Using midi controll FX like Polyverse Manipulator in studio one

Discussion in 'Studio One' started by Cornelius Nubston, Sep 3, 2019.

  1. Cornelius Nubston

    Cornelius Nubston Newbie

    Aug 20, 2019
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    so im sitll tryign to figure out my way around studio one but if tried a few different ways to do it and did some googling but i seem to be misssing something cause no matter what i canmt see to load manipulator imn such a way i can draw a midi track for it. i know manipulator is normally used on a vocal track or a sample/audio clip but even then im sitll unsure how to get manipulator to work properly. im currently wanting to have a synth that i play a melody on but then use manipulator to effect it now if i apply manipulator as an effect directly on the synth it take the midi from the synth its self which is okay but not what i want to do i idealy want to be able to sidechain the manipulator and have manipulator have its own dedicated midi track that then effects the synth am i expecting to much or am i correct in thinking this should be possible i hope this makes sense thanks guys
  3. Ozmosis

    Ozmosis Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    If i understand correctly...

    1. Create an Instrument Track and add VSTi
    2. Create FX Track and add Manipulator VST to the FX Track (Could also be a Bus channel)
    3. On the Instrument Track create a Send to the FX Track that you just created
    4. On Instrument Track\ Sends\ FX1 - Click the Prefade Button (This should change from Blue to Yellow/Orange colour when it's set correctly)
    5. Select the Instrument Track (with monitor enabled) and play your keyboard.. you should hear both dry and wet versions of what you're playing
    6. Turn down the instrument track to hear 100% Wet version of the FX Channel
    7. You can adjust the wet/dry amount in Manipulator

    Additional Note (You may already know this) - Adjustment of the prefade send level can be made in Send FX, next to the prefade button

    Sorry just re-read your post - Note that Manipulator is an audio, not midi plugin ie. it's output is audio (like 95% of VST plugins) and not midi (ie. Cthulhu, Orange Vocoder)

    If you want side chain you could add S/C to the Instrument Track.
    Or if you want your synth without S/C and S/C only affecting Manipulator you could duplicate the track to have a version with and without. Or you could add a Send in the Instrument Track to a Bus Channel and add S/C effect ie. Compressor on the Bus Channel, then create a Send in the Bus Channel (with prefade enabled) to an FX Channel with Manipulator as above (and turn down the Bus Channel)...

    If you want the output from Manipulator to trigger a S/C, follow the above instructions and use a Bus Channel instead of FX Channel and route this via a Send to S/C... Here I digress, I may not understand your question fully!

    Anyway I hope this helps =)
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2019
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  4. Joseph Sardone

    Joseph Sardone Newbie

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Ozmosis thank you for the post above, and you do seem to have the gift! ... That being said, I've tried to do what you've said, for ever since I bought Manipulator, I've been trying to get it to do what I've seen it do on several YouTube videos with DAWs OTHER than Studio One ... and that is... make the keyboard sing with pronounced words like a true vocoder should. ... The YouTube Videos that I've seen accomplish this great vocoder effect, do so, to the point that they can mute the triggering vocal track, and still have the keyboard track sing the words in a beautiful fashion with a synth sound (or I'd assume what ever sound they so desire). This is always done on these YouTube videos, with the use of a sidechain button that appears in the upper right hand corner of their Manipulator. The thing is, my version of Manipulator has no side chain button on it (or at least none has appeared so far). I've emailed Polyverse/Infected Mushroom about this 3 times already, asking them to help me, or if maybe I need a different version of Manipulator, and so far, they've not responded.
    Now I did get Manipulator to do nice vocal harmony with a vocal track with no problem at all, but every time I try to switch to any instrument track input, I get an error message, and even using a bus, or FX channel, pre-faded or not, still does not work on what I'm trying to achieve. The best I could do is a harmony track playing along side of a MIDI instrument track but that's clearly not the same. You mentioned sidechain in your instructions above, and the only way I've been even close to getting Studio One to sidechain, is with yet another plugin effect such as a compressor, or gate, or something like that (which have sidechain buttons) and it STILL does not work properly. If you please sir, can you tell me how to achieve that which I seek, .... a true vocoder effect with Manipulator on Studio One with a muted Vocal track? And kindly elaborate on the sidechain part of the process. This would mean worlds to me, and I thank you once again in advance for any help that you can offer.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2020
  5. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    I don't remember by heart, but it's very likely you'll have to use sidechaining to control the Manipulator effect like @Ozmosis well said.
    It's not a trivial thing to do in Studio One but there're many tutorials on youtube. If you haven't done sidechaining before in Studio One look for a tut, the technique is the same.
    If you have but the problem only happens with Manipulator then wait for the help of more experienced members with this plugin.
  6. Joseph Sardone

