issues with Google, use any one of the shittier search engines promising more anonymity and less censorship. There are streaming sites like Bitchute that let you upload anything short of child porn -- been around for ages, not very popular pretty much because they don't filter content, so "content creators" can't make bank.

    Yes, some YT channels (including several I liked) got cut, but that's simple business, not censorship. If I forbid you to publish, say, Neo-Nazi pamphlets, that'd be censorship. If I don't invite you to my house & pay you to stage your Neo-Nazi rally, that's just common sense. Go stage it elsewhere (which is what YT is telling the chans it B&).
    We already have decentralized money. Or, rather munyz. Last I posted in this thread we had [​IMG] decentralized munyz, three more badly needed decentralized munyz have been added since, for grand total of 5,170. No one is trying to stop you from using any one of those decentralized munyz (other than the sheeple who don't want to take it in lieu of filthy goobermint scrip bankster jooz print out of thin air).
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2020
  3. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    freedom of speech and ownership of your money is a luxury that is not enjoyed by as many people as it should be. despite the high numbers of services available its still not enough for people to move away from being controlled. we also need a lot more aspects of our life to become ours again, not just conversation and money/products.
  4. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    You really are gullible if you think these corporate platforms aren't co-opted and censoring information.

    What does it matter what I want to say?

    That sounds like one of those people that runs around parroting:
    "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about"
    Hey, let's put cameras inside of your house, Comrade. :rofl:
    If only silly humans would learn the difference between Freedom and FreeDUMB.

    There's all kinds of censorship online and it's being driven with demonetization (their favorite tool), deplatforming, ghosting, shadow-blocking, site seizures, trend data manipulation, content blocking, "community standards" terms, 3rd party fraudulent fact checking services, paid trolls, "fake news" labeling, manipulation of search results just to name a few.

    I don't care what these platforms do, nobody is forcing anyone to use them so let them censor themselves right into the ground because it will just drive more innovation in decentralized alternatives. At least it's also showing the world how the "good ol' boys" club really operates. That doesn't negate the fact that other platforms are sorely needed in the decentralized space to counter that garbage though. Point and click easy platforms. The masses don't want to deal with anything technical, they don't care about learning how to use encryption, VPN's or TOR, which is why these platforms are so popular to begin with. - They are simple to use. The masses want to point and click and not worry about how it all works.

    The thing people seem to overlook is WHY this censorship exists and why it is growing at alarming rates. Considering youtube, twitter, facebook, instagram and the like are corporate owned platforms with billions of dollars being dumped into them, and considering they are continually towing the line for media, corporations and governments - what is that called? That's called Fascism. It's soft fascism, but still stinks of the same pile of shit that fascism is. The drive for corporatism, fascism, socialism, all the same pile of shitism. These platforms are the exact opposite of decentralization and they are being used to aggressively control the narrative, manipulate opinions and control information (especially political information - read lies) on a mass global scale. Hence "we need complete decentralized censor-proof information/internet" - We, as in the world because it's obvious these politically driven corporate tools want to control the flow of information. They want a Chinese internet everywhere. Read Propaganda by Edward Bernays and you'll see it unfolding right now in all this control of information.

    Cryptocurrency has turned into a blanket term for anything that has a token. These platforms are not decentralized money. The majority aren't trying to be money anyway. BTC has become a store of value until micro transactions and mass use becomes a reality (if ever). If 100% privacy can be integrated into all and it can scale to support mass public use, that would have the potential to become decentralized money. Monero and platforms similar to it are going in the right direction in terms of privacy. I consider nothing else in the crypto space "money" or having the potential to be money. The majority are nothing more than shitcoins.

    Utopia has some good idea in terms of features and utility, but closed code is a giant red flag. You can still remain anonymous with open source code, so why lock it down? Why would I trust that? I wouldn't.
  5. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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  6. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    there is not a single word in that post that i do not agree with.
    amen brother <3
  7. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Has anyone talked to these developers at all and got an answer about why they are not open sourcing it?

    All I really see about are vague comments about it in posts like this:

    There seems to be a lot of money behind this. Hell, for all we know, it could be a giant honey-pot and data collection tool.
  8. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    they say there that they kept the code secret to protect the devs. i dont know about anybody else but when i am writing code i do not comment my name, adress or anything else that identifies me.
  9. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Yeah, I saw the talk about protecting the devs.
    I'm not buying that though, smells real fishy.
    Probably why it's not more popular.

