FL Studio.. finally sold on it.

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by One Reason, Sep 12, 2011.

  1. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    Whenever you have a plugin open for the first time... just go to the drop down menu in the plugin channel and select "add plugin to database"... then it will be under the plugin database in your browser moving forward, then all u do is ctrl+right click and it will open in the selected channel.

    You can do this with presets to so when you open the plugin it will open with the saved preset.
  2. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    there is a way to get third party plugs in the plugin picker... I had a database LOADED with third part plugin screenshots. You do have to manually add them to the FL plugin picker folder.. but it's worth the 30 minutes or so it takes IMO..

    message me if you want the databse.
  3. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    The main thing im not getting is how the Mixer corresponds to the step seq. and the playlist..

    for instance, is each track in the playlist a mixer insert? say i record 3 different vocal tracks in the playlist.. why dont they show up as 3 inserts in the mixer...

    def. a bit different to most DAWS... and having a hard time grasping this part. :sad:
  4. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    I would suggest learning the keyboard shortcuts to whatever functions you use the most. http://flstudio.image-line.com/help/html/basics_shortcuts.htm

    I've always found adding and changing VST's pretty fast and simple. I've never felt the need to add them to the Browser. I'm familiar with Ableton, so if it would make you feel more comfortable you can open the options menu inside the Browser and click on "Configure extra folders." Inside the new window you can add whatever folders you want to the Browser.

    I don't use the Plugin Picker, but if you want to add a 3rd party VST to the database then open up the "Plugin database" folder in the Browser. Then open up the folder that best describes the plugin you want to add. Now open up the plugin and open up the "Plugin options" menu in the wrapper and click on "Add to plugin database."
  5. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    I did download a database from audioz, but when i went to extract the thumbnails.. the .bmps.. will NOT show up in windows explorer.

    It says they are they.. but I cannot see them.. its driving me nuts... I can even open them in Photoshop from the .rar file.. but when i try to extract, only 4 of the 5000 show up in the folder I have extracted them to.

    If u have a different version that you can send me, or a version not in a rar.... perhaps a Zip.. or a good download, I would appreciate it... as I have a million VSTs and having them menu driven.. isn't too pleasing.

  6. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    The playlist contains all the information for your entire track. It's equivalent to Ableton's Arrangement View.

    The mixer is where you put your VST effect units. But you have to assign whatever you want to add the effect to the corresponding mixer insert channel.

    The step sequencer is where you put your VST instruments, samples, audio clips, etc.

    If you have recorded 3 different vocal tracks they should appear in the step sequencer. You would then click on one and the Channel Setting window will open. In the upper right hand corner there is a box labelled "fx". Change this number to the mixer insert you want to assign it to. Now when you play the clip, you should see the peak meter moving in the mixer insert you assigned it to.
  7. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Nice, im now able to add them one at a time to plugin datebase at least, thanks for that you guys.

    Heh... I just realized, that whoever Rar'd this datebase up, had designated all but 4 of these BMP's as 'Hidden'

    Looks like I have it now..I can see all the images.

    .. unless you have a better , more updated version, which, of course, I would appreciate.

    Flying sleeves... brilliant mate, got that understood now as well.

    ALl you guys are great.. much appreciated info. :mates:
  8. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Glad I could help. FL Studio was the first DAW I learned how to use and I've stuck with it. I recently started working with Ableton, but I always end up coming back to FL. Using FL studio as a VST inside Ableton is very useful too. And whenever I get tired of looking at the UI, I just change the skin. Right now my favorite is called TechLogic 1.1 which is supposed to resemble Apple's Logic Studio. I have some nice skins if you are interested.
  9. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    If your Talking Live skins, I've actually made my own.. can't seem to unload it for any others and find it better than any I found on the Ableton 'skin site'

    I've attached them.. I think you will like the blue one.. most people do.

    Attached Files:

  10. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    I was actually asking if you wanted some skins for FL Studio. I don't have any Ableton skins. I'll check these out. Thanks
  11. Bump

    Bump Kapellmeister

    Aug 26, 2011
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    I'm not sure if we have the same db or not... Mine came from some dude "Johnny" and it came with an NFO on how to install them...

    It came in a RAR but I repacked here to a ZIP for you...let me know if it's the same or not.

  12. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Yep it is the same DB... Ive been going thru it for an hour now deleting all the vst's I dont have... still nowhere near done... the images were easier, with the visual reference n' all... the .fst files.. a lil more time consuming.

    and.. i did not know.. FL was skinnable.. sure I'd love some skins for it!

    as long as they work in FL 10.0.08

    Looks like i may have to also start making my own skins now too.. as that's my profession.

  13. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Ok I've just checked these skins and they all work on FL Studio 10.0.8. To install them, navigate to where you installed FL Studio and open the "Artwork" folder i.e. C:\Program Files\Image-Line\FL Studio 10\Artwork

    Now unzip my file and put each individual folder from the "Skins" folder into your "Skins" folder. I've also included some wallpapers that correspond to some of the skins. You would put those in your "Wallpapers" folder.