    Joseph Sardone Newbie

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Xupito, Thank you for your input! The thing is, it seems (at least to me), that I've tried every possible combination of external use of sidechaining to get Manipulator to alter a synth track and make it sing the way I've seen on several YouTube videos, (I've used the stock compressor, the stock reverb, and one or two other stock plugins (with and without pre-fading)) and it simply does not work. The YouTube videos that explain side chaining (that I've seen) all use stock plugins. If you've seen one that does not ... please post it here and I'll check it out. .. .I'm sure there is a way to duplicate in studio one what I've seen Manipulator do on several YouTube videos, but so far, after many hours of trying, I've not figured it out yet, and YES maybe somebody who's a Studio One Jedi, can post a step by step solution here. That would be totally awesome. What bugs me the most, is that after 3 support requests on this matter on Polyverse / Manipulator's support "Contact us" page, I've only received 3 identical canned robotic responses, each telling me that somebody will be in touch with me shortly ... well ... shortly past about a week ago, and I'm actually starting to think that it's possible, that they're never going to respond to the question because it's a Studio One question and their instruction manual only covers Ableton Live, Pro Tools. Logic X, FL Studio, Sonar, and Cubase. :( ... The good news is that the demo of Manipulator IS FREE in case anybody else here would like to try to help us figure this out. I'll say this much, aside from not getting it to do what I want it to do, it's a great plugin ... lol :) Thanks again,
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  7. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Sorry, but just to check, because I've seen you say this new phrase twice now: it's pre-FADER, and post-FADER, yeah?
    Like, it sounds like you might be just turning the fader down, or something?
    Or maybe you know what you're doing but just wrote this wrong, twice. I don't know.
  8. Joseph Sardone

    Joseph Sardone Newbie

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Smoove Grooves, thanks for your inquiry ... I called it prefade or pre-fades, or pre-fader as the case may be ... because that's what Ozmosis called it in his original posting if it's called something else ... sorry 'bout that, as stated I'm kinda new to all of this .... but it's the tiny button that turns the horizontal line on the fader from blue to yellow/orange just like Ozmosis said .... I'm tweaking the right controls alright .. but I'm just not getting the desired results yet.
  9. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Yeah, it's to do with if the send is pre or post your fader on the channel.
    Aaanyways. I just downloaded Manipulator to try it out for you, and indeed it works exactly like the guys here have already said.
    Obviously you've got the manual, as I have, and it's very well explained re. how to achieve what you are trying to achieve.
    Afaik, it should be just the same for your daw. :dunno:
    Sorry I can't help you more.
    Good luck.
  10. Joseph Sardone

    Joseph Sardone Newbie

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Smooth Grooves ... WOW you're telling me, that you got a Synth sound (or any instrument sound) to clearly pronounce words in harmony on Studio One with the triggering vocal channel muted while using the demo version of Manipulator? Please lay out a step by step here on how you did that because so far ... >only one person came close to explaining it here< >>not guys<<, and that was (Ozmosis), and he never even mentioned muting the triggering vocal channel.
    So at what point are you able to do mute the triggering vocal? Please include that in your step by step.

    As you may have noticed, the Studio One procedure for ANYTHING is not covered at all in the manual,
    and the procedure for what I'm trying to do isn't covered at all in the manual for ANY DAW. Or if it is, what page? 'cause I didn't see it.
    Did you use sidechaing button that is on Manipulator? If you did, then your version of Manipulator is different from mine.

    All of the YouTubes I've seen that accomplish synth pronunciation (with a muted triggering vocal channel) do that with the use of sidechaining, and their versions all have a sidechain button ON Manipulator.

    As mentioned I have had no problem getting harmony out of Manipulator,
    it's just getting a synth sound (or any instrument sound) to pronounce words while harmonizing
    with the triggering vocal track muted is what I'm having problems with.

