Some general FL Studio questions

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Nick12, Feb 18, 2020.

  1. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hey everyone,

    I would like to ask some general FL Studio questions. Hopefully that's no issue.

    For my first question I would like to ask why my patterns that are consolidated to wav files can't play. I would like to consolidate some of my patterns to wav files within my playlist. When I do this all the patterns that are consolidated to wav files can't play except for only the last one that's consolidated. Does anyone maybe have an idea why this is and what I could do to prevent this?

    It looks looks like this:

    For my next question I would like to ask how I can trigger multiple articulations in the same piano roll of the same instrument? I am currently creating multiple patterns for only triggering that specific articulation, because I don't know how to do it otherwise. I quess there is a better way.

    For my third question I would like to ask if anyone knows why FL Studio is still not having unlimited or at least more mixer channels while other daws are having this?

    I am working with FL Studio 20.6.

    Thanks in advance for all the help.
  3. shake_puig

    shake_puig Producer

    Jun 15, 2011
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    1 - The clip is muted, unmute it by selecting the mute (T) tool.
    2 - Move the knob you want to edit (so FL knows what you want to modify), open the plugin options (the top left arrow pointing down on your vst window), select browse parameters, right click, edit events.
    3 - I have been asking myself that question for years, their response was: Y THO?
  4. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Can't help you with what happened. However the bottom track is muted, you can re-enable it by selecting the mute tool
    (next to the pencil) en clicking on the greyed out audio
    I don't know what plugin it is where you need to put in articulations.
    But, I draw them in the same piano roll with Modo bass for instance. But if the articulation/expression needs to be repeated and the melody does not, I would separate it. (or vice versa)
    Think of Fl studio to be the only daw that is completely modular, Playlist tracks are not constraint to mixer tracks.
    Which makes sense in a way. With efficiency in hindsight, it is rudimentary to process a lot with the same settings.

    To achieve this in any other daw you have limited options. Your mixer becomes a mess. (replicating the whole list of plugins or crazy routing)
    option 2 is making a mess off your playlist with single lanes having different types of sound sources.

    Good Luck:wink:
  5. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    You might want to take a look at brso articulate.

    For me its a great way to work with all the different articulations.
  6. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Thank you very much for all the answers! Really appreciated and I am really grateful for that.

    This looks very nice, interesting and very helpful. I am trying to set this up. I am trying to do exactly what I have seen in the tutorials. It's not working properly yet.

    I place the keyswitch of the articulation of the library that I am using in the keyswitch slot in brso articulate. The channel is for instance set to 1. Although, when I go to channel 1 in the piano roll the articulation is not there yet. I am pretty sure I am missing something. Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance for the help.
  7. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    you're welcome dude. i find it really helpful and useful, but you're right, it's a bit of work to get it set up right for the first time.

    What exactly is not there yet? You went into the Kontakt settings, set the midi input port and then made one/some BRSO channels and set them to the same Port and the right Channel number? Then you made your settings on the first articulation, let's say you named that one "Sustained", you then go to the Piano Roll of Brso Channel 1 and does "Sustained" show up in the Colour menu?

    I'm asking this because if yes it will probably be the same problem that i had for the first time and very easy to solve. if your keyswitch shows up at let's say c8 in the piano roll, you have to put in c6 on BRSO. if it is c0, you go with c-2 and so on.

    If this doesn't solve your problem, we'll dig into that a little deeper. just get at me if you need some help. i can also send you a bunch of Presets i already made for my libraries like 8dio, audio imperia, cinesamples, orchestral tools, spitfire and so on... also maybe my template with everything set up so far. it's working for me so it should also be working for you.

    you can also have them sent to their own dedicated mixer track, if you don't know already, but that's something we'll have a look at as soon as the basic things work for you.

    just holla at me :)
  8. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Thank you very much! That's really nice and very kind of you.

    I will post some pictures of my settings. Makes everything a little bit easier maybe. As far as I know I am doing everything the same as what I have seen in the tutorial from Blake himself. Also tried different keyswitch settings. For instance F8, but unfortunately nothing is showing up yet in the colour channels. Hopefully the pictures can help.

    That's a very nice offer and again very kind of you. If you want I really don't mind to receive these presets, but only if you want as I can imagine that it took a lot of work for you.

