Copyrighting all the melodies this is interesting

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by korgrog, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. ryck

    ryck Guest

    You have called intellectual property in Argentina? Do you know the law? Do you know the Constitution? Before you say someone is wrong, first find out. Feel free to find out. You can't put links here. But if you're looking for Argentina's intellectual property. You'll find it. Some time ago I wanted to register my songs outside Argentina and they were like not being registered. This was told to me in intellectual property and where I present my songs. If you don't want to believe it and lock up your ideas, that's your problem. But you cannot say that " I am 100% wrong " when you should not even live here. Besides there are organisms like sadaic. That have their own lawyers...etc. Find out before you discredit.
  2. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Ley de Propiedad Intelectual Ley 11.723*
  3. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Whoever told you that, does not know what is saying. Indeed, what you are repeating does not make any sense at all. How can you say that if you live in Argentina and were to register one of your songs with the U.S. Copyright Office, that would be like no registration at all? If you copyright a song in the U.S. your work will be protected under US Copyright laws and recognized in every country that is a contracting party as a copyright work authored by you. On the other hand, if you copyright a song in Argentina and someone in the US decides to use it without your permission, the US has to afford you copyright protection without you registering the song here because both countries are members of the Berne Convention. In other words, you dont have to register the song in every country that is a member of the treaty in order for your work to be protected. Read about Berne. Also read how international copyright protection works
    We have a couple of lawyers here. They can clarify this for us.
    I have attached the whole REGIMEN LEGAL DE LA PROPIEDAD INTELECTUAL 11.723. Show me where within its text it corroborates what you just said. I read the whole thing and did not find it. I may be a Russian but can read Spanish as well as any native of a Spanish speaking country.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2020

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  4. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Bien. Si hablas español y supongo que puedes leerlo. Sera mas fácil para mi. No necesito debatir contigo. No debato con gente con la mente cerrada, al decir " lo que tu dices es 100% incorrecto "( cuando te referirste a lo que dije). Puedo equivarme ,claro, todos los dias lo hago. Pero se con quien debatir y con quien no . No necesito probarte nada a ti, no hay nada constructivo para contigo . Lo que dije es con conocimiento de causa. Desde los 15 años que registro mis canciones en propiedad intelectual y en sadaic. Conozco como funciona , son organismo de mi pais. Y podria ampliar y entrar en detalles pero no lo hago con gente con mente cerrada y que solo prentende tener la razón. Yo voy mas alla de eso, y es aprender. Te dejo un saludo grande hermano.

    Pd : y tu dices " no sabes lo que dices " " no tiene ningún sentido " " solo repites lo que ves ". Bueno , entonces ( y hago hincapié en esto) . Para que gastar tu tiempo con alguien que no sabe lo que dice y no tiene sentido. Yo lo ignoraria , no ?.
    Un abrazo grande bro!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2020
  5. HappyFork

    HappyFork Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2020
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    si si senior
  6. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Copyright and ownership seems like a field worthy of study. A simple breakdown should be publicly available to guide all artists.

    But, there is a saying that goes: "Possession (implying ownership) is nine-tenths of the law" Here is a very good read about this.

    It would be interesting to know if the above is similar to copyright law issues.
  7. l0liv3r

    l0liv3r Member

    Sep 20, 2015
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    Honestly, the reason that pop music, movies and series in general are bad, repetitive and similar has nothing to do with accidents or electrical impulsed telepathic abilities, rather it has in the majority of the cases to do with, lack of motivation to actually work and create, laziness and greed, tunnel vision on either money or fame, so the core reason behind repetitive music or similar sounding music is most of the time simply because someone actually partly or entirely stole it.
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  8. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Aren't artists also inspired by others who created before them? Is creating something in the same style again (which is proven to work) wrong? I mean you listen to any genre of music that you don't like or generally listen to. Doesn't it all sound pretty similar? Doesn't all Opera, Thrash Metal sound very similar? How is it that we can recognise the genre of a song or TV show fairly instantaneously? It must be because there has to be a certain amount of similarity in most of the work produced in that genre, otherwise it wouldn't fit into that genre.
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  9. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Silly Happy Fork person, music is based in time and a painting or a photograph is timeless, based in the moment of viewing and can usually be groked in it's entirety between blinks or a heartbeat. Most music is more drawn out affair.