    Now to change skins, from the Options drop-down menu click on "General settings." At the bottom of the new window you should see a box where you can change skins if they were put in the correct folder.

    Some of the skins are more elaborate than others, but you should get a good idea of how they are made. Please let me know when you finish a skin. I would like to check it out.

    Crap, filesize is too big to attach it. Here's the link: FL Studio 10.0.8 Skins & Wallpapers.rar
  14. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where I dont want to be
    Thank you, will take a look.. sent u a thanks :mates:
  15. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Man.. i didnt even know FL was skinnable, maybe you checked my site \ signature.. I do this for a living.. If i stick with FL, which is looking increasingly likely.. i will DEF. be working on a custom skin for it.

    Thanks for all your help on it all. :thumbsup: :dancing:
  16. barka2011

    barka2011 Guest

    Friends, there is one option to fix synths or sample (whatever you want) by the specific mixer channel. And here how it works: on pattern window you must highlight channels you want to work (by clicking green lights opposite to each channel, you know). Then,, go to mixer, highlight any channel and type Ctrl+Shift+L. And all channels in patern windows you chosen will appear in mixer one by one. Also colors and names will match. Exuse me for bad English, but I think you get the idea.
  17. Xiny6581

    Xiny6581 Noisemaker

    Aug 18, 2011
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    The browser is working fine for me.
    I've been able to customize it a bit and arranged the plug-ins in a chronicle order. But yeah that's something I recently just did(still implementing that).

    -Same here I am more than glad and open to help you guys out as much as possible.
    This topic is really expanding in a good and creative way. It shows lots of emphases!

    One Reason:
    -That can be a bit confusing yes. Let's see how to explain this in a concrete way as possible.

    Okay so for instance you wish to add "Moscow Robotow(C-64 reference)" as your baseline-synth.
    So first off, you insert "Moscow Robotow" to an empty track. (Yes Moscow Robotow is a fictive name used in this example)
    Secondly you need to tell FLS where the heck to route that guy. Now, you click on the track to bring up the props for the synth, in this case referred to "Moscow Robotow".
    Boom! The GUI will open up like a flower. Here is the little peek-a-boo you need to find. It's FLS's window called "Channel settings".
    It can be hidden beneath the VST's window, so if you can't allocate this dude. Simple click on "Moscow Robotow", again and the "Channel settings" will be seen.

    Next, you will notice a digit at the top right in "Channel settings", by default it's set to 1. Which speaks to FLS to send this dude to "Target mixer track 1"(we still want somekind of sound so any VST must be sent to the mixer).
    To change the FX channel to anything else, you simple click on the digit, drag the mouse up to crank up the value and down to bump the value down.
    As you do this the observing eye will see how a grey bar is jazzing around in the mixer. Yes, this is what we want. We want that dude to dance like a kite in the sky.
    Finally, you pull down the kite to the ground aka you nail the grey bar to which mixer insert you want to use for "Moscow Robotowā€¯.
    Now you're ready to rock that house wild.

    Okay I hope this will get you going and cleared up the haze a bit. :)

    Peace and harmony :mates:
  18. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I myself have made the rounds of most of the DAWs over the past few or more years.
    I now find myself using ableton as an instrument and REAPER for everything else. If reaper had a proper beat detective/inspector/warp. Ableton would be used less and less.
    Reaper has the best plugin manager, especially if you *test alot of (800+ here) plug-ins. just a suggestion before you settle on FL. I really tried to get into FL, and have friends who swear by it. And it does have some really cool features. But reaper is a lean and mean workhorse. It handles the big project better than the rest. Not to mention that its completely skinnable to look like whatever you want.

    womp womp is the new oonts oonts
  19. bupper

    bupper Newbie

    Sep 13, 2011
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    subGENRE is right in as much Fl is not in the same league as some of the bigger contenders. I had an (admittedly) quick look at it but, for me, that was all that was needed to know that I needed something more heavyweight. I wouldn't delude yourself any longer with FL
  20. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Thanks again Xiny..very helpful my friend. :mates:

    Bupper ..More heavyweight in what respect? The more I look into FL , the more I am growing to like it.. and Ive given them all a pretty thorough look.. honestly, I liked Reaper the least, yes its skinnable.. but from design stand point most of the available skins are pretty sorry.

    most of the ones for FL are too... but I can always make my own, and at least.. in default mode, its a good looking GUI.

    Another major concern for me is pitch correction, and FL has the Newtone plugin now, built in, doesn't crash, works perfectly, and again, great UI.

    Lastly i just am in love with how the pattern clips coloring in FL, having a dark background with the same color but lighter for the midi \ audio is absolutely perfect for my taste.. really jumps off the page.

    Gotta love the plugin picker too.. awesome and productive lil feature.

    I must have downloaded 5 full tutorial sets, and watched endless youtube vids, and gone pretty in depth in FL as to trying to find something that is a dealbreaker.. honestly I havent found it yet.!

    The workflow takes a bit of getting used to, but as my OP says.. I'm pretty much sold on using it.. at least as far as being an additional alternative DAW to LIVE, if not my 'Best girl'

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