Copyrighting all the melodies this is interesting

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by korgrog, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. korgrog

    korgrog Member

    Sep 13, 2011
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    Do not know if you guys have seen this ,,wonder if, like inventions when 2 or 3 people come up with it at the same time ,melodies just occur to different people at the same time ,, the 100 monkey effect after 100 monkeys learn something knew ,then amazingly all the monkeys on the planet know how to do it ,,some type of bio-telepathy or now created in the universe or already created spontaneous communication
    Explains why all music stats to sound familiar and similar Hopefully some AI programmers does not run a program that creates every possible Beat or Rhythm and copyrights them all

    Copyrighting all the melodies to avoid accidental-infringement | Damien Riehl | TEDxMinneapolis
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  3. HappyFork

    HappyFork Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2020
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    I know with different BPM and 12 different notes per octave (the guy in the ted talk says only 8 notes? o.O), you can create many different songs but if you think about the amount of songs that have been created and published in which way ever online, then chances are pretty damn high that your next song, melodies, rythm etc. sound almost the exact same like something else that already has been created, without you even knowing the song that sounds similar.

    It's quite obvious and yet people sue stars like Lady Gaga cause one of her songs happen to have the same 3 chords in a row like 1 thousand other songs.

    Today I've created a spiccicato strings sound and progression for a "pop kind of song" with some movement and delay, got inspired by the intro sounds of "Maître Gims - Est-cd que tu m'aimes" and guess what, without noticing I almost recreated one of the tracks from Halo 2.

    It's time stupidity and ignorance become an official crime.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2020
  4. HappyFork

    HappyFork Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2020
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    I think judges are aware of the problem and that it makes sense that any melody that you write or any drum pattern sounds exactly like something else that has already been created, but there must be a good reason why you can sue companys for the dumbest things ever, that literally make any court look like the dumbest monkey only cause he has to stick to a certain rule that doesnt involve common sense.

    This is the reason aliens probably gonna kill us once they see us cause they have no use of stupid monkeys, unlike a dumb goat that can produce milk without asking for permission and talking nonsense 24/7
  5. Polomo

    Polomo Guest

    First off the 100 monkey effect is nothing more than a legend
    "The study does not indicate a catalyst ratio at which all the Koshima monkeys started washing sweet potatoes, or a correlation to other monkey studies where similar behaviour started. To the contrary, it indicated that certain age groups in Koshima would not learn the behaviour. "
    Something like bio-telepathy is not more than a new age hoax

    And why all popular songs sound similar,
    -just because of probability (since most musicians only uses a 12 tone system ) it's a limited number of possibility even if we go the full way of 20-20000hz (which is more than ordinary Joe´s ears can hear) and a limited length of a song with 4 minutes it's still limited
    -survival of the fittest song
    -f... 7,5 Billion people
    -music industry on the other. At 7:00 (most modern pop music is written by just 3 Songwriters )

    -And there is something about the rule of repetition

    Even a bad song as long it got repeated over and over, many will like it (Another reason why Humanity, humans and everything sucks )
    (Just because of our reptile brain likes an easy environment and something repeating and repeating is easy to work with )
    (And same reason for lots of over weighted persons. We learned misbehavior, sweet food which has been a good source of nutrient now kill us because we'll get them to easy and industries utilize that with tones of sugar )

    Hopefully someone would do that and copyright it as long it's the right copyright :winker: everything would be right :rofl:
    (Public domain,Creative Commons BY, BY-SA )
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2020
  6. Gyro Gearloose

    Gyro Gearloose Audiosexual

    Jul 8, 2019
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    actualy this has just started....Das Zeitalter der Dummen....dumb '''rules''' know..
  7. HappyFork

    HappyFork Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2020
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    the more familiar a new song is, the more comfortable it is to listen to and people dont have the capacity anymore to process many new things at a time cause they are blasted with information and have to make billions of small decisions a day, "which post should I like?" "what comment will make me appear like a charming person?" "which YouTube video is next"? "which content should I post next on Instagram", you name it. People are drained with information, the last thing they wanna have is a song that goes 7 minutes and has more than 4 different chords.

    I dont wanna point fingers, I used to like producing complex symphonic metal music, still listen to it today, but I just like the solid structure of a pop song, as no brain as it is. I feel like I can deliver the message without taking unecessary trips to another bridge variation, an intro that plays like an entire own song itself etc. and the mixing part while having 100 tracks creates headaches by just thinking about it.

    On the other hand, Im bored by all these "relationship problem" songs and the common topics, as if thats the only inspiring thing in life.

    But check the amount of "Despacito" songs that have the same fking rhythm, the same fking chord progression, ALMOST the same topline, the same goes with each fking Drake release or how these fresh kids are called that screw the hell out of auto-tune and fill the spectrum with 80% 808 and yet people play it cause numbers tell them thats the shit everyone listens and you certainly dont wanna be left alone.