    Complete privacy can be used with open source and they'd definitely build a hell of a lot more trust.
  10. Lock it down

    Lock it down Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Where to start.. you'd have a point if I said that YT doesn't practice censorship/ What I said was that not wanting to do business with people it doesn't like is *not* censorship. Read that again.
    Tried to make it as simple as possible with that Neo-Nazi example. Just to see if we're on the same page, riddle me this: Am I practicing censorship by refusing to host a Neo-Nazi rally (or ANTIFA/gay pride/straight pride rally) at my house?
    Pick one:
    1. Yeah you fucking corporate tyrant, and we want you to feed us Cheetos and Mountain Dew, because ~~entitled edgelord~~ free speech and freedom are basic human rights.
    2. No. Fine. We'll start ~~crypto-friendly Bitchute~~ our own YT with Blackjack! and hookers!!!
    Censorship doesn't mean what you think it does. If I'm a publisher, refusing to publish your book is not censorship. Don't forget to answer the multiple choice question above.
    - "The System, Man, it won't let me say what I wanna say!"
    -"What is it that you wanna say?"
    -"What does it matter what I wan to say?"
    ^^we're basically here. What is it that you want to say (can be a hypothetical, e.g. "I want to talk about beta orbiters, friend-zones and other really cool stuff i learned from /b, but ev01 CORPORATE MEDIA (Ollie from Audiosex with his politically correct corporate jew agenda) is sensoringing my freedomz of expression by locking down the thread ! Bastard! :("


    For the same reason we're forced to wear pants and not shit in the middle of the street -- that's how society works. Some people find the smell of shit objectionable, and when enough people agree that something is a bad thing, they make up rules prohibiting that bad thing. Why do I need to explain shit like this?

    Edit re.
    Most people don't consider bitcoin money either -- more like chips to gamble with & cash out for money.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2020
  11. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    you forgot the word "just".
  12. ThrashHead

    ThrashHead Platinum Record

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Not even wasting my time responding to your dumbed down bullshit anymore, ya indoctrinated clown.
  13. Lock it down

    Lock it down Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2019
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    You feel that would add... what? You *don't* think that's how things work? I have a sense you disagree with something I said, unhappy with how I think, Google, YT, society with its status quo, all of the above, or maybe just tired and cranky. I ain't no mind reader, give me another hint, something to work with.

    Alphabet (YT and Google) is not a charity/shelter for unloved/unpopular ideas. It's a publicly held company and as such, aims to turn a profit -- make heaps of worthless goobermint scrip we foolish sheeple call "money." This, in part, is how capitalism works (at least laissez faire flavor all the cool ancap kids groove on). Unless Nanny State decides to protect you from nasty corporations with her pesky meddlesome laws, i'm afraid that's just how it is :)

    Seriously, just use TOR & duckduckgo neht time you need ~~CP~~ to share sensitive information with likeminded individuals on
    TOR's slow, duckduckgo sux, but think of the privacies you'll save!
  14. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    google and YT are tools to manipulate your children.
    you are saying the same thing i hear all the time, you just missed the word "just". people say "thats just how it is" and accept their fate like submissive little bitches.
  15. Lock it down

    Lock it down Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Technically, you're right, that's what communication is all about -- influencing people, changing the way they think, see the world, and, consequently, act.
    Likely for the same reason that I hear that 2+2=4 all the time -- because it's fckn TRUE.
    But not woke individuals like yourself tho, self-reliant individualists who ripped asunder the veils of corporate bullshit an prudently invested in ~~wooden nickels~~ borderless, permissionless open-source decentralized currency!
  16. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    hahaha your pathetic attempt to understand me matches your understanding of the world.
    now go buy something you dont need and feed your overlords
  17. Lock it down

    Lock it down Ultrasonic

    Dec 26, 2019
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    Technically. Over the past week, it managed to store some, (albeit not all) the value.


    About HALF of it is now GONE :wink:
    "And where has all the money gone? It must have gone somewhere! The answer is obvious, my friends! It is the Jews! Covetous Jews who have taken all our money and hoarded it for themselves! Hidden all the cash in some... secret Jew cave that they built, probably back in the early 60s! It is the Jews, my friends, who are oft..." --Dr. Eric "just tell us where the cave is, Kyle" Cartman
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  18. tun

    tun Rock Star

    May 13, 2016
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    lol are you okay dude? i think you need to calm down about the jews :rofl:
  19. Sacculus

    Sacculus Kapellmeister

    Oct 22, 2017
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    PGP is good already with Monero and TOR a VPN and u cant be busted easylly without evidences unless you are a looser... wtf I will learn a new technical language and ask for some questions??? maybe I miss a thing ... but keep in mind that we make war before party :)) no snitches eat at my table!!!
  20. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    stop that its not the you no what GOD agancy is...stands for gold oil and diamants...
    and who owns all the central banks..owns this owns that...etc

    do you kno freeman and dupond , or li ...i guess roth and rocka you kno...
    jesuits and z1on1$T$ are tunneling all money...

    EDIT i kno it was just a joke but anyway this stuff isnt a soft topic
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2020
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