    Are you using Studio One V4.5?
    Could you possibly upload a short video clip of the end result here? I'd like to see if you've achieved exactly what I'm talking about.
    In the meantime ... I'm going to try again of course, and if anyone else can elaborate on what I'm trying to do here, please chime in.
    I should also mention that Johnny Geib did a tutorial on the Tal Vocoder which I watched, and he stopped short of getting his synth to talk,
    and said he tried it and could barely get it to work and left that part out. So it seems that this is not easy task in Studio One.
    Thank you all for hanging in there with me on this.
  11. Joseph Sardone

    Joseph Sardone Newbie

    Feb 1, 2020
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    I just realized ... Ozmosis never even mentioned vocals (or a even vocal track) ... which is the crux of my question, thanks again.
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  12. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Haha! No. I just tested it to make sure it opens in the way it is expected to, as described in the manual, and that it has a sidechain function. Unlike yours; which makes me think you aren't opening an instance on the correct type of track/channel in your daw.
    And I'm using Logic. And my Manipulator isn't a demo version.
  13. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Matters not.
    Btw, I used Manipulator v1.0.3. Old!
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  14. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Both Ozmosis and Xupito (the guys) have said what you need to do.
    Of course you need to mute your trigger channel! So obvious. Which is probably why it wasn't mentioned! :deep_facepalm:
    Contrary to your apparent belief, I shan't be uploading a step by step video as you require. Or downloading a new daw to help you out.
    Finding and downloading the plugin, installing it, and testing for sidechain was enough effort on my part.
    You're welcome.

    Let's just guess at: the "free" demo version doesn't have full functionality? (sidechain)
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  15. Joseph Sardone

    Joseph Sardone Newbie

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Smooth Grooves if you please, what version of Studio One are you using with Manipulator?
    I'm also curious how can it be obvious to mute a vocal track,
    when Ozmosis never even mentioned a vocal track?
    Furthermore, it's the vocal track that triggers Manipulator, and the trick is to access the vocal track,
    and without hearing it, get the synth to utilize the vocal track's pronunciation.
    Thanks, J.S.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2020
  16. Joseph Sardone

    Joseph Sardone Newbie

    Feb 1, 2020
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    I'm also curious if Cornelius Nubston ever got it to work.
  17. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    So you obviously didn't read anything I wrote, or you are trolling.
    Oh really? Thanks for your incorrect education there.
    1.Because it's the same for all 'vocoding'. It wouldn't sound like you want it to with the source vocal happening, would it now?
    2. Hence using a plugin with sidechain.
    3. No, the vocal is the carrier signal that informs how your synth will sound.
    There are many other ways to get what you want; no idea why you are trying to use Manipulator. Especially if no sidechain button is showing, up in the top left right (I'm sooo sorry!); which it should if you were inserting the plugin properly.
    Been doing this 30+ years, you can take it or leave it.
    Please read through everything I wrote in my other comments. Obviously you didn't. You've definitely missed out on something, I can tell. And I shouldn't need to repeat myself.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
  18. Joseph Sardone

    Joseph Sardone Newbie

    Feb 1, 2020
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    Smoother Grooves, Sir, I read EVERYTHING you wrote about how YOU are able to do what I want to do,
    and now you're being mean spirited about this.
    You brag, and talk down to me, when I did say I was new to this.

    All you had to say is sorry ... I'm not using Studio One and leave it at that.
    PLEASE do not respond to this, I need to communicate with somebody nicer than you, who won't call me names, or talk down to me.

    I need somebody who CAN give me a step by step on >>> STUDIO ONE <<< on Manipulater WITHOUT a sidechain button on the top RIGHT hand corner. ... (Not left) ... . Somebody else PLEASE ...

    After many hours, and Polyverse not responding, I'm beginning to think that what I seek is not possible in Studio One.
    I also mentioned that I DID try several plugins that have sidechain, the compressor, the reverb, and several others and it's not working.

    Still no singing synth, so if somebody else help with a proper step by step, or simply say, without a sidechain ON Manipulator, it can't be done.
    I did not come here to be talked down to, I'm trying to learn, and I've tried everything posted here to no avail on Studio One V4
    Thanks all, and have a great week.
  19. Smoove Grooves

    Smoove Grooves Audiosexual

    Jan 26, 2019
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    Apart from the bit about me being on Logic! edit: And that the free version probably has limited functionality re. sidechain.
    But yeah, sorry you are unhappy.
    No idea what you mean. I certainly haven't done so.
    As you were to me. Sorry for the direct reflection.
    Have a nice day.
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2020
  20. Joseph Sardone

    Joseph Sardone Newbie

    Feb 1, 2020
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    On a somewhat different note, there's a free talkbox program call mda .. it gets great reviews, but Studio One doe not see the VST files.
    Someone else on the PreSonus Forum brought this up, and I have the same problem, but so far, nobody's come up with a solution.
    IF you have Studio One V3 (or newer) on Windows 10 ... please try out this VoiceBox plugin, and see if it works for you. It's supposed to rock!
    Thanks and have a blessed day.
  21. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Jusuff, Cornelia...