    But yeah, why dont these Despacito songs get sued? Because they obviously sound the fking same...
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  8. ryck

    ryck Guest

    According to Argentina's intellectual property protection . It reserves the right to its own registration, that is to say. If I want to register a song in the United States, it's as if my song were not registered. And this is because of a law from years ago. What I mean is that the right to a song, melodies, etc. is subject to the country. This is what I was told in interannual property in Argentina. And also, that they only take as plagiarism the melodies (not the chords, nor the rhythms, etc). Here there were many claims of plagiarism. Like the case of the song by charly garcia and Bruno mars. But it is unlikely that a judge will evaluate a rhythm one bit. Now I'll play the video.
  9. HappyFork

    HappyFork Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2020
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  10. SomebodyIsHere

    SomebodyIsHere Kapellmeister

    Jan 28, 2020
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    The most stupid thing I have ever heard!
  11. HappyFork

    HappyFork Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2020
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    How do you define the IQ of an given issue? :P
  12. KungPaoFist

    KungPaoFist Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Registering with library of congress (US) costs 35 per instance. You can register multiple songs per instance but each song will get diluted as the copyright would then cover all of them as one body of work. I assume the same would go for this program the speaker has which contains every melody ever written so a case brought against a tiny segment of this giant melodic sausage would be very small. Using the public domain sausage as a reference to a defense I would think the judge would laugh at you.

    The cases he mentions were controversial and bad calls have been made by judges in the past which is really what hurts the industry.

    He is a lawyer making lawyer noises
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  13. ryck

    ryck Guest

    Art has always been compromised. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future one device makes all the music. In fact, it's already happening. From instrument we have moved to a virtual instrument and to samples and to loops and to pre-made music. The same with the graphic designers. Today a program can create a logo for a few dollars. And that's how it's going to stay, that's what we're looking for. A device that does things for us. And one day it will do it all. Obviously, in the future it would be possible to record all the tunes that might exist. Music is not only an inspiration, it's also mathematical. In fact, if they could really create the famous quantum computers music would be totally affected.
  14. HappyFork

    HappyFork Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2020
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    I would understand, as he mentions, stealing exact lyrics, parts of the actual record or basicly the entire track gets punished, but people get sued cause of small chord progressions that are used 24/7 in pop music.
    I've seen monkeys in the zoo doing a better job on solving a rubics cube than lawyers explaining the court that it is impossible to create an unwritten chord progression.
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  15. HappyFork

    HappyFork Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2020
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    But you can't recreate the emotions you feel when writing your next master piece.
    I highly doubt you feel euphoric if you press a button and your computer spits out a random song...for the songs sake, I mean the technology might be fascinating xD
  16. ryck

    ryck Guest

    No, of course not. That's not the idea. I'm trying to be realistic. Today we push a button and we have chords, loops, almost everything done. We cut and assemble. I'm not talking about me or you. I'm talking about how the music has "evolved". And I want to get to the point that... if today a computer or device is able to give you pre-made music. And seeing the extent to which it has. To me everything indicates that we will press a button and everything will be done. And since art is unfortunately a business (and I say unfortunately because it goes beyond talent) I would not doubt that someone will take advantage and put any tune you can think of.
  17. ryck

    ryck Guest

    There may come a point where the recording of a work is no longer subject to the melody or progression of chords, rhythms etc. If not for the amount of harmonics it has. And a program could quietly do this. Like a single barcode. But I see it very much in the future.
  18. HappyFork

    HappyFork Ultrasonic

    Jan 22, 2020
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    I bet some people back in the day said: "One day, you can draw an entire painting with a press of a button" Today we call that photography and it's a very creative form of art, even tho the entire painting is created with a specific presetting and the press of a button. Why should it be different with music?
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  19. ryck

    ryck Guest

    I get the point and it's very good. But drawing is no longer drawing, it's becoming photography. Then we could apply what Einstein said. "Nothing is lost, everything is transformed." Then maybe what we know today from music is transformed into something else.
  20. The Pirate

    The Pirate Audiosexual

    Dec 20, 2018
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    Bro what are you talking about? Have you heard of the Berne Convention and its Berne Copyright Union ?
    The core of the Berne Convention is its provision that each of the contracting countries shall provide automatic protection for works first published in other countries of the Berne union and for unpublished works whose authors are citizens of or resident in such other countries.

    But there is more. What about the Buenos Aires Convention, the Universal Copyright Convention? What you have mentioned is 100% incorrect.
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  21. E@rth

    E@rth Newbie

    Jan 9, 2020
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    Highlighted: At the moment: 2020`s Most Stupidest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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