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  10. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    This is not about proving anything to me because I am not the only member here. This is about corroborating the advice you are giving out. You cited Ley 11.723, yet there is nothing in the text of Ley 11.723 that supports your position. Therefore, regardless of what you think, am not wasting my time by letting other members know that what you said is incorrect, and does not make any sense. While everyone here is free to express their opinion we expect that opinion to be based on facts and reliable information. Taking the easy way out and saying " I have been doing this since I was 15 and can explain it but refuse to do it with close-minded people like you" is not going to cut it. Validate what you said, and I will admit that I was wrong.
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  11. ryck

    ryck Guest

    This is not advice. I'm telling you my experience with copyright in Argentina. 2. You are the only person who is reluctantly questioning what I have said. I don't need to check anything. I am here to share and learn. Whoever asks me something in good faith, I will share it. With arrogant people like you, I ignore it. End of our talk, friend. You're free to think what you want.
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  12. HappyFork

    HappyFork Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2020
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    You should attent a photography class one day just to figure out how much "time" plays a role in photography and I bet also in drawing art as well.

    It takes time as well viewing a picture and trying to follow the intended path that the creator tries to create in order to tell the story of a picture.
    You create a time based travel path as well in music.
  13. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Recuerdas porque empecé a participar con el sitio ? Recuerdas que te dije que había gente que quiera participar pero tal vez no se animaba porque hay gente buscando pleitos.
    No entre aca para pelear. Y no es la primera vez que pasa esto.
    Tambien paso hace poco en otro post por una pregunta de un comrpesor.
    Creí que este foro era para aprender y compartir. Pero hay gente que se esfuerza para hacer lo contrario.
    Son pocas las personas que participan y tal vez eso te debe dar un indicio del porque.
    Realmente no me uni para esto. No me voy poner a discutir como un chico de 5 años lo que es una cosa u otra.
    Si para ti y los otros miebros esta bien asi , ok. Yo no tengo ganas de esto.
    Voy a trarar de baja si no puedo, te pido que lo hagas por mi
    Un saludo grande a ti y a todos los que han tenido buena disposición como @no avegner @Xupito ...etc.
    Mis mejores deseos para la página
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  14. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    @ryck Now you want to quit over my disagreement with what you said? Grow up. If you don't want people to disagree with what you think, don't post it. Once you post it, members will express their opinion. Sometimes they will disagree with you. If you want to create drama over that, that is your prerogative. Many before you have done the same thing and the forum goes on without then...just like it will go on without you. Or without me. Getting @Olymoon involved in this is ridiculous. What @Olymoon may say is that we were getting off topic, and that you should write in English or go to the Spanish section of the forum.

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2020
  15. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    Lo mejor seria hablar de eso en privado, ya que nuestra conversación no tiene nada que ver con el tema de este post.
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  16. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    Hey, ryck, in case you still look into this forum, maybe you just need a short break, find new strength and join us again.

    (I know, completely off-topic, but maybe OP and mods will tolerate it in this case)
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2020
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  17. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I really wonder if artificially created, or calculated melodies could really be copyright protected. Will this hold up in court?
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  18. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Good advice, a pity ryck decided to leave.
    As OT's go, I haven't got banned yet, so there's a high tolerance here for that :rofl:

    I wonder if Nexus 5 will have that feature: "True analog testifying in court" :rofl:
  19. Lois Lane

    Lois Lane Audiosexual

    Jan 16, 2019
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    Somewhere Over The Rainbow
    Of course we are not speaking of the time it takes to create a work but rather how long it takes to actually view it. Obviously to ponder and internalize a photograph and distill its meaning can elapse, morph and seep into ones bones over decades and constantly change how and why it affects on many striated levels as it has for myself with so many pieces of art that I have digested over my lifetime, but it obviously and logically takes longer to view a two hour film than it does a snapshot. I was being a bit silly and snide in the quote that you chose to challenge me on, but you never defined your thesis. I had hoped that you you would carry on after my tiny push in your direction but you chose not to.

    I have a bit of life experience over the last 6 decades in, as you made mention, in both photography as well as painting, creating with clay, mixed media pieces and of course working with sound, my years as a technical theater director, educator and as musician and composer (I play seven instruments)...and I'm still learning on a daily basis how to better express myself in any medium that I choose to work with.
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  20. Marcsal

    Marcsal Kapellmeister

    May 29, 2019
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    I read it and have to agree with what you told @ryck. Ley 11.723 does not support what @ryck stated. Im just surprised that no none else called him out on that.
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