    Pictures are here:

    Picture 1:
    Picture 2:
    Picture 3:

    Thanks in advance for the help.
  9. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    I'm glad to help you if i can dude :)

    I think i know what's wrong in there and if i do it's just a small simple mistake you made :) so far everything you did looks good. by the way you can start with Input port 0... but that's not important. On Picture 3 i can clearly see it says Kontakt 5 Piano Roll, so you are accessing the Colours of the Kontakt 5 Channel. You have to use the BRSO Articulate Channel. In your Channel Rack, right click on BRSO Articulate and select Piano Roll. There you should have the Keyswitches on the colours and that's where you do the notation.
    That's what BRSO Articulate is for. You usually want to use one kontakt instance and use BRSO as midi out for different instruments loaded into this one instance. If you notate on the Kontakt channel, this would affect every instrument loaded in there.
    I hope that's it, but it really looks like it.
    If you load more instruments into 1 kontakt instance you have the Midi ch [A] 1..Midi ch [A] 2... bla bla thang.
    A1 is then Channel 1 in BRSO, A2 = Channel 2 and so on. that's how you work with that. because every instrument you load in there has different articulations and keyswitches and that's the only way to control all them.
    There's a bit more to it with certain instruments like when you need to play chords with some OT libraries, where you have to set a value to cc30 or with some cinematic studio libraries, but for now let's focus on what your problem at the moment is.

    It's good that you use Kontakt 5 cause my Template is also made for Kontakt 5, so it should also be working for you, if you need it.
    I absolutely don't mind, you're right, it is a whole lot of work and i still have to make a lot presets, but why should i keep them for myself and let you invest the same amount of time into that? :) I think it's a lot better to share and maybe someone else made other presets that i yet have to make and shares them with me. anyways, my offer stands, if you need any of those (Presets, Template) just tell me and i'll up them for you. i will just need a bit of time as my audio pc is offline and i need to transfer stuff from one to the other :)

    Hope this makes all sense to you and solves your problems for now

    Good luck my friend
  10. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Thank you very much again!

    It was indeed a little mistake, haha. I was not realizing actually that I had to go to the piano roll in brso articulate, because I was not seeing that in the tutorial from Blake either. Well, he obviously did show a piano roll, but I thought he was showing the piano roll of Kontakt. So I was pretty confused why it was not showing up for me then. Yeah, I probably should have looked at it better.

    At first I saw the keyswitch in brso articulate, but no sound was coming out of it. I found out pretty quick that this was, because the input port numbers were not the same with Kontakt. So I made sure everything was at the right setting and now everything is working. So thank you again!

    Yeah, that's right. If I am right it's 16, because you have acces to only 16 channels in the piano roll of Kontakt, right?

    Although, when you load for instance multiple instruments in 1 Kontakt instance and want to control the articulations of all these instruments, then you also need multiple brso instances that are connected to the same channel of your multiple instruments that are in 1 Kontakt instance, right?

    By the way I also saw Blake is having a midi extend plugin. Have you tried this out aswell? It looks interesting and helpful too.

    Does that take a lot of time and effort for transfering it? Although, I am not sure if I have/use the libraries where you have made any presets of. And I don't want you to spend time and effort on something that I can't use. I actually only use one library for my strings, woodwinds and brasses. Is that weird?
  11. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    You're welcome again :)

    Im happy to read that its all Working for you now and that it was just such a small thing that Made the change :wink:

    Yes, you can Load 16 different patches into 1 instance of Kontakt. Im Afraid i dont really understand which channels in the kontakt piano roll you mean, but i'll give my Best to answer you more detailed, if you explain to Me what exactly you are refering to. Sorry, guess im a Bit slow today but it's Late :yes:

    Damn right, you want to use one BRSO instance for each kontakt Patch. So if you have for example 8 patches/instruments in your first kontakt instance, you will have 8 brso channels underneath. They all have the same input Port as kontakt, let's say (input) Port 0 but each has its own channel number. Brso Port 0 channel 1 controls midi ch [a] 1 in Kontakt, brso Port 0 channel 2 controls midi ch [a] 2 and so on.

    Sorry, I was trying hard to find out what this exactly is for for the last 2 hours but I cant seem to open the syntheticorchestra Page atm. Maybe its under maintenance.
    Nevertheless, I have an older Version of brso installed but I guess this should be the same in the newer one. In your brso instance, you have the settings tab, where you can Activate/deactivate cc ghosting, preserve port/channel, multiple articulation Banks... the first one should be midi extend, so it should already be within your brso Installation. It says "utilise midi extend to use up to 64 midi channels through one Port. Without Seeing the video this alone does not really explain me what it does, so im Sorry. I mean its 4x 16 which would refer to midi ch [a] 1 to midi ch [d] 16 but if I try to load more than 16 patches to my kontakt instance its telling me that there is no free Slot. But i'll have a look at it again as soon as the Page works again for me. Sorry :(

    No absolutely no time at all. I go to my preset folder, select it, put it into a rar file and put that one on my usb stick and transfer it then.
    Well I dont know what you already Made but I at least also have the symphony Series string Ensemble that I think I saw in your Screenshot.
    And no i think I dont think its weird, its great if it fulfills all your needs. Id be happy if I could strip it down to just that but I really cant. At least it saves you a lot of space :yes:

    Maybe this is also helpful for you. Especially the Alex moukala Videos because he always uses kontakt in combination with brso in fl studio. There you can see it all in Action and he really knows how to use it right.
    By the way you can select Notes in the piano roll, select an articulation/colour and use alt+c to coloir selected Notes.
    And if you have a Patch with more than 16 articulations, thats where multiple articulation Banks Come into play but thats another topic :wink:

    EDIT: Now the Page is online again and i saw i was pretty much right about what midi extend is.
    There you can download the Script you need and also there are detailed instructions and a video on how to Set it up.

    Good luck :)
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2020
  12. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Well I gave it a quick shot and understand now how it works. You do the steps like in the video, set it all up, then you click on the KSP Button in your kontakt instance, in your empty Slot you select preset -> User -> midiextend beta 0.7 and next to the KSP Button on the left there are 4 tabs - 01-16, 17-32, 33-48 and 49-64. Load the first 16 patches into your kontakt, switch to the 2nd tab, load another 16 patches and so on. Then like described in my other post above, you go to the settings tab within your brso instances, Activate midi extend and Set the channel... Like channel 1 for [a]1 and channel 17 for [b ]1... :)
  13. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Wow, thanks a lot for all of this again!

    Oh, no worries. I mean the colour channels in the piano roll of Kontakt. From 1 to 16.

    Alright, as long you put the same input number, then you should be fine? It's not needed to put anything on output number in this case?

    Well, I am actually thinking for expanding my orchestral libraries. I think it could give some extra variation and maybe creativity aswell. I wanted to start with only one or two to get familar with orchestral instruments and to see if I like it. If you become more interested in it and I am definitely, and want to push your tracks to a higher level, then different libraries with different articulations can probably help you I think. The disadvantage is that these libraries are huge, but fortunately drives aren't that expensive until so far I think.

    Alright. I will send you a pm later today for the presets.

    Yeah, Alex is great. I did know him, but I didn't saw these videos yet. Also nice that he uses the same daw. I am watching JunkieXL sometimes aswell, but he works in Cubase. And sometimes I am a bit confused what he is doing, because I don't know Cubase. Although, I am not a FL Studio guru either, haha.

    A patch with more than 16 articulations? Didn't realize that actually. Which libraries are having that? Probably libraries like Spitfire by doing a quick quess.

    Thank you for the instructions. I will give it a shot by following your instructions in your last post and from the tutorial for setting this midi extend feature up.

    Thank you again for all the help until so far :)
  14. ThugLife

    ThugLife Platinum Record

    Sep 21, 2018
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    It's been a pleasure to me :)

    alright then, don't worry about them, just care about the colours in your BRSO instances :)

    Yes only the Input number has to be the same. I leave the Output Number as it is, you'll see it in my Template. Even if you want to send each Patch to a dedicated channel of your mixer, the output port number is not important. but I'll leave that for now, if you want to know how to assign them, just ask me and i will explain that to you

    Yes it all has its pros and cons. Of course you have a lot more freedom of choice and articulations, playing styles and such, the more libraries you got, but at the same time you won't know all the features of your libs as detailed as you might yours now. it can be a bit overwhelming. If you want to expand your libs, i can definitely give you a few ideas if you want to. and yeah you're right, they are really hungry for your drive space. i have everything on SSD. The space was the most expensive part of my whole computer system. with HDD i would have spent a tenth of it.

    Nice, I'm looking forward to that. Maybe I'll be even quicker than you. We'll see :)

    Funny, we seem to move in the same spot. I also watch JunkieXL videos and it's not Cubase for me, that gets me confused. it's his knowledge sometimes when he's like "we're now in Fminor, what if we make that same Transition to B but now with a Dominant 7 in between hahahaha. But his videos are really great. Also the insights on how he set up everything with his servers and VEP and stuff. Definitely worth watching and i'd love to have everything set up like this, even though it's still a bit overwhelming for me. You're right, thats the good thing about alex, using the same daw and also brso articulate, it's easier for us to understand.
    I also love watching Daniel James, who is also on cubase. Seeing how they work sometimes makes me think if cubase wasn't a lot better, once you get used to it. I always thought of Fl's Piano roll to be the best but seeing how daniel james works on it in cubase, that's a whole nother level.

    I think you're right, there might be some Spitfire Libs, could be some of the Evo's but if you want an example where i know it and made a preset for, i'll have to go with Chris Hein's Solo Strings or a lot of the other Chris Hein Stuff. There you'll find many many Articulations in one patch.

    No Prob and Good Luck again :)
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